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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:04 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 108:

When Margaret arrived home, Joseph waited for her on the front veranda.
‘How did you meeting go? Joseph asked. ‘Would you like a nightcap before retiring to bed?’
‘Joseph.’ Margaret smiled placed her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘Only a small gathering to start with. Yes. I’d love a nightcap. With the excitement going on in my head I need something to make me sleep.’ Margaret sat beside him.
Joseph beckoned to the waiter to order a drink for Margaret.
‘Tell me everything. I’m all ears.’ Joseph smiled.
‘Did you realise Julia and Sir Samuel are relocating to Melbourne. Sir Samuel will be Chief Justice for the Commonwealth of Australia.’ Margaret asked taking her drink from the waiter.
‘Yes Margaret. I am aware Sir Samuel and Lady Griffiths are moving to Melbourne. We spoke of this before. Remember. If you’re agreeable I’d love to attend his swearing-in ceremony.’ Joseph stated sipping his rum.
‘I’ll need to ask Clair if I can have time off to attend. I’m certain she wouldn’t object. I’ve only started at this office. I have sufficient leave.’ Margaret’s thoughts suddenly moved in a different direction. ‘Don’t forget we’re being married in December which is only a couple of months away. Mother has written to tell me everything has been arranged for our wedding at their new hotel.’ Margaret gasped. ‘I’ll need to slow down to concentrate on our wedding Joseph.’
‘I’m certain everything will turn out well for visiting Melbourne, also to attend our wedding. Tell me about your first meeting to give women of Queensland the right to vote.’ Joseph added.
Margaret explained how Clair asked each member to gather information from libraries plus any other place to present to the Government to make the changes.
‘Tomorrow, I’ll look into this crusade for you. Only you.’ Joseph smiled. ‘To start the ball rolling.’ Joseph finished his drink. ‘Time for bed. You’ve had an exhausting evening. Goodnight my love.’ Joseph leaned across kissed Margaret on the lips and retired for the evening.

Clair gave Margaret time off to attend Sir Samuel Griffiths swearing in as Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. Clair wished she with her husband attend, however couldn’t afford time away from the department. Margaret and Joseph would journey to Melbourne via rail leaving South Brisbane Railway Station. They’d be absent for one month. Margaret invited Clair and John to their wedding at Charleville in December.
Departure to Melbourne arrived. Joe, Hannah, with baby Hannah, Nat and Martha all met before departure. Joseph ordered a full carriage for the number of people attending. His representation Queensland Government for this auspicious occasion.
‘G’day Joseph.’ Joe shook hands with his ole friend and comrade.
‘Wonderful to catch up again. How’s Cunnamulla?’ Joseph asked.
‘With Nat playing Mayor of Cunnamulla I’m left looking after the properties. Hard work. I’m used to hard work. As you’re aware. You’re getting soft here in the big city.’ Joe expressed punching his friend in the stomach making Joseph flinch.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:25 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 109:

‘All aboard’. Came a cry from the Conductor. Everyone boarded the train to take their seat. Soon the train commenced the long journey to Melbourne.
After being seated they spoke about their friendship dating back more than a decade reminiscing since their time of first meeting each other on ‘Tilbaroo Station’ all those years before. Much water had flowed under the bridge of life since those days. Nat joined them to continue their journey highlighting his role as Mayor of Cunnamulla.
‘I want to ask you a favour Joe?’ Joseph asked after they’d settled down on their trip.
‘I’ve listened to your favours before: The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. They don’t normally work out in my favour.’ Joe admitted.
‘Would you do me the honour of being my Best Man at my upcoming marriage to Margaret?’ Joseph smiled.
Joe’s tongue caught in his throat. He spluttered. ‘Yes. Yes. Of course. I’d love to be your Best Man.’ Joe couldn’t believe he agreed to become Joseph’s Best Man at his forthcoming marriage to Margaret.
‘Nat. Would you be my groomsman?’ Asked Joseph.
‘Don’t you think I’m a bit ancient for being a groomsman?’ Answered Nat.
‘Not at all. Would be my pleasure to have my best two friends stand beside me when I marry the love of my life.’ Joseph answered sincerely.
‘Then I accept your invitation. Better purchase a new suit for the occasion.’ Nat smiled.
‘Not necessary. I’ll provide your suits.’ Joseph told his friends. ‘Settled then. You both will stand beside me at my wedding.’ Both nodded to acknowledge their answers.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:25 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 110:

Margaret joined Hannah, Martha plus little Hannah. Margaret cradled little Hannah in her arms when the train departed on their journey south.
‘How is your crusade going with ‘The Suffragette’ movement?’ Hannah asked her friend.
‘Slow. Marilyne Pankhurst, one of the women in our small group has chosen the role to lead the movement. Presently, we have only six women. At our first meeting we discussed our course of action coming up with ideas to spread-the-word throughout Queensland.’ Margaret informed her friends.
‘You can count on us to help you. What do I need to do?’ Hannah asked excited about the future of being given an opportunity for women to vote. ‘Why aren’t you leading the crusade?’ She continued.
‘Being married to be Politician doesn’t help the crusade. Joseph wanted someone else to lead the crusade. His role will be to finally introduce the ‘Bill’ before Parliament.’ Margaret expressed.
‘When do you think this will happen?’ Asked Martha who’d been listening to their conversation without interruption.
‘A couple of years by the way we’re going. At this stage counting yourselves we hardly make a group large enough to change anything.’ Margaret expressed.
Hannah wrapped her arms around Margaret’s shoulders. ‘Don’t worry. You’ve achieved many things in your lifetime. I’m certain this will work out for you because this was your idea from the beginning.’ Margaret handed little Hannah back to her mother.
‘Thank you, Hannah. I’ll be kicking and fighting all the way. I believe in Marilyne to succeed. We’ll become a stronger force with everyone working together.’ Margaret finished. ‘Anyway, more important things to discuss. My wedding day.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:28 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 111:

‘Yes. Your wedding day. We were most excited about the news Joseph proposed to you.’ Hannah expressed delighted for her friend.
‘Sorry you couldn’t attend the Engagement Party. Came on suddenly.’ Margaret continued.
‘We will not miss the wedding. If we’re invited?’ Hannah questioned.
‘Invited. I want both of you. Particularly you Hannah because I want you to be my Matron of Honour if you would please. Pretty please.’ Margaret hugged her friend.
Hannah smiled with delight. ‘Yes. I’ll be your Matron of Honour. Would be my pleasure. Thank you, Margaret for asking me. I’m so pleased.’ Answered Hannah.
‘Who do you want as your bridesmaid?’ Hannah asked.
‘I want to ask Marilyne Pankhurst. If she would. I haven’t asked her at this stage hoping she will accept.’ Margaret shared with her friends.
Throughout the following three days they journeyed arriving at Flinders Street, Melbourne to be met by none other than Sir Samuel Griffiths with Lady Julia Griffiths.
Hugging one another as friends Julia said, ‘So wonderful to catch up with you all again. Like ole times Martha.’ Julia hugger her friend thinking of the times they spent together.
Releasing her hold on Julia, Martha stated, ‘Nothing has changed my friend. How do you enjoy living in Melbourne?’
‘Bloody awful. If you ask me. One minute, cold, followed, heat, then rain. Four seasons in one day at times. So great to catch up with you all again.’ Julia smiled pleased to be with her friends.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:12 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 112:

‘You’ll be staying with us at our new home in the city.’ Sir Samuel told his friends. ‘Plenty of room. Now I’m almost Chief Justice of The High Court we have servants.’ He shared.
After settling into their accommodation, they meet on the veranda overlooking the city of Melbourne.
‘Welcome to our humble abode.’ Sir Samuel stated to the gathering. ‘Drinks for anyone?’ Sir Samuel asked.
A servant rushed to the gathering taking their drink orders. ‘I suppose you would want to understand what happens tomorrow with my swearing-in ceremony?’ Sir Samuel asked.
‘I can only imagine this ceremony will be prompt and proper.’ Joseph stated.
‘Should be Joseph. This will become the first Bench of The High Court. I, as Chief Justice followed by Sir Edmund Barton. You’d remember Sir Edmund? Wouldn’t you Martha?’ Sir Samuel stated looked directly at Martha who bowed her head. Martha remembered the night she spoke out of turn on her opinion of ‘Indigenous Peoples’ being including into the Constitution.
‘Sir Samuel, speaking of ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Have they been included in our Constitution?’ Martha asked directly.
‘Not yet Martha. Richard Edward O’Connor will be the third member on the bench of The High Court. Richard was the first Leader of the Government in the Senate.’ Sir Samuel concluded.
The waitress returned with their drinks.
‘Okay to appoint these people in high places. Not good enough to change the Constitution to have ‘Indigenous Peoples’ allowed to become citizens in our own country. They were here many years before we arrived.’ Martha swallowed her drink in one gulp ordered another.
‘I’d love to change the Constitution to include your friends ‘Indigenous Peoples’ as citizens for Australia. Unfortunately, Martha I’m only one person against an army of protests.’ Sir Samuel replied hoping the subject would be dropped.
‘Sir Samuel, with respect to your position, surely you must be able to help our ‘Indigenous Peoples’. They have no spokesperson. I wish to change the Constitution to include these peoples?’ Martha blasted swallowing her drink in one gulp pointing to the waitress for another.
Nat stood beside Martha, leaned down to her ear, whispered words for her to ‘let the issue go’. This was not the time nor the place to raise her concerns about including ‘Indigenous Peoples’ to the Constitution.
Julia moved to Martha’s side, placed her arm around her shoulders, whispered. ‘Come with me.’ These two friends left the veranda to sit in the garden. ‘We’ll take time out until we’re called for dinner.’ Julia expressed. Martha nodded continued to sip her drink.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:28 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 113:

Chapter 15

The first sitting of the High Court took place in Banco Court at the Supreme Court building in Melbourne on 6 October 1903. Sir Samuel Griffiths, Chief Justice, seated beside him, Sir Edmund Barton, beside him, Richard Edward O’Connor. Their first judgement to stamp the authority of High Court over State Supreme Courts to show this Court was a powerful and necessary arm of newly-created Commonwealth of Australia. Using their own construct of the Constitution and Judiciary Act, they took upon themselves a wide appellate jurisdiction, thereby increasing significantly the workload of the Court.
‘This has been an honour to witness your raise to the highest court in Australia.’ Joseph shook hands with Sir Samuel after the ceremony concluded.
‘Thank you all for attending this important day in our history. Australia should be in good hands to grow into the future.’ Sir Samuel admonished.
Early the following morning Sir Samuel with Lady Julia farewelled their guests. Before departing Julia hugged her friend Martha whispering in her ear, ‘I’ll stop Sir Samuel from touching me below my waistline until he changes the Constitution to include ‘Indigenous Peoples’. She smiled.
‘You don’t need to go so far Julia. What will be will be. One day the Commonwealth may include ‘Indigenous Peoples’ in the Constitution. Allow Sir Samuel to do what he needs to do to make Australia safe and great.’ She hugged her friend boarded the train for their return trip home.

Joseph and Margaret departed in Brisbane whilst the others continued their journey to Cunnamulla. ‘We’ve been away far too long.’ Joe stated to his father-in-law.
‘I would never have missed Sir Samuel’s swearing-in for anything in the world. A great achievement. Australia is in safe hands.’ Nat settled for their journey home.

Margaret returned to her work sharing with Clair her time in Melbourne. ‘I need to move on with planning my wedding. Only have less than ten weeks to become Mrs Joseph Ryan.’ She said.
‘John and I are looking forward to attending your wedding. We’ve taken time off.’ Clair replied.
‘Tonight, I want to speak with Marilyne to ask if she will be my bridesmaid.’ Margaret shared her news with Clair.
‘I haven’t spoken with any of the women since you left for Melbourne. Been too busy.’ Clair said.
‘I’ll tell you everything in the morning after I speak with Marilyne. If they’ve made any progress.’ Margaret finished to return to her work.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:50 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 114:

Margaret visited Marilyne at her home in the evening each pleased to catch up with one another again.
‘I haven’t much news on our ‘Suffragette’ movement. Nothing has happened since you left to attend Melbourne.’ Marilyne admitted to her friend.
‘I’m not here to speak about the ‘Suffragette’ movement. I’ve more important issues on my agenda. Would you do me the honour to be my bridesmaid at my forthcoming marriage to Joseph Ryan?’ Margaret asked Marilyne.
Surprise blossomed upon Marilyne’s face. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around Margaret’s shoulders, ‘Yes! I’d be delighted to be your bridesmaid. Why me?’ She asked astonished.
‘We can kill two birds with the one stone Marilyne. This gives us an opportunity to share ideas when we’re preparing my wedding, also, travelling to Charleville you’ll meet people you’ve never met before. This will give you an opportunity to spread-the-word about ‘Suffragette’ movement to the women in western Queensland.’ Margaret explained trying to draw breath after such an explanation.
‘Yes. I understand. First, we need to plan for this wedding between you and The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA.’ Marilyne admitted releasing her hold on Margaret. ‘Have you decided on a colour? Your gown will be white.’ Marilyne answered with a grin.

Over the following nine weeks Margaret’s plans for her wedding to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA came together better than she expected. Marilyne’s help outstanding. Her attention to detail enabled Margaret to plan her wedding without thinking about too much other than her wedding. They decided to place on the back-burner ‘Suffragette’ movement until after the wedding and honeymoon.
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