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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:02 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 8:

‘Have you a Detective Allan Honor on your staff?’ The Commissioner asked.
‘Hold on a minute. I’ll have a look. He may be one of new detectives started with us this week. I’ve read their names. Haven’t spoken to any of them at this stage. About to this morning before your call.’ Buck studied names listed in front of him. ‘Yes. Detective Honor is one of our latest recruits. How can I help you with this detective Sir?’ Buch requested.
‘How discreet can you be?’ The Commissioner asked.
‘Only between you and I Sir.’ Buck answered. His mind tumbling with thoughts of what Detective Honor had done to deserve a telephone call from The Commissioner.
‘Would you please ask him to come to my office as soon as possible. I have an assignment for him. You don’t need anything more at this stage.’ The Commissioner asked.
‘He’ll be at your office in ten minutes.’ Buch hung up.
Walking to the detectives’ office Detective Superintendent Buchanan bellowed at top of his voice, ‘Honor. You here?’
A lone voice amongst the detective called out. ‘Here Sir.’ Detective Allan Honor stepped forward.
‘The Commissioner wants to speak with you immediately.’ Superintendent Buchanan’s voice echoed throughout the office. ‘Go man. Don’t keep The Commissioner waiting.’ Detective Superintendent Buchanan returned to his office.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:45 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 9:

Chapter 2

Commissioner Cahill sat behind his desk waiting for Detective Honor to appear. His fingers steepled; thoughts running through his mind on how to explain this assignment. Tell him straight. Came his answer. A knock sounded on the door to his office.
‘Enter’ Commissioner Cahill shouted, stood to meet his guest. A lad not much older than his own son stood beside him. ‘Welcome Detective Honor.’ Commissioner Cahill placed his hand out to shake Detective Honor hand. ‘Take a seat.’ Commissioner Cahill returned to his seat behind his desk whilst Detective Honor sat opposite. ‘I suppose you’re wondering why I asked to speak to you personally.
If Commissioner Cahill could’ve been a mind reader at this time. Allan packed the shits. Allan forced himself not to be nervous. Listen to his Commissioner.
Showing a nervous smile Detective Honor blurted out, ‘Yes. I did wonder why you wanted to speak with me personally Sir.’
‘How long have you been a Detective?’ Commissioner Cahill inquired.
‘I began training last week.’ Allan spluttered.
‘What type of investigations have you carried out?’ Commissioner Cahill asked.
‘I’ve been stationed in North Queensland, Sir. Cattle stealing; general police duties.’ Detective Honor admitted. Why did my Commissioner need this information?
‘Have you ever investigated a murder?’ Commissioner Cahill asked in a deep concerned voice.
‘No Sir.’ Allan answered. His imagination ran wild. Murder investigation.
‘You’re about to have your chance to investigation a murder investigation.’ Commissioner Cahill admitted. He found the sheet containing the information about Catherine Smith.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:39 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 10:

Allan’s mouth opened. Butterflies exploded in his stomach. A thousand thoughts rushed through his mind.
Commissioner Cahill continued. ‘Catherine Smith was fatally injured a fortnight ago at Cunnamulla. You will board the train tonight at Roma Street Railway Station bound for Cunnamulla. I will arrange your ticket. You leave here; return home; pack enough clothes for your journey. How far do you live from here?’ Commissioner Cahill commanded.
‘Not far. Sir. May I ask why you selected me to travel to Cunnamulla to investigate this murder?’ Detective Honor asked in disbelief.
‘You apparently have a reputation in Cunnamulla as a good police officer. Sergeant Gray, Officer-in-charge of Cunnamulla requested you personally. On your way son. Do a good job. I’ll telegram Sergeant Gray to inform him on your arrival.’ Commissioner Cahill directed Detective Honor. Pointed to the door.
Detective Honor left Commissioner Cahill’s office bewildered. Sergeant Gray wanted him to investigate a murder in Cunnamulla. A smile spread across his face. Since moving to Brisbane; he boarded with his aunt who lived nearby within walking distance. Before going home, he’d return to his office; collected everything; such as official Police notebook; anything else to carry out this investigation.
Returning to his office his Detective Sergeant wanted to speak with him. ‘I’ve been told by Detective Superintendent Buchanan you are on a special assignment for an unknown time. Good luck.’ Shook hands. Detective Honor nodded to his Detective Sergeant. Bewildered. Why all the secrecy?
‘Thank you, Sergeant. I need to take everything with me.’ Detective Honor told his Detective Sergeant. Detective Honor gathered his property, left the office to walk to his home.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:11 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 11:

Arriving at his aunt’s home, he explained his assignment at best. Sat to have a cuppa with his aunt, thanked her for allowing him to stay with her, left to board the train to Cunnamulla. On arrival at Roma Street platform obtained his ticket, arranged for him by the Commissioner. Sat to wait for his train to arrive.
Within an hour; he boarded the train departed Roma Street Station on his way to Cunnamulla a journey of twenty-four hours. Contemplating his past few hours Allan relaxed, thoughts entered his mind of how he became selected to travel to Cunnamulla, investigate a murder. Allan understood very little of the investigation only a request from Sergeant Gray. Allan soon fell asleep to rocking of the train.
Arriving at Cunnamulla; Sergeant Gray met Allan as he stepped down from his carriage. Almost shaking Sergeant Gray’s arm from his shoulder, ‘G’Day Sergeant Gray.’ A huge smile spread across Allan’s face. ‘Great to catch up with you again after being away. Thank you for asking The Commissioner for my assistance with this investigation. I’ll do my best.’ Allan said in a proud voice.
‘Wasn’t any problem. I wanted the right man for the job. I have our sulky at the front of the station. Let me take your bags.’ Sergeant Gray picked up Allan’s bags carried them to the sulky; placed them in the rear. Allan swung his swag over his shoulder followed Sergeant Gray. After depositing luggage and swag in the back of the sulky Sergeant Gray drove whilst Allan sat beside him.
‘I’ve booked you into Railway Hotel. You remember Alex, the publican?’ Sergeant Gray asked whilst giving the horse a slap with the reins.
‘Yeah.’ He’s still the publican? Allan thought. ‘How long has he been the publican of the Railway Hotel?’ Allan thought how long since he left Cunnamulla after being stationed here as a constable in uniform. ‘Been about five years since I left. Great to catch up with old mates again.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:44 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 12:

‘Alex was the publican when I first arrived in Cunnamulla more than twenty years ago. He still runs a great pub. I treat his hotel as my local watering hole.’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
Stopping at the rear of the hotel, Allan with Sergeant Gray stepped down from the sulky. ‘I’ll unharness the horse. Meet you at the bar shortly.’ Sergeant Gray stated ready to unharness the horse and sulky.
‘I’ll give you a hand.’ Allan helped Sergeant Gray unharness the horse from the sulky. ‘Where will I put the horse?’ Allan asked.
‘Out the back yard. You don’t remember this horse?’ Sergeant Gray asked Allan.
Allan led the horse to a rear yard, opened the gate, slipped the halter from the horse’s head, patted the horse on the neck. Something about this horse. ‘Sergeant Gray. Is this Apache?’ Allan queried.
‘You’re right. Thought you’d enjoy having your ole horse back. After you left; he didn’t want to couple up with any other officer. When I received the telegram from The Commissioner you were on your way; I bought him in from the police paddock into the police yard. Did a little work to tidy him, gave him a feed, looks good? Don’t you think?’ Sergeant Gray placed the sulky into the shed.
‘Hey boy. You remember me?’ Allan rubbed Apache’s nose. Placed feed into his feed bucket. Apache whinnied. ‘Catch up with you later.’ Allan joined Sergeant Gray helped him carry his luggage inside the hotel.
Alex met them at the rear entrance to his hotel. Went up to Allan, shook his hand in a usual country fashion. ‘Welcome Allan. Or should I say Detective Honor?’ Alex stated with a huge grin on his face.
‘Alex, wonderful to catch up with you again. Allan will be fine. Only my designation when I work. I suppose I’m still working. Where do I put my stuff?’ Allan asked Alex.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 04, 2022 10:24 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 13:

‘This way. I’ve given you the Penthouse Suite.’ Alex lifted Allan’s luggage guided him to a suite at the bottom end of the hotel. ‘I’ll leave you to tidy up. Wash basin on the table. Meet us in the bar when you’re finished. We’ll blow the froth off a couple. You must be thirsty after your long trip.’ Alex said before returning with Sergeant Gray to the public bar.
Allan washed his face and hands. Brushed his hair. Looked in the mirror. ‘You look respectable enough.’ He said to himself. Left the room entered the public bar. His eyes went to a barmaid serving drinks behind the bar. Allan had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life. What would this beautiful lady be working behind a bar in Cunnamulla? Allan wondered.
Sergeant Gray sat at the bar beside Alex. Alex waved to Allan pointed to a chair beside him. Allan joined his friends not taking his eyes from this beautiful woman serving behind the bar. ‘Who is she?’ Allan asked Alex quietly without the beautiful woman realizing he wanted to understand why such a person would be working behind a public bar in Cunnamulla.
‘Lynne Smith. Reason you’re here. To solve the mystery surrounding the death of her mother.’ Sergeant Gray whispered to Allan who sipped his drink not taking his eyes off this beautiful woman.
‘I’ll need to speak with her first then.’ His eyes followed her every movement.
‘After she completes her shift. Ten thirty tonight. She stays here at the hotel. You make your own arrangements how you’re going to speak with her. I’ll introduce you.’ Alex stated. ‘Lynne.’ Alex waved his arm to beckon Lynne over to where they sat.
Lynne moved across to where they sat. ‘Yes, Boss. Want another drink.’ Her sweet voice echoed in Allan’s ear.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:09 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 14:

Want another drink.’ Her sweet voice echoed in Allan’s ear.
‘No. We’re right for now. I want to introduce you to Detective Allan Honor who is investigating the death of your mother.’ Alex tried to keep his voice from carrying to other patrons. Everyone in the bar turned to look at Allan. A buzz erupted from the other patrons.
Lynne pushed her hand out in front of Allan to shake his hand. ‘I’m more than pleased to meet you Allan. Welcome. If you want to hang around after I finish my shift, we can talk if you want. I have plenty to tell you.’ Lynne said in a forward manner taking Allan by surprise. She must have read his thoughts.
Allan couldn’t speak only nod in agreement. Lynne left the three men to attend serving other customers.
Around quarter past ten Lynne called to the patrons in the public bar, ‘Last drinks gentlemen. Some of us need our beauty sleep.’ She smiled across to Allan who sat on his own. Sergeant Gray and Alex left a couple of hours before. Sergeant Gray told Allan to enjoy his day off on Sunday, start work eight o’clock Monday morning at Cunnamulla Police Station.
Ten thirty arrived Lynne started to close the hotel.
‘Do you want a hand to close up?’ Allan asked Lynne who closed the front door, clipped shut shudders on each window.
‘Are you any good at washing glasses?’ Lynne asked taking a broom to sweep the floor of the public bar.
‘I’ve washed glasses before.’ Allan conceded.
‘Go to the kitchen, out the back, bring in a basin of hot water with soap and a washer. Gather each glass on the bar, take the ones from behind the bar. Wash them. Let them drain before wiping them.’ Lynne commanded.
Allan nodded. She’s a bossy one. Allan thought moving toward the kitchen. After filling a wash basin with hot water from the stove, a washer, together with a bar of soap he returned to the public bar placed the basin on the counter.
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