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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:51 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 27:

'If Joe agrees, you're more than welcome. I need all the help to make this project work.' Todd smiled.

Hannah introduced Melinda to her mother and Miss Wallace after they'd adjourned to the snug veranda of the hotel. Women weren't permitted to be in the bar or lounge where men folk drank.
'I'm pleased to meet you Melinda. Welcome to Cunnamulla. I’m Principal at the school. Young Ryan is a delight.' Miss Wallace proclaimed.
Melinda smiled. 'Thank you. I'm pleased to meet Ryan's Principal.'
'I'm Hannah's mother. Call me Martha.' She nodded to Melinda who put her hand out to shake. Their fingers touched.
'Lovely to meet you Martha. I'm sorry about your mother, Ma.' Melinda solemnly said.
'Ma wasn't my mother.' Martha corrected.
'I thought because she was referred to as Ma she was your mother.' Melinda admonished.
'No. Ma was my mother-in-law's sister. She lived in Cunnamulla owned Ma's Boarding House at the same address where Hannah now lives.' Martha explained. Melinda looked confused.
'Perhaps if I start from the beginning. Ma's story will be clearer.' Hannah said.
‘Brother Paul explained at the service Ma was an outstanding citizen in Cunnamulla who always cared for shearers, ringers any other person who stayed with her at her boarding house.' Melinda tried to explain but couldn't because she wasn't aware of the true story.
'Would you like a drink?' Hannah asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:43 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 28:

'Cup-of-tea would be lovely.' Melinda answered.
'Do you have milk?' Asked Hannah.
'Yes please. With one sugar.' Melinda replied.
Hannah prepared refreshments returned to the table where Martha, Melinda and Miss Wallace sat.
‘Did you meet Ma before she passed?' Miss Wallace asked Melinda.
'No. My husband wanted to speak with Joe about something important. I have no knowledge about what he wanted to speak with him. The only place to catch up with Joe was here at the wake.' Melinda shared.
'Wonder what your husband wanted to discuss with Joe. We certainly want Ryan to help with the water divining but never would exploit the lad. If we don't find water shortly with this extreme heat wave my father will lose most of his sheep. Do you think your husband changed his mind about Ryan helping us?' Hannah picked up her cup-of-tea to take a sip.
'He never discusses anything with me about his work.' Melinda continued to drink her tea. 'This is so refreshing.' She said.
'I hope your husband changes his mind about Ryan. Billy Campbell, the borer can't find water on Pa's property. He's bored holes all over the place. Looks like rabbit warrens everywhere.' Hannah giggled at her own comment.
'Todd will make up his mind about Ryan. His concern about Ryan being exploited also worried me.'
'Ryan wouldn't be exploited. If he found water he'd be well rewarded, instead of being exploited.' Hannah said. Miss Wallace and Martha listened to the conversation, didn't interrupt.
'Melinda, I'll fill you in on Ma's story.' Hannah placed her cup and saucer on the table, moved comfortable in her chair. The three others leaned in waiting to listen to Hannah's story. She told her small gathering Ma moved to Cunnamulla the same year of her birth. Ma previously lived in Sydney town. Her mother passed away giving birth to her sister Gloria when Ma was ten years old.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:43 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 29:

Hannah went on to explain Ma's father couldn't cope after his wife died giving his children away to people of Sydney town like a couple of pups. When she first held her baby sister shortly after the birth, Ma identified a birthmark in the shape of a heart on the back of her sister's left hand. Ma went with a family to live at Windsor.
'This is fascinating.' Melinda said moved her chair closer to Hannah. She didn't want to miss any of this story. 'How then is Ma your aunt?' Melinda queried.
'She's my Nana's sister. They hadn't seen each other since Nana's birth after they were separated. Pa's parents, Nana and grandfather visited Cunnamulla for Christmas a few years back. Mother invited Ma to attend. I'd been staying with Ma to complete my teaching with Miss Wallace. I had a boyfriend at the time. That's another story.' Hannah stated.
'Go on.' Melinda encouraged Hannah.
'My boyfriend carved the meat at the Christmas dinner, handed a piece to my Nana. When he passed her plate a birthmark of a heart on the back of her left hand clearly identified. Ma’s eyes almost popped from her head at the same time.'
‘This birthmark bought them together for the first time since separation?' Melinda queried.
'I told my boyfriend about seeing the birthmark on Nana's hand when he placed meat on her plate. We soon discovered Ma and Nana were hugging one another crying. After everyone settled Nana explained her story. Turned out Ma was her sister she hadn't seen since her birth. They each lived not far from one another; never knowing until that Christmas dinner they were sisters.' Hannah finished, took a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her eyes.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:13 pm

Thank you dub. Next page:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 30:

'What a beautiful story Hannah. Thank you for sharing Ma’s story with me.' They hugged. 'I hope we can be friends. I have no objections to Ryan helping your father with water divining. I'll try to talk Todd into allowing Ryan to help. Ryan wouldn't be exploited particularly by kind people as yourselves.' Melinda continued to hug Hannah stroking her back to ease the pain.
'I live a couple of houses from the hotel. What about we adjourn to my place, have a bite to eat.' Hannah told Melinda and the others.
'Excuse me Hannah. I'll catch up with you at school. Maybe another time.' Miss Wallace bid farewell to the others. ‘Lovely to meet you Melinda.’
'I'll tell Pa we'll be at your place. Bring Todd along when they're finished.' Martha said walked to where the men were seated.
'We'll met you outside Mother.' Hannah said took Melinda by the arm left the hotel to wait for her mother on the footpath. Martha soon finished her business with Nat joined the others.
'They'll be here for a while. I met your husband Todd told him you'll be with us Melinda. They can take their time to join us at Hannah's place.' Martha joined the other two to walk to Hannah's home.
'This is a delightful home you have Hannah.' Melinda said after they entered. 'Living in a tent isn't as comfortable as a home.' Melinda thought how delighted she'd be to live in a house no matter how small or grand. She needed to follow her husband's work being the breadwinner in the family.
'Joe built me this home. He's building a similar home at 'Tilbaroo Station' when he has time.' Hannah showed Melinda through the cottage whilst Martha filled the kettle with water fired up the stove.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:50 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 31:

'Joe built this home.' Melinda voiced in astonishment.
'He off-sidered for a builder here in town. Joe's extended Pa's shearing sheds to turn them into overhead shearing plants.' Hannah's pride of Joe sounded in her voice. She'd never tell him how proud she was of him.
'Do you live here all of the time?' Melinda asked.
'No, Mother and Pa gifted us 'Tilbaroo Station' near Eulo for our wedding present. We spent our honeymoon on the property. That's where we discovered a bore. Since then we've wanted to find water on Pa's other properties.' Hannah explained.
'How many other properties does your father own?' Melinda queried.
'Apart from ‘Kahmoo Station’ where Mother and Pa live, eight other properties this side of Eulo.' Hannah explained. She never realised until this moment she mentioned these properties how wealthy her parents were. Probably the wealthiest in the district. 'Pa came up with an idea a few years ago to purchase as many properties in the area because the founding fathers of this country are deciding where The Treasure House of Nations Heart will be decided. Pa always said they needed 50,000 square miles starting at Cameron's Corner to include Cunnamulla, Charleville and Thargomindah. This is why he purchased these properties.' Hannah explained, proud of her father for carrying out his idea.
'I never realised.' Melinda replied believing she was in the presence of bush royalty.
'Ma used to live here to run her boarding house until the fire destroyed everything. She gifted the land to me after she moved to live with Mother and Pa on their property.' Hannah explained.
'So this is where Ma spent her life living in Cunnamulla.' Melinda queried.
'Yes. After the fire, she didn't want to rebuild because of her age. Mother and Pa looked after her until recently when the heat wave hit. Joe bought her to town, admitted her to hospital when she passed away.' Tears filled Hannah’s eyes.
'I'm sorry Hannah for bringing up these emotions.' Melinda placed her arms around Hannah's shoulders.
'I'll be right. She wasn't only my great aunt but my best friend who saved me many times. I really miss her.' Hannah pulled herself together. 'Why don't we have a cuppa.' Hannah led Melinda to the kitchen. Martha set the table, all three sat to enjoy their cuppa.
'This is good Martha. You make a grand cup-of-tea.' Melinda quoted.
'I try my best. Don’t be too upset Hannah?' Martha's concern for her daughter upper most in her mind.
'Thank you Mother. I'm fine now. Thinking about Ma bought back memories, good ones sad to leave her at the hospital. She passed away in the same bed as Mr Wilson did. Could've been an omen?' Hannah wiped her eyes.
'No. Her time was up.' Martha answered taking a sip of her tea. She also missed her friend who made a difference to her life after she moved in with her and Nat. She valued each moment. Would miss her company.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:53 pm

Thank you dub: here is today's page:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 32:

Chapter 5

Todd and Melinda left Joe and Hannah’s home to travel home after Ma’s wake. Todd’s expression made Melinda think her husband was in a good mood. His smile told her so.
‘Aren’t they lovely people. Don’t you think?’ She asked her husband.
‘Yes, more so now Joe agreed to be a member on this new committee I’m about to form.’
‘Can I ask about this committee?’ Melinda queried. Todd seldom shared any of his work with her particularly about the building of the railway to Cunnamulla. Her part to cook look after Ryan. Never ask questions about Todd’s work. No interferences whatsoever.
‘You may.’ Todd thought about sharing his latest venture with Melinda because if he didn’t share his thoughts with someone, his mind might burst. ‘I’ve been given the role of Chairman of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’. Joe Gibson and Nat Young will be on this committee with me.’ He blurted out with excited commitment.
Melinda wrapped her arm around her husband’s arm leaned her head against his shoulder. ‘Congratulations Todd. I always thought you would rise up the ladder of success. Can you tell me more? I promise to keep this information between us.’
Todd removed an envelope he received from The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA from inside his coat pocket handed Melinda the letter to read. ‘I received this letter a couple of days ago. This is the reason I wanted to attend Ma’s funeral and wake. This gave me an opportunity to meet Joe Gibson and Nat Young. They are interesting people.’ Todd explained.
Melinda opened the envelope, removed the letter read the official document from a member of parliament with the crown seal. Without hesitation, she refolded the letter, replaced the letter into the envelope returned to Todd. ‘I’m so very proud of you.’ She kissed him on the cheek.
‘Mel, this is the biggest event to happen to me since I took over building the railway line.’
‘Can you do both jobs?’
‘Too right I can. Standing on my left ear. Everything is well on track to finish Cunnamulla Railway Station by October next year. In the meantime, I can oversee this new project of ‘The Great Artesian Water Basin Committee’. Also, I’ve given permission for Ryan to work with Joe and Nat as a water diviner.’ Todd finished.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:57 am

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 33:

Melinda reserved her decision on allowing Ryan to be exploited. If he did possess a gift for water divining she’d follow his progress hope he’d never be exploited. She remained silent.
‘You worried about Ryan?’ Todd asked Melinda.
‘I am. I don’t want him exploited at his tender age. What happens may scar him for life. He’d never trust another person. What if he can’t find water? What would happen then. Humiliation. Failure.’ Melinda shared her feelings. Tears formed in her eyes.
‘Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on him. Ryan has always found water along the track from Charleville to where we are now. No doubt he has this gift of divining thing. At first when Joe Gibson came to our camp mention Ryan about the water divining I thought a similar thought as you do now. Never wanted to have him exploited either. After meeting Joe and Nat, my opinion has changed. Ryan couldn’t be in better hands. In fact, I think this venture will give him a chance to experience life in the bush.’
‘I hope you’re right. Ryan’s only ten years old. He’s only a child, my baby.’ Melinda muttered.
‘When I was his age my work began before daylight never finished until nightfall. Ryan never works those hours. This’ll toughen him up for later in life.’ Todd clicked the horse to go faster.
‘Life is different now than when you grew up Todd. The way we live is different. Who would’ve thought we’d be living in a camp at our age. I like Hannah’s cottage. Joe did a great job building their house. She’s very happy.’
‘I’m certain when we start to build the Railway Station at Cunnamulla the department will build us a house to your liking.’

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