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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:26 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 117:

Ryan discovered more bores on Nat’s properties during the same period. Todd’s position in supervising the building of the railway station plus being Chairman of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’ started to take effect on his health. His anger showed through frustration after the building completed of the railway station. Todd was not satisfied with the final project at times vented his anger on people around him.
‘Sorry for being so cranky Mel.’ Todd tried explaining to his wife frustrations of being unhappy with the completion of the railway station. ‘This is not what I wanted. Not the railway station in my vision. Some idiot in Brisbane probably doesn’t have a bloody clue where Cunnamulla is, so decided to plan a railway station without thinking about what the town needed.’ Todd explained pushing his fingers through his hair in frustration.
‘I’ll support you in everything you do Todd. Can’t you have the changes done to how you want them to be?’ Melinda didn’t want to interfere in her husband’s business.
‘I’ll work something else out.’ Todd told his wife.
Later in the night after going to bed Melinda awoke smelling smoke. ‘Wake up Todd. A fire.’ Melinda shouted to Todd late into the night. ‘I think the fire is at the railway station.’
Todd jumped from bed, ran to the rear door, ‘the railway station.’ Todd pulled on his trousers, shirt, boots, ran from the bedroom out of the house toward the railway station. Flames engulfed the whole building. People gathered trying to bucket water onto the flames to no avail.
‘Sergeant Gray.’ Todd called. The sergeant helped other citizens of the town bucket water onto the flames.
Sergeant Gray turned. Todd ran toward the fire. ‘Hold back Todd. I don’t think anything more can be done.’ His reply raspy. He coughed. ‘Must’ve gotten smoke into my lungs. Sorry Todd.’ Todd often met the sergeant when visited the railway station to speak about the progress of the building.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:05 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 118:

The building totally destroyed by fire. Whether to laugh or cry. Shock of the fire started to work on his mind. What should I do now? He pondered. ‘Nothing we can do here Sergeant Gray. Would you like to come to my home for refreshments?’ Todd asked. Sergeant Gray nodded followed Todd to his home.
‘You want something to drink Todd?’ Melinda shouted when the two men approached the house.
‘Yes dear. Something strong for Sergeant Gray and myself. Nothing more we can do tonight.’ Todd shouted back.
Todd suffered enough with the powers-to-be in Brisbane so decided to write a letter to The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA, to seek his help in building a new railway station of the modern era, not some eye-sore. After venting his anger in writing he sealed the letter addressed to his Member of Parliament. Todd went over the heads of his department but didn’t care because in his mind’s eye the railway station which should make Cunnamulla proud with all passengers pleased to be at the end of their journey. Todd’s new plans he enclosed in the envelope.
Within two months Todd received from The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA, a letter written by his own hand explaining he received his request. After a meeting with Railway Department Management agreed to Todd’s plans of the new railway station with approval to proceed immediately. The deadline of October 1898 would still be the date required for the opening.
Todd’s enthusiasm reached heights he never thought possible. His mind focused. Material plus working gangs arrived, work immediately began. His plan to construct a huge steel cover across the double railway lines so when the train engine stopped each passenger decamped from their carriage undercover to step onto the platform.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:13 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 119:

Second stage to build a modern type railway station housing the staff, baggage area for passengers to collect their baggage after leaving the train, all undercover for the comfort of the passenger. Cunnamulla’s temperature at times reached one hundred and twenty degrees in the shade, compared with winter weather at times close to zero degrees. Front of the railway station to be constructed similar to homes built in the town with a large front open veranda, centre opening, columns spaced evenly along the front of the building to show a homestead type building. A separate goods shed built nearby along the track for the business people to easily access delivery of their goods.
Todd understood completely what he needed to do in the shortest time possible. His skills to organise, work with others to complete the project upper most in his mind. Perhaps the burning of the recently built railway station may have been a blessing in disguise to prove his worth as Chief Engineer. He would do the best job possible in the time required.
With October 1898 closing in only painting needed for the completion of the railway station. Todd’s job of completing this huge task completed on time.
‘Mel. I’m done.’ He expressed to his wife after showing her the results of his work in building the most modern railway station in the State.
‘I’m proud of what you’ve done Todd. Congratulations’.
On 10th October 1898, a huge gathering of Cunnamulla’s townsfolk stood in front of the railway station. Seated were distinguished guests, one in particular, The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA who would officially open the railway station in honour of the citizens of Cunnamulla.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:07 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 120:

When time came to official open The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA stood in front of the crowd. ‘Citizens of Cunnamulla. Thank you all for inviting me to officially open Cunnamulla Railway Station. Before I commit this honour would Ryan Carlson pleased join me.’
Ryan sat with his parents on the large front open veranda. His mother squeezed his hand looked Ryan in the eyes nodded. Ryan stood erect, his legs barely carrying him almost turning to jelly. His nerves on edge. He had no idea why he was being invited to stand beside such a distinguished gentleman. Approaching this person Joe put his hand out to shake Ryan’s hand guided him to stand beside him.
‘Citizens of Cunnamulla. This is indeed a great moment for the township of Cunnamulla in more ways than one. On my left is a young gentleman, eleven years of age, who without his skills in finding water in this area, this town would not become anything if not for this young man. I introduce Ryan Carlson, the Water Diviner.’ Everyone in the audience cheered clapped. Joe Gibson stood clapping loudly with a smile wide across his face.
‘Good on ya Ryan.’ Joe shouted above the crowd.
When the crowd quietened The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA continued, ‘I’m proud to announce Ryan Carlson is awarded The Certificate of Cunnamulla Youth of the Year for discovering water in this area. Ryan, I congratulate you on your efforts.’ Ryan handed a framed certificate showing his reward for finding water in this dry portion of Australia. Tears of pride sprung into Ryan’s eyes. He nodded returned to sit beside his parents.
‘Next my duty here is to call upon Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer.’
Todd stood walked to the same place his son had stood. He shook hands with his Member of Parliament. ‘Citizens of Cunnamulla, you all would agree when I say how glorious this Cunnamulla Railway Station is. How proud you all should be in the completion of this huge project. If not for this man, this grand railway station wouldn’t be possible. Todd, I congratulate you on completing this huge project.’ He shook Todd’s hand.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:08 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 121:
‘Before I officially open Cunnamulla Railway Station, I would like to say a few words to show how this man standing beside me has commenced another project in his life. Todd Carlson is not only a Chief Engineer, also Chairman of ‘The Great Artisan Water Basin’ Committee for this area.’ Silence fell across the crowd.
‘A couple of years ago I wrote to Todd asking him to form a committee to oversee the development of finding water in this region. With the assistance of his two committee members, Joseph Gibson and Nat Young, plus young Ryan Carlson these four citizens have discovered water in this region to help this country survive through one of the worst droughts in this country’s short history. I present to you the first Commissioner of Water and Resources appointed in Queensland, Mr Todd Carlson.’ Todd looked at his member of parliament shocked. Everyone cheered.
Voices in the crowd called out ‘Good on ya Todd.’
After the gathering quietened The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA continued. ‘This is indeed a proud moment in the history of Cunnamulla. I now have the honour to proclaim the Cunnamulla Railway Station officially open.’ He drew back a curtain showing the official plaque of the opening.
1898 certainly became a great year for the Carlson family. Everyone celebrated throughout the night. By the end of festivities Todd still couldn’t believe the position bestowed upon him as Commissioner of Water and Resources in Queensland plus Ryan receiving a government certificate for work he discovered. Everything was good in the Carlson family. What next.
If you have fallen in love with Ryan, please leave a review. Thank you for taking your time to read this book.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:15 pm

The Year That Never Was:
By Pat Ritter

First published by Pat Ritter in 2017. Copyright © Pat Ritter. Publishing printing rights held by Pat Ritter. The author takes no responsibility for how the reader might apply the ideas contained in this book.
This publication remains the copyright property of the author, may not be reproduced, copied nor distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy reading this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy, where they can also discover further works by this author. Thank you for your support.
Front and back covers. I want to express my gratitude to Melissa Smith who has done a great job. If you want Melissa to create your next cover I highly recommend you do. She can be contacted on
Fourth in this 'Outback Australia' series from 1899 to 1902 in Australian history. Australians fought in the Boer War in South Africa. Federation of our nation. Two great events in our history during this period. Although this book is fictional many of the events are true in our history. Each character is created from my imagination.
One important addition to this book is a song written by my fellow member of Pomona Writers Group. At one meeting Evie Pikler asked to sing a song she'd written more than thirty years before. Evie sang 'Australia Calls Us Home'. Tears welled in my eyes after she finished her song. I asked her if she'd permit me to include her song into this book. Evie agreed. Click onto this link: to watch Evie's great song of 'Australia Calls Us Home'. I thank Evie from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to use her song in this book.

Story Thus Far:

The Shearer’:

‘The Shearer’ is the first book in 'Outback Australia' series. Set in 1891. Scene of ‘The Great Shearers Strike’. Major character Joe Ryan who fought for better working conditions and wages for his fellow shearers.
1890 Joe Ryan met his friend Joe Gibson, a fellow shearer to help fight for better working conditions and wages.
During the strike, graziers wouldn’t permit ‘striking shearers’ to shear their sheep. Contracted shearers were those who held a ‘non-union ticket to shear’ only hired by graziers. Joe Gibson held this ticket.
At the height of ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Joe Ryan gathered his shearers to strike on the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Four months they survived until police intervened to stop the strike. Joe Gibson met his friend Joe Ryan on the final day at the strike camp before police arrived. They exchanged clothing and personal items. Joe Gibson took Joe Ryan’s place to change identities.

‘Click Go The Shears’:

‘Click Go The Shears’ is the second book in 'Outback Australia' series. Follow-on from ‘The Shearer’. Joe Ryan who has the identity of Joe Gibson escapes capture whilst Joe Gibson takes the place of Joe Ryan to be tried for leading the strikers. Thirteen strikers appeared in court. Each sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for their part. Joe Ryan (Gibson) served his imprisonment at St Helen Island Prison in Moreton Bay.
At the end of his prison term both Joes met at Barcaldine (original town where strike occurred) to return to their own identities. Joe Gibson returned to Cunnamulla met Hannah who still resided with Ma at her boarding house. Joe and Hannah fell in love. In the final end to this story, they marry. Hannah’s father gifts his property ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to them as their wedding gift. The story continues:

‘Tilbaroo Station’

‘Tilbaroo Station’ is the third book in 'Outback Australia' series. Joe discovers an artisan bore on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Nat wants all of his nine remaining properties to have bores. The only person who divined for water is deceased. By accident Hannah discovers a student in her class, ten-year-old Ryan Carlson who discovers water on Nat’s property.
Underground artisan water is discovered in 1897. Ryan’s father, Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer for Queensland Railway Department employed to build the rail link from Charleville to Cunnamulla has been selected by The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to oversee the bores established in the region. A committee is formed with Joe Gibson, Nat Young being members of the committee. Todd Carlson, Chairman.
By the end of 1898 a newly constructed Cunnamulla Railway Station has been built. Underground water discovered on many of Nat Young’s properties. Todd Carlson, Chairman of ‘Great Artisan Water Basin Committee’ has been appointed Commissioner of Water Resources for Queensland. The story continues:

‘The Year That Never Was’

‘Boar War’ is the fourth book in 'Outback Australia' series. This is an exciting period for Australia because after Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770, settled by Europeans, Australia finally became a Nation with the election of their first Prime Minister. Also, young Australians represented their Colony on behalf of British Empire left their homeland to fight Boers in the 'Boer War' in South Africa. Read on to discover this important occasion involving Joe, Hannah and her family.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:05 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 2:

Chapter 1

‘Joe. The year that never was. I think 1898 being that year. Drought; our friends leaving, only you and I left.’ Hannah expressed to Joe seated on their swing on the front veranda at their new home on ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
‘Cheer up my dearest darling Hannah.’ Joe expressed in an endearing voice. ‘What about our other friends, Keith, Daisy, Desi, plus little Daisy? They’re still here. 1899 began with hope. Rain will come. One day, I hope.’ Joe looked toward the horizon to thin sweeping clouds. ‘Not much cloud. Plenty of heat. No bloody rain. More bores to drill. This year. A year to remember. Not that never was.’ Joe continued in an uplifted tone hopeful to cheer his wife. Joe’s greatest concern, Hannah. He didn’t want her to worry since their friends left for greener pastured.
Carlson family left six weeks before to take up their new positions in life. Hannah missed her friend Melinda, plus young Ryan. She needed to gain another interest in her life. A couple of days before, she received a letter from Melinda. Her family settled in Brisbane. Todd enjoyed his role as Commissioner of Water Resources for Queensland. Ryan enrolled at a prestigious school whilst Melinda tried to ‘fit in’ with city folk. Melinda couldn’t believe twelve months before she lived in a tent in the middle of nowhere. Now lived in the lap of luxury not wanting for anything.
Hannah’s thoughts returned when she first met young Ryan. One of her students at Cunnamulla State School where she taught. Her life changed from this moment. Ryan impressed Hannah with his ability to divine for water on her father’s properties. A simple task of finding an appropriate fork from a nearby mulga tree, striping the bark with his pocket knife, placing the fork between his index finger and thumb, walk, walk and walk until the fork bent indicating water below the surface.
Before Ryan left, he divined for water on all of her father’s properties. Waiting now for Billy Campbell to bore at each location to find water to establish a bore from the artisan water basin. No mistake, Ryan Carlson saved the west from the harshest drought ever in this outback region. Once the Carlson family moved to the city; Hannah suffered abandonment. She needed to do something.
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