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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:49 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 66:

‘Not the ring you gave to me?’ Hannah quickly intercepted.
‘Yes.’ Joseph admitted.
‘I bet she hit the roof. Joseph. You don’t give hand-me-downs to other women. Especially, ones who are friends.’ Hannah explained.
‘She wants me to buy her own ring tomorrow.’ Joseph explained.
‘I can understand her point-of-view.’ Hannah said.
‘I didn’t want any secrets between us. I told her the story when Joe changed clothes plus our identities before the police came to arrest me at the camp.’ Joseph bowed his head. Martha placed a plate filled with food in front of him.
‘Eat this. Make you better.’ Martha said.
‘After I told her about Ma kicking me out. Hannah returned her engagement ring, she exploded. Told me to leave.’ Joseph finished what he wanted to tell his friends. Started eating the food Martha so kindly set before him.
‘Never mind Joseph. Margaret will come to her senses. You both declared your love for each other in front of your friends this afternoon. She’ll be right mate.’ Hannah leaned across the table to place her hand on Joseph’s hand. ‘Do you truly love Margaret?’ Hannah asked kindly.
‘With all my heart and soul. I love her dearly. She’s the best thing to enter my life.’ Joseph explained.
‘You need to fight for her Joseph with all your heart and soul.’ Hannah continued.
‘How can I fight when my past caught up with me.’ Joseph said between eating.
‘Don’t give up Joseph. Fight for the one you love.’ Hannah smiled. Her mind worked overtime to think how she would join these two friends again.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:23 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 67:

After breakfast next morning Joe answered a knock to the front door. He opened the door. Margaret stood erect, dressed in her Sunday best. ‘Good morning Margaret.’ Joe said in a loud voice. ‘Do come in.’ Margaret entered the home. Joseph seated at the kitchen table with Nat and Hannah.
‘A delightful morning to you Margaret.’ Hannah said. She pushed herself from the chair with little effort, walked toward Margaret, took her by the hand. ‘Come with me. We need to talk.’ Margaret held onto Hannah’s hand being led to the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, Hannah closed the door for privacy. Whilst Margaret followed Hannah; she sighted in her peripheral vision a swag on the floor in the corner of the loungeroom.
‘Sit.’ Hannah instructed Margaret who sat on the edge of the bed. Hannah sat beside her. ‘Now tell me what caused Joseph to leave your home to sleep here?’ Hannah asked in an authoritative voice.
Tears swelled in Margaret’s eyes. ‘I never slept last night. Throwing Joseph out of my home.’ She sobbed. ‘I became jealous of you Hannah.’ Margaret explained.
Hannah laughed, ‘Me. Why would you be jealous of me?’ Hannah asked bewildered.
‘Joseph told me he gave you his ring to wear. I didn’t want hand-me-downs.’ Margaret placed her hands together in her lap. ‘I almost turned green with envy.’ Margaret dropped her head into her hands started sobbing.
Hannah placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder, slowly rubbed her hand around the shoulder region. ‘Don’t sob. You’ll have me crying with you. Don’t be jealous. Joseph told us about the ring. I told him exactly as you told him.’ Hannah explained.
‘What did he say?’ Margaret lifted her head to look at Hannah.
‘He loves you with all his heart and soul. He told me those words himself.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:32 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 68:

‘I love him with all my heart and soul also Hannah. I’ve never been in love before. What do I do?’ Margaret’s eyes brightened. She wiped her face with a laced handkerchief.
‘I told Joseph he needs to fight for your love.’ Hannah explained.
‘I should do the same. When he explained to changing clothes with Joe, plus identities, I lost my temper. Such a coward. How did I fall in love with such a person?’ Margaret pleaded her question.
‘Don’t forget this happened more than a decade ago. Much water has rushed under the bridge since then.’ Hannah explained hoping her message passed to Margaret.
Thoughts rushed through Margaret’s mind taking in Hannah’s words. ‘You’re right Hannah, as usual. Plenty of water has rushed under the bridge of life since this incident happened. Joseph has done many good things since then. I do love him Hannah. With all my heart and soul.’ Margaret admonished.
Hannah wrapped her arms around Margaret’s shoulder holding her tight. She whispered in her ear, ‘Don’t tell me. Tell the one you are so crazy in love with.’ Hannah released her hold.
Margaret lifted from the bed, ‘Thank you Hannah. I’ll fix this.’ Margaret walked to the door, opened the door, walked to where Joseph sat on the chair, ‘grab your things Joseph. We’re going home.’ Joseph jumped from his chair, walked to his luggage, picked his luggage up with one hand when Margaret pulled his other hand, ‘Say goodbye for now.’ Joseph followed Margaret to the front door to their escape.
‘Everything is back on track.’ Hannah stated when she leaned over to kiss Joe on the mouth. ‘I’d like to be a fly on the wall when those two make up at home.’ Hannah laughed.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 13, 2021 9:53 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 97:

‘My dearest Margaret. You are not only a guest of our home. This is your home. Whatever your heart desires will be given to you. Is this uncomfortable for you?’ Joseph asked. Before Margaret joined him at his home Joseph had never had any other person who sat with him during his meals. This arrangement was not only foreign to Joseph, totally foreign to Margaret who never in her wildest dreams had ever been treated like royalty.
‘Joseph. I’m not used to be treated in this fashion.’ Margaret told Joseph. ‘I’m a humble country girl. I’m not royalty.’ Margaret uttered whilst seated beside Joseph.
‘My dearest, you are royalty to me. You are my Queen, soon to become my bride which will make you Mistress of this home.’ Joseph expressed gladly.
Margaret thought of her position in life not once realising the importance of becoming a wife to The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. She lifted her chin, ‘Joseph, I’m most proud of my position as your intended bride-to-be and will uphold the position to the best of my ability.’ She continued eating her breakfast and thought how lucky she was.
‘Have you anything planned for today my dear?’ Joseph asked.
‘Yes. I need to take up my duties with Mrs Shirley this morning to understand my role to train country teachers. Had you anything for me to do?’ Margaret asked finishing her coffee. She’d never drank this type of coffee before in her life and hoped this coffee wouldn’t become addictive.
‘Parliament re-sits tomorrow. I need to check with my office if any demanding issues are to be raised. With Sir Samuel Griffiths moving to his new position in Melbourne, we’ll need to appoint a new Premier.’ Joseph added finishing his breakfast. Wiping his mouth with a serviette he pronounced, ‘When you are ready to leave; I’ll arrange for the driver to drop me off at Parliament House then after he deposits you at Education Department; he can return for you when you’re finished. These suitable arrangements?’ Joseph asked.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:02 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 98:

‘Yes. Thank you, Joseph for considering myself in your plans. I appreciate you thinking of me.’ Margaret finished her breakfast. Stood. ‘I’ll be ready in a jiffy. Meet you outside.’ She rushed off to prepare herself.
Wonder how long a jiffy will be. Women. She wants them to vote. Joseph thought arranging for his driver to drop himself off first, then arrange for Margaret to be dropped at Education Department.
After dropping Joseph off at Parliament House, Margaret stepped from the carriage to be left at Education Department in the city. Margaret had no idea of the driver’s name, not wanting to be demanding asked the driver his name. ‘Ralph my lady.’ The driver replied with a smile. Not often did others ask his name only to demand his services.
‘Ralph. What time would be suitable to pick me up at the end of the day?’ Margaret asked.
‘Whatever time you want to be picked up my lady.’ Ralph replied. ‘I can be here for you at any time?
‘When do you pick up Joseph?’ She asked.
‘Five o’clock this afternoon I arranged to pick him up from Parliament House, my lady.’ Ralph answered.
‘Would you be able to pick me up before you go to Parliament House please. I’d love to ride home with Joseph.’ Margaret explained.
‘Most certainly, my lady. Would four-thirty be appropriate.’ Ralph replied.
‘I’ll meet you here at this very spot at four-thirty this afternoon. Thank you, Ralph.’ Margaret stepped down from the coach bid her driver good-bye walked to the entrance of Education Department.
First person she sighted to her delight Mr Shirley himself. ‘Good morning Mr Shirley. I’m here to start work with your wife.’ Margaret shook hands with her Boss whom she’d worked with for many years. He beckoned her to follow him up a set of stairs to an office.
Entering a dark office an elderly woman sat behind a huge wooden desk. She looked up at the two people approaching. ‘Miss Margaret Wallace, I presume?’ She said putting her hand out to take Margaret’s hand.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:20 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 99:

Chapter 13

With Margaret comfortable meeting Mrs Shirley. Mr Shirley excused himself. At this stage she never had any idea what her duties would be. Take one day at a time, Margaret thought. ‘Most pleased to meet you Mrs Shirley.’ Margaret greeted her new Boss with dignity and respect.
‘Call me Clair. Mrs Shirley sounds like my mother-in-law. Also, pleased to meet you Margaret. I hope our work together will be beneficial to both of us. Would you care for a cup-of-tea?’ Clair stated returned to her seat.
‘Yes, thank you Clair. White. No sugar. Please.’ Margaret sat opposite Clair.
Another lady entered the office, ‘Wendy. I’d like you to meet our newest employee, Margaret Wallace. Margaret has been transferred from Cunnamulla to help us train teachers for country areas.’ Clair finished. Margaret stood to greet Wendy.
‘I’m so pleased to meet you Margaret. Mr Shirley told me so much about your work in Cunnamulla. Anything, I can do for you, please tell me.’ Wendy stated.
‘Wendy, would you make Margaret a cup-of-tea, White. No sugar. My usual, thank you.’ Clair finished. She rose from her seat walked around the desk. ‘Margaret, I’ll show you to your office. Come with me.’ Clair beckoned Margaret to follow.
They walked to an office next door to Clair’s office, entered. ‘This is your office. Since we will be working together; I thought appropriate for you to be next door to my office. We share Wendy with our administration. I’ll give you a moment to settle in. Would you please come to my office afterwards?’ Clair stated, left to return to her office.
Wendy entered Margaret’s office carrying a tray with a cup and saucer. ‘Where may I place this for you Margaret?’ Wendy asked waiting for Margaret to show her. Margaret looked at a setting near the window beckoned Wendy to place her refreshments on the table.
‘Thank you, Wendy. After I settle in, work out my duties with Clair. I’d love to meet with you to explain who’s who in the zoo.’ She told Wendy who deposited the tray on the table Margaret indicated. The look on Wendy’s face showed Margaret she’d need to change her dialogue because language is different from the country compared to the city. Wendy took her leave.
After finishing her refreshments Margaret unpacked her items; she bought with her. Arranged her desk. Shifted a couple of chairs. Sat to drink her tea Wendy left on the setting near the window. After finishing her refreshments, she left her office to enter Clair’s office. Margaret knocked waiting to be invited in.
‘Enter.’ Clair called.
Margaret entered sat in the same chair she previously sat when she first entered Clair’s office earlier. Clair shuffled papers around on her desk, ‘Always, things to do.’ She muttered before looking directly at Margaret. ‘Tell me about yourself Margaret?’ Clair announced. She sat back in her chair to listen to Margaret.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:39 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 100:

Margaret never expected to have to divulge her personal thoughts so soon after arriving. She always told the truth. ‘I’m pleased to be here working side-by-side with you instead of reading your paperwork you sent me at Cunnamulla. I can now put a face to the name.’ Margaret commenced.
‘You did a wonderful job to train Hannah Young, or should I say Hannah Gibson. She’s a fine teacher. Now Principal at Cunnamulla State School.’ Clair remarked.
‘Thank you, Clair for your kind words. If all our trainee teachers turn out as good as Hannah. I’d be tickled pink.’ Margaret expressed with a smile.
‘You certainly have a way with words. Term ‘tickled pink’ never used to describe anyone before.’ Clair explained.
‘Yes. I’ll need to rein in on those country sayings.’ Margaret explained.
‘No. You will not. You use whatever country language you need to; because you’re like a breath of fresh air.’ Clair continued. ‘You recently became engaged. Tell me about your husband-to-be.’ Clair finished. Clair always wanted to understand everything about her fellow work friends.
‘Joseph Ryan. The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA asked me to marry him.’ Margaret replied with a huge smile. ‘My life has been in a spin since. I only met Joseph when he travelled to Cunnamulla to help my friend Nathan Young, Hannah’s father, in his campaign to become first Mayor of Cunnamulla.’ Margaret’s excitement in telling her story exploded from her lips. Her eyes shining with excitement.
‘You are engaged to a Member of Parliament?’ Clair surprised.
‘Yes. Joseph has been a Member of Parliament for many years.’ Margaret explained.
‘The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. Read articles in the newspaper. Unfortunately, I’ve never met him personally.’ Clair finished.
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