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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Dec 08, 2021 9:31 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 122:

‘I have permission from Bishop Webber to accompany you to Brisbane. Continue to help gather votes from women to strengthen your cause.’ Brother Ken stated. ‘How many votes do we need?’
Marilyne search in her handbag to recover a piece of paper. Reading from the paper she replied, ‘In Queensland, the Women’s Equal Franchise Association formed in 1894 collected two petitions for women’s suffragette. First received 7,781 signatures. Second received 3,575 signatures from men. Petition called for one vote and one vote only.’ Marilyne explained. ‘Another petition organised by Women’s Christian Temperance Movement of Queensland in 1897 attracted 3,869 from both male and female. To be fair I suppose if we receive 10,000 votes, should be enough to present to Parliament.’ Marilyne finished.
Brother Ken wiped his brow. Hearing these numbers almost frightened him. His determination to help Marilyne became uppermost in his mind to do what he needed to do. ‘We have much work ahead of us Marilyne.’ His only comment.

All parties boarded the train at Charleville for their journey to Brisbane. ‘You will be staying at my home Brother Ken. I have sufficient room.’ Marilyne stated once they were settled into their carriage.
‘Thank you so much Marilyne. My intentions were to contact the local church to find accommodation. Since you have offered to house me in your home; I think right I should work at the local church to pay my way.’ Brother Ken admitted.
‘No. You will not need to worry about money. I have money for both of us. Your assistance with gaining signatures on petition will be worthy enough for your board and lodgings.’ Marilyne explained. Brother Ken made a cross over his heart, nodded to Marilyne who smiled at his gesture.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:44 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 123:

After celebrating New Year 1904 at Marilyne’s home with her friends including Brother Ken; plans on how to reach women to sign petitions to gather ten thousand signatures were uppermost in Marilyne’s and Brother Ken’s minds. Margaret returned from her honeymoon. A gathering at Marilyne’s home numbered six women plus Brother Ken soon gathered momentum to plan how they were going to reach their target of ten thousand signatures.
Brother Ken took control of the meeting. ‘If you don’t mind ladies. May I suggest we start with a plan on how to gain these signatures.’ His spoken word adhered by his audience.
‘Have you any ideas?’ Margaret asked.
‘Yes. I received from Bishop Webber confirmation of one hundred Brothers scattered across Queensland. My suggestion is to write to each of these Brothers; request their assistance in gaining sufficient signatures within their own parish.’ Brother Ken explained. Excitement filled his voice.
‘Brother Ken. A great idea. Would you and Marilyne write to each Brother to ask for their assistance?’ Margaret asked.
Brother Ken looked across to Marilyne who nodded. ‘Would be an honour to work with Marilyne to contact these Brothers throughout Queensland.’ Brother Ken told his small audience.
After a couple of more suggestions their meeting completed for the month of January. They agreed to again meet at their next meeting in February at Marilyne’s home which appeared to be convenient to all in attendance. Before the meeting broke up Margaret asked to speak with Marilyne in private. They each retired to the study.
Margaret opened their conversation, ‘Marilyne. I didn’t realise you had Brother Ken living under your roof.’ Margaret admonished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:35 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 124:

Without hesitation, Marilyne replied, ‘If I remember Margaret you lived under The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA’s roof before you were engaged. Nothing wrong with having a man of the cloth living under my roof. He is a man of God after all Margaret.’ Marilyne spoke with pride.
‘I’m not suggesting any hanky-panky going on between you two.’ Margaret explained.
‘Brother Ken is a good friend who wants to help our crusade Margaret.’
‘I want to help financially.’ Margaret expressed to her friend.
‘I’ve covered the costs so far. Expenses will become higher as we commence to send letters across Queensland to each Brother in their Parish. Thank you for your offer Margaret. Any donation would be gladly received with kindness.’ Marilyne told her friend.
Margaret opened her purse extracted a small book, wrote an amount of one thousand pounds, signed the note, handed to Marilyne. ‘Take this note to the bank tomorrow. This should cover costs. Thank you for helping with this crusade Marilyne. I want women in Queensland to have the right to vote.’ She hugged her friend, excused herself.
Marilyne visited the bank next day converting the note into cash. She returned home to find Brother Ken writing letters in the study. She opened her purse extracting the money throwing bills on the desk in front of him. ‘Brother Ken. Margaret opened her purse strings to help us with costs for our crusade. Do you think this amount of money will be enough?’ Marilyne screamed with delight.
Brother Ken couldn’t believe this amount of money scattered across the desk. ‘How much is here?’ His voice trembled never sighting this amount of money before in his life.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:21 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 125:

‘One thousand pounds. Can you believe our luck?’ Marilyne’s words shook.
‘I can’t. Full steam ahead. Okay, let’s gather up this money, count into smaller sums, plan what we need to do.’ These are the only words Brother Ken uttered.
They gathered each note, placed them into piles, added each total, placed each bundle into envelopes, marking each envelope with an amount contained inside each one. Brother Ken and Marilyne were on their journey. They didn’t understand at this point, only planning to work hard together to reach their goal to receive ten thousand signatures to present to the government; to pass an Act of Parliament for women in Queensland: have the right to vote.
Whilst Brother Ken wrote a personal letter to each Brother in Queensland after ten letters written; Marilyne folded, placed each one into envelope; addressed each letter to be posted to their destination. To send out this number of requests took all their time before the next meeting at Marilyne’s home. They reported sending out fifty letters. The remainder would be completed within three months.
Brother Ken and Marilyne completed their task of sending letters to Brothers in their Parish. A Brother replied sending more than one hundred signatures to Brother Ken. Addressed in the same letter a request for Brother Ken and Marilyne to journey to North Queensland to speak publicly to women for further signatures. At June meeting of the small group a motion approved for Brother Ken and Marilyne to journey by train to Cairns, stopping at each major town along the journey to spread-the-word. Brother Ken and Marilyne agreed.
Brother Ken and Marilyne couldn’t believe each time they stopped at a Parish in a town how interested women were to attend their church, listen to Brother Ken spread his sermon to seek signatures for the right of women to vote. This became a wild bushfire out of control. On leaving one Parish they were invited to attend a neighbouring Parish. Christmas 1904 just around the corner.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:01 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 126:

‘I can’t believe what we’ve achieved Marilyne.’ Brother Ken said at the breakfast table on Christmas morning. ‘This time last year we were in Charleville celebrating the wedding of Joseph and Margaret. Here we are at Cairns celebrating your crusade.’ Brother Ken finished his breakfast.
‘Hard to believe when you come to think about what we’ve done since we started. I’d never be able to carry out this task without you Brother Ken. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.’ Marilyne stated.
Signatures were counted by Margaret with her team of helpers. Ten thousand signatures were reached by January 1905. Time for Brother Ken and Marilyne to return home. Margaret wrote a letter to Marilyne informing her of reaching their target of ten thousand signatures. They returned to Brisbane on the next train.
Arriving at Roma Street Railway Station Brother Ken and Marilyne were met by Margaret and her team of helpers. After warm greetings, plenty of hugs and kisses, Marilyne and Brother Ken excused themselves to return home to Marilyne’s home for a short time of relaxation and reflection. In this time Marilyne hoped the world would slow down a little for her to balance her life. Travelling around Queensland, she enjoyed, more so meeting different people who agreed with the ‘Suffragette’ movement gathering enough signatures to place before Parliament.
Margaret visited Marilyne and Brother Ken next day to finalise her plans before submitting the petition to her husband for presentation at Parliament. ‘Marilyne, Brother Ken. How can I ever thank you enough for your efforts in gathering these signatures? We are blessed to have you both.’ Margaret expressed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:35 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 127:

‘If you hadn’t provided finance for our trip. I doubt how we would’ve done so well. Thank you, Margaret.’ Marilyne admitted.
‘Only one last presentation I have for each of you before we present this petition to Parliament?’ Margaret said.
Both Brother Ken and Marilyne looked at each other in wonderment. ‘What’s wrong?’ Marilyne asked.
‘One final presentation. Word spread about your sermons on your tour. Many women want to listen to your sermon Brother Ken. Perhaps you would be able to do just one more. Please?’ Margaret expressed in a convincing voice.
Brother Ken thought for a moment. ‘Just one more for Marilyne.’ Brother Ken admitted with a smile.
‘Okay. I’ll arrange everything. We’ll have the sermon on the gardens of Parliament House. I’ll fix this up with Joseph who I’m certain will approve. I expect many women to attend. We ladies will seek more signatures.’ Margaret’s excitement overflowed with enthusiasm. Both nodded their approval.
Within a month Margaret arranged a public meeting on Parliament House grounds for Brother Ken to deliver his final sermon. A stage prepared in front of Parliament House. A huge crowd gathered of both women and men. Brother Ken stood in front of this crowd with Marilyne steadfast beside him as they’d done so many times before in various places when he delivered his sermon.
Brother Ken opened his address by thanking each person for their attendance. His words flowed across his audience. Beginning to explain his reason for delivering his sermon; from his peripheral vision, a stone like object flashed striking something. Marilyne fell to the floor of the stage. Brother Ken stopped, looked at Marilyne lying on the stage holding her right temple. Blood spurted through her fingers. A voice from the crowd. ‘Preach to someone who cares. Women should be kept at home to look after the kids. Not vote.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Dec 14, 2021 9:52 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 128:
Marilyne lay still, her bloody hand at her side. Brother Ken tried in vane to stop the bleed from her temple without success. Her eyes glazed over. She was gone. Ken closed Marilyne’s eyes. Made a cross over her forehead, muttered words, then stood upright, looked out across the crowd trying to sight the person who killed his friend. Without hesitation he called in his loudest voice, ‘Jesus said, ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Bedlam broke out through the crowd.
Brother Ken couldn’t believe what happened to his friend. Tears filled his eyes. He needed to take control of himself. Margaret rushed to him, wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His body trembled; sobs of anger filled his body. ‘Thank you, Margaret. I can’t believe what just happened. Marilyne’s gone.’ Margaret kept hold of Brother Ken soothing words whispered in his ear.
Within a week Marilyne’s funeral service arranged. Brother Ken officiated for the service to farewell his friend. Outside the church women gathered holding placards with words painted in bright lettering ‘VOTE FOR WOMEN’ blazoned across each placard. Words shouted at the top of their voice, ‘VOTE FOR WOMEN – WHEN DO WE WANT VOTING! – NOW!’
Once the dust settled the ‘Suffragette’ woman including Brother Ken reformed to count the total number of signatures they received. Final count fifteen thousand. Margaret accepted these signatures to hand to her husband for him to present at Parliament.
On 6th October 1905 Parliament endorsed an Act of Parliament to allow women in Queensland the right to vote. Special mention in Parliament of the personal sacrifice of one person ‘The Suffragette’ Marilyne Pankhurst who lost her life in the crusade for her fight to give women in Queensland the right to vote.
The Suffragette is Pat’s twenty-third book. Pat has been writing and publishing books since 1988. Whilst you’re checking Pat’s website why not register your name and e-mail address onto his website. Each Friday Pat publishes an Update News for all these members.
The Suffragette
The Suffragette
The Suffragette
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