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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:40 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 115:

Margaret received a letter from her mother everything was going well at her end for the wedding in Charleville. Her mother couldn’t wait for the glorious day her daughter being married to a Queensland Politician. Railway Hotel completed. Her guests would stay at their new Railway Hotel to celebrate the wedding breakfast.
A week before Christmas 1903 guests travelled with the bridal party from Brisbane to Charleville by rail arriving midday. Being middle of summer season when each passenger left their railway carriage; they were met by a gust of hot western wind; almost suffocating most. Gasping for breath Brisbane quests weren’t used to western heat.
Standing on the platform Bill and Margaret Wallace together with their staff waited for the passengers to step from the train. Margaret rushed to her daughter on seeing her. Wrapped her arms around her shoulders. ‘Margaret. My dearest daughter. Welcome home.’ She released her daughter to allow her husband to do the same.
‘Wonderful to be home Mother, Father. Hot out here.’ She wiped her brow with the back of her hand.
Joseph shook hands with Bill, ‘Wonderful to catch up with you again Bill.’ Joseph told his future father-in-law.
‘Mother, Father. I’d like you to meet a dear friend Marilyne Pankhurst. My bridesmaid.’ Her parents welcomed Marilyne like a long-lost friend.
‘Welcome to Charleville Marilyne. Hope your visit here is memorable.’ Margaret added before releasing Marilyne’s hand.
With all introductions, including John and Clair Shirley completed hotel staff carried luggage across the road to Railway Hotel.
‘Mother, Father. This is glorious. You’re done a wonderful job.’ Margaret praised her parents on building this fine hotel in outback Queensland.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:39 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 116:

‘Thank you, Margaret. We each worked harder on this project than any other to finish for your wedding. We’re pleased.’ Her mother explained. ‘Guests rooms are on the top floor. After you’ve freshened up come down to the dining area. We have refreshments for everyone.’ Margaret showed her guests to their respective rooms.
‘Has Joe and Hannah contacted you?’ Joseph asked wanting his best man to be here for the wedding.
‘Hannah wrote recently to tell us they will be on the return train trip from Cunnamulla to Charleville. Probably be here in a couple of days. Plenty of time for your wedding Joseph. Don’t fret.’ Bill explained.
‘Is Brother Paul coming with them?’ Margaret asked. Brother Paul married Joe and Hannah at Cunnamulla being their local Priest.
‘Afraid not my dear. We have Brother Ken here at Charleville. We spoke with him about your upcoming wedding. Particularly being on Christmas Day. Brother Ken wrote to Bishop Webber for his approval to have your wedding on Christmas Day. Brother Ken received approval. He’d love you both to visit his church before the wedding to speak about the ceremony plus your marriage.’ Margaret’s mother intercepted.
‘I’d love to meet Brother Ken.’ Margaret replied.
‘I’ll take you to Brother Ken after you’ve settled into your accommodation.’ Her mother replied.
Brother Ken smiled meeting Margaret and Joseph in front of the Church of England steps. After introduction Margaret’s mother excused herself. Shaking hands with Joseph Brother Ken welcomed his quests into the church. ‘Your mother has told me so much about you both. So much so, I believe I’ve met you both before. Please join me at the alter; we’ll go over the ceremony.’ Brother Ken led his bridal couple to the front of the alter. After showing them where each would stand, he explained the procedure of the wedding. Margaret and Joseph were most impressed with Brother Ken plus the way he made them at ease throughout the whole proceedings.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Dec 03, 2021 10:10 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 117:

After Brother Ken explained details of their service Margaret said, ‘Brother Ken. Thank you for presiding over our marriage. We both are comfortable. Would you like to attend a small function at my parent’s hotel this evening to meet our guests?’ Margaret asked.
Brother Ken thought for a moment, looked at Margaret, replied, ‘Would be such an honour to attend your function. Not too often am I asked to attend such a celebration. Thank you.’
‘You can return with Joseph and I if you wish.’ Brother Ken nodded in acceptance to their invitation.
With a clear sky, bright stars, they left the church to walk to the hotel. Joseph holding Margaret’s hand. Margaret walking on clouds. ‘Brother Ken. May I ask you a serious question?’ Margaret asked her clergy friend.
‘Of course, Margaret. Ask me anything. Hope I’m able to answer your query.’ Brother Ken answered.
‘I’m so happy at this moment. Is heaven like this?’ Margaret asked in a soft voice.
‘Sorry Margaret. Hard to explain this one. Haven’t been myself. Why do you ask?’ Brother Ken asked.
‘At this moment I couldn’t be happier than I’ve ever been in my life. With marrying this man beside me, being married by yourself. I’m in heaven.’ Margaret threw her arms in the air with delight.
‘Then you must be in heaven.’ Brother Ken concluded.
They entered the lounge area of the hotel. This became Brother Ken’s first time to the newly built hotel. His thoughts more in the building rather than looking around the crowd. ‘Brother Ken. I have the pleasure to introduce you to my dearest friend and bridesmaid, Miss Marilyne Pankhurst.’ Brother Ken’s eyes focused on this guest. Did he believe in love at first sight? Being a clergyman his true love for God, not the opposite sex.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Dec 04, 2021 10:00 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 118:

Taking Marilyne’s hand Brother Ken kissed the back of her hand. Continued to hold her hand, looked her directly in the eyes and muttered. ‘This is indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance Marilyne. Indeed, a pleasure.’ Releasing her hand, they each looked one another in the eyes.
Marilyne couldn’t believe being introduced to a man of God, excited feelings rushed through her body, plus to be kissed on her hand. She may never wash this hand again. ‘The pleasure is all mine Brother Ken.’ Marilyne stammered trying to find the correct words. ‘Would you like refreshments?’ Marilyne asked Brother Ken who nodded.
Brother Ken accompanied Marilyne to a table filled with foods of all types. ‘What would you desire?’ Brother Ken asked Marilyne.
‘A plate of sandwiches plus a cold drink, thank you. May we enjoy our refreshments outside in the cool of the evening?’ Marilyne asked.
‘Leave this with me. You find a place for us outside. I’ll be as quick as possible.’ Brother Ken choose a selection of sandwiches plus two cold drinks, then followed Marilyne to where she chose a two-seat lounge outside on the veranda. Brother Ken sat beside Marilyne taking in various odours of perfume before handing to Marilyne a plate filled with sandwiches plus a cold drink. ‘Here you are my dear.’ Brother Ken said.
Marilyne took the plate of sandwiches plus the cold drink. ‘Thank you so much, Brother Ken.’ She commenced to eat her sandwiches taking small sips of drink to quench her throat. Marilyne never understood how Bother Ken’s presence caused her to react this way. Deep down inside her stomach butterflies flapped their wings. Seated next to Brother Ken, she started to relax.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:25 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 119:

After finishing their refreshments Brother Ken asked Marilyne. ‘Is this your first venture out in western Queensland?’
‘Yes. I grew up in Brisbane. Never in my wildest dreams ever thinking I’d travel to this far flung town. I must say since I’ve arrived. I’m relaxed. People are so friendly. Such a beautiful hotel built by Margaret’s parents. They did a grand job to finish in time for the wedding.’ Marilyne explained.
‘Tell me about Brisbane?’ Brother Ken asked after finishing his sandwich and drink.
‘I own my house near the city. Live by myself. I enjoy any activity. In fact, Margaret has me involved in this ‘Suffragette’ movement.’ Marilyne told Brother Ken. Excitement filled her voice.
‘What is this ‘Suffragette’ movement?’ Brother Ken asked in disbelief. He had no knowledge of such movement. None in Charleville.
‘Providing power for women to vote in Queensland.’ Marilyne stated raising her voice.
‘I’m afraid I have no knowledge of this ‘Suffragette’ movement. Is this movement wide spread?’ Brother Ken inquired.
‘Margaret approached me after her engagement to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to help her gather signatures on a petition to present to the Government so women in Queensland can vote on election day.’ Marilyne explained.
‘Can’t women vote?’ Brother Ken asked, astonished.
‘Not in the State of Queensland. South Australia have given women the right to vote, as have New Zealand. Queensland are behind the times. We want our right to vote at an election.’ Marilyne demanded.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:23 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 120:

‘I had no idea. What can I do to help your crusade? I want to help. Anything I can do let me become involved. Women do attend church services. Perhaps, I may be able to have them sign your petition.’ Brother Ken replied.
Marilyne threw her arms around Brother Ken’s shoulders, kissing him on the lips. ‘Brother Ken. Thank you so much. I appreciate everything you can do to help our cause to have women vote.’
Brother Ken didn’t understand women, especially, one woman who threw her arms around him, kissing him on the lips. This had never happened to Brother Ken before.
Soon they returned inside when Bill Wallace called everyone’s attention. On behalf of his wife he welcomed everyone to their hotel. When he completed his welcome Brother Ken asked if he would bless their new hotel. Bill nodded in agreement. Brother Ken introduced himself to all in attendance. With a wave of his hand he gave a blessing to the newly built premises finishing his blessing with a sign of the cross.
On completing his Holy blessing, he said, ‘This Sunday sermon I intend to present at my church will be on helping women gain voting rights. Marilyne has kindly explained her cause forming the ‘Suffragette’ movement. Please be in attendance to receive my sermon, especially any women folk. Thank you, Mr & Mrs Wallace for your kind invitation to attend this function this evening.’ Brother Ken finished.
Marilyne moved beside Brother Ken taking him by the hand, whispered in his ear, ‘thank you.’
Sunday morning arrived Marilyne sat in the front pew to listen to Brother Ken’s sermon. Her heart full of praise for this Holy Brother of God. His words spread across the audience seeping into the minds to coax women folk to accept the ‘Suffragette’ movement. On finishing his sermon Marilyne wanted to applaud his words. Being in a church highly uncommon for such behaviour. She waited to greet Brother Ken at the front door of the church to shake his hand, whisper in his ear her expressed gratitude for his wonderful words of encouragement.
Brother Ken asked Marilyne if she would remain for further talks about this ‘Suffragette’ movement. She agreed. After everyone left the service Brother Ken invited Marilyne to his accommodation at the rear of the church. After making a cup-of-tea with refreshments of biscuits, Brother Ken explained to Marilyne his idea to help her cause of the ‘Suffragette’ movement.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:01 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 121:

Chapter 16

‘I have an idea.’ Brother Ken explained to Marilyne.
‘After hearing your sermon this morning.’ Marilyne paused to contain her excitement. ‘You couldn’t have explained the ‘Suffragette’ movement any better.’ She answered smiling.
‘Did you think my sermon was good?’ Brother Ken asked sipped his tea.
‘Yes! Brilliant. Everything you mentioned. We’ve been trying to spread-the-word through Brisbane. You spread the word throughout Charleville in one sermon.’ Marilyne answered with pride.
‘Why not; after the wedding, I return with you to Brisbane to continue this work.’ Brother Ken admonished with glee. Since he first met Marilyne his determination to help her with anything she desired overcome him. Marilyne’s crusade would become his crusade to fight for women to gain a vote in elections.
‘How? I thought you were posted here at Charleville?’ Marilyne protested.
‘I’ll speak with Bishop Webber whom I’m certain will endorse my request to return with you to Brisbane to continue this ‘Suffragette’ movement. In the meantime, I can contact my brotherhood throughout Queensland to encourage them to contact women in their parish to sign your petition. How many signatures do you think we’ll need before presenting to Parliament?’ Brother Ken’s excitement overflowed to Marilyne.
‘Would you honestly do this for me?’ Asked Marilyne alarmed by Brother Ken’s admissions.
‘Yes. Why not. I believe in your crusade plus what you’re doing.’
‘We’ve only met since I arrived in Charleville. You are so kind. I appreciate your help. Wait until I tell Margaret of your plans.’ Marilyne exploded with excitement.
‘Wait until after I’ve contacted Bishop Webber first. Would you find out how many signatures we need to gather to present before Parliament first?’ Brother Ken explained.
‘I will indeed. Have no idea at this moment. Many thousand I expect.’ Marilyne explained.

Wedding day arrived for Joseph and Margaret. Brother Ken conducted the wedding to perfection attending the wedding breakfast at Railway Hotel. Brother Ken sat beside Marilyne at the bridal table. After the wedding everyone congratulated Mr & Mrs Joseph Ryan on their nuptials. They spent their first night at the Bridal Suite of the hotel.
Once the newly married couple left their reception Marilyne said to Brother Ken, ‘I have the information you requested about the number of votes needed to present to Parliament.’ She whispered to Brother Ken.
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