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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:44 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 74:

Bundy was not only a father but also a husband. He had to now take on more responsibility for his actions, which was his drinking of alcohol. Responsibility and accountability didn’t go hand-in-hand with Bundy’s outlook with life. His thoughts of being a non-drinker never occurred to him, as he never thought that he had a problem with alcohol.
Another officer at the station suggested that they share in the purchase of a home brew kit and produce their own beer. What a disaster. Bundy couldn’t follow the instructions correctly, making the drink taste like lolly water instead of a golden rich colour of beer. One Saturday afternoon a solicitor friend of Bundy’s arrived at his home to see him. All of the beer Bundy had left in the refrigerator was his ‘home brew’. Between the two of them they polished off all of the remaining bottles of ‘home brew’ that afternoon. His friend saying, ‘I’ve never tasted drink like that before, and I don’t ever want again.’ Bundy told him it was ‘home brew’.
At times Bundy was called away to serve his duty at another town to help the local police officer with rodeos and shows. On one occasion Bundy visited the neighbourhood town to help at their local rodeo. His role to be near to the bar at the back of the bucking bronco chute to make certain there was no trouble.
What a joke, fancy sending Bundy to an area where there was alcohol.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:07 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 75:

Throughout the day the temperature was hot and so were the patrons enjoying their rodeo events. It didn’t take long before one of the locals invited Bundy to ‘have a drink with them.’ Then began a steady stream of stubbies from the bar to where Bundy was seated at the back of the rodeo chute. All afternoon Bundy sat on a log drinking alcohol with the local patrons.
When it came time for him to leave later that night, Bundy telephoned Ada to tell her he was on his way home. Ada said, ‘Have you been drinking Bundy?’
‘I’ve had a couple here at the rodeo.’ He told her in a very slurred voice.
‘Stay where you are, I’m driving to get you.’ She shouted down the telephone line in an anxious voice.
‘It’ll be all right. I’ve got the police car. I’ll drive steady. I’ll see you at home in awhile.’ he hung the phone onto the receiver.
Bundy started driving in the direction of his home. He knew he was drunk and kept seeing more than two double white lines marked on the roadway. There were two lots of double lines, so he drove in the middle of the two lines.
If I hold one hand over one of my eyes I should be able to see only one set of double lines and stick to that. He placed his right hand over his right eye seeing the road with one eye. It worked because he was seeing only one set of double lines instead of two.
He’d driven about ten kilometres along the major highway when he stopped the car on the side of the road. He opened the driver’s door and almost fell out of the car. Regaining his footing he staggered around to the rear of the car. With his legs spread wide apart and both of his hands holding himself upright against the boot of the car, he vomited onto the ground.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:34 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 76:

At the same time a large truck pulled up at the back of the police car. A friend of Bundy’s said to him as he walked up beside him, ‘I’ve been following you for the last five kilometres. You’re doing all right. I’ll follow you home.’
Bundy drove to his home where he was met by Ada at the front door. ‘Come in and have a bath. I’ve made it hot so it will sober you up.’ She grabbed hold of Bundy’s arm and helped him into the bathroom. Bundy was feeling a little better but couldn’t forget the person who’d helped him along the road. He would have to thank him for what he’d done.
Ada made certain the water was steaming hot and Bundy felt it, ‘Why have you got the water so hot?’ Bundy shouted.
‘You’ll feel better after you’ve had a hot bath and go to bed.’ Bundy was a wreck. He’d vomited over his boots and his uniform. It was still not clear in his mind. His only feeling was the warmth from Ada in caring as she tucked him into bed. He fell off to sleep immediately his head hit the pillow.
Bundy returned the police vehicle to the police station the following morning. When he was driving to the police station he’d noticed his friend who’d stopped and helped him the night before. He stopped and walked over to him saying, ‘I want to thank you for all you did for me last night.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:10 am

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 77:

‘It’s no trouble. You would have done the same for me.’
‘Let me know if I can help you at anytime.’ Bundy replied.
‘It’ll be okay.’ His friend called out as Bundy drove away.
Bundy didn’t drink all of the time. His drinking began to form a pattern of behaviour, whether if there was an opportunity for him to drink there at the time, or he had someone to drink with. It didn’t matter when he started drinking alcohol he couldn’t stop until he was totally drunk.
Bundy and Ada were invited to attend their friend’s wedding. It’s difficult to say how Bundy felt about going to weddings. One thing about a wedding – the alcohol was free. On the other hand alcohol was served in very small glasses, which inhibited Bundy’s drinking for he had to constantly re-fill his small glass regularly to acquire a taste.
At their friend’s wedding Bundy couldn’t remember afterwards who had been to the wedding. He was drunk. He was there for one thing and one thing only and that was to ‘get drunk’. It didn’t take long after they arrived, for Bundy to seek out the bride’s grandfather, who he knew would have a large bottle of Johnny Walker whisky. Before long Bundy and his new found friend had almost drank the complete bottle of whisky. Bundy had no recollection of the celebrations of their friend’s wedding, only drinking the bottle of whisky with her grandfather.
At the time Bundy and Ada had a utility with a custom built canopy built on the back of the utility. They used the rear compartment of the utility for the three of them to sleep when they’d stay overnight at places they were visiting.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:23 pm

Thank you mzawf: This is the page for today: 'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 78:

On this occasion after the wedding celebrations were over and the bride and groom left their reception, Bundy and Ada with Nicole parked their utility in a park on the outskirts of town. Ada with Nicole went to bed in the back of the utility closely followed by Bundy. Bundy was drunk.
Ada was comfortably asleep in bed when Bundy crawled in beside her. Nicole was sleeping in her bassinette. ‘What have you been doing - you stink. You’re drunk again.’ She was right Bundy was drunk and together with the smell of stale whisky mixed with urine the smell was overpowering in such a small space of a canopy.
Early the following morning Bundy crawled his way out from inside of the canopy noticing a person walking towards their vehicle.
‘Good Morning?’ Bundy called to this person.
‘I was just noticing your canopy. It looks good.’ said the stranger.
‘Yeah, I’ve just had it built not long ago.’
‘Good morning to you, I’ll be off then.’
Near the front of the vehicle and not far from where this stranger had walked were the remains of human excreta.
‘Whom the bloody hell would’ve done this just here?’ he pointed to the human excreta.
‘That was you last night. You did it before you come to bed - you shit yourself.’ Ada said in a voice of disbelief her husband was so disgusting, ‘that fellow you were talking with must have seen it. He almost stood in it - I’m going for breakfast at the service station up the road. Are you coming?
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:54 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 79:

‘Yes, of course I’m coming. I’ll have bacon and eggs to put food into my stomach.’ Ada always ordered greasy bacon and eggs so the grease could eat away any toxins left over from the stale alcohol. Bundy hated it when he had to eat greasy food because at times, depending on how sick he had been from drinking, he couldn’t stand the smell of grease. He’d eat the food to keep peace with Ada.
Bundy always wanted to become a detective. Eventually his wish became reality. He was transferred back to the city. It was only four years before when he’d worked with other detectives as an under cover agent. This time he was working side by side with detectives, some of them he’d known from previously working with them. Others, he learned to adapt to a different style of policing involving investigations.
On his first day he was partnered with a detective who’d seen better days. He knew when to have a drink and when not to have a drink. It was his practice to have a drink only once every fortnight, which had to be the same day as payday. ‘Work always came first’ was his motto.
This helped Bundy to settle into his role as an Investigator. At least he had time to learn the ropes from a senior detective rather than being thrown to the wolves. It was beginning to become a dry argument working with this detective when it came to drinking. Most of the other junior detectives were out working with much more motivated detectives at the same time enjoying the fruits of learning ‘how the job should be done.’ The day eventually arrived when Bundy was accepted into that group.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:49 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 80:

Sometime afterwards Bundy started to learn ‘how to investigate’ to improve his skills. He was placed to work with a number of other detectives in various squads, to round off his training. He hadn’t been drunk for sometime mainly concentrating on learning skills to become a detective.
One afternoon he worked with a detective who held a similar position to Bundy. Afterwards when they finished their shift, his new partner invited Bundy for a drink.
What a mistake. That night Bundy was again on the alcohol rollercoaster ride of destruction. Up until this time Bundy had hardly tasted a beer for months but with the first taste of alcohol, he couldn’t stop at one until he was completely drunk.
He arrived home and tried to explain to Ada – where he’d been – what he’d done. Bundy again let her down together with his friends, which he was quickly losing because of his drinking behaviour. While he was out at a nightclub, a lifetime friend visited him. They left when Bundy didn’t arrive home at his usual time.
Nothing was sinking into Bundy’s brain about responsibility or accountability. All he wanted to do was drink alcohol allowing his life to roll along. There were times when he’d get caught up with his workmates after work at the hotel leaving with enough time to be on the last train home at night. He was asleep as the train past his station and regularly walked fifteen kilometres home from the last station on the line.
Apart from each drinking session, Bundy received his detective appointment together with a transfer to a town some four hours drive from the city. He was overjoyed with his transfer because he could now make a new start and hopefully, take a look at himself. Being appointed a detective gave him more responsibility and accountability to go with that appointment. He was fortunate enough to be transferred to a town where he wasn't known and could start afresh, unfortunately, old habits die-hard.
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