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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:58 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 97:

‘Ma – Ma’s not your real name – is it?’
‘No for goodness sake.’ She didn’t know whether to tell Hannah her real name or not. Then she decided to trust her, ‘I took the name from my business of ‘Ma’s Guest House’. My real name is Margaret Johnson. It’s the name I was born with.’
‘We’d better hit the road. I want to reach home before lunch. Pa and mother don’t know we’re coming so it’ll be a surprise. You know Ma I’m eighteen years old.’ Hannah gathered the rug and basket, with her boot covered the fire to extinguish the glowing ambers, ‘Come on we haven’t far to go.’ She leapt onto the sulky and gathered the reins ready to go.
‘You’re eighteen years old? You must have been born the year I came to live in Cunnamulla.’
‘Isn’t it a coincidence?’
Arriving at ‘Kahmoo Station’ Hannah saw her Pa standing on the front veranda and waved, ‘Pa.’ Her mother walked from the side of the house to meet them at the pathway.
‘Hello Hannah – what a surprise to see you,’ she said with a smile, ‘I thought you were away at school. Who have you there?’ Her mother walked up beside the sulky her father arrived.
‘Mother, this is Ma. She owns ‘Ma’s Guest House’ in town. I’m staying with her. Ma, this is my mother and my Pa.’
‘Pleased to meet you Ma, call me Martha.’ They shook hands.
‘Pleased to meet you Mr Young.’ Ma put her hand out to shake Mr Young’s outstretched hand.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:52 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 98:

‘I’ll help you down and welcome to our place. Call me Nat.’ He helped Ma down from the sulky.
‘Now young lady why aren’t you at school?’ Nat asked his daughter in a stern voice.
‘Pa, it’s a long story. Can we go inside? I’ll tell you all about it later after we’ve had some lunch.’ Hannah walked to the front veranda and up the stairs, ‘This way Ma. We’re in time for lunch aren’t we, Mother?’ Hannah asked when she climbed the stairs to the front veranda.
‘You have a beautiful place here Mr Young – I mean Nat,’ Ma said following Hannah to the front veranda.
‘Martha keeps the place going while I tend to the sheep,’ Nat explained.
They entered the kitchen, ‘cook has taken the weekend off so I need to make us lunch,’ Martha said. She returned to the veranda and opened the Coolgardie safe to retrieve a leg of cooked mutton, bread and butter.
‘Now young lady – why are you not at school?’ Martha asked Hannah when she got back to the kitchen.
‘Mother – it’s a long story, can we eat first?’ Hannah explained. She knew her parents wanted to know her reason for not attending school but didn’t know their response.
‘We’ll have lunch and then you tell us why you’re not at school.’ She’d already warmed to the old lady in Hannah’s company and thought how similar in features she resembled her own mother-in-law.
After lunch, Ma wanted to clear the dishes and wash them. Martha said, ‘leave them. Let’s go out onto the veranda in the cool and have a cuppa. You go out, Hannah, show Ma where to go and I’ll bring a tray and a pot of tea.’ Martha pointed to go outside whilst she prepared the tea for everyone.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:33 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 99:

‘Come on young lady tell us why you’re not at school.’ Nat sat on his squatter chair, bought out his pipe, stuffed tobacco into top, lit it with a match he struck on the side of his pants, and puffed away in contentment, ‘I’m ready to hear your excuse.’
‘Pa, after you left me at the depot, I decided to spend a couple of days with Ma at her guest house and to get to know her. Joe stays there when he’s in town.’ Hannah tried to explain but was abruptly stopped by her father.
‘You’re not still interested in THAT shearer are you?’ His voice raised a couple of decibels.
Ma looked across at Nat, ‘What’s wrong with Joe Ryan?’ She’d have no one talk about her Joe like that.
‘I don’t like him. He was here shearing and when Hannah told me she liked him, loved him, were her exact words - I told her I didn’t like the fellow,’ Nat sneered and took another puff on his pipe.
‘I happen to know Joe Ryan quite well and have known him since he’s been staying at my place when he’s in town after shearing.’ Ma attempted to clear the air.
‘I suppose he drinks like all shearers, when he’s in town,’ Nat said, hoping to create an argument between Ma and him.
‘I’d be lying if I said he didn’t.’ Ma softened her voice.
‘I’ll stop him from drinking Pa.’ Hannah said, ‘I love him and can’t wait to see him again.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:47 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 100:

‘You’re only eighteen. What would you know about love?’ Nat raised his voice in anger, ‘Is he the reason why you didn’t return to school in Brisbane?’ Nat asked taking his pipe from his mouth and striking the end of it on his boot to rid the smoked tobacco.
‘No Pa I was on my way when the stagecoach was held up by a bushranger.’ said Hannah.
‘What! How – when, how come I’ve never heard about this. Were you hurt?’ Nat looked at Hannah, shocked to think his girl was a victim of a stagecoach hold-up.
‘Are you okay, dear?’ Her mother asked, concerned. She’d carried the cups and pot of tea onto the veranda when Hannah mentioned the hold-up.
‘Yes I was fortunate enough to have Mr Shirley, The District Inspector of Education, a passenger with me. He took good care of me, and Ma has taken good care of me since I’ve been staying with her after the hold-up.’ Hannah explained.
‘Have the police caught whoever it was?’ Nat asked, his voice much lower.
‘Not yet Pa. His name is Billy Wells.’
‘You might remember his brother tried to rob the National Bank in Cunnamulla about six years ago,’ Ma directed to Nat.
‘Yeah I remember the incident. Fancy a bank being robbed in Cunnamulla. Didn’t the police find him in the tree, ‘Robber Tree’ they named it after his capture.
‘Yes that’s Billy’s brother. The police will eventually catch him,’ Ma replied, with confidence.
‘You’d better stay here at home until he’s caught.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:08 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 101:

‘Pa I’m staying with Ma at her Guest House in Cunnamulla. I have a job as a trainee school teacher at Cunnamulla State School starting Monday morning.’ Hannah smiled with delight at sharing this important information with her parents.
‘Ma you’re kind for looking after our daughter, thank you, I’ll provide for her keep as long as she stays at your home.’
‘When we were held up he took all of my money and Joe’s ring,’ Hannah said.
‘I’ll give you money to keep you going until you receive your first pay.’ Nat stood and walked over to Hannah. He placed his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead, ‘I can’t imagine what you’ve been through. How did you get this job at school?’ He asked, returning to his squatter chair.
‘Mr Shirley, he’s the District Inspector for schools. He was a passenger on the stagecoach with me and hired me to assist Miss Wallace. His wife is going to monitor my work. I’ve always wanted to be a school teacher, Pa and I can’t wait until Monday morning!’
After the shock of explaining what had happened with her life since they last saw her, she didn’t want to raise the death of Bluey Simpson. ‘Mother, Pa, we’d better be heading off so we can get back before dark.’
‘Thank you Ma, for looking after my young girl. Next time I’m in town I’d love to visit.’
‘You and Nat are always welcome at my home at anytime. Thank you for your kind hospitality and a wonderful lunch.’ Ma shook hands with both and escorted Hannah to the sulky.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 24, 2020 10:00 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 102:

Chapter 13

Hannah commenced work at Cunnamulla State School early Monday morning. ‘This is a dream come true?’ She thought, when confronted by Miss Wallace at the front door.
‘You’re early. I didn’t expect you until nine o’clock and it’s only eight,’ Miss Wallace growled. Hannah felt Miss Wallace didn’t like her which didn’t really matter because she was going to do her best and succeed. She not only needed to show appreciation to Mr Shirley for offering her this position, but also to her loved ones who couldn’t believe the events leading up to this position.
‘I like to be punctual. The early bird catches the worm.’ She told Miss Wallace, with a smile in her voice.
‘School doesn’t start for another hour so I suppose you could clean the blackboard.’ Miss Wallace told her in a stern voice.
Hannah placed her purse and bonnet on a desk and grabbed a duster to quickly clean the blackboard. Her thoughts of Mr Shirley explaining his principles in child development: wondering at nature, powers of observation, habits of neatness, politeness and cleanliness, more important than imparting of facts. Hannah decided to use Mr Shirley’s principles as her own.
‘I’ll write the lessons of the day on the board. Would you sweep the floor and place the desks in their proper places?’ Miss Wallace faced the blackboard and started writing lessons for the day.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:04 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 103:

With a spring in her step, Hannah took the broom from the cupboard and busied herself by sweeping the floor in the small classroom as well the small veranda before replacing the broom in the cupboard. She was ready to receive her pupils.
As soon as Miss Wallace completed the daily lessons on the blackboard, the first of the children arrived. ‘Take your seats and be quiet.’ She roared, turned to face the children. Pupils from 5-12 years dotted the classroom and ‘Children, this is Miss Young. She will be assisting me with your lessons from now on,’ Miss Wallace told her students.
‘Good morning, Miss Young.’ Each pupil chorused and smiled at Hannah.
‘Thank you.’ Hannah felt a warm feeling flow through her body. She would do her best to help each one.
Miss Wallace continued her lessons until morning break. ‘Children, go outside and play and be back in your seats in thirty minutes.’ They rushed from the classroom leaving, Hannah and Miss Wallace alone. ‘Would you like a cup-of-tea Miss Young?’ Miss Wallace said in a much calmer and inviting voice.
‘Yes please,’ Hannah replied, ‘and please call me Hannah.’ She was pleased with the morning lessons.
‘You’re still to address me as Miss Wallace, because of my status – you understand.’
‘Of course I’d have it no other way Miss Wallace.’
The remainder of the day went smoothly for both Hannah and Miss Wallace. Hannah’s excitement flowed through to her pupils when she bid them farewell at the end of the day, ‘Is there anything else you want done before I leave, Miss Wallace?’ She asked.
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