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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:22 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 137:

Many of his clients didn’t need to go to the lengths of what Bundy had gone to, by making such a promise never to drink again. Some had a choice of controlling the amount of alcohol they drunk whilst others, like Bundy never consumed alcohol again in their lives.
One of the most important tools Bundy used in counselling his clients was to speak about his ‘cycle of life’ experience. He explained how from the age of birth until six years of age was a period in any person’s life when they began life by being nurtured loved or abused. This portion was the building blocks for the individual to accept what life for them was likely to bring, their life script.
From the age of six years until thirteen years, was another very important period when the child’s parents were their ‘role model’’ for the child growing through their childhood. When he explained this section to his clients, he always pointed out it was, during this period of his life, he was introduced to alcohol for the very first time. From thirteen years of age until nineteen years was a period in their adolescence’s life when they were subjected to ‘peer group pressure’. In Bundy’s case, he related his personal experiences of drinking with his mates and related how he stopped drinking alcohol at twenty-eight years of age because his wife Ada had ‘had enough’.
He proudly shared with his clients he had not drunk alcohol since the thirteen of January 1977.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:03 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 138:

Many of his clients, after listening to his story and his description of his ‘cycle of life’ said, ‘I understand what you’ve said. That’s me I’ve been there and done that. That’s happened with me.’
During the initial session Bundy always asked his client, ‘what do you want to do with your life? Where do you want to go?’ He gave them until their next session to make up their mind. If they needed his help to improve their life, he encouraged them to return, but if they thought one session was sufficient then it was okay. It was each client’s decision to know ‘what he or she wanted to do and where he or she wanted to go in their life.’
Most of the clients returned for their next session. Bundy felt great seeing his clients return for their sessions. He knew they were ‘doing something for themselves to improve their way of life’. In this session he asked his client ‘what do you want to do with your life and where do you want to go?’ Most of them replied to ‘wanting to change their drinking habits and enjoy their life.’
In this session he explained how he had developed a habit of becoming a ‘RESCUER’, and shared his story of how it started from an early age, causing him immense issues throughout his life. During his time at college when his lecturer pointed out ‘he was a ‘RESCUER’’.
He told them with much determination and personal commitment he changed his habit of being a ‘RESCUER’, re-enforcing upon his clients they too could CHANGE – IT WAS THEIR CHOICE. He explained how for forty-four years he’d carried this ‘RESCUER’ tag around his neck, until he developed sufficient personal courage and self-belief in himself, to take it off and throw it away.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:42 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 139:

‘How did he become a RESCUER?’ was a constant question asked by his clients. He explained he always wanted to help people, unfortunately he thought at the time he was ‘doing the right thing’ but instead of helping people he was in fact RESCUING THEM - not helping them. His role now was to empower his clients to help themselves whilst he walked beside them to where ever they wanted to go. For some clients it was a tough journey.
Bundy spoke of how his wife Ada never trusted him after he stopped drinking, too frightened to allow herself to open her heart and allow Bundy back in. He admitted to understanding why she didn’t trust him again after what he’d put her through during their marriage. It took many years before Ada trusted him again. To have the ability to TRUST someone was the focus for this session.
Each client had their homework to do before their next session. They had to build TRUST again between their family members, friends and themselves. For some clients this period was much tougher, for their relationships had finished with separation of their families and loved ones. It was a steep learning curve but they returned for their next session.
At this session after discussing ‘how they improved their relationship by TRUST’ they were ready for their next session. In this session each client had to make a COMMITMENT to him or her for change and to be ACCOUNTABLE for what they wanted to change.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:51 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 140:

Bundy explained how he, at this stage committed himself to openly speaking with Ada about everything, being accountable to her so she could again trust him. He became completely HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY. For an alcoholic this was not an easy task to accomplish.
He related his story about how tough it was to begin with. ‘I’d tell her a lie not realising I’d done it. Immediately I realised I’d told Ada a lie – or stretched the truth a little – I apologised to her immediately correcting myself at the same time.’
Bundy told his clients of how he had dealt with this section of ‘getting better’. After awhile it became better to tell the truth. It took a long time before he had it right. Each client’s homework for was to build TRUST by being HONEST and TRUSTWORTHY with everyone they came in contact with.
Only the clients who wanted to make important changes to their lives continued with their counselling sessions. Up until this point a client was comfortable with their sessions but when it came to TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY the numbers dropped off considerably. Only the clients who wanted to do the hard yards continued onwards with their counselling.
TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions is daunting for most people, but when the person hasn’t taken personal responsibility for anything in their lives before; it can become overwhelming and frightening. But if there are changes to be made in their life, it’s taking these personal issues and working through them to do away with the bad habits, which is important. Dealing with personal responsibility uncovers many issues for the individual to deal with.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:38 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 141:

He experienced difficulty in dealing with this issue, because of his constant anger at some of the events, which often happened in his life. At times, he thought he was hard done by and this made him feel very angry, hurting his feelings, upsetting him to a point he couldn’t control his anger toward the person whom had done him wrong. He’d seek revenge in some way, but although he never carried out his revenge to this other person, the whole issue confused his mind to the point where he’d go to the hotel and get drunk.
Although getting drunk may have been a short-term solution to his problem, when he sobered up the problem was still there. It took many months to work through his issues of ‘getting angry’ eventually realising he had no control over the anger anyway, so why get angry in the first place. All it did was to raise his blood pressure a few notches, allowing other people to have power and control over him.
Eventually, he realised what caused him to become angry, it was a habit of being a ‘RESCUER’, which was like a trigger going off in his brain. After many months of controlling his thoughts of being a ‘RESCUER’, he felt more comfortable by admitting, he had no control over any other person, so he couldn’t do anything about what they were doing or had done.
As his stories unfolded to his clients, they too realised the journey he was taking them on. After each session Bundy noticed how different each client reacted to what had been discussed during his or her session. He felt wonderful in a way of sharing his course of information to his clients giving them an opportunity of self-improvement and the realisation that they too, can do it.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:27 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 142:

Bundy felt his counselling sessions were benefiting both his clients as well as making him develop much-needed self-belief. Of the many clients who continued their counselling sessions, he noticed how much they had improved from their initial session.
Their stories told by them in an excited voice, telling him of ‘how’ they were now ‘getting on with their lives’ and enjoying their family as well as enjoying themselves. They couldn’t understand why they didn’t do something like what they were now doing some time before. It was exciting for Bundy to witness the changes to his clients as they developed their skills and knowledge of where they wanted to go in life.
After each session the client commented about how they couldn’t wait for their next session to develop more skills. It was a learning process of ‘becoming aware of themselves’. Some of these client’s comments were, for years they had accepted they were ‘no good’ for what they had done whilst being drunk. Now, they accept what they’d previously done was their fault and now events were changing in their lives. They felt more in control and more self-aware.
One particular client who presented for counselling was a young girl sixteen years of age. She had a problem with alcohol and couldn’t stop drinking. She attended counselling and was at the stage of the session involving Self-Esteem which normally followed on from ‘Taking Personal Responsibility’. This young girl looked absolutely beautiful with long blonde hair and a friendly personality. Bundy couldn’t understand why she had developed a drinking problem at such a tender age.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:54 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 143:

At one of her counselling sessions, Bundy asked her why she drank alcohol at her age. Her comments being she didn’t like herself. Bundy was astonished. Since attending counselling she’d stopped her drinking but continued to have a problem about ‘not liking herself’. Bundy came up with an idea and said to this young girl, ‘would you come with me to the other room. I want to show you something.’ They left the counselling room and walked to an adjoining room. On the wall of the room was a large mirror.
‘Would you please have a look in this mirror for me?’ The girl declined, and looked away, ‘why don’t you want to look at yourself in the mirror?’
‘I don’t like myself.’ Bundy couldn’t believe she told him.
‘Why don’t you like yourself?’
‘I don’t know. I just don’t.’
‘Do you want to like yourself?’
‘Yes, I’d love too.’
‘Will you do something for me everyday for the next week before your next counselling session?’ Bundy replied.
‘What do you want me to do?’ She said.
‘I want you to look directly into the mirror everyday and say to yourself in the mirror – I LOVE YOU. Can you do that for me?’ Bundy said.
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