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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:16 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 17:

‘Alright. I understand your passion to be involved. I’ll need to agree with you. You’ll blame me for not allowing you to become involved. Okay, I agree.’ Martha admitted.
Nat moved around to Martha in one step, placed his arms around her shoulders, hugged her kissed her on the lips. ‘Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I won’t let you down.’ Nat whispered into her ear. ‘Joe needs to convince his wife he is going to fight in South Africa.’ Nat finished.

Joe knocked on the bedroom door. ‘Can I come in Hannah?’ His voice soft. Sobbing noise echoed through the walls stopped.
‘Come in.’ Hannah whispered.
Joe turned the door handle, opened the door; his wife sobbing. ‘I’m sorry Hannah. I should’ve spoken with you first before agreeing with Joe about fighting in South Africa.’ He walked over to his wife. She sat upright. He sat down beside her.
‘Do you want to fight in South Africa?’ She said in between sobs and hiccups.
‘Yes. I do. For our country and British Empire.’ Joe admitted. In his heart and mind, he understood why Hannah became upset with the news. She didn’t want Joe to leave her.
‘I suppose if you want to go. You should go. I will not stand in your way. I’ll wait for your return.’ Hannah blurted out her answer.
Joe wrapped his arms around his wife, kissed her on the lips. ‘I love you so very much.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:19 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 18:

Chapter 3

After the dust settled on Joe fighting in the Boer War plus Nat involved in Federation of Australia they completed their vacation in Brisbane returned to Cunnamulla.
‘Joe,’ Hannah said throwing her arms around his neck when the train arrived in Cunnamulla. ‘Great to be home. This is home Joe. Don’t you ever forget.’ Hannah smiled kissed her husband on the lips looked him in the eyes.
Nat and Martha stayed the night with Joe and Hannah excited about the news of Joe’s involvement in recruiting others to fight in ‘The Boer War’ South Africa. Nat’s excitement in working with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA in forming Federation for Australia almost turned him into another person. Martha pleased his interest for the good of Australia.
Prior to leaving Brisbane Joe and Nat met with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA at his office in Parliament, this time not accepting liquor. They spoke like ole times discussing about their tasks. Joe Gibson understood his orders. Be in Brisbane October 1899 to board a ship with other soldiers. Have their own horse. Saddles, uniforms, equipment supplied. Recruit as many as possible. Each would keep in touch with one another on a regular basis. Joe understood his task whilst Nat couldn’t wipe the smile from his face.

Hannah returned to school. Joe returned to working for her father on ‘Kahmoo Station’. Once most of the regular tasks completed Joe and Nat sat on the front veranda to discuss their futures.
‘Nat, while mustering out in the back paddock the other day, a mob of brumbies come in to water at the boredrain Billy Campbell made.’ Joe mentioned while Nat smoked his pipe, his mind on more important things.
‘Sorry Joe. What did you say. My mind is away with the pixies. Something about brumbies.’ Nat put his pipe away to pay closer attention to his son-in-law.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 19:

‘What I said. The other day while mustering; a mob of brumbies came in to have a drink at the boredrain Billy made. I was thinking.’ Joe hesitated. ‘A big black stallion led them. I’d love to capture him to take to South Africa. Tough horse for a tough journey.’ Joe finished.
‘Joe, do what you need to do. Have you asked Billy Campbell if he wants to go with you to South Africa?’ Nat expressed in a concerned voice.
‘Not yet. I wanted to raise the question at the right time.’
‘Better ask him.’
‘Okay. I’ll ask him. I wanted his help with mustering the brumbies. He may want to pick one for himself if he agrees to come with me.’
Next day while working with Billy Campbell Joe mentioned about his task of recruiting men to fight the Boers in South Africa. Billy agreed without hesitation. ‘I’d be delighted to fight beside you Joe. What do we need to do? When do we leave?’ Excitement flowed from Billy.
‘First we need to muster those brumbies in the back paddock. I want to capture the black stallion. You may want one for yourself since you’re coming with me.’ Joe admitted.
‘What does Hannah think about you going over to South Africa?’ Billy asked.
‘At first, she wasn’t happy. She listened to my reason for going; understood I need to go. Pleased you’re coming with me. Someone needs to look out for me.’ Joe expressed slapping Billy on the shoulder.
‘I’ll always keep your back Joe.’ Billy finished.
In the next fortnight, the two men built a makeshift yard to hold the brumbies from escape at the end of the boredrain. Hidden in the scrub they waited at dusk for the brumbies to water. Joe couldn’t believe how majestic the black stallion looked leading the mob. Before entering the makeshift yard, the stallion baulked, raised his head, smelt the air, stamped his front hooves, walked into the yard toward the boredrain.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 14, 2021 10:16 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 20:

Joe and Billy sprang from their hiding place after the final brumby entered the yard.
‘Quick Billy, grab the gate before they escape.’ Joe called. Both ran toward the gate to stop the stallion and other brumbies from escape. They grabbed the gate at the same time, yelling to the brumbies to stop before forcing their way through the bush-made gate.
Joe swung his whip in a circle, sound of a crack caused the brumbies to stop in their tracks. Billy fastened the gate secure enough the brumbies couldn’t escape.
‘Let them settle, Billy. They can’t escape. We’ll camp here tonight. Tomorrow we’ll work on catching the stallion. Have a look at him Billy. Tough, bright eye, built like a country dunny. Can’t wait to break him in to saddle.’ Joe expressed in excitement. Apart from Joker plus horses from the station this is Joe’s first horse. ‘You better pick one for yourself. We’ll break them in together.’ Billy looked across at the brumbies, settled, drinking from the drain.
By the end of the next day Joe controlled his black stallion he named ‘Spartan’ whilst Billy captured a bay mare to his liking. ‘I’ll take this one.’ Billy called to Joe after securing his mare. ‘She’s a beauty. I like her.’ Billy smiled.
After allowing the other brumbies to leave the yard; the tough work begun. Breaking in both horses would take a couple of days to calm them to Joe and Billy’s control. First Joe drove Spartan around the yard so they would join up. Man, beast together as one. Joe drove Spartan around the yard; Spartan’s ears moving forward, backward. Time to join up. Joe walked away from Spartan stood facing the outside yard with his back to the horse. If the horse displayed sufficient confidence with the breaker, the horse would walk up to Joe. Joe stood erect, not a muscle moving waiting for Spartan to join up. Billy sat on the top rail on the opposite side of the yard.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:22 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 21:

After a couple of moments Spartan walked up to Joe, placed his nose close to the side of Joe’s face, sniffed, stood still. Joe placed his hand onto Spartan’s nose, rubbed the horse's nose, spoke in a low voice, ‘good boy’. Joe wrapped a lead rope around Spartan’s neck moved a halter over the horse’s nose secured the straps behind the horse’s ears. ‘Good boy’. After clipping the halter into place, fastened the lead to the halter Spartan and Joe joined up. They would never be separated.
Billy couldn’t believe this manner of horse and man being joined. ‘How did you do that?’ He questioned.
‘Something I picked up one time. I always wanted to try to find out if this idea worked. Billy, this method works. Lot better than skull dragging the horse to force them to break-in to man. More gentle. You want to try this method on your horse?’ Joe led Spartan to the other side of the yard, tied him secure to the rail.
Billy prepared himself similar to how Joe did with his horse. ‘I’ve named her ‘South Africa’ on where we'll be going,’ Billy shouted to Joe. Billy whirled his rope around in a circular motion forcing his horse to gallop in a circle. More she galloped, faster she travelled.
‘Slow her down a little Billy. Let her realise you are the alpha in this mob.’ Joe interjected.
Billy did as Joe suggested. South Africa slowed to a stop. Billy walked to the railing, turned his back to his horse. Stood erect. Without delay South Africa walked to Billy, sniffed his face, Billy rubbed her nose saying. ‘You’re the best.’ After repeating what Joe did with Spartan connected the halter and lead, he led her to where Joe and Spartan stood. ‘I would not have believed what we did. This is unbelievable.’ Billy smiled, rubbed his horse’s nose. ‘Good girl. What now!’ Billy asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:13 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 22:

‘That’ll do for today. Saddles tomorrow. We’ll leave them here until tomorrow, return to our camp.’ Joe stated. Sound of a horse and sulky soon drew their attention. Nat drove toward them stopping near the makeshift yard.
‘How’re you two going? Thought I’d better bring some grub. You’ve captured your horses.’ Nat climbed down from the sulky securing the rein to a nearby tree. ‘Nice horses. I think we better leave this yard here in case we need more horses in the future.’ Nat walked over to the two men. Shook their hands.
‘We’ve picked our horses. Billy decided to come with me to South Africa. His is the bay mare. Mine’s the black stallion. I named him Spartan, Billy named his mare, South Africa.’ Joe said.
‘Good names. Suits each horse. How long before you return to the homestead?’ Nat asked.
‘A couple of days. Going to try the saddles tomorrow. We’ll ride them back to the homestead. Lead the other two. Why?’ Joe inquired.
‘I received a letter from The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA asking if you have recruited any volunteers for South Africa yet?’ Nat expressed.
‘Bloody hell. He hasn’t changed much, has he? Still bullying his way like a bull charging through a china shop. Write back to tell him, we’ll be on time.’ Joe’s anger showed.
‘He wants you to go by train to Brisbane. He’s arranged a special train for ‘Boer War’ volunteers from Cunnamulla to Brisbane. Spreading the news along the line. More the merrier he says.’ Nat finished. ‘Martha packed food for both of you for a couple of days. I’ll catch up with you both when you return to the homestead.’ Nat unpacked the food. Untied the horse.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:52 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 23:

‘Catch up with you both later.’ His words vanished into the wind as he drove the sulky toward the homestead.
‘What about The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA? He’s sucked me in again.’ Joe muttered.
‘This is a huge task for him to gather volunteers to fight in another country. Think he’s doing the right thing?’ Billy answered. ‘I’ll put the billy on.’
Joe followed Billy to their makeshift camp in amongst the mulga. ‘You still want to come? Don’t you Billy.’ Joe asked his friend.
‘Bloody oath mate. We’re in this together.’ Billy soon had a fire going with the billy beginning to boil. ‘I’ll make a cuppa. Have a look what food the missus sent us.’ Billy made two pannikins of tea. Handed one to Joe. ‘Here’s a biscuit.’
Joe sipped his tea, ate a biscuit. ‘Sounds as if this’ll be a huge shindig by the sound of things to come. With The Honourable Joseph Bloody Ryan, Esquire, M.L.A. being in charge. He gave me the job to arrange volunteers, not him to do what I needed to do.’ Joe’s anger rose at the thought of Joe Ryan making him do things he wouldn’t receive gratitude for.
‘Don’t worry Joe. In the end, you and I both will be fighting whoever we’re to fight. I’m going because you asked me so nice.’ Billy laughed, drank his tea, ate his biscuit. Silence fell between the two friends. Luck would play a huge part in their future for each didn’t have a clue on their future.

Over the next week Joe and Billy broke their horses into saddle. Spartan pig rooted a little when the saddle tightened on his girth, apart from this small incident Joe rode him out. After satisfied with their breaking-in ability of their horses they cleared the camp to ride back to the homestead.
‘They’re as quiet as mice.’ Nat told them when they arrived back at the homestead.
‘Yeah, Spartan pig rooted a couple of times afterwards settled. He’s got a brain in his head.’ Joe answered Nat.
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