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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 24, 2021 10:30 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 80:

Some of the soldiers declined to be involved in the firing party. After being instructed by Lieutenant Morant four soldiers stepped forward. Visser made to sit down, he couldn't stand because of his wound. After being shot Visser was still alive. Lieutenant Morant ordered Lieutenant Picton, a member of 'Bushveldt Carbineers' to administer a coup-de-grace with a pistol shot to the head. Picton carried out the orders.
Instead of returning to Fort Edward 'Bushveldt Carbineers' stopped overnight at a store of a British trader, Mr Hays, who provided Morant and his soldiers with refreshments. The following morning they continued their journey to Ford Edward arriving to learn a convoy under Lieutenant Neel arrived the previous day from Pietersburg. A battle with the Boers endured with one soldier being wounded, several horses shot.
A knock to his office door startled Joe. 'Come in.' He answered. Lieutenant Picton saluted. 'How can I help you Lieutenant Picton?' Joe asked.
'May I speak to you Captain. The matter is urgent.' Lieutenant Picton asked.
'Very well. What's so urgent you need to speak to me about?' Joe seated invited his Lieutenant to take a seat opposite.
'Lieutenant Neel is returning to Pietersburg today. I want permission to return with him.'
'Any particular reason for your returning to Pietersburg?' Joe asked.
'Personal Captain. I need to leave.' Lieutenant Picton's appeal forced Joe to act swift.
'I have no issues. Inform Lieutenant Morant and Handcock you have my approval to accompany Lieutenant Neel to Pietersburg.' Joe saluted. Lieutenant Picton left the office after returning the salute.
After Lieutenant Picton left his office thoughts flashed through Joe's mind of what happened to make Lieutenant Picton want to leave on their return from a fortnight of tracking Boers. Joe contacted Lieutenant Neel to advise him of the extra soldier to accompany him to Pietersburg.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 25, 2021 10:23 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 81:

Within a couple of weeks everything appeared to be back to normal at Fort Edward. Lieutenant Morant entered Captain Gibson's office on a request to speak with the Captain.
'How can I help you Lieutenant Morant. Got itchy feet. Want to go chase more Boers.' Joe spoke with Lieutenant Morant.
'Yes Captain. I want your permission to take some of my men, patrol the area so Fort Edward won't be attacked again. I'm sorry my soldiers and I weren't here to help you the last time you were attacked.' Lieutenant Morant almost pleaded with his Captain.
'You have my permission Lieutenant Morant. Safe travelling.' Joe dispatched Lieutenant Morant aware he was up to something sinister. At this stage needed to take his word for what he was doing.

Over the next month Lieutenant Morant led his band of soldiers intercepting a group of eight prisoners being bought in under guard. His anger rose when sighting these Boers connecting his thoughts with the ones who escaped when he attacked to capture Visser. Lieutenant Morant ordered these soldiers be executed on the side of the road.
In this group a South African born German missionary Reverend Heese pleaded for his life to no avail. He pleaded with Morant to release him for he wasn't a Boer. Morant ignored his pleas. All Boers including Heese were killed. Nothing would stop Morant from taking his revenge on the death of Captain Hunt.
When the news of the death of Heese reached Fort Edward Joe's reaction became evident ordering his troops to remain in camp until the return of Lieutenant Morant. Unbeknown to Captain Gibson three armed Boer commandos were heading toward Fort Edward. Morant and his men were returning to Fort Edward when they apprehended these Boer commandos killing them.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 26, 2021 11:05 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 82:

Chapter 11

SS Australian docked at Sydney Cove. Nat, Martha disembarked with Sir Samuel and Julia. 'We're here for two nights. You will stay with us. All accommodation is paid for. This way you can meet the remaining members of Founding Fathers. We've arranged to have dinner with them tonight.' Sir Samuel expressed in a authoritative voice. Both Nat and Martha nodded their acceptance.
Settling into their accommodation; a little apprehensive. Nat compared his last visit to Sydney Town when he first met Martha. They married, took her away from her home to south-western Queensland. His mind drifted to those times. More people on the streets now. Increase traffic to contend with. How pleased he was to be living in the richest part of Queensland; owning his properties, raising sheep, in control of his own destiny.
Sharp on eight o'clock all four met at the hotel foyer. Many powerful people filled the dining hall. All four guided to a large table escorted to their seats by waiters. A couple approached the table.
'Sir Henry.' Sir Samuel stated shaking hands with his guest. 'I have the pleasure to introduce my other guests, Nathan and Martha Young. My wife Julia.' Sir Samuel took his place across from Sir Henry. Nat shook Sir Henry's hand.
'Pleased to meet you Sir Henry. I've been told so much about you.' Nat said. Sat down beside Sir Samuel.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 27, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 83:

'Pleasure is all mine Nathan. Sir Samuel filled me in on how you are helping him draw up our 'Constitution'.' Sir Henry commented.
'Yes. We've been discussing how our Indigenous peoples should be included.' Nat wanted to have his sixpence worth before the evening progressed.
Sir Henry spluttered. 'Over my dead body.' His eyes widened, hatred glared toward Nat. They'd been introduced to one another a moment before. Not a good sign for working together.
'They've been here fifty thousand years. We invaded their land.' Nat's voice rose a level higher. People seated at his table plus nearby tables understood each word spoken.
'I don't care if they've been here for the past ten centuries. They will not be included into our 'Constitution.' Sir Henry stated in a louder voice.
Sir Samuel nudged Nat in the side, whispered in his ear. 'You'll never catch fish without a hook.'
'You wanta bet. Our Indigenous people don't use a hook to fish. They use spears.' Nat decided to leave the subject go at this stage. His anger subsided.
'What makes you such an authority to include Indigenous peoples in our 'Constitution'?' Sir Henry asked once his nerves settled.
'Because we have friends who are Indigenous. They are more Australian than we are.' Martha broke into this conversation. Her eyes pieced Sir Henry's glaring eyes bright enough to light up the room.
'When do women have a stake in this 'Constitution'?' Sir Henry glared at Martha with a message to keep out of this argument because men would deal with this. Not women.
'Daisy Whiteman is a good friend. She is aboriginal. I will never have anyone say anything wrong about her as long as I live. You don't understand how important to have our Indigenous peoples included in this God damn what-ever-you-call-it.' Martha's sharp tongue took the wind out of Sir Henry's sails. He'd never been spoken to by anyone like this before, little wonder a woman.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 28, 2021 10:37 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 84:

Sir Samuel whispered to Nat. 'You got a hot one, my friend.' Nat smiled, took hold of his wife's hand. You haven't seen anything yet! He thought.
'Here comes Sir Edmund. You may want to discuss with him about Indigenous peoples being included into the 'Constitution'. He'll become our first Prime Minister of Australia.' Sir Henry's sharp tongue echoed through Martha's ear drums.
Sir Henry rose, shook hands with Sir Edmund nodded to his wife. 'Sir Edmund. May I introduce you to Mr Nathan Young, his wife Martha who are from Queensland to assist with the writing of the 'Constitution'.' Nat stood, shook hands with Sir Edmund. Martha stood, nodded, sat down.
Sir Edmund with his wife sat to join the group.
'How was your cruise down from Queensland?' Sir Edmund asked the group in general.
'Very good. Thank you for asking.' Sir Samuel answered, not quite certain if Martha's temper would overflow toward Sir Edmund.
'My wife and I will be accompanying you to Melbourne when SS Australian sails.' Sir Edmund continued.
'My wife and I will also be joining this voyage Sir Edmund. This'll give you time to digest what Mrs Young wants. To include Indigenous peoples in our 'Constitution'.' Sir Henry smirked. His anger still girdling inside his mind to have a woman express her point of view.
'Why should we include Indigenous people in our 'Constitution'?' Sir Edmund queried.
Nat nudged Martha in the ribs.
'Before you arrived Mr Barton, I asked why Indigenous peoples are not included in the 'Constitution'?' Martha's confidence rose to make the
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 29, 2021 10:41 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 85:

'To answer your question Mrs Young. We have sufficient work to do without worrying about Indigenous peoples of this country.' Sir Edmund stated.
Martha tried to hold her tongue but couldn't. 'We have friends who were herded like a mob of sheep from their tribal areas; forced to live on the outskirts of Cunnamulla living in Gunyas.' Martha's eyes moved to her husband seated beside her. 'Our daughter, Hannah, befriended a family named Whiteman. We've become very close to this family. Mr Barton, these Indigenous people have been living in this country for over fifty thousand years. They must be included into this whatever-you-call-it.' Martha stopped.
Each person at the table glared at Martha as if she wore two heads not believing the words she'd spoken nor displaying the courage to display her ideas to such distinguished people.
'Anything to drink here?' Julia asked looking for a waiter to serve them.
Silence at the table.
Sir Samuel leaned toward Nat to whisper in Nat's ear. 'Can you tell your wife to leave this go so we can enjoy our meal in peace. I think she's said enough to stir the pot.' Nat nodded.
Nat leaned over to his wife, 'Please let sleeping dogs lie. This is not the time nor place to send your message. Convince their wives of your demands. These fellows are all 'Sirs'. They expect respect.' Martha's words whispered by her husband. She nodded. Her thoughts refocused.
'I will not let this go. More than one way to skin a cat.' She smiled at the group to show she received the message from her husband.

Meeting each wife on the deck of SS Australian departing Sydney Cove Martha's mood settled to enjoy sighting open ocean. 'Shall we partake of refreshments Ladies?' Joan Parkes asked her new friend Martha, who she took an instant warmth to.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 30, 2021 10:41 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 86:

'Excellent idea.' Martha expressed. Standing with the other ladies to move inside to the refreshment room.
Being settled Joan sat beside Martha whispered into her ear. 'You showed a lot of spunk to let the men understand about your idea of including Indigenous peoples into their 'Constitution'. I need to learn how you had the courage to speak up.' Joan finished.
'Don't worry about Martha, Joan. I've made my point clear to Samuel. Will be no hanky panky below the waistline until he convinces the others to concede to Martha's request.' Julia smiled, sipped her tea.
'I don't think I can go doing what you say Julia. Haven't got the courage. Whenever Henry wants that sort of thing I surrender to him, which is not too often I may add. Thank goodness.' Joan giggled.
Martha's mind filled with glee hearing these comments from her friends. Her husband's words echoed in her head. Convince their wives of your demands.
Sarah Barton sat silent listening to different conversations. She didn't want to participate. Edmund wouldn't listen to her requests. She wished having Martha's courage to speak up. Where she came from, ladies, ones whom will be the wife of the first Prime Minister of Australia will need to be beside their husbands; not give their husbands any strange ideas of change, with the 'Constitution'.
'I'm most pleased you agree with my wanting Indigenous peoples included into the 'Constitution'. If you'd ask me this question before I become acquainted with my aboriginal friend Daisy, I'm afraid to admit, I would've agreed with Sir Henry.' Martha admonished.
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