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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 14, 2021 10:25 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 73:

After they settled at Joe's quarters Joe said, 'Captain Hunt has requested to make myself at home. Also, he left Fort Edward with some men to check out information. You're the person who can help me understand what's going on. Can you explain what Captain Hunt is doing?' Joe asked.
Lieutenant Handcock relaxed in his chair. 'I suppose you better be kept in the loop. Captain Hunt received confirmed intelligence from a Native runner about Sergeant Cecil's patrol being ambushed near Medingen Mission Station. Instead of sending myself or any other officers, he's gone to find out what happened. Captain Hunt is a great soldier. I'm certain he'll be okay.' Lieutenant Handcock explained.
'I appreciate you keep me in the loop Lieutenant Handcock. If you would.' Joe answered.
'Is that all for now?' Lieutenant Handcock rose, saluted, left the quarters.
Joe thought of Lieutenant Handcock's explanation. He believed he wasn't been told everything. Joe prepared his quarters. His thoughts uncertain of what his next move would be.
After dawn next morning a sole rider reached Fort Edward. Not Captain Hunt as expected. Lieutenant Handcock stopped the rider, spoke with him ordered him to stay in his barracks. Within an hour Lieutenant Handock approached Joe's quarters knocked on the door. 'Coming', Joe shouted pulling on his boots. Opening the door stood Lieutenant Handcock gave him the news Captain Hunt with his men have been slaughtered. Lieutenant Handcock advised Joe to stay at Fort Edward whilst he with Lieutenant Morant plus a number of soldiers would recover the body. Joe protested. To no avail.
Several days later Lieutenant Handcock with Lieutenant Morant returned to Fort Edward. Joe wanted to learn about the death of Captain Hunt plus how he died. After both Lieutenants stabled their horses they arrived at Joe's quarters.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 15, 2021 10:46 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 74:

After saluting, Lieutenant Handcock introduced Lieutenant Morant to Joe. 'Pleased to meet you Lieutenant Morant.' Joe said. 'What happened?' Joe's curiosity got the better of him. His hairs stood up on the back of his neck when both soldiers told their story. 'Where is Captain Hunt's body?' Joe asked.
'We buried him at Medingen Mission Station.' Lieutenant Handcock told Joe. 'If I may be so bold Lieutenant Gibson. With Captain Hunt no longer in command this post now rests with you.' Joe didn't understand.
'Why do you want me to take command?' Joe asked both Lieutenants.
'Because you are a leader. We can't take on the role. Should be until someone else is appointed.' Lieutenant Handcock remarked.
'I love your loyalty. What will you both be doing?' Joe asked. Thoughts crossed his mind these two Lieutenants wanted revenge for the death of their Captain. In a way he couldn't blame them for acting this way.

Chapter 10

Orders arrived in a couple of weeks signed by Lord Kitchener, British Commander in South Africa showing Lieutenant Joseph Gibson to be promoted to the rank of Captain to take command of Fort Edward. Joe read the orders a dozen times to allow this information to sink into his mind. In little over six months his rank rose from a trooper to Captain; Commander of Fort Edward.
Joe summoned Billy to his quarters. He needed to share this news with someone he trusted. Who better than his friend. Joe read the contents of the orders to Billy who sat silent listened to each word spoken. Without hesitation after Joe read the orders Billy's excitement showed through. 'Bloody hell! They've made you the Boss. Congratulations Joe. Ah! I mean Captain Gibson.' Billy placed his hand out to Joe. Both shook hands in celebration.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 16, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 75:

'Nothing has changed Billy. I'm promoting you to rank of Lieutenant to take my place in charge of 'Colonial Mounted Rifles'. Call everyone together so I can share this news. Lieutenant Campbell. Congratulations. I'll arrange for your insignias to be issued. Lieutenant Handcock with Lieutenant Morant will be in charge of 'Bushveldt Carbineers'. You'll be in charge of 'Colonial Mounted Rifles'. Where are Lieutenants Morant and Handcock?' Joe asked before dismissing Billy.
'I'll tell them you want them, Captain Gibson.' Billy saluted, left the office. Excitement bubbled over inside him hoping he can carry out the rank of Lieutenant.
Lieutenants Handcock and Morant arrived at Joe's office. 'Come in gentlemen. Take a seat.' He pointed to two chairs. 'I wanted to thank you for looking after Captain Hunt's burial. Also, gentlemen I received orders from Lord Kitchener, British Commander, South Africa today.' Joe handed the orders for both men to read.
After scanning the orders Lieutenant Handcock said. 'I said you were the best person for the job. Congratulations Captain. Will be a privilege to serve under your command.' Lieutenant Morant nodded in agreement. Joe didn't trust either of these soldiers. They were up to something. His bush instincts flooded his mind with conspiracy issues. Something Joe couldn't put his finger on.
'I've promoted Sergeant Campbell to the rank of Lieutenant who will be in charge of 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' whilst both of you will remain with 'Bushveldt Carbineers'. Are you each agreeable to these terms?' Captain Gibson asked in an authoritative voice.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 20, 2021 10:37 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 76:

Both answered together. 'Yes Captain.'
'While I have each of you here.' Joe looked both of his officers in their eyes. 'I want to make something most clear.' Both Lieutenants stood erect waiting for their orders. 'In future when Boers have been captured, they are not to be shot in regard to the unwritten policy of Captain Hunt. They are to become prisoners. Is this understood?' Joe raised his voice so each officer would understand his orders.
'Yes Captain.' Both shouted. Stood at attention, saluted. 'Will that be all Captain.' Lieutenant Morant shouted in his Aussie/British accent.
'Thank you gentlemen.' Joe finished; hoping each officer understood his orders.
'We congratulate you Captain Gibson. Be our pleasure to serve under your command.' Lieutenant Morant finished. Both saluted. Left office.
Joe wasn't convinced. His instincts told him to keep on eye on them both. He smelt trouble just around the corner.
Once Lieutenants Handcock and Morant returned to their quarters, Lieutenant Morant said, 'Our plan worked. Now Captain Gibson is in command of Fort Edward. We will have our revenge on the killing of Captain Hunt.' A smile spread across his face. His mind racing filled his ambitions.
'Leave Rev Reuter with me. Think its time I paid him a visit. He's got to be a traitor to inform the enemy on what's going on before we did.' Lieutenant Handcock stared into space. Thoughts floated through his mind deciding on his next move. 'Breaker, I have a couple of ladies I wish to visit. Cover for me until daylight.' Lieutenant Morant nodded.
Lieutenant Handcock left their quarters arrived at the stables, saddled his horse, mounted, rode at full gallop through the sentry gate waving to the soldier on guard as he galloped by. Dust left behind in the face of the sentry.
Lieutenant Morant wanted revenge for the murder of his Captain. His decision to take a band of soldiers he trusted from 'Bushveldt Carbineers' search for the murderers who slain his good friend Captain Hunt. His revenge to be completed when all were dead and buried. Leaving his quarters he returned to Captain Gibson's office.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 21, 2021 10:12 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 77:

'Come in Lieutenant Morant. How can I help you?' Captain Gibson stood on the arrival of his Lieutenant, saluted, regained his seat offering his Lieutenant a chair opposite him.
'I've come to ask a favour Captain?' Lieutenant Morant asked in his most persuasive voice.
'I'm certain to agree to anything you want if its to do with bringing a stop to this conflict as soon as possible.' Joe replied.
'This is Captain.'
'What is your favour?
'Can I take my regiment 'Bushveldt Carbineers' on patrol?'
'Do you require 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' to accompany you?'
'Not at this stage Captain. I want to scout around to determine any troubles after the debacle with Captain Hunt.'
'No issues here Lieutenant. How long will you and your troops be absent?' Joe asked trying to figure if this person was serious or not.
'I'll take sufficient provisions for two weeks.'
'I wish you luck on your endeavours.' Joe replied. Stood shook hands with his Lieutenant who returned the gesture, left the office.
Captain Gibson didn't believe a word from Lieutenant Morant's mouth. His mind left to the conclusion of revenge for the death of Captain Hunt. At this stage he'd allow sleeping dogs lie.
Joe received a letter from Hannah. He read her words so often the ink almost faded from the pages each time he re-read the letter. All was well in Cunnamulla. She mentioned her parents, moreso her father, departed Cunnamulla to assist Sir Samuel Griffiths in preparing the 'Constitution' for the nation. Her excitement through the words she wrote protracted a greater love inside Joe. His vision of his parents-in-law travelling with one of the most respected people in Queensland would make Nat a proud person. Hannah closed the letter with love.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 22, 2021 10:54 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 78:

Joe decided to keep Hannah up-to-date with his life. He wrote:

To My Dearest Darling Hannah

I received your letter. Must have read the letter more times when each time I devoured each word until they lifted from the pages. I miss you so much. Also, my love for you has strengthened since I arrived here in this God forsaken land.
Some good news plus bad news. First for the bad news. We are at Fort Edward. Captain Hunt, who was in-charge of Fort Edward lost his life in a battle with the Boers. Lord Kitchener, British Commander in South Africa in his wisdom promoted me to Captain including Commander of Fort Edward. Yes Hannah, in little of six months in this dreadful country I've gone from a Trooper to Captain. Can't believe the changes myself. Hope you are proud of my achievements.
I promoted Billy to Lieutenant. He is the one person I trust in this place. Without him I'd be lost. I never realised how important a close friend can be in this horrid war. This war will end soon so I can return home to you.
I love you Hannah. Until next time.
Your loving husband Joe.
PS: Hannah, you'll need to address your future mail to: Captain Joseph Gibson, Commander-in-charge, Fort Edward, South Africa.

Joe addressed an envelope, folded the letter, placed into the envelope, sealed. His next duty to concentrate on ending this debacle of a war. His mind settled on the words Lieutenant Morant said before leaving. His words didn't ring true. Joe's gut disturbed his thoughts. What in heaven's name would Lieutenant Morant be up to?
As arranged the following morning Joe bid farewell to Lieutenants Morant and Handcock with their troops of 'Bushveldt Carbineers' to survey the countryside for Boers. Joe asked Billy to accompany him to his office.
'Take a seat Billy. Tea.' Joe offered.
'Yes, thank you Joe. Never knock back a good cuppa.'. Joe ordered tea for two.
'I want to discuss a delicate issue with you.' Joe stated. Billy nodded realising the true significance of their conversation to be kept between themselves. 'I've allowed 'Bushveldt Carbineers' with Lieutenants Morant and Handcock to go on patrol for a fortnight. Between you and me I think Lieutenant Morant has a alternative agenda. I think he is out to revenge his friend Captain Hunt's slaying.' Joe finished.
'You did the right thing Joe.' Billy admitted. 'Give them both enough rope to hang themselves. Breaker, I mean Lieutenant Morant has been like a loose cannon since the death of Captain Hunt. Many of the men are saying how Captain Hunt met his death. Not nice Joe.' Billy finished his cuppa.
'Little I can do right now. Billy like you say, give them enough rope to hang themselves. I don't trust either of them. They do what they like whenever they like. No discipline. Thanks for listening my friend. I appreciate having your trust.' Joe finished.
'That's why I'm here Joe. To keep your back. Always will.' Both shook hands in appreciation of affection for their friendship and comradeship.

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.... PRB
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 23, 2021 11:02 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 79:

'Captain Gibson.' A soldier called loud. 'Something here for you.'
Joe left his office. Rev Reuter's sulky parked in front of the office. Rev Reuter slumped on the seat. Dead. A bullet wound through his temple. Joe took a closer look, his bushman skills taking over. Rev. Reuter murdered. 'Who would want to murder Rev. Reuter?' Joe asked himself.
After ordering the medical staff to take the body away, he ordered the doctor to carry out a medical examination on Rev. Reuter, then present a report on conclusion. With these instructions taken care of Joe contacted Lord Kitchener to advise him of the recent death. Why would anyone want this person dead? Joe thought.

Lieutenants Morant and Handcock with 'Bushveldt Cabineers' rode to Viljoen farm. Same place as Captain Hunt murdered. Lieutenant Morant found the farm abandoned. In his haste to find the culprits who murdered his friend, he pushed his troops throughout the day tracking the Boers. Just on dusk he found them camped in a ravine.
Instead of closing in with stealth, Lieutenant Morant roared an order. 'Charge men. Kill the bastards.' Breaker Morant's hot headedness alarmed the Boers who escaped. Lieutenant Morant lost the element of surprise. Most escaped accept one Boer named Visser, wounded in the ankles. They camped the night in the ravine. Visser shackled to a nearby tree with a guard overnight.
Next morning a native runner bought a message to Lieutenant Morant. Fort Edward was in danger of being attacked by the Boers. Lieutenant Morant decided to return to Fort Edward. Before leaving he ordered a firing squad to shoot Visser. When no volunteers put their hand up, Lieutenant Morant shouted, 'Lord Kitchener gave direct orders to take 'no prisoners'.' He again called for a firing party.
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