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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 12, 2019 10:39 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 137:

Driving away from the stables Kate asked, ‘where to now?’
‘You remember the night you won twelve hundred dollars at the trots.’
‘How could I ever forget?’
‘You remember before we left, I introduced you to John O’Reilly.’
‘I suppose – it’s a lifetime ago, why John O’Reilly?’
‘John knows everyone in harness racing and would be the right person who would help us, now we have a name Ralph Petersen.’
‘Where do we find John O’Reilly?’
‘I’d say at this time of the day he’d be at his stables at Albion Park.’
‘Where to from here,’ Kate asked.
‘Back the way we came – turn onto Breakfast Creek Road and follow the signs to Albion Park Paceway. You remember the paceway?’
‘I sure do.’ Kate admitted with a smile on her face.
Ten minutes later they parked their vehicle in John’s stables carpark and alighted. The stabling complex was huge with double gates, closed to the public, high constructed steel walls along the front section with accommodation for parking.
Bundy opened the double steel gate where horses were exercising on a walking machine – walking round and round in a circle with their halters fastened to a machine similar to a Hills Clothes Host but ten times larger. John sat on an old chair against the wall watching the horses.
‘G’day John,’ Bundy called over the noise of the radio.
He looked toward Bundy and said, ‘bloody hell, why don’t you scare the daylight out of a fella. I’m waiting for these horses to warm down and you pop up from nowhere. How are you?’ He rose from his chair and switched off the radio.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 13, 2019 10:43 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 138:

‘Great mate – you remember Kate?’ Bundy said when he shook John’s hand.
‘You’re the one who backed the one hundred to one winner.’ John replied.
‘You’ve a good memory.’ She shook hands with John.
‘Take a seat – now how can I help you. You wouldn’t be here for your health nor to find a job, would you Bundy?’ He looked directly at him.
‘No – I’m gainfully employed, thanks mate. You remember we told you the last time we spoke; we were investigating the disappearance of a twelve year old boy. John - we’d like your help?’ Bundy explained.
‘What can I do for you – you know I’ll help you as much as I can.’ He replied with a solemn look.
‘Do you know or ever heard of a harness racing driver by the name of Ralph Petersen?’ Bundy asked, getting straight to the point.
‘Ralph Petersen – yeah I know him well; he’s not around these parts anymore. Kate, you should know him because he trained the horse you won your money on. What’s the name of the horse?’ John explained.
‘High Class Investigator,’ Kate replied.
‘Yeah – that’s the horse. He’s won plenty since, but never at the odds you got. The horse is nominated this Saturday night’s Queensland Championships here at Albion Park. Wait – I’ll get the form page.’ John left his seat and walked to a small kitchen and returned with a form page. He glanced at the page and said, ‘here it is, a young fellow, Peter Peacock is driving him. He’s a bloody good up and coming driver.’ He handed the form page to Bundy.
Bundy read the page and identified ‘High Class Investigator’ and Ralph Petersen as the trainer. What took his eye was the name of the driver ‘Peter Peacock’. ‘John, how well do you know Ralph Petersen?’ He asked.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 14, 2019 11:02 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 139:

‘You never see him around much now only when he’s got a good horse, and he’s got a good one. I’ve known ole Ralph for years – he used to only race at the Brisbane Exhibition each year and Rocklea when they raced there. He moved away to the other side of Warwick - been there ever since.’ John explained.
‘Where in Warwick – do you know?’ Bundy once lived in Warwick and was familiar with the area. He served there as a detective back in the 80’s.
‘If I remember, I’ve only been to his place once or maybe twice. I remember you drive through Warwick toward Stanthorpe and about five kilometres south of Warwick, you’ll see a turnoff to your right. I can’t remember the name of the road but it’s the only turnoff. Turn right and follow the road for about five kilometres. It takes you into rough country – hilly, scrubby country, only use for wild pigs; kangaroos and feral animals. It’s pretty rough up there. Bandicoot needs a cut lunch to get across the paddocks.’ John said.

Chapter 17

‘It’s too late to drive to Warwick now, what about we have a good night’s sleep and head off bright and early in the morning.’ Bundy said to Kate after they drove away from John’s stables.
‘Okay, are you driving home tonight?’ She inquired.
‘Yeah, I’ll head off as soon as we reach the office. Could you please pick me up from my place in the morning? We may have to stay overnight tomorrow night because we’re not certain on where to go and how long its going to take.’ Bundy explained.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 15, 2019 10:51 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 140:

‘What time do you want me to pick you up?’ Kate asked.
‘Would six o’clock be too early?’ Bundy replied. ‘By the time we travel the back road through Gympie and across to Toowoomba, it’ll take us about three and a half hours or maybe four hours before we arrive at Warwick.’
‘All set then. I’ll drop you off at headquarters and meet you in the morning.’ Kate finished.
Exactly at six o’clock the next morning Kate arrived at Bundy’s farm. He prepared a piece of toast and hot coffee. ‘One thing about you Kate – you are punctual. Have a piece of toast and coffee before we leave.’ Bundy invited her inside.
They finished their refreshments, boarded the vehicle and drove toward Gympie. Passing through Gympie, Bundy directed Kate north along the Bruce Highway until they reached Kilkivan turn off. She turned left and followed the road through small country towns until they reached Esk.
‘What about we stop for a cup-of-tea and a coffee? We’re about half way to Warwick.’ Bundy told Kate. He wanted to stop and visit the toilet; he didn’t want to let Kate know about his poor bladder control.
‘This’ll do.’ She parked the vehicle in front of a café.
‘I’ll visit the toilet while you order.’ Bundy said, and walked toward the toilet next to the café.
‘This is a lovely town.’ Kate said when Bundy joined her seated at a table facing the road.
‘It is - my wife and I travelled this road. We stopped at this café for coffee.’ His thoughts returned to a time when he and Ada went on a Sunday afternoon drive in the countryside to get away from the city. The trip was their release from the pressure of horse training.
‘Where do we go from here?’ Kate asked.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 16, 2019 10:22 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 141:

‘Along this road - we turn right and drive west to Toowoomba, and head to Warwick. I suppose we have another couple of hours before we get there. Then we need to find Ralph Petersen’s place.’ Bundy explained.
‘Okay, finish your cup-of-tea and let’s get on the road.’ Kate replied.
‘Are you right to drive?’ Bundy asked.
‘Yeah – I love driving. I could drive all day. Let’s go.’ She insisted.
Bundy directed her to turn right when he saw a sign marked ‘Toowoomba’ on the outskirts of Esk. Kate followed the signs and eventually arrived in Toowoomba. She continued along the main street and found the turn-off to Warwick. Within one hour they arrived.
‘Do you want to go out to Ralph’s place first or call in to speak with the local police?’ Kate asked.
‘I think the element of surprise is better. We don’t know if he’s the right fellow until we speak to him. Follow the New England Highway towards Stanthorpe.’ Bundy instructed.
Kate followed Bundy’s instructions driving south from Warwick passing the hospital on the right hand side and across the railway line. On the outskirts of Warwick they continued until Bundy saw the right hand turn John mentioned.
‘There’s the turn off John told us. See where it goes.’ Bundy pointed.
Kate turned right and followed a gravel road west. The further they drove the sparser the bush became. John was right – a Bandicoot needed a cut lunch to get across the paddocks. They followed the road, climbed a steep rise which opened onto an open plain.
‘There’s a house and stables across the grid. We must have found the place. There’s a trotting track and work gigs near the shed.’ Bundy explained. Excitement grew within him to see harness racing equipment and a training complex.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 17, 2019 10:44 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 142:

Kate drove alongside of the shed and parked the vehicle. Both alighted and started to walk to the opening. A man walked toward them.
‘G’day. Are you Ralph Petersen?’ Bundy called to the man as he approached them.
‘Yeah – who wants to know?’ The man replied. His hair, ginger-grey colour; clean shaven; stood about six feet in height and had an athletic build. Bundy estimated he was closing in on fifty years or older.
Bundy moved toward the man; extended his right hand in a gesture of friendship, ‘I’m Bundy Quicksilver and this is Detective Superintendent Kate Emerson. We’re from the police.’ Bundy said.
Both men shook hands and the man said, ‘I’m Ralph Petersen. Please to meet you both. How can I help? I don’t often have police visit.’ He had a strong hand shake which impressed Bundy.
‘We’ve travelled from Brisbane. Yesterday we spoke with John O’Reilly who told us where you lived.’ Bundy told him.
‘Ole John, hey – how’s he going?’ Ralph smiled.
‘He’s good, still training horses. Can we come inside? We have a few questions we want to ask you?’ Bundy said.
‘Yeah – it’s time I knocked off anyway. I’ll put the kettle on. Follow me.’ Ralph escorted his visitors into the house which was next to the stables. Once inside he said, ‘have a seat. I won’t be long.’
Bundy and Kate sat at the kitchen table whilst Ralph filled the kettle with water and plugged it in and switched it on to boil.
‘What can I do for you? I don’t get many visitors, particular out here in the bush.’ Ralph admitted.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 18, 2019 11:05 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 143:

‘How long have you been in harness racing? My wife and I were in it for fifteen years. I can’t remember you.’ Bundy explained.
‘What’s your wife’s name?’ Ralph asked.
‘Ada Quicksilver, do you remember her?’ Bundy inquired.
‘The only Ada I ever heard of was one day at Rocklea before the races, she trialled a horse, can’t remember its name, she crashed on the track and broke some ribs. That was over twenty years ago.’ Ralph shared.
‘I remember the day. It was the day I was discharged from hospital after I had my pacemaker implanted. How did you know her?’
‘I was directly behind her horse and hit the fence, if I remember; the knee strap got caught in the hopple and the horse fell on the track.’
‘You weren’t the one who came into the first-aid room after the race to see how she was.’
‘Yeah – that was me. I got grazed across the ribs.’ Ralph felt his ribs as if the injury had happened recently.
‘I remember – it must have been move than twenty years ago because I told her never to drive again, she didn’t take any notice or what I said. She drove and eventually got her drivers license.’
‘I remember her. It was 1990. Later that year was when I moved here and have been here ever since.’
‘What about you two reminisce some other time, we have work to do.’ Kate interrupted.
‘Sorry – it’s great to meet another person in harness racing.’ Ralph said, ‘what is it you want to talk to me about?’ He relaxed.
‘Ralph, we’re investigating the disappearance of a twelve year old boy eight years ago from his home. We’re clutching at straws and hope you may help us if you can.’ Kate explained.
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