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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 28, 2021 10:38 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 38:

‘Yes. I understand your position. By working with you to help encourage male citizens of Cunnamulla to vote for you is the beginning of my campaign to encourage members of Parliament to change the laws of this land to allow women to vote.’ Margaret expressed. A smile spread across her face. If anything, she became determined to ‘have women vote’ before she met her maker.
‘I do agree women have as much right to vote as do men. I’ll support you whenever I can. This may become a great platform for you to gather ideas to place before members of Parliament to have them change the laws to include women to vote.’ Nat explained. He couldn’t object to Margaret’s request only hoping she didn’t use this opportunity to raise the hackles of objection toward male voters. ‘Okay! I’m in. Don’t cause too many problems.’ Nat finished.
‘Thank you, Nat. I won’t stir the pot too much. Only explain some reasons why women folk aren’t permitted to vote. Just think; not having women the right to vote, is unreasonable.’ Margaret finished her plea to Nat.
‘The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA will be visiting Cunnamulla before voting day to endorse my position. Perhaps if you got into his ear; he’d be the person to change the laws of the land to permit women to vote. What do you think about voting Martha, Hannah?’ Nat asked.
‘I’m with you Margaret. I want to vote for my husband.’ Martha answered.
‘Add Mother’s request with mine also. Miss Wallace. I mean Margaret. I’m so used to calling your Miss Wallace; hard to break a habit. I’m with you to change the laws to have women vote.’ Hannah expressed.
‘Okay! With your support I’ll chew the ear of The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, when he visits our town. Might even do something more to encourage him.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:19 am

'The Suffragette' - Page 39:

Margaret stated as a matter-of-fact. Everyone smiled.
‘You both should be able to work together. Did you realise in ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA was the Leader of four hundred shearers who went on strike for four months.’ Nat informed Margaret.
A smile spread across Margaret’s face. If only one would read her thoughts. A satisfied look spread across her face.

Chapter 6

Joe woke from dreams of Hannah. His head thumped with a thousand drums inside his mind. What am I doing here? He asked himself. Yeah, that’s right, getting rid of those ghosts of Breaker and Handcock. Shaking his head to clear these thoughts he rose from the bed. Where was Billy? Noises came from the kitchen. Perhaps Hannah could’ve come to help him through this period of his life.
Climbing from the bed, he pulled on his boots, clothes he wore the day before still covered his body. Walking from the bedroom into the kitchen Billy leaned over the stove stoking the fire. Billy finished stoking the fire turned to speak with his closest friend. ‘Here you are Joe. How’re you going mate? Better I hope?’
Joe made his way over to the table, sat down, placed his head on his forearms. ‘Billy. Did I thank you for coming with me to help me through this - whatever this is?’ Joe stumbled on each word.
‘Yes. A thousand times you’ve thanked me. You must be better after twelve hours sleep?’ Billy asked.
Joe looked at Billy, ‘Have I slept for twelve hours?’ Joe asked in astonishment. He couldn’t believe he slept twelve hours.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:33 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 40:

‘Yes, my friend. I looked in on you a couple of times. You were dead to the world. Out like a light. Didn’t disturb you. Want something to eat. Hannah sent plenty of food.’ Billy asked.
‘I’d eat the arse out of a fly blown sheep mate.’ Joe expressed. ‘Cuppa would be good.’
‘Sit here. I’ll make you something to eat. Here’s a cuppa.’ Billy handed Joe a pannikin of hot black tea. Joe scooped the pannikin up to his lips. Hot. He blew on the tea. Billy cooked food on the stove. ‘You rid of those ghosts yet?’ Billy asked.
Joe thought of Billy’s words before answering. ‘No. Still keeping me awake. Have no idea what to do to rid them. Both are dead. They keep re-appearing to tell me something.’ Joe tried to explain his dreams.
Billy finished cooking food, placed the food on a plate in front of Joe. ‘Eat this mate. Then we’ll have another swig of rum.’ Joe followed Billy’s instructions eating the food placed in front of him. Joe’s stomach improved with food.
‘You make a good cook Billy. Someday you’ll make a great husband for your wife.’ Joe expressed on cleaning his plate.
‘I should be. I cooked for the ole man before he passed to heaven. Have no idea about a woman at this stage. Think I’ll pass on that one’. Billy looked to the kitchen ceiling. ‘Wonder if the ole man bumped into Breaker and Hancock?’ Billy joked.
‘I doubt he’d meet them at the Pearly Gates. Both Breaker and Handcock told me they went directly to the fires of hell.’ Joe thought about the time Breaker told him he probably would go to hell. Time for another swig from the jimmyjohn.
After eating, Joe and Billy opened their jimmyjohn to take a couple of swigs. ‘Ah! That’s better.’ Joe smacked his lips together in appreciation of deadening his thoughts and memories.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:59 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 41:

‘Joe. I’ve thought of something which may help you overcome this craziness in your head. Like shell-shock.’ Billy explained.
‘I’ll try anything to rid these memories. Try what you may.’ Joe told his friend while swallowing another mouthful of rum.
‘Take me back to when you first started this craziness in your head of Breaker and Handcock?’ Billy asked.
‘You trying to psychoanalyse me. Aren’t you Billy?’ Joe laughed swallowing another mouth full of rum.
‘I thought perhaps if we ran though the time; we may discover when these memories first started to affect you.’ Billy explained.
‘I’ll try anything. Okay. After they made me Captain; I was embarrassed mate. Worried if I was good enough to do my job. I’d never been in this position before. A shearer from the outback; prisoner at St Helena Island; Oversee for one of the most respected men in the outback. Insecurity.’ Joe explained. Billy listened.
‘Yeah. I suppose they heaped everything upon you at once. I was the same as you when you promoted me to Lieutenant. I’d been a bore hole driller most of my life. To take command of five hundred men. I completely understand where you’re coming from.’ Billy acknowledged.
Both men sat silent for a time swigging on their jimmyjohn. Joe’s thoughts returned to the time when orders came through from Captain Taylor to take no prisoners which didn’t sit well with his conscious. Shortly afterwards he took command of Colonial Mounted Rifles to capture Boers. ‘Billy, you may be right about this psychoanalyse thing. Remember when we left Captain Taylor to search for Boers?’ Joe stated.
‘Yeah. First time we ran into Lieutenant Handcock.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:26 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 42:

Billy explained. Wheels churned in his mind to connect the dots. ‘We met Captain Hunt. Remember.’ Billy continued.
‘Thinking back to this time I’m wondering if we were set up by Breaker and Handcock?’ Joe pinched his nose to return visions to this period.
‘I don’t at this point of time because Captain Hunt was alive. Remember, he went out in search of Boers leaving Breaker and Handcock behind.’ Billy shared his thoughts with Joe.
‘Yeah. You’re right. Captain Hunt made us welcome. What about when news arrived at Fort Edward. If I remember correctly, he received a message, quickly excused himself rode off with men not Breaker or Handcock.’ Joe explained between drinking swigs of rum.
‘Bloody hell mate. You have a grand memory of events. Yeah, when you mention this time Breaker and Handcock did remain in camp whilst Captain Hunt left. What’re you thinking?’ Billy puzzled.
‘I’m trying to piece events together in the hope this guilt trip I’m on disappears. After Captain Hunt left; I spoke to Handcock who informed me Captain Hunt received confirmed intelligence from a native runner about Sergeant Cecil’s patrol being ambushed near Medingen Mission Station.’ This conversation immediately returned to Joe.
‘I wasn’t at your meeting with Handcock. Afterwards when news came to the Fort about slaughter of Captain Hunt. I remember this news clearly upset Breaker and Handcock.’ Billy added to the puzzle.
‘When this news arrived at the Fort about the slaughter of Captain Hunt, I remember Handcock and Breaker wanted me to stay at the Fort whilst they took soldiers to clarify this news.’ Joe’s memory returned of these events. A smile creased his face. ‘When they returned: this became the first time I met Breaker. Each told me their story of finding the slaughtered body of Captain Hunt. They buried his remains.’ Joe finished his story. Swallowed a swig from the jimmyjohn.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:26 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 43:

Both men sat silent contemplating their own thoughts remembering events leading to this point. ‘A funny idea just entered my mind Billy.’ Joe said. ‘You remember when Breaker and Handcock returned to Fort Edward after their search for Captain Hunt?’ Joe questioned.
‘Yes.’ Billy answered.
‘This became the time when Handcock told me to become ‘leader’ instead of either of them. Sounded strange at the time because we’d only arrived at the Fort. What’d think about this idea Billy? They planned me become ‘leader’ of Fort Edward on their return from burying Captain Hunt. This would have given them plenty of time to hatch a plan on revenge. With either one of them being in-charge of the Fort made things difficult to track down the enemy to kill them.’ Joe finished taking another swig from of rum.
Billy considered Joe’s answer. ‘All appears to have fallen into place. They would’ve realised when Commander Kitchener made you Captain in-charge of the Fort, their plan worked. If I remember correctly, you didn’t want the job.’ Billy answered.
‘You’re right my friend. Past is the past. Let’s continue this conversation in the morning. I want to go for a walk for a bit of fresh air. Want to tag along?’ Joe asked. Billy nodded.

Margaret thoughts of The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA rushed through her mind. I’ll convince him to make a law for women to vote in Queensland or my name isn’t Margaret Wallace. A smile spread across her face. ‘Where would The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA be staying during his visit to our fine town?’ Margaret asked.
‘Hard to say at this point Margaret. Most of the hotels are booked because of the election. What have you in mind?’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:46 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 44:

‘He would always be welcome to stay at my home if he so wished.’ She replied. Wheels of thought in her mind turning to convince her friend to convince The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to stay at her home.
‘I’ll mention the proposition to him.’ Nat replied.
‘I can provide a soft bed for him. Not a proposition Nat.’ Margaret smiled.
‘Margaret, I’m certain if you put your mind to something you will succeed.’ Nat finished. ‘Now you’re my Director. What have you in mind to make me first Mayor of Cunnamulla?’ Nat inquired.
‘For one, you are the most popular candidate for the position. What you achieved to stop the water entering our town during the recent flood remains in everyone’s mind.’ Margaret admitted.
‘Margaret, I can’t believe how powerful your words are. Go ahead for all your worth. Help Pa win the election to become first Mayor of Cunnamulla.’ Hannah spoke with electricity on each word.
‘I’m with Hannah.’ Martha included.
‘When will The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA be arriving in Cunnamulla?’ Margaret asked.
‘On Saturday’s train. He wanted to arrive early for the election which is a couple of weeks. Also, he wanted to inspect how the new bridge is coming along. If the bridge is completed; he may officially open the bridge whilst he’s here in Cunnamulla.’ Nat replied.
‘Wouldn’t the naming of the bridge plus opening be better when you’re elected Mayor of Cunnamulla with you officially declaring the bridge open?’ Margaret interjected.
Nat thought of Margaret’s response before answering. ‘Yes. You’re right. The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA only visits here once in a blue moon. We live here permanently. Margaret, I agree. Bugger, The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. He officially opened Cunnamulla Railway Station. What next?’ Nat demanded.

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