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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:08 pm

Thank you dub: here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 103:

‘I imagine so.’ Joe continued on until he come to a brand new built home at the end of the railway line. ‘Look Ryan. Your mother’s standing on the front veranda.’ Joe stopped the sulky near the house. Ryan jumped down ran to his mother wrapped his arms around her.
‘Welcome home Ryan to your new home. Are you coming in Joe?’ Melinda shouted to Joe who stayed with his sulky.
‘I’d better be getting home to the missus. Been away too long. Catch up with you later Ryan. Thanks again for your help in finding water on ‘Moonjaree Station’. Say hi to Todd. Tell him I’ll talk with him before I leave town.’ Joe clicked Joker toward home.
Ryan’s excitement to live in town; have his own bedroom, overwhelmed him. ‘Mom. My own bedroom. Can’t wait.’ He said with a smile deep down he couldn’t have been happier than to have his own bedroom.
‘Sure. Through this way.’ Melinda led the way from the veranda down a hallway to Ryan’s bedroom. ‘Your own bedroom. I’ll leave you unpack.’ She left Ryan alone.
Through dinner Todd asked Ryan if he found water on ‘Moonjaree Station’.
‘Mr Campbell is going next week to start boring where I divined in the far western paddock. I walked for days until the fork bent toward the spot. Mr Grieg and I placed sticks on the spot. Mr Grieg couldn’t believe I found water with a fork stick.’ Ryan explained excited to explain his find to his father.
‘Never mind Mr Grieg. Your father has never understood how you have this so called ‘gift’. No matter what I think, finding water in this part of the world is important for the future. I’m pleased you have this gift. Never let anyone tell you different’. Todd smiled to show how proud of his son’s achievements at the same time ruffled his son’s hair to show endearment of his love.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:05 pm

Thank you dub: here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 104:

‘Can I ask you something Dad?’ Ryan asked.
‘Certainly.’ Todd puzzled by his son’s request.
‘Now the railway line is in the town. When do you start building the Railway Station?’ He asked.
‘Funny you should mention about building the Railway Station. I received in the mail today plans for the construction. Do you want to have a look at them?’ Todd asked.
‘Yes. Please.’ Ryan asked in an excited voice.
‘Wait until we finish dinner, wash-up, then I’ll show you.’ Todd explained.
After finishing their chores Todd retrieved the plans from his office spread them on the kitchen table pointing to a platform station. ‘I don’t understand why they need to build something so small. Cunnamulla is at the end of the western line needs to show how important the town is growing. I’ve got to October 1898 to finish this project.’ Todd explained.
Ryan’s eyes widened at the sight of the plans. ‘How will you build this. Looks like a lot of work.’ Ryan asked.
‘Material is being transported here by rail in the next couple of weeks. Two gangs to be accompanying the material. They’ll do all the construction whilst I keep an eye on the progress to make certain everything is finished by October next year.’ Todd explained to his son.
‘Wish you luck Dad.’ Ryan finished.
‘I don’t think I’ll need luck son. The station is smallest one I’ve seen. Won’t take long with two gangs to build one this small.’ Todd looked desponded.
Joe arrived home to a warm welcome from Hannah. ‘I missed you.’ Hannah said when she placed her arms around Joe’s neck kissed him on the lips. Hannah so pleased to have her Joe living again under the same roof, to cook him meals, sit on the front swing after dinner at night discussing their plans for the future. This particular night Joe wanted to discuss the building of their home on ‘Tilbaroo Station’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:02 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 105:

‘Now the shearing is done for another year I want to ask your father if I can have the rest of the year off to build our home at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to celebrate Christmas in the home on our property. What’d think?’ Joe explained.
Hannah immediately wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck, kissed him on the lips, ‘I love you so very much Joe Gibson. Tell Pa you’re having the remainder of the year off to build our home. He’ll agree or have me to deal with.’ A stern feature on her face showed Hannah’s ability she had her father wrapped around her little finger.
‘Okay, when I return. I’ll ask him. I’m so pleased with those two boys, Ryan and Desi. Wish school didn’t interrupt what I’m doing. Love them to help me build our home.’ Joe inquired.
‘Not possible. Perhaps after school is finished they can help.’
‘I think your father will have them working on his properties. Desi is handy driving the delver with the team of horses whilst Ryan, he finds water. Time for bed. Plenty to do tomorrow.’ Joe took his wife’s hand, led her to their bedroom.
Once Todd sighted the latest bore after Billy Campbell found water he recorded the details in a report to the Brisbane office for recording purposes. Peter Grieg went with Todd to the bore to show him the location.
‘You must be proud of your son for this gift he has to find water. I can’t tell you how happy we are of his achievements. Without water. Well, I don’t need to tell you what’d happen in this part of the country. He’s saved us in this terrible drought.’ Peter explained.
‘You don’t need to preach to the converted because honestly Peter, I have no idea how he finds water with that bloody forky stick. When we built the railway line from Charleville he found water at each camp along the track. Out here in the bush Ryan’s gift is a mystery to me and many others.’ Todd explained.
‘Mystery or not. He’s got something.’ Peter finished.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 26, 2021 9:54 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 106:

Chapter 15

Nat approved Joe have six months off work to build his home on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. In his generosity, he provided on full wages, same two men who helped Joe extend the shearing sheds on the properties. Joe couldn’t have been happier with Nat’s generosity especially allowing his men to help. In six months, Joe would have his home completed ready for Christmas 1897.
With sufficient timber on ‘Tilbaroo Station’ Joe his two workers cut timber into lengths similar to when he built Hannah’s home. Dragging them to the site near the bore his plan to replicate the home they lived in Cunnamulla. Joe attended to each piece of timber to ensure the accuracy and standard in the building. They worked from before daybreak until the sun disappeared over the horizon.
Six months went by in a flash. Hannah’s home finished, ready for inspection. On the final week before Christmas Joe bought Hannah to inspect their new home on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Before entering the front gate, he blindfolded her so she’d be surprised when first sighting her new home.
‘Is this necessary.’ Hannah pleaded.
‘Yes. I want your first sight of the house to be a surprise.’ Joe told her.
Joe drove Joker onward stopping outside the house. ‘Hold on while I unfasten the blindfold.’
‘Joe.’ Hannah cried. Wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘This is beautiful. Thank you. Thank you, thank you.’ She released her hold. ‘Are you going to show me through our new home?’ Joe stood beside her to help her down. They walked to the front stairs hand in hand. ‘You’ve even put a swing on the front veranda. I love our new home Joe.’ Tears filled her eyes.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:02 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 107:

‘Pleased you do. If you’re happy. I’m happy. Second time around I didn’t make the mistakes I made on the first. Come inside, something I want to show you.’ Joe took Hannah by the hand, opened the front door. Lifting her up with his powerful arms, carried her across the threshold of their new home. ‘Welcome.’ He placed her feet onto the floor led her inside to the kitchen. ‘We needed to take the old stove from the burnt-out homestead. After a good clean everything worked. What do you think?’ Joe asked.
Hannah’s eyes went directly to a shiny stove reminding her of the one she had at her home in Cunnamulla. ‘As long as the stove cooks Christmas Dinner.’ Hannah ran her hand along the shiny metal noticing how clean the surface gleaned. ‘I can’t wait to have my parents plus our friends for Christmas Dinner. Seated around the kitchen table enjoying ourselves in our new home. I love you so much Joe. Thank you.’ They kissed hugged.
‘You said ‘my parents and our friends’. Who did you mean?’ Joe asked.
‘Ah, Mother, Pa, Todd, Melinda, Ryan, Daisy, Little Daisy, Desi, Keith whose returned from his walkabout. Anyone else you’d like to invite?’ Hannah expressed in a confident voice.
‘Do they realise they are all invited?’ Joe inquired.
‘Not yet. I’m certain they’ll all agree when I ask them.’ Hannah smiled, swung her arms around with glee. ‘I can’t wait to show them our new home.’ Hannah’s happiness flowed off onto Joe.
‘Hannah. Not sufficient room in the kitchen for all of these people. Our dining table isn’t large enough for a start. I’ll build a bigger one, plus seats.’ Joe tried to explain.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:58 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 108:

‘What about we have our Christmas Dinner under the gumtree where we had our first lunch.’ Hannah explained.
Joe thought for a moment. ‘Yes, I think that’d be okay. With the help of Ryan, Desi I’m certain we’ll have everything ready by Christmas Day. We have one week.’ Joe expressed. Tension leaving his body.
After everyone agreed to join them at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ for Christmas Dinner, Joe with the help of Ryan, Todd, Desi, Keith helped build a suitable table with stools for their gathering on Christmas Day.
‘I absolutely love here Joe.’ Todd expressed after they completed the task. ‘Fresh air with no worries. Can’t wait for Christmas Day. How about you Keith. Have you any work in mind?’ Todd asked.
‘None. Settle into town life. Not used sit around all day.’ Since Keith returned from his walkabout he met Daisy’s friends thanked them for looking after her during his absence. His surprise on how Daisy’s life changed from when they lived on the banks of the Paroo River. Life simple back then but with drought, difficulty hunting for kangaroo, Keith’s decision to return to live with his family bared fruit.
‘Now the railway line is through to Cunnamulla positions for fettlers along the line. I can almost promise you a job. Presently fettler huts being built at Coongoola. What’d you think?’ Todd asked.
‘Big move for me family. What would I do?’ Keith asked confused.
‘To make certain dogs are fastened properly to the railway track to keep in place.’ Todd explained.
‘Why would dogs be tired to the railway line?’ Keith frowned. He didn’t understand.
‘Dogs are not dingoes or other dogs. They are steel pegs hammered into wooden sleepers to hold the railway track in place. If any dogs came loose, the line would move causing an accident. Sorry. I didn’t explain myself.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:52 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 109:

‘How many men work. In case something happens?’ Keith asked.
‘Six to a gang. You’d be one of six.’
‘If you say so. Trust you Todd. Suppose I better be used to this way of life. Not used to wearing trousers shirt. Only wear lap lap, no shoes. Boots, feet hurt.’ Keith twisted his feet inside his boots. His clothes boots supplied by Todd shortly after Keith returned from his walkabout.
‘Have a talk with Daisy. I’ll make arrangements for you and your family to move into the first fettler hut built at Coongoola Siding if she agrees.’ Todd explained.
‘Don’t need to talk with Daisy. I make decision. I work for you Todd.’ Both shook hands to seal the deal.
‘I’ll make the arrangements. At least you’ll be paid a wage.’ Todd said.
‘Nothing about money. Daisy look after money after we come to town. Mr Meston explained money to Daisy. She keeps money.’ Keith didn’t want anything to do with money.
‘I’ll explain your wages to Melinda. She will work out with Daisy what to do. We’d better finish this table and chairs before Christmas otherwise we’ll be sitting on the ground.’ Todd smiled.
By the end of the day a huge long wooden table finished placed under the gum tree. Four stools either side of the table, two on either end. Everything looked perfect.
Christmas morning Hannah rose early to start cooking. By early morning first guests arrived.
‘Merry Christmas Mother, Pa.’ Hannah greeted her parents when they stopped at the front of the house.
‘This place is beautiful.’ Martha looked at her daughter’s new home. She wrapped her arms around her daughter’s shoulders. ‘Merry Christmas to you too.’

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