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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:56 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 59:

After dressing Joseph entered the kitchen; Margaret with her back to him Joseph thought nothing would be better than this very moment. He stole himself up behind Margaret who continued singing, wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed her on her neck. Margaret stopped singing.
‘Don’t stop. Your voice sounds like a nightingale. Keep going.’ Joseph whispered in her ear.
Margaret placed the egg lifter she held onto the frying plan, shifted the pan from the burning flame, turned herself around to come face to face with her new love. She kissed Joseph strongly on the lips wrapped her arms around his neck holding tight. After a strong kiss, they parted panting.
‘A beautiful morning.’ Joseph expressed with a smile.
‘Wash, while I set out your breakfast?’ Margaret asked. Joseph nodded. ‘I’ll prepare a dish of warm water with soap’. Margaret grabbed a dish nearby, poured hot water from the kettle into the dish. ‘Here take this over to the table. I’ll grab a towel.’ She quickly left to hand Joseph a cake of soap with a clean towel. Joseph followed to attend to his wash before breakfast.
‘Where do you want me to throw the water?’ He finished looked toward Margaret for an answer.
‘Take a seat at the table. I’ll fix this then dish out your breakfast. Hope you’re hungry.’ Margaret lifted the basin, walked to the back door, threw remains of the water in the basin out onto the grass at the rear door. Returned to the kitchen, wiped out the basin, placed the basin in the usual place. She dished up a plate filled with bacon, eggs with a slice of toast for Joseph and herself. She made a pot of tea placed a cosy over the tea pot, poured the contents into china cups placed on saucers for herself and Joseph. ‘Eat.’ Margaret demanded.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:12 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 60:

‘This breakfast is delicious Margaret. Thank you.’ Joseph spoke, between eating. Margaret finished her breakfast gathered remains to wash up dishes and clean her kitchen before preparing for church.
‘After breakfast, you want a bath before going to church?’ Margaret asked her guest.
‘I will. Yes, thank you. What can I do to help?’ Joseph asked. At his home he had servants attend to his every detail. Not here with Margaret, he wanted to impress her by helping.
‘Copper is out back. Fill the copper with water, light a fire to heat the water. Bath tub is in the back room. I’ll have a clean towel by the time the water is heated. You fill the bath tub. Have a bath. I’ve got house work to do. Have you any clothes you want washing?’ Margaret asked.
‘Clothes I wore yesterday need a wash. I’ll be back in a moment.’ Joseph left the kitchen to retrieve his clothes for washing. Handing them to Margaret, he quickly moved outside to fill the copper with water, light a fire to heat water.
Margaret began singing, sweeping the kitchen floor moved to music echoing in her mind. By the time she completed cleaning her home, Joseph carried buckets of hot water to the rear room to fill the bath tub. Margaret left a clean towel hanging on the back of the door.
Joseph left clothes needed washing on the floor near his room. Margaret gathered the clothes, walked to the copper, placed them into the boiling water for washing. Stirred the fire with more wood. After each bathed; they dressed in their Sunday best to attend church. Leaving Margaret’s home to walk the short distance to church Margaret said, ‘would you mind if I held your hand?’ Her words clear for Joseph to understand. Without a word from Joseph his hand folded into her hand.
Arriving at church Joe, Hannah, Nat and Martha met them outside before entering. Hannah’s attention drawn to Joseph and Margaret holding hands. Her eyes almost bulging from her sockets. ‘Don’t worry Hannah. Joseph explained everything last night about you two.’ Margaret grinned squeezed Joseph’s hand, led him into the church.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:05 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 61:

After the service Hannah invited Joseph and Margaret to her home for Sunday Lunch Martha prepared earlier. ‘We’d love to come. Wouldn’t we Joseph?’ They accepted Hannah’s invitation.
Hannah wanted to be alone with Margaret to find out how Margaret and Joseph’s relationship began. From the glean in each of their eyes showed how much feelings they held for one another.
Arriving at Joe and Hannah’s home Hannah asked Margaret to speak with her in private. Hannah took Margaret’s hand, led her to her bedroom. ‘What’s going on with you and The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA?’ Her words spluttered with excitement.
Margaret sat on the bed. A smile spread across her face. ‘My dearest friend Hannah. I think I’m in love for the first time in my life.’ Margaret couldn’t keep these feelings to herself any longer.
‘Push over.’ Hannah sat beside her friend. ‘When did this happen?’ Hannah wanted every detail.
‘I think when I met Joseph at the Railway Station. The moment he stepped from the train. I never believed in ‘love at first sight’. Now I do Hannah. So wonderful. I sang a song this morning. I’ve never done this before or anything like this with another; accept Joseph.’ Margaret rushed each word. Hannah placed her arms around her friend’s shoulders.
‘I’m pleased for you Margaret. This is how Joe and I are always. Love is grand. Don’t you think?’ Hannah whispered.
‘Yes Hannah. I haven’t a clue what will happen next. Joseph told me you and he were engaged at one time. He’s told me most things. Not everything. A little at a time.’ Margaret told her friend.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 62:

‘We weren’t meant to be together Margaret. I’m certain Joseph will tell you the whole story why we didn’t marry. Now I have my own Joe. I’m pleased we never married. I’m so happy for you Margaret.’ Hannah released her hold. ‘We’d better join the others. They’ll already have the news by now.’ Hannah and Margaret stood, joined the others in the kitchen.
‘Congratulations Margaret.’ Martha wrapped her arms around Margaret’s shoulders. ‘We’re so happy for you and Joseph.’ She finished. Margaret looked directly at Joseph.
‘I wanted to tell them everything.’ Joseph walked over to Margaret. Wrapped his arms around her shoulders, kissed her on the lips to show his endearment.
‘Does this mean you’re not being my Director any longer?’ Nat asked Margaret.
Margaret’s face blushed. ‘Nothing has changed Nat. I’m still your Director and Principal of Cunnamulla State School. Nothing has changed. Only Joseph and I have found one another. I love you Joseph.’ Margaret admitted looking into Joseph’s eyes.
Joseph’s chest swelled with pride. ‘I love you Margaret. Less than twenty-four hours since we met. This is love at first sight.’ Joseph concluded. Joe slapped Joseph on the back congratulating him on choosing a wonderful woman. Followed by Nat. Martha hugged Joseph. ‘Thank you all. Perhaps we may now enjoy our Sunday Dinner in peace.’ Joseph finished. How wonderful his feelings admitting his love for Margaret in the presence of his best friends.
After Sunday Dinner Margaret excused herself and Joseph. They had much to talk about after each declared their love for one another in front of their friends. Everyone’s happy with this recent news. Margaret and Joseph walked hand in hand to Margaret’s home. Sitting on the front veranda in the swing they buried one another into their own cacoon of romance. Kissing, cuddling, whispering smooth words into one another’s ears. Complete love captured both lovebirds. They didn’t worry about anyone. They were in love.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:49 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 63:

After an hour of sitting, Joseph said, ‘Do you want to listen to the remainder of the story with Hannah and myself?’ He wanted Margaret to understand his story in case something which would derail their romance. Margaret nodded. ‘Where were we? Did I tell you about the ring I gave to Hannah?’ Joseph said when he took the same ring from his finger.
‘No. I don’t think so.’ Margaret tried to remember details of Joseph’s story. Her mind filled with love. She’d never been in love before. These feelings rippled through her body.
Joseph took the ring, ‘Margaret. Now we have declared our love for one another. I want you to carry my ring.’ Joseph handed his ring to Margaret.
‘Is this the same ring you gave Hannah?’ Margaret asked sternly. Joseph nodded. ‘No thank you Joseph. I will not accept hand-me-downs. You will purchase me my own ring to wear.’ Her voice righteous and clear.
Joseph returned the ring to his finger. ‘Okay. I’ll purchase one in the morning. Must be a shop in this town which sells rings.’ He proclaimed.
‘Yes. One in the main street. I’d prefer to have a new one to declare our love for one another.’ Margaret smiled to send Joseph a message she wouldn’t put up with receiving hand-me-down items.
‘I’m sorry, my darling. I wanted to seal this relationship with a bond between us.’ Joseph tried to explain.
‘You will in the morning when you purchase me a proper ring. I’ll wear the ring with pride of your love. You do realise you declared our love in front of our friends this afternoon?’ Margaret finished, leaned over to kiss Joseph on the lips. She didn’t understand how this love thing worked. Taking each step at a time. So far, she enjoyed the journey. Her mind filled with love.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 23, 2021 10:01 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 64:

‘Margaret. I need to tell you a secret. Nat told you I led the striking shearers during ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Did he not?’ Joseph asked.
‘Nat probably mentioned something about the strike. Yes. Go on. What do you need to tell me?’ Margaret waited for Joseph to answer.
‘On the last day of the strike Joe came to my tent. He told me police were coming to arrest me. We changed identities. I became Joe Gibson whilst he became Joseph Ryan, leader of the strikers.’ Joseph finished.
Margaret placed her hand over her mouth, her eyes almost bulging from their sockets. ‘Why?’ She said in a whisper.
‘Hannah and I were engaged to be married. Joe didn’t join the strike. He had a ‘ticket to shear’ which only allowed shearers with this ticket to work. He wanted to allow Hannah and I to move on with our lives.’ Joseph finished.
‘What happened?’ Margaret asked.
‘After we changed clothes, I took Joe’s clothing. He changed into my clothing. We looked similar. I left the camp to return to Hannah. When I arrived at Ma’s home, I tried to explain what happened, Ma threw me out. Hannah returned her engagement ring. I left Cunnamulla.’ Joseph placed his hands to his face sobbing.
‘You allowed Joe Gibson to take your place for leading the shearers in the strike. What type of man does this to their friend? Out! Take your clothes. Out!’ Margaret exploded.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:20 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 65:

Chapter 9

Joseph left Margaret’s home a broken man carrying his luggage. Arrived at Joe and Hannah’s home Joe met him on the front step. ‘Margaret kicked you out already?’ Joe joked with his friend. Bloodshot eyes peered back to him.
‘I told her you took my place when the police came to arrest me at the camp at the end of the strike.’ Joseph bubbled his answer.
‘Serves you right. Eventually you would be caught out. Karma. After so many years?’ Joe stated. His mind returned to the morning he changed identities with Joseph. ‘Come on in. She’ll cool off. Give her time. You can stay with us until she does. I’ll grab a swag. You can sleep on the floor. Been awhile since you slept in a swag.’ Joe took Joseph’s luggage, opened the front door, carried the luggage to the loungeroom; placed the luggage in the corner.
Hannah sat at the kitchen table, thought about rising when Joseph entered her home, thought better. ‘What happened Joseph. Margaret throw you out?’ She smiled.
‘Don’t pick on him Hannah. Lovers quarrel. They’ll work something out.’ Joe returned with a swag, dumped, on the floor in the corner of the loungeroom. ‘Joseph had no other place to stay.’
‘Come, sit. I’ll make you supper.’ Martha interjected. Joseph walked into the kitchen sat opposite Hannah. ‘Tell us what happened between you two lovebirds. I’ve never seen Margaret so happy.’ Hannah expressed in a concerned voice.
‘He opened his mouth when he shouldn’t have. You’d think being a Politician he’d learn not to always tell the truth.’ Joe intercepted.
‘What did you tell Margaret to cause her such distress?’ Hannah asked.
‘I wanted to give her my ring to seal our relationship.’ Joseph started.
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