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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:01 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 38:

Joe decided to speak with the driver and conductor.
‘Have you any idea why the Boers attacked this train?’ He asked.
‘Attack each week.’ The Conductor answered. His accent difficult to understand.
‘Where are we going?’ Joe asked both men.
‘Pretoria.’ The driver admitted.
This was like drawing teeth to receive answers to his questions. Joe decided to allow both men move on with their job of driving the train. After all dead buried the conductor shouted for all to re-join the train continued on its journey.
Joe recorded information of the dead soldiers as he moved through the train to note injury of soldiers. Sighting a couple of soldiers with bandaged heads he asked. ‘How're you doing soldier?’ Joe's concern showed.
‘Lucky to be alive thanks to you Sir. If you hadn’t taken control of the situation how many more friends be dead. Good job.’ The injured soldier attempted to salute. Joe stopped him.
‘Who are looking after these soldiers?’ Joe questioned. The bandages appeared to be professional wrapped.
‘I am Sir. Before volunteering I was a doctor.’ A soldier admitted.
‘You’ve done a fine job. Continue. Thank you for your services.’ Joe spoke in an endearing voice. ‘How are the other soldiers who were injured?’ Joe questioned.
‘Each one have minor injuries. One soldier copped a bullet to the shoulder. The bullet passed through. I stitched the wound. He should recover.’ The doctor soldier replied.
‘Any other medical personnel here?’ Joe commanded. Two soldiers raised their hands in response.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:53 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 39:

‘What medical experience do you each have?’ Asked Joe.
‘Ambulance bearer. First-aid. Sir’. One said.
‘Same here.’ Other replied.
‘Would you each help the doctor with what he needs to do. I’d appreciate your help.' Both nodded.
Joe raised his voice so all of the remainding soldiers understood. ‘This was a battle we didn’t expect. Thank you all for your courage and fight. Keep your eyes open for any other attacks. We should arrive in Pretoria without any further trouble.’ Cheers rang out from all of the men.
Joe returned to sit with Billy plus 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' soldiers.
‘You did a bloody great job Joe. Or should I address you as Sir?’ Billy questioned.
‘No need for that bullshit. Did what I thought was right at the time. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Wonder if the conductor carries any refreshments on board this train.’ Joe questioned.
‘I’ll ask.’ Billy left his seat walked to the rear carriage of the train to ask the conductor. Afterwards Billy returned with the conductor carrying cartons of alcohol. ‘We found this lot in the back carriage. Didn’t have a name. Have no idea who owns the bottles. Champagne written on the box. Conductor tells me the liquor is transported for Top Brass at Pretoria.’ Billy finished by extracting a bottle from one of the cartons, open the lid, swallowed a mouth full. ‘Fizzy, but good.’ He finished, handed the bottle to Joe.
Joe took a swig, coughed, shouted. ‘Hand these out to all who want them. Merry Christmas everyone.’ Joe continued to drink from the bottle.
Within a short time, everyone on the train discovered Champagne.
Joe asked. ‘Does anyone have knowledge how to drive this train apart from the driver?’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:14 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 40:

A young fellow stood up raised his hand. ‘Yes Sir. I drove these trains before I joined this fight.’ The young soldier shouted.
‘Are you happy to go ahead to the driver to relieve him while he also enjoys Christmas Eve drinks?’ Joe asked of the soldier.
‘Yes Sir. My pleasure Sir.’ The soldier walked through the carriages carrying a couple of bottles of Champagne.
Joe returned to his seat relaxed to enjoy the company of his friend Billy gathered together with 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' soldiers. His mind returned to Hannah wondering what she’d think of his actions in handing out grog to all the soldiers not knowing who owned the Champagne.
Whilst the train chugged along some soldiers harmonised in songs of Christmas starting with Waltzing Matilda. The Champagne worked, thought Joe when he joined in the chorus with Billy and the other soldiers.
‘Billy. Can you do me a favour mate?’ Joe asked his friend.
‘Anything.’ Billy slurred holding a bottle of Champagne up to his lips slurping the final dregs from the bottom of the bottle.
‘Would you grab a couple of soldiers, gather the empty bottles. Make certain everyone is finished. Replace them into the empty cartons, return them to the conductor who’ll put them back where he found them. I’d hate to think the owner of the Champagne don’t miss the contents.’ Joe finished.
‘Good as done.’ Billy gathered the empty bottles replaced them into their cartons with the help of the other soldiers. Returned them to the conductor’s wagon.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:10 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 41:

Chapter 6

Arriving at Pretoria Railway Station Joe’s surprise after the train stopped a distinguished dressed soldier entered his carriage. ‘Who is in charge?’ This soldier shouted.
Joe stood to salute. ‘I suppose I am.’ Joe stated. Being given the leadership before leaving on this journey.
‘You are to come with me.’ Joe followed this soldier to an awaiting carriage drawn by two magnificent black horses.
‘Can you at least tell me where we’re going?’ Joe asked his companion.
‘I’ve been instructed to escort you to Commander Lord Roberts.’
‘Who is Lord Roberts. May I ask?’ Joe queried.
‘Commanding Officer for Transvaal.’
Their carriage stopped in front of a building Joe recognised as important. After alighting, he followed the soldier into the building direct to an office. The soldier stood at attention, knocked on the close door. A loud voice called. ‘Enter’. The soldier opened the door, Joe followed to stand erect in front of a desk.
‘Are you in charge of the soldiers on the train?’ Joe nodded. The Commander stood, walked around his desk, took hold of Joe’s hand, shook hands, smiled. ‘Take a seat. What you did to those Boers who attacked your train. Remarkable. I’m Commander Lord Roberts.’
Joe couldn’t speak. Cat had his tongue. His mind raced a thousand mile a minute to take in what his Commanding Officer said. Joe sat on the seat offered by his Commanding Officer.
‘Do you drink tea?’ Lord Roberts asked in a more relaxed English accent. Joe nodded. ‘Black or white, sugar.’
‘Black……thank you.’ Joe muttered.
‘Black tea plus my usual.’ He shouted. ‘Now tell me, what is your name?’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:02 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 42:

‘Joe Gibson Sir.’ Joe expressed in a low tone.
‘You led your men into battle against the Boers who attacked the train.’ A question more than a command.
‘I suppose I did Sir. What were we to do other than shoot the enemy?’ Joe couldn’t think of anything else to tell his Commander.
‘Word reached our office yesterday. You buried the dead. Why bury the enemy?’ The Commander’s words echoed in Joe’s ears.
‘Because they died in battle. We lost ten good soldiers.’ Joe told his Commander.
‘What is your rank?’
‘Trooper, Sir!’
‘From now on you will be Lieutenant Gibson. You will continue the command of your troops.’
Joe couldn’t speak. His mind riddled with doubts to carry out his duties as a Lieutenant. ‘Thank you, Sir. Do I continue with 'Colonial Mounted Rifles'?’ Joe questioned.
Another officer entered the office walked up to Commander Roberts whispered in his ear, then departed.
‘I’ve been told stock of Champagne from the train has been emptied. I don’t suppose you have any knowledge of how each bottle of Champagne is now empty.’ The Commander expressed in a voice to almost make Joe’s legs wobble.
‘No Sir. I do not.’ Joe lied. Small beads of sweet formed on his forehead.
‘Very well. Congratulations on your promotion. You and your 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' will be housed in the Military Barracks at Pretoria. Report to Captain Taylor. Take time off until I decide where I want your troops to fight the Boers.’ Joe stood, saluted his Commander.
'Commander. Can I promote men from my unit to the rank of Sergeant?' Joe asked.
'Of course. You carry out whatever duties you need. Tell my staff who they'll be.' Joe left the office after saluting his Commander.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Apr 06, 2021 10:41 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 43:

At the entrance to the office Joe met another officer who handed him Lieutenant bars plus insignias to be exhibited on his uniform. After fastening the insignias in the appropriate places on his uniform Joe received two sets of Sergeant strips. Another soldier waited by the carriage to return him to the train.
On Joe’s arrival, his troopers stood to attention saluting their Officer-in-Charge. Joe returned the salute. ‘Thank you everyone. My journey to Lord Roberts was fruitful. His order we march to Military Barracks in Pretoria, remain until further orders. In the meantime, relax.’ Shouts from all the troopers above the sound of the whistle of the train.
With Lieutenant Gibson riding Spartan leading his troops they marched to Military Barracks to be confronted by a guard at the front gate to the barracks. This soldier welcomed the troopers by stepping aside directing Joe with his men to Captain Taylor in charge of the Military Barracks. ‘Stand down men. I’ll speak with Captain Taylor.’ Joe entered the front entrance to the barracks. Another soldier directed him to Captain Taylor's office.
Joe stood to attention, saluted. 'Take a seat Lieutenant.' Came the instruction from a distinguished soldier seated behind the desk who stood to return the salute. He extended his hand to Joe who shook the hand and sat opposite. 'Congratulations on your promotion.' His leader offered in an inviting voice.
'Thank you Sir. Bit of a surprise.' Joe remarked. Having never served in any Armed Forces. Worked with shearers, ringers in the bush. Joe understood when speaking with superior officers or cockies to let them speak. He listened to his Captain explain news of the killing of the Boers when they attacked the train on their journey to Pretoria.
Joe sat silent listening to praise of what his troopers did.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:44 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 44:

Burying the dead including Boer soldiers.
'You wouldn't be aware about the Boers attacking the trains before you stopped them. We've suffered many causalities over the past few months. This is the first time anyone returned fire to stop them from attacking the train. You are a born leader Lieutenant Gibson.' Captain Taylor admonished.
'Thank you Captain. Was the right thing to do when we were attacked. Burying the dead seemed right at the time. Couldn't let them roast in the sun.' Joe questioned.
'You are right. We have an unwritten policy to take no prisoners. Too much to handle. Better off dead.' Captain Taylor finished.
Joe's stomach dropped as if a huge weight landed to push all of the wind from his stomach. 'Do you mean we kill all Boers on sight Captain?' Joe asked.
'Once you've identified they are Boers. Lieutenant Gibson. I mean you don't need to take prisoners. Do you understand?' Captain Taylor wanted Joe to understand the unwritten policy of 'take no prisoners.'
'Yes Captain. I do understand.' Joe's face flushed red whilst trying to understand his orders. 'Anything else I need to understand?' Joe asked.
'You and your troops will rest through to New Year at the barracks. You instruct your men they have leave until the first week in January 1900. By then I will have orders for you. Anything you wish at this stage?' Captain Taylor asked.
'Yes. One thing. Lord Roberts mentioned; promote two of my troopers to the rank of sergeant.' Joe explained.
'By all means. Tell my staff sergeant the names so the appropriate records can be recorded. That will be all. You're excused.' Captain Taylor expressed.
Joe stood, saluted, turned, left the captain's office.
After he joined his men who were standing at attention, Joe commanded. 'At ease men. I'll bring you up-to-date with everything.' Joe explained his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant called on Troopers Campbell with another trooper to approach him. Joe handed each their sergeant strips explained their duties. More or less his right hand men. All shook hands. Other troopers appeared pleased with the selection. One called on celebration by three cheers to promoted sergeants.
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