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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:45 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 55:

‘We’ll have plenty of water now Joe.’ Nat smiled. ‘I want these bores on each of my properties. Once they’re finished with water spurting from the ground, we’ll make bore drains through each paddock to water the stock.’ His smile mirrored his excitement. ‘We’ll be saved in the drought.’
‘Hope we’ll have enough water.’ Joe’s question startled Nat.
‘Course we’ll have enough bloody water. Wait until we have a proper diviner to show us where the water is. Young Ryan Carlson will be worth his weight in gold if he can find water out in these paddocks.’ Nat swept his arm wide to show each location of his properties.
‘I’m satisfied this boredrain has the flow. Looks as if plenty of water deep down. What have we got to lose. Plenty of water in this country will save us from the greatest drought in our history.’ Joe visioned an ocean of water beneath the earth’s surface only needed to be brought to the top.
‘I can’t wait for you to take this bush delver to the blacksmith to make a proper one. Joe, we’ll need to contact Todd start this committee to show him what you’ve done.’ Nat’s excited voice flowed over to prove Joe’s theory worked.
With water flowing from the bore head down along the bore drain into Moonjaree Creek both men couldn’t have been happier. Everything worked like clockwork. After clearing their camp Joe and Hannah returned to Cunnamulla whilst Nat and Martha returned to their home. They arranged to meet in Cunnamulla the following day to speak with Todd about Ryan being the diviner plus to commence the committee for ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin’.
Early the following morning Joe visited the blacksmith who built the tongue for his delver to show him his bush made delver to make a solid replacement. After an inspection, the blacksmith agreed to ‘give anything a go’ promised nothing but at least the bush delver worked. The blacksmith needed to make the delver stronger more workable.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:25 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 56:

Nat and Martha arrived at lunchtime to join Joe and Hannah.
‘Joe, I couldn’t stop thinking about the delver you made.’ Nat smiled. ‘All I’ve thought about since seeing the water drain into Moonjaree Creek. A bloody miracle.’
‘You should talk. You kept me awake all night mumbling in your sleep about water, drains, Joe. At one time, I needed to wake you.’ Martha interrupted.
‘I took the bush delver to the blacksmith this morning. He’s going to build a stronger one. We’ll need to look for bigger horses. I’ll have a chat with ole Billy Campbell.’ Joe explained.
‘You go ahead. Do what you have to. What about we ride out to talk with Todd. I haven’t met young Ryan yet. Would love to meet him.’ Nat said.
‘He’ll be at school. A great student, attentive, always ready to learn.’ Hannah finished.
Hannah and Martha washed the dishes. ‘You don’t need us to come along? Say hello to Melinda from us, tell her to visit anytime she wants.’ Martha said to Nat before the two men left to ride to Coongoola Railway Siding.
With the sun at its zenith they didn’t worry about the heat of the sun because they wore broad brim hats. Approaching the end of the railway line the track edging closer toward Cunnamulla since Joe’s previous visit. Todd stood with men working at the end of the line.
‘G’day Todd.’ Joe called to him.
Todd looked up from his work when hearing his name.
‘G’day you two.’ Todd left his work walked toward the two horsemen who dismounted. They shook hands as a friendly greeting. ‘Come in out of this sun. Would you like a drink of water?’ Todd asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:56 am

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 57:

They all walked inside a tent used as an office by Todd. Todd poured water from a canvas waterbag filled two pannikins handed each one to both men. Joe sipped the water. ‘Did Ryan find this water?’ Returning Todd his pannikin after drinking the contents.
‘Yes, we moved camp a week ago. He found water nearby using his thingy-a-bob forky stick. Still can’t work out how Ryan finds water. Must be a gift. I dug a few feet before the water came to the surface. You want to take a seat. I’ll be right with you.’ Todd said walked from the tent. Shortly returned.
‘Okay gentlemen. What can I do for you?’ Todd sat behind his makeshift desk.
‘We’ve got some good news. Joe made a delver, dug a drain from his bore to Moonjaree Creek. When can we start with this committee. I want water on my other properties?’ Nat explained.
‘Before we start I received another letter from The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA.’ Todd fumbled through papers on his desk. He handed Joe the letter to read.
Joe opened the letter read the contents addressed to Todd. Information in the letter approved the go ahead with the committee. Personal thanks for Joe and Nat being members on the committee. He handed the letter onto Nat. After Nat read the letter returned the letter to Todd.
‘Can I ask a question?’ Todd asked.
‘Depends on the question.’ Joe answered.
‘I can’t connect the dots with you two knowing The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA.’ Todd asked.
‘Sorry Todd. A long story. I can’t speak for Nat but I have a problem when you refer to Joe Ryan as The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA. He’s just Joe Ryan to us.’ Joe explained.
‘He is a member of Parliament; should hold him in respect of his office. I’d love you both to tell me how you met him. I’ve never met him, can’t understand why he picked me to be the Chairman of this committee. A lot of responsibility.’ Todd questioned.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:20 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 58:

‘What about we tell you how we met Joe Ryan. Why he agreed for us to be on the committee.’ Joe asked.
‘Yes please. We have plenty of time. I’m listening.’ Todd sat silent.
‘Before I start you’ve got to promise you will continue on being the Chairman of this committee not walk away after I tell you about our association with The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA.’ Joe sneered.
‘Yes. I promise. Now tell me your story. I’m listening.’ Todd quietened while Joe commenced to tell Todd his story of how he first met Joe Ryan shearing at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ in 1890. Joe continued his story about Joe Ryan attending the shearing conference at Bourke in New South Wales. When he got to the part of the story about ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Nat interrupted.
‘I’d better tell this part Todd because Joe still doesn’t realise how important his actions to help Joe Ryan at the time. He still doesn’t realise what he did to change everything, including my own family.’ Nat told Todd.
‘I’m actually blown away right now listening to your story of Joe Ryan. He was the leader of ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’. Why didn’t he go to prison with the others?’ Todd asked.
‘Because this Joe took his place. When the police came to arrest Joe Ryan at the shearers strike camp, this Joe swapped clothes went in his place.’ Nat patted Joe on the shoulder. ‘At the time Joe Ryan and my daughter Hannah were engaged to be married. This Joe thought better they ‘move on with their lives’ so he took his place acting as Joe Ryan.’ Nat explained. ‘Can I have another drink of water?’ He asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:13 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 59:

‘Yes, of course. Do you want one Joe?’ He asked. Joe nodded.
After drinking their water Joe continued. ‘When the police arrested me as Joe Ryan they locked me in the cells. I received a visitor. Joe Ryan went to Ma’s boarding house to tell Hannah and Ma about our changing places. Ma told him to leave, never return. Hannah came to visit me to tell the police the truth. I told her to go away, be with Joe, ‘move on with their lives.’ Joe took another sip of water.
‘You’re a bloody hero Joe to do this for another person.’ Todd smiled at his friend.
‘Not a hero. More a bloody fool because Joe and Hannah never moved on with their lives. Joe went north to Barcaldine whilst I went to St Helena Island Prison for three and a half years for my troubles.’ Joe explained.
‘Now I understand why The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA wanted you both on this committee. Makes sense. Tell me this. How did Joe Ryan become a member of Parliament?’ Todd asked.
‘After the thirteen of us were released from St Helena Island Prison we returned to Barcaldine where the actual ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ commenced. You understand about the ‘Tree of Knowledge’?’ Joe asked.
‘Yes, doesn’t everyone. The place where the first Australian Labour Party formed.’ Todd answered.
‘The whole town came out. You couldn’t move, people everywhere. Everyone went over to the pub to celebrate. Joe Ryan came up to me. Whilst I was imprisoned he used my identity including my non-union contract to work in the shearing industry. Pastoralists wouldn’t employ shearers unless they held a non-union contract to work. Joe had mine. He wanted to speak with me about changing back to our original identities.’ Joe continued.
‘I bet you were pissed off when you first laid eyes on him.’ Todd interjected.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:02 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 60:

‘Actually no. The idea to change places was my idea in the first place. Joe had no knowledge of what I wanted to do. He and Hannah were engaged to be married. I wanted them to move on with their lives. Thinking back now, if I didn’t do what I did when I did, I would never have met Hannah. Never would’ve fallen in love with her to become her husband. I’ve got Joe to thank for bringing us together.’ Joe explained.
‘How did Joe become a member of Parliament?’ Todd asked.
‘Before we parted, he gave me enough money to return to Cunnamulla. I told him I wanted to return to Cunnamulla to look up Hannah. He wished me luck. He remained in Barcaldine to help the shearers with their fight for better working conditions and wages. Whilst he continued this fight he became the first elected member of Parliament.’ Joe finished.
‘Now that’s a story I can tell my grandkids. Joe, you are a hero to take the place of this coward who wouldn’t take his punishment. I’m pleased you’re on this committee. You also Nat.’ He shook both their hands in acclamation for their services. ‘I’ll be proud to serve as your Chairman on this committee. Certain we will accomplish everything we set out to do.’ Todd understood the whole story of The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA now out in the open.
‘When can we start this committee?’ Nat asked.
‘What about now. Nothing like the present. Obviously, you both have taken things into your own hands to dig a drain from your bore to Moonjaree Creek. I don’t understand what you’re referring to. Would love to have a look at your work plus your property before we start so I can put our plans into action. I’ll certainly record the bore on both your properties work with you Nat to find water on your other properties.’ Todd explained.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:53 pm

Thank you dub: Here is your page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 61:

‘When do we start looking for water?’ Nat asked.
‘How about this weekend. Ryan should be free. We can take the day off travel to your property. ‘Kahmoo Station’. I’m not certain where your property is but if you give me directions.’ Todd said.
‘I’m about to return to ‘Kahmoo Station’. If you meet Hannah and I at our home, we’ll show you where to go.’ Joe stated.
‘That’s settled then. Any wild pigs on your place Nat?’ Todd asked.
‘Thousands – why?’ Nat amused by Todd’s question.
‘Would you mind if I hunted them with my bow and arrows.’ Todd asked.
‘I don’t mind. Please yourself. You’re welcome to kill them. They’re pests.’ Nat couldn’t understand Todd’s reference to bow and arrows. ‘What’d mean about bow and arrows?’ Nat asked.
‘I’ll explain. Since the first fleet, archery has sported through clubs. No official organisation as yet but I’m certain in years to come archery will be a sport throughout Australia. My father taught me when I was a youngster now I’m training Ryan. A great sport particularly hunting animals like wild pigs.’ Todd explained.
‘Todd, you’re welcome to kill all the wild pigs on any of my properties because like I said they’re a bloody pest. Shoot any dingoes, because without dingoes our lambs will survive.’ Nat said.
‘Okay, everything is settled. We’ll met you and Hannah at your home early Saturday morning, travel to ‘Kahmoo Station’. I’ll have the time of my life hunting wild pigs, dingoes whilst you take good care of Ryan finding water. Sounds great. I can’t wait for Saturday’. Todd said with a smile.

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