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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:16 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 82:

‘Don’t you ever tier?’ If he didn’t have proper sleep he’d never function the next day. This time of the day was much too early for Ryan but because he was on holidays hopefully before the weekend came around for him to return to Cunnamulla they’d find water. He hoped. ‘Anything for me to do?’ Ryan asked wanting to help out in some way.
‘Not at this stage. The plant is doing all the work. Sufficient wood to keep this machine going until the end of the week. No. Nothing to do but listen to ‘Canadian Bill’ hoping to reach water whenever that will be.’ Billy informed Ryan.
All through the heat of the day ‘Canadian Bill’ puffed bored deeper and deeper.
‘One thousand feet.’ Billy called out. Light faded. Joe rode toward the plant.
‘How’re you fellars going? Had any luck?’ Joe asked dismounting.
‘Down one thousand feet Joe. No water yet.’ Billy expressed in a depressed voice.
‘Keep going Billy. The Boss said keep boring until you locate water.’ Joe told Billy. ‘Are you ready to go home Ryan?’
‘Thank you Mr Campbell for today. Hope you find water shortly or you may strike China.’ Ryan giggled walked to Buttons mounted.
Early the next morning, still dark, someone shook him. He awoke to find Joe, ‘Quick Ryan. Out of bed. Billy found water. Water is shooting out of the ground twenty feet in the air. Come on quickly. You were right.’ Ryan jumped out of bed. Quickly changed his clothes pulled on his boots followed Joe to where the horses were tied to the railing.
Riding through the darkness they came upon the plant. Odour of water breathed through his nostrils fresh water with slight sulphur.
‘You bloody beauty Ryan. You were right. Water here everywhere. I needed to go down to almost fifteen hundred feet.’ Billy cried with glee wrapped his arms around Ryan’s shoulders. ‘You’re a bloody beauty Ryan Carlson.’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:00 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 83:

Chapter 12

Bush telegraph alive, news spread of this discovery especially young Ryan Carlson making him an instant celebrity with the newspaper heading: ‘Mysterious Diviner Boy Finds Water’. Water gold to these graziers. Ryan returned to school after his epic discovery. His fellow students waited anxiously for Ryan to share his story. Standing in front of his classmates presented the broken fork he used to discover ‘The Great Artisan Water Basin’ at ‘Kahmoo Station’. His explanation humble; his classmates applauded his gift to find water especially through the harshest drought recorded in their country’s history.
After his presentation at school he returned home to the applause of his parents with other railway workers.
‘Congratulations Ryan.’ A loud cry of appreciation applauded him. Joe and Hannah were amongst the crowd with his parents and friends.
Joe approached Ryan. They shook hands. ‘You’re the most popular fellow in these parts. Good on you mate. I’m proud of you.’ Joe tapped him on the shoulder. A sign of appreciation.
‘I can’t understand why everyone is so excited.’ Ryan replied in a high-pitched voice unable to understand his sudden rise of status in this community.
‘Mate, you’ve discovered gold. Underwater gold. If we don’t have water in these parts we wouldn’t live.’ Joe explained. ‘You saved our country.’ A smile spread across his face.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:29 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 84:

‘I’m proud of you, son.’ Todd said shaking Ryan’s hand. Tears filled Ryan’s eyes hearing his father speak these words. Ryan didn’t think he’d done much. To receive praise from his father certainly gave him self-assurance to find more water.
‘Thanks Dad.’ Ryan gaffed.
Melinda wrapped her arms around his shoulders whispered in his ear. ‘Love you Ryan. With all my heart.’ She released her hold.
‘Love you too Mom.’
‘Todd, may I have a few words with you please about Ryan.’ Joe asked Todd.
‘Sure mate. What’s wrong. Come over to our tent where we can talk in peace. Been quite an afternoon. I’m so proud of Ryan. Still buggered how he discovers this water with a bloody forky stick. Who cares. He found water.’ They walked to the tent entered. ‘Take a seat. I only have water I’m afraid.’ Todd joked. Joe nodded sat on a makeshift lounge. Todd handed Joe a tumbler of water. ‘Now what’s up?’
Joe took an envelope from his pocket, handed the envelope to Todd. ‘Nat asked me to give you this for Ryan as payment for finding water.’ He sipped on his drink.
Todd opened the envelope seeing money, notes. After taking them from the envelope he counted five pounds in one pound notes. ‘We can’t take this money from Nat or anyone else.’ Todd said in surprise.
‘Nat wants you to put the money in the bank for Ryan’s education. More where this came from. Nat has Ryan lined up to divine for water on all of his properties. He’s got plenty for Ryan to do. I can tell you.’ Joe explained.
‘Alright then. I’ll deposit this money into an account for Ryan plus any other money which he earns. This is a lot of money Joe. I don’t earn this amount of money. Did he do THAT good a job?’ Todd said in disbelief.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 05, 2021 9:31 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 85:

‘He certainly did. Honestly, what gift he possesses for finding water. He’ll do us.’ They both clicked their tumblers together to celebrate Ryan’s discovery. Todd continued, ‘Ryan has become the pinup student for Cunnamulla State School. His reputation extended to the capital of Queensland. The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA received regular correspondence sent by me the Chairman of ‘The Great Artisan Water Basin’ Committee for record purposes. This particular finding became especially important because Ryan being my son. Do you realise Ryan’s discovery has reached the-powers-to-be in the Capital?’ Todd expressed.
‘I didn’t. No. Isn’t this good news?’ Joe stated.
Todd moved from the lounge to his make shift desk retrieved a letter which he handed to Joe. ‘This is from your friend, The Right Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA. Wait until you read what he wrote. This is interesting.’ Todd sat silent whilst Joe read the letter.
‘Queensland Parliament has passed The Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 (Qld) which grants power to the ‘Protector of Aboriginals’ to be removed to, and kept within the limits of, any reserve situated within such District.’ Joe read aloud. ‘What’s this got to do with us?’ Joe asked.
‘Archibald Meston has been appointed ‘Protector of the Aboriginals.’ Todd expressed.
‘What’s this got to do with me?’ Joe appeared confused. A crease formed on his brow.
‘The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA is forever in your debt for what you did to save his coward hide from going to prison. He’s paying you back for what you did.’ Todd explained.
‘He doesn’t need to. On one hand, I’m pleased he appreciates what I did at the time; more pleased how he keeps me in the loop. I can’t complain. What about this fellow Archibald Meston?’ Joe finished.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:04 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 86:

‘Nothing to do with us. According to this letter from your friend in Parliament Archibald Meston has power to muster all aborigines to place them in camps. A huge task.’ Todd explained.
‘I wish him the best of British luck because those aborigines have lived in this country far longer than we have. Over the time I’ve lived here I’ve seen tribes move from place to place in search of food. I suppose with this drought they can’t hunt for their food nor fish in the rivers. Let’s hope Archibald Meston has some idea of caring for these people. Hate to be in their shoes, if they wore shoes, to find places for them to settle.’ Joe’s agitation showed to think how a do-gooda will change the plight of a human race thousands of years old survived longer than any white man to be controlled by a white race. ‘He’s got to be kidding.’ His final remarks.
‘Joe, why would this upset you so much?’ Todd asked.
‘I’ve met, with aborigines over time. Honestly they are good people. To be herded up like sheep placed into camps appear to be a bit over the top.’ Joe handed the tumbler back to Todd. ‘I’ve got to go. Tell me when you want to meet again for a committee meeting.’ Joe left the tent.
Within a month the first aborigines were gathered up settled in the sand hills south of Cunnamulla township. Out-of-sight plus out-of-mind. They settled near enough to Warrego River to fish, far enough away in the sand hills not to annoy any white townsfolk. They built gunyas, a construction of bark from trees with branches to house a small family.
During lunch break Ryan with a couple of his classmates often swam naked in the Warrego River. This particular day they went to their usual place. An aboriginal youth similar in age to themselves stood holding a spear looking into the shallow water of the river.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:09 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 87:

Ryan stood silent. This youth stared into the water holding a spear in his right hand. Suddenly he threw the spear into the water spearing a fish which hung on the end. Ryan couldn’t believe what he’d seen. His eyes almost bulged from their sockets.
‘G’day.’ Ryan called to this youth who became startled, picked up his spear with the fish attached to the end ran from the river heading toward the sand hill. Ryan called for him to stop but the youth increased pace before Ryan blinked, the youth disappeared.
After Ryan with his friends returned to school he told Mrs Gibson of their discovery. ‘They must be the first family to be bought to settle in town.’ Mrs Gibson told them. ‘I’d better go introduce myself after school.’
‘Can I come with you?’ Ryan asked in an excited voice wanting to meet the youth at the river.
‘What about your mother?’ Hannah asked.
‘Write Mom a note. Please Mrs Gibson.’ Ryan pleaded.
‘Alright then. I can’t refuse you? I’ll give a note with one of the other children to hand to your mother tell her I’ll drop you home.’ Hannah replied.
‘Perhaps stay for dinner.’ Ryan said in anticipation.
‘Perhaps.’ Hannah attended to writing a note to be delivered to Melinda.
After school Ryan helped Hannah harness Joker to the sulky.
‘Would you mind if I drove?’ Ryan asked after clipping the final harness together.
‘Do you think you can?’ Hannah asked. Ryan being eleven years old. ‘I suppose. When I was your age I did everything around the property particular drive a horse in a sulky.’ She stepped up onto the passenger seat beside Ryan who’d leaped up onto the driver’s seat taking hold of the reins steadily moved Joker off in the direction south of town.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:10 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 88:

‘Where do we go?’ Hannah asked relaxed with Ryan driving.
‘The young boy ran in this direction. He must live somewhere down this way.’ Ryan headed Joker south from the school.
‘The cemetery is about a mile south of town. Before the sand hills. We’ll have a look around the sand hills. Blind leading the blind.’ Hannah mumbled.
‘I don’t understand. We’re not blind.’ Ryan replied amazed.
‘A figure of speech Ryan. Either of us haven’t any idea where we’re going. Like searching for a needle in a haystack.’ Hannah tried to explain. ‘Don’t worry. Drive past the cemetery toward the sand hills. Hopefully we’ll find something or someone.’ Ryan looked ahead.
‘Do you ever think I’ll be as smart as you Mrs Gibson?’ Ryan asked.
‘If you stick to your study lessons. Always do your best.’ She answered thinking how intelligent Ryan showed particularly when wearing his broad brimmed hat.
After passing the cemetery the track stopped.
‘Where to from here?’ Ryan asked.
‘Dodge the bushes, head toward those sand hills.’ Hannah directed Ryan to head toward high bushes leading toward sand hills in the distance. Dodging around mulga bushes Joker suddenly stopped, whinnied. In front amongst bushes a bush made gunya. Seated cross legged a woman shabbily dressed wearing shirt and trousers. A fish in her hands.
Their eyes met. Hannah had never seen a sight like this before in her life. A small child sat beside this woman. A youth, similar age to Ryan sat on the other side. ‘Good afternoon.’ Hannah said not certain if the woman understood her language.
‘Hi Missus.’ The aboriginal woman rose in one swift movement placed the fish on the ground walked toward Hannah and Ryan. ‘Nice to meet you. I’m Daisy Whiteman. This here my daughter little Daisy, son Desi. Me husband gone walkabout.’ She put out her hand to Hannah who shook the ladies hand warmly.

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