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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:20 pm

Thank you dub. Here is the page for today: 'The Suffragette' - Page 17:

‘Yes! Particularly when Martha met Sir Samuel Griffiths and his wife Julia. Martha got drunk. Full as a country church on a Sunday morning.’ Nat-laughed. ‘You should’ve seen her Joe.’ Nat laughed.
‘Martha drunk. I wouldn’t believe Martha drinking alcohol. She never drinks alcohol.’ Joe expressed.
‘Night before we sailed from Brisbane The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA invited Martha and me to his home. You remember his home Joe where you stayed before heading overseas.’ Nat explained.
‘Sure do Nat. Most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. Imagine how the world turns. Only a decade before he was shearing sheep at ‘Kahmoo Station’. Now look at him. The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. I doubt whether I’ll ever be used to his title. He has done well for himself.’ Joe finished. ‘Can’t believe Martha being drunk.’ Joe joked.
‘Martha and Julia became great friends on the trip to Melbourne. As for the ‘Constitution’. I wanted Indigenous people, like Keith with his family included into the ‘Constitution’. None of the Founding Fathers would listen about including them into the ‘Constitution’ Joe. They asked what would they contribute to this nation.’ Nat explained.
‘You told them about Keith and his people being herded up like sheep to live on the outskirts of Cunnamulla?’ Words exploded from Joe’s mouth.
‘I did Joe. Everything I explained fell on deep ears. The ‘Constitution’ went through without the inclusion of Indigenous people included. Nothing more to do Joe.’
‘Never mind Nat. Now, The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA created an Act of Parliament for Shire of Paroo. You going to be first Mayor of Cunnamulla Nat?’ Joe spoke in a concerned voice.
Nat pondered Joe’s question before answering. ‘Before you ask. I never gave the position of Mayor great importance. Now you ask perhaps I should take on the role of Mayor of Cunnamulla. So much to do Joe to help this area. Being first Mayor of Cunnamulla would give me an opportunity to take Cunnamulla into the future.’ Nat stated as if he had the position.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:45 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 18:

‘Mayor of Cunnamulla. You’d better think hard about the position because many would vote for you in an election? How you organised others when needed to build a levy bank on the river to stop water flooding our town certainly goes toward your leadership’ Joe finished. Nat couldn’t reply. His throat filled with emotion from Joe’s words.
After shearing completed Nat and Joe returned to Cunnamulla. Swimming their horses across the Warrego River they sighted a steel rope suspended across the river bank to the opposite side. A child secured in a chair whilst the Blacksmith pulled a rope to carry the child from one side of the other bank using a pully. They rode over to the Blacksmith.
‘A great idea?’ Nat said to the Blacksmith.
‘I thought the other day how the children were to return home from school and back again. I hooked this contraption up to help them safely cross the river.’ He replied pulling on the rope.
‘You’ve done well. Again, great idea.’ Nat stated. They rode off to their home.
Martha and Hannah pleased to have their men home. Sitting around the kitchen table sipping a mug of tea Joe stated, ‘Nat wants to become first Mayor of Cunnamulla.’
Martha rose from her seat walked to Nat swung her arms around his neck. ‘I’ll support you Nat. You’ll make a wonderful Mayor for our town.’ Martha returned to her seat.
‘Great idea Pa. Joe and I will support you. Won’t we Joe?’ Hannah kicked Joe under the table connecting with his shin.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:39 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 19:

‘Ouch! Sure will Nat.’ Joe leaned down to rub his shin.
‘The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA sent me a letter stating the government passed ‘Local Authorities Act 1902’. He included the Act with the letter. A huge task to undertake.’ Nat explained.
‘You’ll do everything possible, my love. After working on the nation’s ‘Constitution’ this’ll be a piece of cake.’ Martha expressed in confidence. ‘When do you start?’ Martha asked.
‘Sooner the better, I suppose. I’ll need to read this book first.’ Nat lifted a thick book to show his family. ‘Lucky, The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA sent me a copy. He probably has a similar idea for me to become first Cunnamulla Mayor.’ Nat finished replaced the book into the package.
‘Not you’ve got a lot to do now you’ve finished shearing.’ Martha smiled.
‘I’m happy to help you go through the Act Pa.’ Hannah stated. ‘Mother has been doing everything around here. I’m bored. Happy to help.’ Hannah wanted something to do so she wouldn’t be bored. Everything was going well with her pregnancy. She and her bub were doing fine as to be expected. She’d gladly help her father understand the Act.
Nat handed Hannah the package. ‘When you make head nor tail from these words. Let me understand them also. I’ll leave you to pass your eyes over them before I have a go.’ Nat finished.
Hannah’s excitement to take on the task to read the Act plus decipher into everyday language became her mission to help her father become the first Mayor of Cunnamulla. Hannah retired to the front veranda to undertake her huge task. Bored of reading Act of Law Hannah closed her eyes forcing law from her mind. Sleep overtook her mind.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:38 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 20:

Dreams of her father standing in front of his community dressed in a long regal robe, a huge smile on his face, speaking to his gathering warmed her heart and soul. This dream continued until something warm covered her body. A pillow rested against her head. Hannah opened her eyes. Joe stood before her.
‘You look peaceful. Thought I’d better cover you over.’ Joe admitted whilst sitting beside his wife. Hannah’s stomach rising and falling to show her relaxed state.
‘Joe.’ Hannah sat upright. ‘Thank you for being so thoughtful. I couldn’t read any more of this dreary law. Must have fallen asleep. Dreamed of Pa standing in front of his community wearing Mayoral Robe. Warm when you placed the blanket over me. Awakened me.’ Hannah explained leaning across to her husband, kissed him on the lips.
‘Can’t have you and little one cold. Can we?’ Joe replied, rubbing Hannah’s stomach at the same time. ‘I want to look after you and bub.’ Joe finished with words, ‘Love you Hannah.’ Joe expressed with endearment.
‘Thank you, Joe. I love when you are home. I miss you when you’re not here.’ She muttered loud enough for Joe to understand her words.
‘I’m staying home until our baby is born. Look after you. What do you think of that idea.’ Joe answered; wrapped his arms around his wife kissed her on the forehead.
‘You’ll annoy me. Mother is hard enough to be around. I’m off to school tomorrow for start of the new year. What’re you going to do when I’m not here?’ Hannah asked.
‘Plenty to do here. This place needs cleaning up outside. I’d love to work on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Time with you is more important. When are you going to resign from your job as a teacher?’ Joe queried.
‘For your information, I’m not resigning. Tomorrow I’ll have a talk with Miss Wallace to ask how long I can work before I need to take leave whilst I have the baby.’ Hannah explained.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:50 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 21:

Joe sat silent. His thoughts competing with the words uttered by his wife. ‘What if I want you to stop work to raise our child at home.’ Joe asked in a demanding tone.
‘Please Joe. Allow me to do what I want. Raising a child; working at the same time is not rocket science. For heaven’s sake. Allow me to do what I want to do.’ Hannah stood, threw the blanket to the veranda floor stomped off to the kitchen. Joe picked up the blanket followed Hannah to the kitchen.
‘I’ll make you a cuppa.’ Joe asked placing the blanket on the chair.
‘I don’t want a cuppa Joe. I want to do this.’ She demanded.
‘All your fault Nat. Allowing Hannah to always do what she wanted to do.’ Joe blasted his father-in-law who sat at the head of the table sipping a cuppa.
‘Don’t involve me in your domestics. Work this out among yourselves.’ Nat rose walked to his bedroom. ‘I’m taking a nap for awhile. Call me when lunch is ready.’ Nat finished. Walked toward his bedroom.
‘I don’t want to interfere either. I think I’ll join Nat for a quiet lay down.’ Martha rose to join her husband.
They overheard Hannah arguing with her husband she wasn’t going to resign from her role as school teacher. Instead work on after she gave birth to the baby. After the door closed in their bedroom Martha whispered to her husband. ‘I wish Joe the best of British luck to have Hannah change her mind.’ She laughed, lay down beside her husband whose snoring told her he was asleep.
Last words Hannah spoke, ‘I’m not resigning Joe.’ Silence.
Hannah dressed in her usual attire to attend school the following morning. Didn’t kiss Joe good-bye neither spoke to her parents. Vapour steamed in anger from her ears walking from her home to school. I’m not going to stop work because I’m pregnant. Raced through her mind. By the time she arrived at school her mind simmered down a little.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:50 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 22:

First person she came upon, Miss Wallace. ‘Good morning Miss Wallace. May I speak with you please before we start class?’ Hannah asked in an inviting tone. Miss Wallace beckoned Hannah into her Principal’s office pointed her to a seat whilst she sat behind the desk.
‘How can I help you Hannah. First, before you answer this question. How are you going?’ Miss Wallace asked in a friendly voice.
Hannah thought about the multiple questions Miss Wallace asked her before she replied. ‘I’m excellent. Thank you for asking.’ Hannah answered.
‘Your pregnancy going well?’ Miss Wallace continued. She didn’t realise how she was going to impart this latest news to Hannah without hurting her feelings. They’d worked together for many years. She trained Hannah to become a school teacher. Held her in highest esteem enough to call her a close friend.
‘Is something wrong?’ Hannah questioned.
‘I’m sorry Hannah. This morning I received notification from Education Department their policy on married pregnant woman.’ Miss Wallace started to explain to Hannah this policy when Hannah interjected.
‘Have you been speaking with Joe?’ She blasted, her eyes almost popping from her head.
‘No! I haven’t spoken with Joe. Why should you ask?’ Miss Wallace questioned.
Hannah commenced to cry, sob. She took a small handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe away the tears. ‘I’m sorry, Miss Wallace, must be hormones with the baby.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:48 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 23:

‘I have some difficult news to impart to you. The policy of the department is: no female employee over five months pregnant shall work in the department. I’m so sorry Hannah. You’re position as a teacher is ceased.’ Miss Wallace left her seat, walked around to Hannah, threw her arms around her. They both sobbed.

Chapter 4

Nat, Martha with Joe sat at the kitchen table when Hannah entered via the rear door. Joe looked at his wife; red eyes, hair untidy. He rose from his seat walked toward his wife. ‘What happened?’ He asked.
‘You’ve got what you wanted Joe. I’ve been sacked. Satisfied.’ Hannah stormed off to their bedroom. Joe followed. Nat and Martha remained seated. A frown creased their foreheads. The bedroom door slammed. Noise echoed through the house. Whimpers sounded from inside the bedroom.
Hannah threw herself on top of the bed laying on her stomach. Joe entered to stand beside her. ‘What happened?’ His concern for his wife also for their unborn child. Worry filled his mind.
Hannah lifted her head from the pillow, rolled onto her side to tell Joe what happened. ‘Miss Wallace explained to me no female employee over five months pregnant shall work for the department. Satisfied Joe. You got what you wanted. Leave me alone to wallow in my self-pity. I’ll be right in a while. Let me be. Go and have a cuppa with Pa and mother.’ Hannah again faced the pillow.
‘I’m sorry Hannah. Perhaps its all for the best. Do you want a cuppa?’ Joe asked.
Hannah sobbed, ‘No. Thank you. Leave me alone.’ She went quiet.

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