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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 45:

Margaret thought for a couple of seconds. ‘Have you written a speech how you want to become Mayor of Cunnamulla?’ Margaret asked.
‘Not yet. You only became my Director a couple of moments ago. Shouldn’t you be writing my speeches?’ Nat asked.
‘I’ll go home to write your speech. Also write an itinerary of events leading to the election. I’ll return Saturday.’ Margaret excused herself.
‘I never expected anything Margaret has in mind. She’s a force to be reckoned with.’ Nat said after Margaret left. Both ladies nodded in agreement.
Walking home Margaret’s thoughts weren’t focused on being Director of Nat’s election campaign. Her mind filled with visions of The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. Wonder if he’s handsome? Filled her thoughts. Being a Member of Parliament created visions of a gentleman. Margaret’s focus to meet The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, persuade him to stay at her home where she can have him all to herself. Margaret couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

Saturday morning Hannah, Nat and Martha readied themselves to meet the train with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA aboard. A knock on the front door, Hannah pushed her swollen stomach from the chair to answer the knock. ‘Margaret, you look beautiful.’ Margaret dressed in her Sunday best to meet her perspective house guest. ‘Do come in.’ Hannah said.
‘Hello, Hannah, Nat, Martha. Here is the speech I’ve written for you. Also, an itinerary leading to the election.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 05, 2021 10:27 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 46:

Read the documents. If you’re not happy with something, please let me. Change whatever you want before you make this speech.’ Margaret handed the documents to Nat.
A noise from the rear yard alarmed Hannah. She walked to the door. Joe and Billy unsaddled their horses at the stables. She wobbled down the rear stairs as Joe looked toward her. ‘Wait, Hannah. Stop!’ Joe ran toward Hannah threw his arms around her shoulders drawing her into a kiss.
‘Don’t worry about me.’ Billy shouted. ‘I’ll tend to the horses while you tend to your pregnant wife.’ Billy continued to unsaddle the horses, placed them in the rear paddock. He joined Joe and Hannah, saying to Hannah, ‘I got him home before the baby is born.’ Billy smiled walked past the happy couple, tears in their eyes to walk up the rear stairs of their home.
‘How’re you going Billy. You fix Joe?’ Nat asked him when he entered the kitchen.
They shook hands. ‘Don’t understand if jimmyjohn of rum or talks we had. Joe’s much better now. Back to his ole self.’ Billy didn’t want to go into details. What happened at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ between Billy and Joe stayed at ‘Tilbaroo Station’. If Joe wanted to share his thoughts with the others, he’d make up his own mind to do so. Nothing was coming from his mouth about their discussions.
‘You’ve met Margaret Wallace, our Principal from the school. This is Billy Campbell. Part of the family.’ Nat asked introducing Billy to Margaret.
‘Can’t say I have made your acquaintance before Margaret. Pleased to meet you.’ Billy said taking her hand in his.
‘I’m pleased to meet you Billy. I’m Nat’s campaign Director for his election. We’re here to win.’ Margaret punched her hand in the air to show how excited she was to help Nat become first Mayor of Cunnamulla.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:20 am

'The Suffragette' - Page 47:

‘Congratulations. Nat will win. You realise that!’ Billy expressed with determination. ‘With you behind him as his Director I’d say he’s past the post.’ Billy finished.
‘We’re about to collect The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA from the train. He’s travelled all this way to support me in this quest.’ Nat explained.
‘Give me a few minutes to run home; clean up. I’ll meet you at the station.’ Billy excused himself. ‘Tell Joe I’ll catch up with him later.’ Billy hurried from the house.
Hannah wrapped in Joe’s arms entered the kitchen. ‘How’re you going Joe?’ Nat asked. ‘Billy rushed off to clean up. He’ll meet us at the station.’ Nat explained.
Joe unfolded himself from Hannah, shook hands with Nat, kissed Martha on the cheek, said ‘hello’ to Margaret, sat down at the kitchen table. ‘I’ll make you a cuppa.’ Hannah started to rush off.
Martha intercepted. ‘I’ll make Joe a cuppa. You sit with your husband. I’m certain he wants your company.’ Martha said placed the kettle over the fire to heat the water.
‘We’re about to meet The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA at the railway station.’ Nat intercepted.
‘Right! I’d better clean up. Please excuse me.’ Joe rushed off to prepare himself to meet the train.

Chapter 7

Waiting at Cunnamulla Railway Station until the train arrived Margaret remembered a gentleman standing on the front veranda speaking in an official voice when the railway station was officially opened near the end of last century. At the time she couldn’t properly identify this person because she stood a distance from the speaker. Soon I’ll look at The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA for myself.
Everyone stood side by side on the platform waiting the arrival of the train. With steam puffing from the chimney the train came to a halt, hissing steam. Nat walked to a carriage, waved at a gentleman who stepped down from the train. He’s much more handsome then I realised. Thought Margaret.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:13 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 48:

The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA walked along the platform toward Nat, shook his hand. ‘Welcome Joseph to Cunnamulla.’ Nat welcomed his friend. Joseph hugged Martha, Hannah, shook Joe’s hand plus Billy Campbell’s hand in welcome. Nat signalled for Margaret to join him. ‘May I introduce my campaign Director, Miss Margaret Wallace.’ Nat introduced Joseph to Margaret.
Their eyes locked onto one another. Something flashed between them. Silence. ‘I’m honoured to make your acquaintance Miss Wallace.’ Joseph took her hand. Kissed her knuckles. Margaret blushed.
‘The pleasure is all mine The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA.’ Margaret spluttered.
‘Please call me Joseph. Quite a mouth full, the title.’ Joseph added.
‘You may call me Margaret, Joseph.’ Margaret replied with a smile.
After welcoming The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to their fine town Nat suggested they return to Joe and Hannah’s home for refreshments.
‘Have you made arrangements for my accommodation?’ Inquired Joseph.
‘We have. You’re to stay at my home during your visit to Cunnamulla.’ Margaret intercepted. The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA looked direct at Margaret. Nodded. Smiled. If only others could’ve read his thoughts of this invitation.
Joe parked horse and sulky at the rear of their home. Joseph made small talk seated beside Margaret in the rear seat of the sulky. Billy followed on his horse. He wanted to speak with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA however, at this point his thoughts were more to return home instead of joining his guests at their home.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:14 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 49:

‘I think I’ll venture on home if you don’t mind. Things to do, places to go, people to contact.’ Billy told the gathering.
‘No. You’re not. Stay for lunch.’ Joe demanded. Billy agreed.
Martha with Margaret prepared lunch for the gathering setting the kitchen table. When all seated Joseph said, ‘So great to catch up with you all again. Been so long. With work constant. At least here in this town. I can relax.’ Joseph stated.
‘You won’t relax for long.’ Nat stated. ‘We’ve got an election to win.’
‘Nat. I think Margaret will be a force to be reckoned with.’ Joseph said looked over at Margaret who sat opposite him.
‘Thank you, Joseph. I’ll do the best job possible.’ Margaret replied. I can’t take my eyes off him. Hope no one else recognizes how this person is affecting me.
After finishing their lunch Joe drove Margaret and Joseph to Margaret’s home, helped them unload Joseph’s luggage from the sulky carried the luggage upstairs to place onto the veranda. ‘Leave the luggage on the veranda Joe, I’ll look after Joseph from herein.’ Margaret smiled. Joe received the message loud and clear. He bid his friends farewell.
After Joe departed Margaret said, ‘you must be tired after your long journey Joseph. Do you want to have a lay down for a nap?’ She asked.
‘Certainly not Margaret.’ Joseph exclaimed. ‘I want to listen to your campaign for Nat’s election. How can I be of assistance?’ Joseph stated with confidence.
‘What about we settle you into your room first.’ Margaret’s mind willed on other things to do with this delicious man who walked into her life. She’d never been in a relationship before. Wanted so much to tell Joseph her innermost thoughts. Margaret had no idea of what to say or action to take. If her mind led her body; she’d be embarrassed to admit her innermost thoughts to Joseph or anyone.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:37 pm

'The Suffragette - Page 50:

After placing his luggage into the spare bedroom Joseph took Margaret by the hand, ‘Honestly, I want to understand all about your ideas for Nat to win this election.’ Joseph said leading Margaret onto the front veranda to sit on a swing. His idea of paradise released visions of Margaret and himself together sharing their lives sitting on the swing on the front veranda of her home. His life turned one hundred and eighty degrees since he met Margaret. Ever since his engagement to Hannah he’d never formed a relationship with another woman. His thoughts wholly on Margaret. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.
Still holding her hand Margaret didn’t mind. This togetherness coursed through her body. She’d never experienced anything with anyone before in her life. ‘Do you like holding my hand?’ Margaret asked Joe in a quaint voice.
Without hesitation, Joseph remarked, ‘Hope you don’t mind. I’ve never had the opportunity to hold the hand of such a beautiful woman in my line of work.’ His voice not much louder than a whisper.
‘I don’t mind either.’ Margaret whispered staring into Joseph’s eyes. What am I supposed to do now! Kiss him.
Joseph leaned over to Margaret placed his lips to hers. She’d never been kissed before this day. Pleasure coursed through her body. Making her mind up to do anything to show her affection; she wrapped her arms around Joseph’s neck, pulled him to her, deepened the kiss. His mouth devoured her mouth. Her mind blank. Joseph pulled away.
‘I’m sorry Margaret. I couldn’t help myself. I have no idea what came over me.’ Joseph whispered.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:31 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 51:

‘I don’t mind if you kiss me again.’ Their lips joined again this time pressing heavily against one another, their arms wrapped around one another’s bodies tighter. Separating after becoming breathless Joseph whispered, ‘Margaret. I’ve never been this far with anyone else before.’
‘Neither have I.’ Margaret whispered in Joseph’s ear.
‘Do you think we should follow this on inside. Someone may spy on us; which would damage your reputation.’ Joseph admitted.
Margaret tightened her hold on Joseph, ‘I don’t care about my reputation. Are you worried about your reputation?’ Margaret admonished.
‘Not in the least. To be seen canoodling on the front veranda with The Principal of Cunnamulla State School may cause gossip to run wild. This is a small town after all.’ Joseph admitted. He didn’t want to move.
‘Let them gossip. I don’t care. The way I am at this moment. I don’t care who gossips about us.’ Margaret admitted.
Drawing breath Margaret gasped through her swollen lips, ‘Do we kiss all of the time. This is my first time with a man.’ She tried to explain to Joseph.
‘Let’s take a breather for a minute. Been a very long time since I’ve been with the opposite sex.’ Joseph admitted. Thoughts rushed through his mind when in 1890 he and Hannah had kissed at the back of the Shearer’s Quarters at her parent’s property at ‘Kahmoo Station’. Hannah aged eighteen, he almost eight years her senior.
‘Is this similar when you were with a woman?’ Margaret asked. A frown formed on her forehead.
Joseph wanted to be honest with Margaret from the beginning of their relationship. ‘Hannah was the other woman.’ Joseph’s comment startled Margaret.
‘Hannah Gibson.’ Margaret replied. Alarmed.

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