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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:59 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 116:

'What you did son was one courageous act to take that coward's place,' Words exploded from Nat's mouth. 'What about when you're finished building Hannah's cottage we talk some more about what we'll do. There are plenty of plans for you and me.' Nat formed an opinion of Joe immediately. He intended treating Joe as a son he never had. His mind buzzed with ideas and visions of working with this man to show him more than a shearer's life.
'Thank you Nat. I don't know how long before the cottage is built, but hopefully Hannah should be in it by Christmas.' Joe sipped more of his beer.
'Another two here please Alex, we're thirsty,' Nat called to Alex who immediately served two more tumblers of beer to Nat and Joe.
'Cheers,' Nat said and clicked tumblers before taking a drink.
After saying farewell to her family Hannah held Joe's hand and said, 'I want to tell you about what happened at the court house. I'm so excited about owning this block of land and I see the cottage clear in my mind.' Hannah's excitement overflowed to Joe.
'Hannah, I need a cup-of-tea. Come on we'll make one in the kitchen. Got something to tell you.' He took Hannah's hand and led her to the kitchen. 'Sit while I make us a cuppa.' Hannah sat at the table and watched Joe top up the kettle with water, place the kettle on the stove top, take a couple of cups from the cupboard and sat them on the table. He emptied the old tea leaves from the tea pot and poured tea leaves into his hand and dispensed them into the tea pot before filling the tea pot with hot boiling water from the kettle. 'Time I told you my whole story.'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:29 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 117:

Hannah sipped her tea, relishing the taste. She couldn't remember when or if ever a man had made her a cuppa. 'What do you want to tell me?' Hannah leaned against the table waiting to hear Joe's story.
'After you spoke to me at the cells at Cunnamulla police station, I was shackled and placed in the back of a wagon. They took me to Charleville police station where I remained overnight.' He shared his story with Hannah including his trip by train to Rockhampton, meeting the other condemned Leaders of the strike. He told how strange to be called Joe Ryan instead by his correct name.
At the point of telling her about being found guilty and sentenced to three years imprisonment at St Helena Island Prison, and his collapse, Hannah sat stoic with tears flowing from her eyes. He wrapped her in his arms, 'don't cry.' He told her.
'Joe,' she blubbered amongst the tears and held on tight to him. 'He should've been there instead of you.'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:40 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 118:

'Often I thought these same thoughts. Now I'm here with you.' He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tight, 'been all worthwhile'.
'Three years Joe. That's a long time in prison.' She said.
'Yes. We did it tough, but I got to meet twelve good Australians who believed in what they did. We all suffered together but looked after each other. Our sleeping quarters were a little cramped sleeping on hammocks, six to a room. Lucky I had the top hammock. I wanted to tell you my story so there are no secrets between us.' Joe felt better and relieved to share his story with the woman of his dreams. 'Your voice kept me alive.'
'I'm pleased my voice kept you alive. I can't imagine what you went through. I can tell you one thing Joe Gibson, you'll never need to go through that again as long as you live,' she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Joe returned the kiss.
'I was most impressed with your father this afternoon.' Joe said after they broke apart.
'Pa is a tough man, he's got to be. He's a good man and I love him very much. He's got plans for you and if I know Pa as I do you won't be shearing sheep.' Hannah shared, ideas floating through her mind seeing what her father had in store for Joe.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:29 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 119:

'He spoke about the cocky still living on Tilbooroo Station. Reckons he still owns the place.'
'Pa tried to get rid of him for years since he purchased the place the same time he purchased the other properties. Pa's probably got an idea for you to sort him out.'
'Hannah, I'm a lover not a fighter.'
'Then prove it!' She took Joe by his hand and led him to her bedroom.

Chapter 13

At breakfast next morning Alex began to serve the food when Joe and Hannah entered. Hugging each other with broad smiles on their faces. 'Good morning Alex.' Hannah smiled. 'Isn't it the best morning you could ever have?' Hannah said hugging Joe.
'Why don't you two get a room', Alex said placing food on their plates.
In unison they both said, 'we did.' They sat at the table to eat their breakfast.
Hannah went off to work while Joe visited Jack Sullivan to find out what he could do to start building the cottage. 'You know how to use a adze?' He asked Joe.
'No, but I can learn. What's a adze?' He'd never heard of the name.
'A type of axe used to smooth timber. Over there with those tools.'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:07 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 120:

Joe walked to the tools on the ground and picked up an implement similar to an axe but different shape. 'Is this it?'
'Yes, grab the cross-cut saw, bring the axe with you and I'll show you where to cut timber.' Joe picked up the two implements and walked to the wagon. Jack took up the reins and clicked his horse. They journeyed north from the town. Along a stretch of pine timber Jack stopped the wagon and got down, 'bring the cross-cut saw and axe, we'll fell a couple of these big trees and I'll show you how to strip them.'
Joe followed Jack's instructions and before long three huge trees lay on the ground. Jack stepped out three long steps from the butt of a tree and drove the axe into the place he stopped. 'We'll cut here,' and pointed to the spot. They cut across the tree using the cross-cut saw finished with three logs almost of similar length.
They loaded each log onto the back of the wagon, placed the implements into the wagon and returned to the block of land. After unloading these huge logs, Jack took the axe, sliced along one side of the log removing the bark. Trimming the rest of the log, he commenced to split the log into slabs of various thickness using the adze.
Joe studied Jack's work and wanted to have a go. He handed the adze to Joe who continued, finally completing the task of cutting the log into slabs. Jack said, 'we need more timber.' For the remainder of the week Joe continued his task of cutting trees, shedding bark and trimmed each log into suitable sized slabs.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:20 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 121:

Although Joe was used to hard labour whilst serving time at St Helena Island Prison he'd became soft since his release until helping Jack with building the cottage. Day after day they worked together until sufficient wood gathered to commence work on the cottage. Friday came about quicker than they thought.
'How's it going Joe?' Hannah asked when she returned home after school. Joe was seated at the kitchen table enjoying a cuppa.
'We've finished cutting the timber. Monday morning ready to start building. Hopefully we'll have it completed by Christmas so you can celebrate with your folks at Christmas Dinner.'
'Don't forget you'll be there to share in the celebration.' She leaned across and kissed him on the lips. 'Thank you for doing this for me Joe. I really appreciate everything.' She hugged him, a shudder of delight passed through her body. She knew her love for Joe grew more and more by the day.
Daylight Monday morning Jack met Joe at the building site ready to start building Hannah's cottage. After explaining the position of the crowbar they commenced where the cottage would be positioned on the land. By lunchtime a plan of the cottage sketched on the ground.
Joe fell into pace with Jack soon realising how much a specialist builder Jack was. Before he helped Jack with this building he'd never built anything in his life, now building a cottage for Hannah, each slab of timber formed together with the love he had for her.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:06 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 122:

Time came when the cottage stood complete, light yellow coloured exterior with white trimmings, a veranda on the front and a swing for two. Joe's heart swelled with pride of his and Jack's work and hoped Hannah would be as delighted with the finished cottage. They would move in immediately.
Joe placed his hands over Hannah eyes when he guided her to the front of the cottage. Facing the verandah almost directly in front of where he'd speared the crowbar, he removed his hands. Hannah gasped. She placed her hands to her mouth and let our a screech of happiness, tears rolled down her cheek, 'Joe, it's exactly what I wanted. Thank you, thank you and thank you.' She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips with sweetness and love.
Releasing their hold, Joe said, 'do you want to see inside?' Hannah's nodded. Her throat thick with emotion, tears filled her eyes. She couldn't speak. Joe took her hand and led her onto the verandah. He opened the front door, 'welcome to your new home,' and smiled.
Everything was in it's place and there was a place for everything. Joe cleaned the stove taken from Ma's home and placed it in the kitchen. Everywhere Hannah looked she couldn't remove the smile from her face. She turned to Joe. 'How did you fit the stove into the kitchen? I love it.' She said and wiped her hand along the front. 'Ma will be so delighted when she sees it.'
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