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'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

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'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:38 pm

A girl asked her bitcoin-investing parents for 1 bitcoin for her birthday [partyanimal.gif]
Mum says: What? £10026, no wait £7,740 is still a lot of money! So what do you need £7,960 for anyway :scratc
These numbers roughly being something which occurred more recently between 26 June to July 25th At this time BTC =£7,920. 12 hours later still on a slide @ £7,717 it’s a bit of a lottery. As BTC peaked @ 10k and one week later fallen back 2k. albeit within 25hrs the negative slide appears to be slowing. Clearly bitcoin cannot be viewed as a solid investment and
to quote U.S. Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin ‘who warned that bitcoin will not be widely used in ten years time, while the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is cracking down on cryptocurrency holders it thinks haven't paid their taxes.’
"I can assure you I will personally not be loaded up on bitcoin in 10 years," Mnuchin, :rotfl who earlier this month branded bitcoin and cryptocurrencies a "national security issue," told CNBC this week.

quote Richard Stoll on the Internet 1995 and just one of the many nay sayers of that period who got it wrong.
‘After two decades online, I'm perplexed. It's not that I haven't had a gas of a good time on the Internet. I've met great people and even caught a hacker or two. But today, I'm uneasy about this most trendy and oversold community :no Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems. And the freedom of digital networks will make government more democratic. :yes
Baloney :no Do our computer pundits lack all common sense :no The truth in no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works :yes
Consider today's online world. The Usenet, a worldwide bulletin board, allows anyone to post messages across the nation. Your word gets out, leapfrogging editors and publishers. Every voice can be heard cheaply and instantly [sleepy1.gif] Result every voice being heard. This cacophony more closely resembles citizens band radio, complete with handles, harassment, and anonymous threats. When most everyone shouts, few listen. How about electronic publishing? Try reading a book on disc. At best, it's an unpleasant chore: the myopic glow of a clunky computer replaces the friendly pages of a book. And you can't take that laptop to the beach bigwave.gif Yet Nicholas Negroponte, director of the MIT Media Lab, predicts that we'll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Internet. Uh, sure :indifferent Clifford Stoll,

The President and Steven Munchin lol are statistically wrong :shock: :director Michael Edwin Blackadder :-D
To quote Benjamin Disraeli: "There are three kinds of lies: “Lies, damned Lies, and statistics."

Landmine verses goldmine 100,000,000 satoshi = one bit coin then if one
satoshi.png (4.23 KiB) Viewed 9996 times
satoshi as of now is = to £0.0001 GBP 2 million Sat warrants an input of roughly £200 of fiat :-D
On CoinBase it’s possible to set reoccurring payments to purchase mainstream currencies such Satoshi
satoshi.png (4.23 KiB) Viewed 9996 times
or BitCoin, Etherium, LiteCoin, bitcoin cash and others...Plus I’ve earned some XLM, BAT, EOS and some others for completing lessons, totalling roughly in £40 GBP. With some satoshi on hand if you join other platforms like kraken and binance you can then transfer satoshi and purchase other assets to familiarise yourself with the workings of crypto currencies. Albeit even after a year of being a customer CoinBase there many features I’ve yet to test out. Finally much of what I’ve seen is far from Satoshi Nakamoto vision of taking your money out of the hands of Banks & Governments albeit it’s early on in the wider scheme of all things 21st century. Sadly, I along with the nay slayers and the quoted persons I’ve used for my justifications :rotfl all regretfully and likely be dust as the new ways to transact take centre stage :innocent (unless of course they are genetically digitally enhanced elite homo saps) :Beatnik This along with the internet of all things and Artificial intelligence will become our everyday experiences :earth
BOOM :blowup
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them :getsmiley
1 You missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
2 You were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

:director Michael Edwin Blackadder :-D

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xpo:Bank Scam

Postby smug » Sun Aug 04, 2019 12:33 am

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Re: 'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby ArthurBrown » Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:49 pm

cognizance wrote:More like Total Recall! To be seen or not to be seen that is the question… A glimpse into what’s to come
When fashion meets personal security
Facial technology is here and now. Government opinions suggest it’s not a wise way forward. “yea I’m dunk blue” unless it’s a code 57
It’s not what they tell us its more about what they fail to mention..................................

‘Liberty’ the organisation are rejecting mass surveillance.
The UK’s Investigatory Powers Act is the most intrusive surveillance law ever introduced in a democratic country.
Liberty are taking the government to court to stop them from being able to, intercept everyone’s digital communication in bulk, hack into our computers, phones and tablets and create vast personal ‘datasets without suspicion of a crime being committed.
This information reveals a lot about each of us, our health problems, our political views, our religious beliefs, our sexual preferences, our daily habits and our everyday movements
Liberty says “There’s no evidence that harvesting huge vats of sensitive personal information helps anything”

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'Landmine' versus 'Goldmine'

Postby gooner » Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:19 pm

:glasses Away from the ‘landmine versus goldmine blog’ 66 days icon_paper.gif and following the price resurgence of BTC :shock: having since been slowly going South, with BTC as of now, hovering around 6.5k ish. :scratch Had I been watching rigorously and the proud owner of a satoshi stash, :wub speculatively speaking a serious profit could have been had over these months and am in no doubt many have just had that. Buy the dip I now hear and frequently seeing this statement on the net. Albeit, as an investment and to make short term quick gains, I mean serious profit you need to be cash rich focused and have time on your hands; for example if 1 BTC increased by 5k and you had 100 in your wallet (an increase which roughly occurred over past months) you would most would want to have an exit strategy for the additional 500k. But it’s not that straight forward, focus and continual learning and keeping up to date with BTC events is a key to any successes. A more sublime approach is to follow my referral link to coinbase purchase bits of bit coin satoshis. This strategy is aimed at learning more about digital assets while investing small Say for example BTC is currently £6556.56 then 1% ish is £65.56 so 200,000,000 satoshi/100=2,000,000 therefore £6556.56/200,000,000=0.0000327827 *2 mill satoshi = to 1 BTC...multiply the number in bold (satoshi) by 2 million as of time of writing £65.56 will get you roughly 2 million :shock: :shock: :shock: satoshi; if over time say 12 months satoshi surges 100% £6,556.Looking at the numbers and my prior assertion if a satoshi equals a penny then 1 BTC will b worth £1,000,000 the point lol no pun being it’s a different number game with loads of potential for movement it’s the 21st century :punch
:director my referral link arrow

BOOM :blowup
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them :getsmiley
1 You missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
2 You were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

:director "get in :-D on the action :punch

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ArthurBrown, Nevis
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'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:17 pm

Following a 2 year period of rest [sleepy1.gif] away from my landmine v goldmine blog and as with the recent surge in the crypto universe :drummer BTCoin leading the charge rising above the 30,000 GBP mark. icon_paper.gif Harking back 2 years past when I put my money alongside my assertions that bitcoin would not disappear and continue to grow in popularity and value.
Currently the £100 spent on BTC minus and CoinBase commission £6 ish the value of the asset has grown to roughly £384 albeit falling from £500 at its peak 2 weeks earlier; BTC falls back to the £23k mark as of now.
And while the current naysayer’s rhetoric hasn’t changed much in 2 years, market acceptance has, as more recently PayPal has embraced the currency highlighting that institutions are beginning to perceive Bitcoin as a store of value.
My belief that COinbase was a good starting at that time for any budding cryptonian and still believe so. Coinbase continuing over time enhancing usability, friendliness, safety & security :thumbsup . The GBP wallet being a good addition and with many more features; opportunities to watch vids and earn altcoins []learn and Earn[/url]
As a very rough guide (aotow) £10 is worth about 42,126 Satoshi noting 100million sats is = to one BTC. Of late while revisiting coinbase I purchased at the going rate £10 worth of sats through Coinbase
If it increased in value by X 50 :celebrate
Along with many serious investors believing Bitcoin will surge in the years to come.
My 2 Invite: CoinBase...
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them :getsmiley
1 You missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
2 You were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

my invite to CoinBase...
Satoshi Nakamoto
Never forget the true meaning of Bitcoin:
Ending the control of Banks and Governments over your Money

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ArthurBrown, Nevis
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re Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:30 pm

[goodpost.gif] [goodpost.gif] [guitar.gif]

'Landmine' vis a vis Goldmine

Postby gooner » Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:31 pm

My 2 Invite: CoinBase...
At some point in the future when your grand kids visit you, you can either tell them :getsmiley
1 You missed the boat on cryptocurrencies.
2 You were an early adopter and made money out of trading cryptos!
But, before you choose option 2 and join the crypto world, you need to join

Whatever your perspective, and whether you agree or disagree with my vision, business as normal will not occur, mechanical :yes
Artificial Intelligence most defo trends of past decades kaput! leaving little connection to future events. Bitcoin will continue to be a force moving forward, being the first ‘off the block[goodpost.gif] likely, rightly ending as the gold standard of crypto currencies.
The next decade :scratc if you’re adverse to change hide.gif now being lost cause, as with change it will :indifferent
One example being the financial burden to countries maintaining the fiat money circulation is vast, contactless, hands free payment systems offer many advantages albeit possibly being a threat to future freedom and civil liberties.
Change it will []
my invite to CoinBase...

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ArthurBrown, Nevis
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