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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:54 pm

Thank you dub: Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 96:

‘According to Daisy, went walkabout.’ Melinda replied.
‘That’s a shame because with the extension of the railway line to Cunnamulla we’ll be looking to employ fettlers to help maintain the line.’ Todd explained.
‘I’ll tell Daisy when I next catch up with her.’ Melinda finished.
Day by day at school Ryan instructed lessons with Desi to form words from the letters he put to memory. By the final weeks of school before the mid-term break Desi understood many words practiced his writing; read from books he borrowed from the library to understand the words and meaning.
‘What’re you doing on the holidays?’ Ryan asked Desi during a lunch period.
‘Help Mom. Fish, gather bush tucker. Why?’ Desi said who improved his English by learning his words reading books.
‘Mr Young wants me to divine for water on one of his properties. Do you want to come with me?’ Ryan asked.
‘What would I do? What you do to divine for water?’ Desi queried.
‘I select a forky stick near where I divine for water. Walk around until the stick bends toward the ground, then tell Mr Campbell to drill. I found water in Mr Young’s property at ‘Kahmoo Station’ earlier this year.’ Ryan explained.
‘Are you Kadaitja Man?’ Desi asked in shock.
‘What’s Kadaitja Man?’ Ryan frowned.
Desi explained his meaning of a Kadaitja Man. Ryan’s mouth opened. ‘No. I’m not a Kadaitja Man. I can’t explain how I find water but since I’ve found water on Mr Young’s property he wants me to find water on all of his other properties.’
‘Can I come to help you find water?’ Desi pleaded.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:46 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 97:

‘I’ll ask Mr Young. I think he’ll agree.’
School holidays arrived the two boys went with Joe to ‘Kahmoo Station’ dropped them at the homestead. ‘I’ve got to check on the stock. I’ll leave you both here with Nat. Be back later on.’ Joe allowed the boys to step down from the sulky, clicked Joker drove off toward the shearing shed.
Ryan introduced his friend Desi to Nat. ‘Mr Young, Desi wants to help me find water on your property?’ Ryan asked.
‘Of course Ryan. Any friend of Ryan’s is a friend of mine.’ Nat shook Desi’s hand.
‘Thank you Mr Young.’ Desi replied.
‘What about some lunch. I’ll ask Martha to make sandwiches plus a drink to have on the veranda.’ Nat left the boys to enter the kitchen.
‘Is that an aboriginal boy Ryan has with him?’ Martha asked when Nat joined her in the kitchen.
‘Yes, his name is Desi Whiteman. I didn’t want to invite them inside because I understand you not having an aboriginal inside your home.’ Nat tried to explain without embarrassment.
‘I’ll make sandwiches. Feed them on the veranda. I don’t want an aboriginal boy in my home Nat. Where’re they going to sleep?’ Martha asked turned to make sandwiches.
‘I’ll make arrangements they stay on ‘Moonjaree Station’. That’s where Ryan will be divining for water.’ Nat explained. Martha nodded, finished making sandwiches placed them onto plates handed them to Nat who carried them to where the boys sat on the veranda.
‘Here you are boys.’ Nat placed the plates on the small table between the boys. He returned to the kitchen.
After they ate their sandwiches Nat said, ‘Ryan, I’ll take you and your friend over to ‘Moonjaree Station’. We’ll settle you both in. When you’re ready.’ Nat explained.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:37 pm

Thank you dub for your thanks: Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 98:

‘Thanks Mr Young.’ Ryan expressed in a positive voice. ‘How is the bore going?’ He asked.
‘Great so far. Plenty of water pumping. Billy is delving drains to different paddocks. He’ll be here for some time. Miles of bore drains to make. We purchased stronger horses. Joe had the blacksmith make a proper delver. I’ll show you if you want?’ Nat concluded. They both nodded between eating their sandwiches.
Nat drove to the paddock where Billy drove a dozen horses behind the new delving machine digging a deep drain from the borehead through the centre of the paddock. Nat stopped the sulky nearby.
‘I got a couple of friends to show what you’re doing?’ Nat called to Billy who stopped the horses calling their names.
‘I think time for smoko. What do you reckon?’ He called to Nat.
‘We just had smoko Mr Campbell.’ Ryan called to Billy leaving the sulky walked toward him. Ryan couldn’t believe the drain being dug so deep. ‘Mr Campbell. This is my friend Desi. He’s come to help me find water.’
Billy shook hands with Desi. ‘Pleased to meet you, young fella. A friend of Ryan’s is a friend of mine. If you don’t mind, I’ll still have smoko. You’re welcome to stay have a yarn.’ Billy concluded with a smile. He gathered small pieces of wood to make a fire.
‘I’ll do that for you Mr Campbell.’ Desi interrupted sprinted to gather small sticks leaves to make a fire.
‘You can leave your friend with me if you want Ryan. I need an off-sider to help me.’ Billy said with a grin.
‘Can I stay with Mr Campbell. Please Mr Young. I’ll do everything he asks.’ Desi pleaded. ‘You don’t mind. Do you Ryan?’ Desi asked.
Nat looked at Ryan who shrugged his shoulders. ‘If you want too. Nothing much you need to do with me. Okay if Desi stays with Mr Campbell to help him with the delving?’ Ryan directed his question to Nat.
‘No problem.’ Nat was relieved because Martha didn’t want Desi in her home. This became a solution to his problems. ‘Okay Ryan we’ll be off then. I’ll drop some things off to you later Billy for Desi. You look after him until then.’ Nat requested.
‘Sure will Nat. We’ll be fine. How long before you two return to school?’ Billy asked.
‘Another week.’ Ryan replied.
‘In that time we’ll have Desi guiding these horses digging trenches. Catch you two later.’ Billy replied to return making his fire to boil the billy.
‘Catch up with you next week Desi after hopefully finding water for Mr Young.’ Ryan replied jumping upon the seat next to Nat.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:03 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 99:

Chapter 14

Desi remained working with Billy delving a bore drain across paddocks for the remainder of the week. By the end Desi drove the horses behind the delver calling to each one by name guiding them through soil making a deep drain for the water to flow.
‘Thank you for teaching me about these horses Mr Campbell. I love working with horses.’ He told Billy when they were about to stop for lunch.
‘I’m pleased you love this job because after Ryan discovers water throughout this country someone will be needed to make these bore drains to water stock.’ Billy laughed.
Desi kept silent, his mind created a vision to be the one person to drive the horses dig the drains. His smile wide. ‘Do we stop for lunch Mr Campbell?’ Desi asked.
Billy gave his approval to stop, unharness the horses while they boil the billy to have lunch. He made mutton sandwiches for each of them after breakfast. They’d camped beside the boredrain after Nat dropped clothes plus a swag for Desi. Desi loved this life working on the property.
‘How old are you Desi?’ Billy asked while enjoying lunch.
‘Have no idea. How old Ryan?’ Desi asked.
‘Eleven, I think.’
‘I eleven then.’
‘You like school?’ Billy inquired.
‘Alright. Ryan teach me read write. Good teacher. Mrs Gibson good teacher too. I like her.’ Desi answered taking a sip of tea.
‘I wish I would’ve went to school. They teach you to read and write?’ Billy’s question a little embarrassed to share his life with an eleven-year-old aboriginal boy who he only met less than a week before.
‘Ryan teach me about letters to learn. Twenty-six. He says these letters form words. That’s all I need to learn. Ryan smart.’ Desi admitted. ‘Why didn’t you learn to read write Mr Campbell?’ Desi asked.
‘I worked with my father. He never learned to read or write so what was good for him, was good enough for me. I now wish I learnt how to read and write.’ Billy explained.
‘Ryan teach you. He good teacher.’ Desi raised the question.
‘Too bloody old for learning to read and write. Can’t teach an ole dog new tricks.’ Billy finished his sandwich and tea. ‘Sleep. You talk too much.’ Billy leaned against a log, pulled his hat over his eyes, soon snores echoed telling Desi he was asleep.
Desi sat beside another log thinking about Mr Campbell’s words. If Mr Meston hadn’t found his family camped on the Paroo River taken them to Cunnamulla, he probably wouldn’t learn how to read or write. His family most important people to Desi. Many things he learned from his father, uncles, grandfather other members of his tribe. Not reading or writing, before sleep overtook him.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:04 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 100:

After the sun moved across the sky Billy woke which startled Desi. ‘Come on we’ve got more delving to do.’ Billy rose stamped out the fire covered the burnt coals with dirt. By this time Desi ran to collect the horses harness them to the delver. He continued delving the drain toward the western end of the paddock.
Late in the afternoon Billy called Desi to stop unharness the horses. He prepared dinner whilst Desi prepared the night camp. Each swag set away from the main dining area with logs used for seating. Billy cooked potatoes plus unions in the camp oven. Nat left sufficient salted meat to last a week.
Billy handed Desi a plate of food. ‘You must be hungry with all the work you did today. You’re a good worker Desi.’ Billy complimented his aboriginal friend. Desi nodded his head too busy eating his dinner. After dinner, he washed the dishes in a pan, dried them.
‘You want a mug of tea Mr Campbell?’ Desi asked filling the billy with water to boil.
‘Sure do. Actually, I’ve been thinking about what you said at lunchtime. If you learn how to read and write. You’ll be the first aboriginal to do so. Ever think about the possibilities you’ll have.’ Billy expressed a little excitement shudder through his body thinking to motivate this young aboriginal person to become someone in the world.
‘No idea Mr Campbell. I educated. My peoples Kunja people educate me in aboriginal ways. My peoples been in this country for thousands of years. Cunnamulla in our language means long stretch of water? My peoples been hunting fishing here since Dreamtime.’ Desi couldn’t believe him sharing this information with Mr Campbell. At that moment, a light bulb illuminated in Desi’s mind showing him years older standing beside Ryan well dressed in modern clothing. Suddenly the bulb dulled. ‘I’ll think about what you said. Become first aboriginal to read write.’ Desi pondered.

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: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:15 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 101:

Shortly after daybreak the next morning Desi and Billy while having breakfast horses approached their camp. Ryan riding Buttons, Joe riding Joker stopped, riders dismounted.
‘Tie these over on that tree, will you Ryan. Thanks.’ Joe handing the reins of his horse to Ryan. ‘How’s everything going Billy, Desi? Got a spare mug of tea.’ Joe sat next to Desi.
‘Sure have.’ Billy rose from his seat called out to Ryan, ‘you want mug of tea Ryan?’
‘No thanks Mr Campbell. Just finished breakfast.’ Ryan called back joined the others.
Billy handed Joe a mug of tea returned to his seat. ‘How’d you go Ryan. Find more water?’ Billy asked.
‘Sure did Mr Campbell. We built a stack of sticks for you. On the northern end of ‘Moonjaree Station’. How’re you going Desi?’ Ryan sat next to his friend.
‘Good. Learn to delve drain.’ Desi replied.
‘Time to return you fellows to Cunnamulla. You right Billy without Desi. Anyway, another bore to dig over at ‘Moonjaree Station’. Peter Grieg can’t wait to find out if you find water.’ Joe explained.
Billy said to Desi. ‘Thank you Desi. You’ve been a great help. I’m sure Joe’ll have more work for you.’ Billy gave a nod of acceptance to Joe.
‘He did well. Did he?’ Joe asked.
‘Desi’s a born delver operator. Great with the horses. Called them all by name. Ryan finds water, I bore for water Desi makes the boredrain. You have the right people for the job Joe. What’d think?’ Billy expressed with a smile.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:08 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 102:

‘We have a great team Billy. Sad, they need to return to Cunnamulla to attend school.’ Joe finished drinking, threw the dregs from his mug on the ground. ‘You ready Desi. Ride behind Ryan.’ Joe rose from his seat farewelled Billy, walked to where Joker was tied, unfastened him, mounted waited for Ryan and Desi to follow. ‘Catch up with you in a couple of days Billy over on ‘Moonjaree Station’. They rode off.
‘Thanks Mr Campbell. Hope to come again soon.’ Desi called sitting behind Ryan on Buttons. ‘Thanks for everything.’ His words faded in the breeze.
After bidding farewell to Nat and Martha, Joe harnessed Joker to the sulky to drive the two boys to town for their schooling. ‘I’ll be in town a couple of days after I drop these boys off.’ Joe shouted when he clicked Joker to move.
They waved until the sulky faded in the distance. ‘You still don’t like Ryan’s friend. Do you?’ Nat said turned to walk toward the veranda.
‘Sorry Nat. I suppose he is a good friend to Ryan. I’ll try.’ Martha replied following her husband.
Joe dropped Desi off at his camp before taking Ryan to Cunnamulla. Since they left, the railway line ended in Cunnamulla. Todd and Melinda now lived in a new home in Cunnamulla near the end of the railway line. Queensland Railway Department built a home for the Chief Engineer and his family to live in whilst the construction of the Cunnamulla Railway Station being constructed.
‘Where’re you taking me Joe?’ Ryan asked when they entered the township rather than drive around the skirting.
‘Your parents now live in town. Your father has finished the rail line into Cunnamulla. The department built them a new house. I’ve never seen your mother so happy since she moved into her new home. Hannah has helped with the move including purchase of furniture.’ Joe explained.
‘Do I have my own bedroom?’ Cried Ryan in delight.

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