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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:20 pm

'The Drover' - Page 68:

‘When’s he arriving?’
‘Tomorrow, on the Westlander, that’ll put the cat among the pigeons.’ Ted answered with a slight grin on his face.
‘Alright you two come and get it.’ Rose called out.
The two men joined Rose and her mother in the kitchen.
Rose sat Harry beside her, ‘this is not like in the bush – we have normal tea here. Mother, we drank tea from our quart pots, without milk and sugar – it was different.’ Rose admitted.
Harry took a gulp of his tea, ‘It wasn’t that bad – was it?’ He asked.
‘I enjoyed myself.’ Ted answered swallowing a piece of cake.
‘What are you doing for Christmas Dinner Harry?’ Mrs Henderson asked.
‘Having it at my sister’s home – all of the family will be there.’
‘I was hoping you may want to have it here with us.’ She replied.
Harry’s mind went into raptures, what’s this old girl getting up to, Roger will be here and Rose; and I don’t know if it would be a good idea. He thought.
‘Ted told me Roger was visiting and arriving tomorrow on the train – wouldn’t it be crowded?’ He said.
‘What’s this about Roger coming tomorrow - mother.’ Rose exploded and looked directly at her mother with a stare which almost knocked her mother from the chair she was seated.
‘While you were away droving I wrote to Roger and invited him to have Christmas with us – he accepted and will be arriving on the Westlander tomorrow.’ Mrs Henderson answered.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:12 pm

'The Drover' - Page 69:

‘Well, he’s not staying here – you had no right mother. Roger and I are no longer together. It was rude of you not to ask me first.’ She exploded pushing her chair away and stormed from the room.
‘Now look what you’ve done mother – upset Rose; and this Roger business, I wish you’d leave it alone, I don’t like the fellow.’ Ted expressed.
‘I do.’ Mrs Henderson continued. ‘I’ll go and see if she’s alright.’
Harry and Ted finished their supper in peace without exchanging words.
‘I better be going Ted and thanks for the supper, I hope things work out – see you later.’ Harry said.
‘Yeah…I’ll catch up with you later Harry – have a Merry Christmas if I don’t see you.’ Both men shook hands and Harry left the room.
When he walked onto the front verandah he heard sobs of crying coming from a bedroom and knew it was Rose who was crying. Don’t worry Rose – I’ll be here when Roger goes, he told himself when he walked from her home.

Christmas Eve saw the return of his brother-in-law and nephews from their droving trip. Harry’s sister worked tirelessly in the kitchen to prepare Christmas Dinner whilst the men did what men do and drank beer.
‘How’s the droving going?’ Harry asked his brother-in-law.
‘You know what its like – you’ve been on plenty trips – what about your last trip you took along a woman.’ Les asked.
‘I had five thousand sheep to take to Bourke and needed more than Henry to help me. Ted Henderson and his daughter Rose came with me. It was a good trip apart from the rain.’ Harry shared.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 26, 2019 10:16 pm

'The Drover' - Page 70:

‘She must be alright – Anna tells me you’re smitten.’ Les laughed.
‘Not for long – her old boyfriend has turned up; I don’t know what to do.’
‘You love her.’ Les wanted to know.
‘I don’t know what love is – what is it Les – you and Anna, how did you know when you fell in love with my sister?’
‘Ah…you know alright, you can’t stop thinking about her, she’s in your dreams, not only at night but every moment of the day – you’ll know alright, it hits you like a freight train.’ Les shared with Harry.
‘If that’s the case, then I must be in love with Rose and don’t know it.’
‘What are you going to do about this Roger fella – he might steal her away.’
‘I don’t know – what can I do?’ Harry felt ambushed and disillusioned.
‘Do you want me and my sons to have a talk with him and take him for a trip out of town?’ Les wanted to know.
Stories circulated around town pointed the finger at Les and his sons when someone suspiciously left town without telling anyone. It was only a theory and gossip – there was no evidence or truth about the stories; however Harry had his suspicions.
‘Na…I’ll look after Roger. All I know about him is; he is Queensland champion high jump rider.’
‘I’ll make the bastard jump with a whip on his arse.’ Les laughed and handed Harry another beer.

The Westlander was due into Cunnamulla at 4.45pm that afternoon. Harry decided he would go to the railway station and size up the situation. He’d never been in a situation like this before and had to be guided by his instincts and the love he felt for Rose.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:11 pm

'The Drover' - Page 71:

Precisely at 4.45pm the train whistle blew as the Westlander pulled into the platform. On the eastern end of the platform Harry stood puffing on a smoke with his hat drawn over his eyes. He slouched against the wall half hidden by a post; he could see passengers alighting from the train. Mrs Henderson stood on the platform alone. Harry sighted her.
He noticed she walked toward the train once it stopped when a tall athletic male stepped from the train, Harry heard Mrs Henderson say, ‘hello Roger.’ She swung her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.
‘Hello, Mrs Henderson – it’s good to see you again, isn’t Rose here?’
‘She’s home, can I take your luggage?’ She asked.
‘I’ve got it, thank you.’ The tall athletic male replied.
They walked from the railway station. Harry thought of following them; however, he changed his mind and returned to his sister’s home to drown his sorrows.
‘Did you see him?’ Les asked.
‘Yeah, he’s a big fella – tough looking. I don’t know Les, about this love thing. Do you think I’ve got a chance with Rose?’ He asked.
‘You won’t know if you don’t have a go – if it’s meant to be - then it will happen.’ Les answered.
Harry couldn’t stop thinking about Rose and Roger together in the same house and why Mrs Henderson wrote to him. He’d like to know what she’d written; but it was no use worrying about what was in the letter because he couldn’t read. His mind filled with confusion. What should he do? Should he confront Roger and tell him Rose was his girl, ah that’s foolish, he thought, or perhaps let it run its course and hope he returns on the next train.

Christmas Eve at the Oxford Hotel was the place to be, Harry decided it was time to enjoy Christmas, because next day was family day. He dressed in his best jeans and shirt; shaved and splashed on aftershave which he normally didn’t use and walked to the hotel. The place was packed to the rafters with locals and out of towner’s.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:19 pm

'The Drover' - Page 72:

He was about to order a drink when he noticed Roger and Rose walk into the hotel. Rose saw Harry before he saw her and she beckoned him over with a wave of her hand. Harry didn’t want to join them however thought he’d better.
‘Harry, this is Roger, a friend from Brisbane, Roger this is Harry,’ each man looked one another in the eye and shock hands. He’s got a strong grip, thought Harry and good looking with it, what chance did he have.
‘Rose has told me all about you, Harry; it’s like I’ve known you all of my life.’ Roger said.
‘She never mentioned you.’ Harry expressed in a sullen voice. His blood pressure rose with the thought of Roger sitting next to Rose.
‘We can be friends, can’t we?’ Roger continued, filled with an air of self confidence.
‘I suppose so,’ muttered Harry, he failed to understand why Rose bought Roger to the hotel. Was it to make him jealous, or had she changed her mind about him – Roger and Rose had almost been engaged at one time.
‘I’ll get a round of drinks, what do you drink Roger?’ Harry asked.
‘What about me – I’ll have a shandy, that’s a beer and lemonade if you don’t know.’ Rose admitted.
‘I’ll have a beer thanks Harry.’ Roger answered moving closer to Rose.
Harry moved toward the bar to order the drinks, his mind bubbling over with questions, he had no answers. What should he do, play along with them or come out and tell Rose his true feelings and tell Roger to be on the next train out of town. Was he good enough for Rose, Roger was a gentleman, educated and appeared to be a decent bloke. He purchased the beers and returned to their company.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:21 pm

'The Drover' - Page 73:

‘Rose told me about your trip to Bourke, you obviously know your stuff about droving, but is it something that will last. Road transport is coming.’ Roger said with authority.
‘I’ve been doing it since I was 13 years old and it’s all I know. At times I think about doing something else but it’s in my blood, my father was a drover and before him his father a drover.’ Harry explained. Why was Roger asking these questions? Did he want to honestly know about his work or was he making small talk. He’s stirring the pot because my blood pressure is rising and I don’t like this fellow, Harry thought.
‘What about yourself, you jump horses, don’t you?’ Harry asked sarcastically.
‘Yes I do.’ Roger frowned not understanding what Harry meant. Was his comment an insult?
‘I use horses to drive cattle or sheep; what’s the difference.’
‘You can’t honestly compare your horses to the horses I jump – surely, they’re like chalk and cheese.’ Roger replied, his voice sounded as if he had a plum in his mouth.
Without thinking Harry blurted out, ‘my horses are just as good or if not better than yours.’ He grasped his beer with his hand and quickly loosened the grip for fear of breaking the glass. Anger crept into his mind with such a rush he wanted to punch Roger in the face.
‘Come on you two, what’s the difference, Roger your horses are different to Harry’s horses, they do different things.’ Rose said calmly hoping to defuse the difference between her two companions. It was wrong of her to bring Roger to the hotel but she had to escape her mother and Roger wanted to speak with her but all he spoke about was his trip to Cunnamulla on the train.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:15 pm

'The Drover' - Page 74:

‘No, Rose, my horses are fine athletes – the finest in the country, not brumbies.’ Roger cut his words short.

‘Okay, I’ve had enough, out the back and we’ll settle this argument once and for all.’ Harry stood and shoved his chair away and walked through the bar to outside of the hotel.

‘There’s no need for this Roger, it’s your fault telling Harry his horses are brumbies.’ Rose said.

‘He’s asking for it, he doesn’t know I was State Boxing Champion, does he, you didn’t tell him, did you?’ Roger moved his athletic body upright from the chair to follow Harry to the back of the hotel.

Someone shouted, ‘fight, fight.’ A stream of drinkers left the public bar to follow Harry through to the back of the hotel. They formed a circle around Harry and soon afterwards out stepped Roger walking briskly toward the crowd. A hole in the wall of men opened to allow Roger to met Harry in the centre.

Both men’s eyes searched the other for either one to start. Harry’s mind filled with anxiety; fear encased his mind for he didn’t know anything about fighting but knew he needed to do something to defend his honour, or Rose’s honour. How did this start? He thought, over bloody horses – bloody horses.

‘What’d you going to do Harry – stand there like a stale bottle of piss.’ Came a call from one of the audience, ‘give it to him,’ came a shout from the crowd.

Harry had never fought in his life, only a tussle with his brothers when they were children. Bubbles of sweat popped on his brow; his eyes started to blur, he went to raise his clenched fists, his heart pounded almost out of his chest, his body shook.

He awoke lying on the ground with Rose looking directly into his face. He didn’t see what happened; only knew later from a friend who told him not to feel ashamed of being knocked out by a champion.

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