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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:07 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 24:

Joe returned to sit with his parents-in-law, explained Hannah’s predicament.
‘Perhaps we should try and go home.’ Martha said.
‘No. Hannah needs you now more than anything Martha.’ Joe explained. ‘She’ll overcome this hiccup. She needs you for support. I, we want you both to stay.’ Joe pleaded.
Nat being the Statesman said, ‘At least now she can help me understand the Act. This will give us both time to go through everything together without stress.’ Nat replied.
‘Always thinking about yourself Nat.’ Martha stated. ‘I’ll go and have a chat with our daughter.’ Martha rose to walk to Hannah’s bedroom. She knocked before opening the door, entered the bedroom.
‘How are you going love?’ Martha asked approaching the bed. Hannah rolled onto her back. Sat upright.
‘Mother. Sorry about my behaviour. Such a shock. I got the sack for being pregnant. What’s this country coming to?’ Hannah dried her bloodshot eyes. ‘Sit down Mother.’ Hannah moved for her mother to sit beside her patting the side of the bed.
‘Try not to worry.’ Martha placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder. ‘What’s important is this bub you’re carrying. I remember when I carried you, your father insisted I do nothing. Your grandparents lived nearby. Gloria took care of my every need. Same as I will with you.’ She leaned over to hug her daughter who returned the hug.
‘Thank you, Mother. I appreciate you taking care of me and bub.’ Hannah rubbed her stomach to pass the message onto her child.
Martha and Hannah returned to the kitchen. ‘Do you want a cuppa Hannah?’ Asked Joe. Hannah nodded sat opposite her father at the table. Joe prepared a cuppa for his wife still upset with her recent behaviour. Hannah had never exhibited such behaviour. Joe shocked by her actions. He prepared Hannah a cuppa, placed the cuppa in front of her on the table, sat at his place at the table.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:57 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 25:

‘Thank you, Joe. I’m sorry for before. Hearing this news upset me. I couldn’t contain my anger. Shouldn’t have taken my anger out on my family. Sorry. Please forgive me. Will not happen again. I promise.’ Hannah said sincerely.
All drank their cuppa. ‘You take everything steady Hannah. We’re all here for you and bub.’ Her father explained who to his knowledge never experienced an outburst from Hannah like this one before in his life.
‘I’ll make us lunch.’ Martha said. She rose from the table, collected the cups to take to the basin to wash up. If Martha was to take control to look after Hannah and bub, she’d need to speak up to tell the others her plans. She addressed her audience. ‘From now on I will cook all meals.’ Hannah about to speak. Martha raised her hand for Hannah to stop. ‘I’ll clean the house and do the washing. Hannah, I want you to help your father to understand this Act, he speaks of. No further correspondence to be entered into.’ Martha finished returned to her duties. No sound emitted from the others.
Joe excused himself to work outside in the garden. Hannah asked her father, ‘We better have a look at this Act if you want to become Mayor of Cunnamulla.’ Hannah returned to her own jovial self.
Nat produced ‘Local Authorities Act 1902’ placed the document on the kitchen table. Hannah quickly looked at the document produced notes she’d written to understand what needed to be done.
‘Pa, this Act of Parliament takes affect on 31st March 1903. Therefore, we have about eight weeks before you stand for the position of Mayor.’ Hannah explained. Nat nodded. ‘In the Act every council shall be governed by a council not more than nine members not less than five members.’ Hannah told her father.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:01 am

'The Suffragette' - Page 26:

‘I think we should be able to chase up another eight members to be on the Council. Don’t you think Hannah?’ Nat answered.
‘Remember women cannot vote in this election or stand for the council. Indigenous people are not permitted to vote. With almost a thousand residents in the Shire hopefully, between six hundred male residents eight men would stand to be on the first council.’ Hannah frowned, thoughts raced through her mind to visualise who to her knowledge would become interesting in being elected for Council.
Nat’s mind computed names of individuals he’d work beside to make the council a force to be reckoned with. His personal experience as a grazier included work to help the Founding Fathers with ‘The Constitution’ would go in his favour to lead this band of highly distinguished gentlemen for the good of Cunnamulla. Not many names came to mind.
‘Hannah. What other things am I to be aware of?’ Nat questioned.
Hannah read more of the Act. ‘Every male person is to be twenty-one years or older, naturally born of His Majesty, not under any disability, also a ratepayer.’ Hannah finished.
‘This certainly narrows down the field.’ Nat replied.
‘Pa, if you don’t have true and upright citizens to work with you. Then, who better than ratepayers, twenty-one years or over with no disability.’ Hannah replied.
‘Yes. I suppose you’re right my dear.’ Nat thought. Certainly, narrows down the field quite considerable. ‘What next?’
‘Chairman to have a rate book of the area.’
‘I think The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA will be attending to this section. He is sending a member from the Electoral Board to oversee the proceedings.’ Nat informed Hannah. ‘What’s next?’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:52 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 27:

‘Annual election to be held first seven days of February each year. At least Pa if you were elected to become Mayor of Cunnamulla; you’d have eleven months to make your mark on Cunnamulla.’ Hannah explained. ‘First meeting of new Council to select their Mayor which we hope will be you Pa. Also, while we’re in the zone, first meeting of newly elected council to meet 2nd Wednesday after election.’ Hannah pushed away the Act. ‘We have much to do Pa.’ She concluded.
‘First of all, I understand what I need to do. My priority to call a public meeting to inform our citizens of my endeavours. I’ll go and have a chat with Alex at the hotel. I remember during the flood he helped with his place to hold a meeting.’ Nat thanked Hannah for her help grabbed his hat walked to the hotel. On his way he asked Joe to accompany him which Joe did.
‘How’re you going Alex?’ Nat asked when they entered the public bar. Although near lunchtime a small gathering of men leaned on the bar chatting; drinking their beer. ‘I have an announcement to make.’ Everyone stopped their chatter to listen to Nat. ‘I’m standing for Mayor of Cunnamulla.’ A huge cheer broke out amongst the gathered crowd.
‘I’ll vote for you.’ Cried one customer. Most agreed with their cheers. Nat didn’t realise how popular he’d become in Cunnamulla.
Alex leaned across the bar to shake Nat’s hand. ‘Good on you mate. We need people around here to move Cunnamulla off the ground and into the future. Stand on the soapbox over in the corner. Tell us your ideas of what you’ll do to make this town the best in the west.’ Cried Alex pointing to a small stage in the corner of the room.
Nat never thought he’d need to make a speech.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:25 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 28:

Walking to the small stage he stood facing his audience, ‘Fellow citizens of Cunnamulla. Thank you for your endorsement to become Mayor of Cunnamulla. I’m indeed speechless.’
A cry from the bar, ‘You wouldn’t be if you told us why we should vote for you.’
Nat stood erect, ‘I want to become the first Mayor of Cunnamulla. Why? Because I’m the best person for the job. With a team of fellow councillors this team would forge ahead plans to make Cunnamulla the best Shire in South-west Queensland.’ Nat paused.
‘What’s for us.’ Another cried out.
‘Think how we stopped the water from flooding our town. We worked as a community team. If everyone hadn’t worked together to help one another our town would’ve been flooded; damaging shops, roads, property. Great job by all.’ Nat raised his hand in the air in a salute to victory.
Everyone included Joe raised their hands in the air to copy Nat’s excitement. ‘You’re our Mayor Nat Young.’ One cried out. ‘Drinks are on Nat Young.’ Nat stepped down from the stage to join his first crowd of happy citizens.
Alex filled glasses for all to drink to Nat Young to become Mayor of Cunnamulla. After several drinks Joe took Nat by the arm, led him from Alex’s hotel to home. ‘You did well Nat. I’m proud of you. Will vote for you to became Cunnamulla’s first Mayor.’ Joe carried Nat through to the kitchen sat him on a chair.
‘What have we here?’ Martha said looking directly toward her husband.
‘You’re looking at the first Mayor of Cunnamulla. Nat made a speech at the hotel. Everyone agreed he’d make a fine Mayor.’ Joe slurred.
Martha placed a plate filled with food in front of Nat and Joe. ‘You’d both better eat up because if you want to become Mayor of Cunnamulla; much work to be done.’ Martha smiled.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:34 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 29:

After their meal Nat with Joe decided to walk around the town to seek out ideas on how he would become Mayor. Speak to the people of Cunnamulla. Understand their views to include in any future speeches he makes.
Walking along Stockyard Street a small gathering of town folk stood in front of the Post Office. One yelled out. ‘You going to become our first Mayor Nat?’ He shouted.
Nat stopped to answer this person’s question. ‘Bush telegraph is alive and well in Cunnamulla. Yes! I’m standing for the position of Mayor. If you think I’d make a good candidate. Vote for me.’ He shook hands with this person and others gathered. They walked on. By the time they reached top of town they stopped at another gathering.
Someone in the crowd called out, ‘What are you going to do about our bridge?’
Joe and Nat stopped in front of this small gathering. Nat said, ‘I’ve contacted my friend in State Parliament who has arranged to have two working gangs here shortly to build a new bridge. All the equipment and men should arrive by train. Instead of being where the old one was this new one will be where the Blacksmith built his swing to take the children across the river. What do you think?’ Nat finished.
‘You’ll do us Nat Young. I’ll vote for you.’ Another called from the crowd. At this moment Nat understood why he wanted to become Mayor of Cunnamulla. Lead his team into the future for the good of Cunnamulla. His broad smile showed Joe how Nat enjoyed this new fame.
On their return home Nat asked Joe a question. ‘Seeing how I’m going to become Mayor of Cunnamulla. Would you be my deputy?’ Nat asked.
Joe’s mind filled with thoughts of anxiety. Decisions he made when fighting Boers in South Africa re-appeared. His body shook. Instant thoughts shouted ‘No!’ How was he to deny his father-in-law a suitable excuse he couldn’t agree to work with him. ‘Why would you want me to be your deputy?’ Joe asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:54 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 30:

‘Joe. You’re not only my son-in-law but my best friend. You returned a hero from South Africa. A Captain in rank. Why wouldn’t I want you beside me to lead Cunnamulla into the future.’ Nat answered.
‘I’m sorry Nat. I can’t.’ Joe replied to fall silent.
‘Why not!’ Nat asked using an inquisitive voice.
‘You wouldn’t understand.’ Joe didn’t want to explain his view because if he needed to explain what happened in South Africa he couldn’t cope with the outcome. ‘I’m sorry mate. I can’t.’
They walked on toward home.
Nat took hold of Joe’s arm to stop him before they arrived at house. ‘I’m sorry Joe. You’ve never spoken about what happened over in South Africa. How am I to understand if you don’t tell me.’ Nat tried to have Joe explain his actions.
Joe stopped by the front of the house, ‘I haven’t told anyone what happened. Hannah asked constantly about the nightmares I have during the night. Waking in a cold sweet, trembling. Billy is the only person who understands what happened. I don’t want to talk about anything.’ Joe finished continued to walk up the steps.
Nat pulled alongside of Joe, ‘let’s sit for awhile and talk.’ Nat sat in the swing whilst Joe sat beside him. Joe bowed his head placing his face into his hands. ‘Mate, I don’t like you this way. Do you want to visit the doctor?’ Nat asked. His voice not much louder than a whisper.
Joe thought about Nat’s request. ‘How can a doctor help. This is my problem. I need to work something out.’ Joe explained.
‘Perhaps I might understand.’ Nat expressed his desire to listen to Joe’s story.

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