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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:46 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 52:

Joseph held tight onto Margaret, ‘Yes. Many years ago.’ He finished. ‘I’d better tell you the whole story.’ Joseph waited for Margaret’s reply. ‘I’d rather be honest from the start. You wouldn’t find any lost skeletons in the cupboard if I tell you the whole story.’ Joseph said. Margaret pushed back to give herself space, so she would speak with Joseph.
‘Joe married Hannah?’ Margaret’s mind clear to listen to Joseph’s explanation. ‘Nat did tell me you were mixed up with ‘The Great Shearer’s Strike of 1891’. Is this correct?’ Margaret queried.
Joseph dropped his head. ‘Yes. What Nat told you is correct. Those were tough years.’ Joseph admitted.
Margaret fell silent. Joseph’s mind thrashed at a thousand miles per hour. ‘Did you love Hannah?’ Margaret asked almost in a squeaky voice. Emotion filled her throat.
‘At the time she was eighteen years old. Still at school. I was twenty-six years old. Going to places I should never have ventured. At the time probably lust more than love. I shore sheep on her father’s property. Cut the belly of one. Thought Nat would’ve thrown me off the place. Do you want to listen more to this story?’ Joseph wanted to share his thoughts with Margaret.
‘Yes. Everything. Down to the finer details if you don’t mind.’ Margaret exposed herself to listen to Hannah and Joseph’s story. She needed to listen to each word, so she would understand these feelings rushing through her body. Surely this couldn’t be jealousy? Margaret thought.
‘Hannah and I met one night at the sheep yards. She checked water for the stock. I stood near the railing having a smoke when her voice came out of the blue. Her words soaked into my body. Hannah was most beautiful to be around. At no time did I ever think she’d ever be interested in a person like myself. Up to this time I lived a rough life. Working from one shearing shed to another.’ Joseph’s mind cast back to this time.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:23 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 53:

‘Did you kiss her?’ Margaret asked. Joseph understood the question clearly. His memory of his and Hannah’s first kiss almost blew his socks off.
‘Yes. Margaret, this was many years ago. I’m almost thirty-nine years old. Hannah only eighteen years old at the time. Much water has flowed under the bridge of life since then.’ Joseph admitted.
‘Did you tell her you loved her?’ Margaret questioned.
Joseph thought for a moment, ‘Yes. I did tell her I loved her.’
‘Do you still love her?’ Questioned Margaret in a cracked voice.
‘No! She’s happily married to Joe. Have been for years. They’re having their first baby. I may have told her once I loved her. After all this time we are friends. I’ve changed Margaret. For the better.’ Joseph pleaded.
Margaret couldn’t think. Her mind filled with Hannah and Joseph hugging, kissing, doing other things to one another. ‘I want to understand everything Joseph if this relationship is going to continue.’ Margaret said sharply.
‘On the final night when we said our goodbyes. I gave Hannah my ring to wear around her neck.’ Joseph admitted.
‘You what!’ Margaret screamed. She almost lifted from the swinging seat when Joseph took her hand.
‘Settle down Margaret. You wanted everything, bare bones and all. Didn’t you?’ Joseph told her.
Margaret thought over Joseph’s words. ‘Yes. I’d rather have everything out in the open before this, whatever this is goes any further.’ Margaret explained.
‘Early the following morning Bluey, another shearer, and I left ‘Kahmoo Station’ to walk to ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to start shearing the following week. Before daylight when we walked along the track never knowing if I’d ever lay eyes on Hannah again. A shearer mixed with a cockie’s daughter didn’t form a couple in those times. Not much better in these times either.’ Joseph continued his story.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 54:

Margaret listened as Joseph explained how he’d made up his mind to one day marry Hannah. How? He never had a clue at the time. His mind focused on explaining his and Hannah’s relationship to Margaret.
‘I remember first meeting Hannah when she started training to become a school teacher at Cunnamulla School. She was eighteen. Must have been around the time you and she were together?’ Margaret asked.
‘A chain of events happened for Hannah to become a school teacher at Cunnamulla State School.’ Joseph explained.
‘What chain of events?’ Margaret demanded.
I got a hot one here. Only met her this afternoon now she wants to listen to all my stories. Can’t blame her I suppose. Joseph thought.
‘On her final trip by stagecoach to Charleville the coach was held up by Billy Wells who stole the ring I gave to Hannah.’ Joseph explained in a quiet voice.
‘I remember when the robbery happened. Afterwards Mr Shirley, District Inspector for Education asked me to train Hannah to become a school teacher.’ Margaret replied. She relaxed listened to Joseph explain his association with Hannah.
‘While working on ‘Tilbaroo Station’ I met Joe Gibson, another shearer. We became close friends. My ambition when working at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ came as an idea to help other shearers to improve working conditions plus wages. Work conditions at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ worst I’d ever worked under. Shearing in the middle of the day on canvas without any shelter.’ Joseph explained.
‘You’re being honest Joseph. I can tell by the manner you tell this story.’ Margaret intercepted.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:19 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 55:

‘I want our relationship to be built of honesty and trust Margaret. I’ve done some terrible things in my life.’ Joseph continued.
‘Good. Go on. What happened next?’ Margaret asked.
‘Jumping forward to a night when a stranger walked into the bar at Eulo Queen. He wore the ring I gave to Hannah. Make a short story; I punched him in the face, grabbed the ring. Constable Fitzgerald arrived to lock him up.’ Joseph’s thoughts returned to the time and night. A smile spread across his face.
‘What’re you smiling about Joseph. This is serious. You could’ve been hurt.’ Margaret said.
‘I struck him pretty hard after sighting the ring, I gave to Hannah.’ Joseph explained. Rubbing his right hand to still remember his knuckles covered in blood from the blow. ‘I snatched the ring from around his neck. Helped Constable Fitzgerald take the prisoner to the cells.’ Joseph finished.
‘Did you return the ring to Hannah?’ Margaret inquired.
‘A long story. On the way to Cunnamulla I asked Billy what he was going to do with his horse and saddle? He sold both to me for a fiver. Hannah still owns both the horse and saddle.’ Joseph explained.
‘Did you return YOUR ring to her?’ Margaret asked loudly.
‘Yes. After I left the Police Station; I went direct to Ma Guest House. Sergeant Gray told me my girlfriend was staying with Ma.’ Joseph explained with a lump in his throat.
‘Your girlfriend.’ Margaret admonished.
‘Hannah was my girlfriend at the time Margaret. Remember, this was a long time ago.’
‘What happened when you returned the ring to Hannah?’ Margaret asked.
Joseph didn’t want to go into details because he still remembered Hannah throwing her arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips in front of Ma. ‘I took the ring and necklace from my pocket, handed them to her, she placed the necklace around her neck, muttered something about never losing the ring again.’ Joseph wanted to share his feelings of Hannah’s emotions. He thought better not to explain every small detail. ‘Can we continue this conversation later Margaret?’ Margaret nodded wrapped her hands around his neck kissed him on the lips.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:58 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 56:

Chapter 8

Margaret prepared a cooked dinner for Joseph and herself. Seated at the kitchen table Margaret asked Joseph. ‘Are you ready to tell me the remainder of this story between you and Hannah? I want every detail. Then I’ll serve you dessert.’ Margaret grinned. Light from the lantern showed Margaret’s grin. Joseph sat silent.
‘You remember Hannah stayed at Ma’s Guest House whilst you trained her to become a teacher?’ Joseph explained. Joseph remembered Hannah telling him how fortunate she was to have Miss Wallace as her mentor. Never in his wildest dreams in later years he’d be in her company never wanting to leave her side.
‘I remember. Hannah may have mentioned you once or twice. We never became close friends until years later.’ Margaret explained.
‘To cut a long story short. Hannah and I became engaged to be married.’ A change in Margaret’s complexion. A shock overcome her features. ‘I don’t want to alarm you Margaret. You wanted the whole story, bones and all.’ Margaret nodded.
‘Why didn’t you marry?’ Margaret asked.
‘Life throws spanners into the works at times. After meeting Joe Gibson at ‘Tilbaroo Station’; shearers in other towns in Queensland rebelled against wages and conditions. A tough time in the industry.’ Joseph stopped.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:15 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 57:

‘You haven’t answered my question? Why didn’t you marry Hannah?’ Margaret insisted.
Joseph covered his face with both hands screening out Margaret’s horror question. ‘Nat told you I became involved in ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Didn’t he?’ Joseph asked.
‘Yes.’ Margaret answered. Joseph’s head shook with sobs of crying. Margaret moved from her seat to Joseph’s side, placed her arms around his shoulders. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you Joseph. I’m sorry.’ Joseph settled, released his hands, wrapping them around Margaret’s shoulders. They hugged each other releasing feelings of love towards one another.
‘I need to tell you everything Margaret.’ Joseph sobbed.
‘Not tonight Joseph. I’ve made bread and butter pudding for dessert. Would you like some?’ She asked.
‘Bread and butter pudding, my favourite. Ma used to make the same for me. How’d you find out?’ Joseph smile brightened the room.
‘Good guess. I suppose.’ Margaret prepared their sweets placed a filled dish in front of Joseph.
Scooping a spoon filled with bread and butter custard into his mouth, swallowing, he said, ‘Margaret, this is the best bread and butter custard I’ve ever enjoyed, including Ma’s.’
‘I’d better put the kettle on for a cuppa. Do you want one?’ Margaret asked. Joseph nodded finishing his sweets.
‘I’ll start washing up. About time I earned my keep.’ Joseph rose started gathering plates, knives and forks to place into a dish for washing.
‘No. You don’t. Put those things down immediately.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:01 am

'The Suffragette' - Page 58:

‘May I at least dry the dishes after you’ve washed them?’ Joseph asked snatching a tea towel from a rack. His smile told Margaret she wasn’t going to win this argument.
After the washing up, cleaning of kitchen table completed Margaret said, ‘have you anything planned for tomorrow?’
‘Sunday. Do you attend church?’ Joseph asked.
‘Yes. Each Sunday I attend Church of England, a couple of streets away.’ Margaret told Joseph.
‘Will I be able to accompany you to church in the morning?’ Joseph inquired.
Margaret’s face flushed. ‘I don’t have any reason why not.’ She admonished.
‘I’ll bid you goodnight my dear. Thank you for a delightful evening.’ Joseph leaned over toward Margaret kissed her on the lips. Walked to his bedroom closed the door. Margaret remained standing with her back toward the washing dish. A huge smile spread across her face.
Soon after Joseph’s head hit the pillow sleep fell. His dreams of Margaret throughout the night sent him to heaven. Opening his eyes next morning, freshly cooked bacon and eggs slithered through his nostrils. A voice, sound of a nightingale entered his ears:

There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
The corn is as high as an elephant's eye
An' it looks like it's climbin' clear up to the sky
Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a wonderful feelin'
Every thing's goin' my way
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