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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:35 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 67:

As a gesture to George, Bundy bought him a flagon of overproof rum for Christmas. Overproof rum is twice the strength of normal rum and a flagon is about five times the size of a normal bottle. When Bundy presented the flagon of rum to George, he looked overwhelmed and said to Bundy, ‘you think that you got into trouble before. What’s going to happen when we drink this one?’
‘I bought it for you, George.’ Bundy replied.
‘I can’t drink all of this on my own.’ He said and took the flagon from Bundy. ‘We’ll have a heart starter now before the women get home.’ George opening the top of the flagon instantly pouring some of its contents into a glass and handed one of the glasses to Bundy, ‘Here, don’t worry about the water; this’ll taste like mother’s milk, get it into yah.’ He lifted the glass to his lips instantly swallowing its contents. ‘Wahoo, that’s powerful.’ He poured a rum from the flagon.
Bundy wasn’t certain if he wanted to drink the rum again after his first time experience. He didn’t want George to think he was ‘chicken’ and he quickly swallowed the contents, feeling the warmth of the rum filtering down through his throat and into his stomach. This time he was going to be in control, he thought. He was on duty through the Christmas break, so this meant he would need to always be sober, if called on duty. He wanted to be sober, but with everyone wanting him to join them for a Christmas drink he thought it would be tough to say, no. It was tough at anytime to say no to alcohol.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:09 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 68:

He had another problem to face. A new ‘boss’ had been transferred to his police station who was totally different from the old one who he had admired very much. This new ‘boss’ didn’t understand that policing in the country was different to policing in the city. There were a lot of adjustments to be made, not only by the new ‘boss’ but also by Bundy.
Bundy was an individual who sometimes had much difficulty in ‘taking orders’ from his superiors. He’d make up his own mind about what had to be done and do it. Unfortunately, this was about to change when his new ‘boss’ wanted him to perform a foot patrol of the town. He knew he had to follow instructions from his superior officer so Bundy started walking along the main street of the town.
When he came to the first hotel, which he regularly visited before meeting Ada, he walked into the public bar to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. They were surprised to see him walk into the public bar wearing his full police uniform. The publican offered Bundy a beer for the festive season, which Bundy accepted, quickly swallowed its contents, thanked everyone before leaving to continue on with his foot patrol.
He continued to visit each hotel on his foot patrol each time accepting a cold beer at each hotel. By the time he returned to the police station, he certainly had a wobbly boot from drinking too much alcohol. His ‘boss’ immediately saw Bundy was affected by alcohol whilst he was on duty.
What happened next between Bundy and his ‘boss’ was unfortunate for his ‘boss’? Bundy lost his temper and abused his new ‘boss’ for instructing him to perform a foot patrol. Bundy was at a point in his life when he was not self disciplined enough to ‘follow instructions’. Instead of his new ‘boss’ arguing with Bundy about his ‘state of intoxication’ he left.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:46 pm

Thank you dub, mzawf, Nevis: Much appreciated. Here is the page for today:
'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 69:

Bundy took a set of keys to a police vehicle and drove it out of the police yard to Ada’s home. When he arrived, Ada met him at the front gate, immediately she saw he was drunk. They went inside of the house so Ada could make Bundy some coffee to sober him up. The walls were bulging with relatives and friends of George and Mildred, who’d arrived to celebrate Christmas festivities.
When everyone noticed Bundy arrive, you could hear a pin drop, because they weren’t used to being in the presence of a police officer or mixing with them. He reassured them he was there to visit Ada and for no other reason. George came from the kitchen to welcome Bundy, ‘How yah going, Bundy, have a rum for Christmas.’ He yelled loud enough Bundy could hear him above the roar of the other people present and the music playing.
‘All right, George I will, I can’t get into any more trouble than at the moment.’ Bundy replied whilst George poured Bundy rum handing it to him.
At that moment his new ‘boss’ stood beside him in the kitchen of Ada’s home with a stern voice, ‘I’ll see you at the station.’ He quickly walked from the house to a police vehicle.
He followed his ‘boss’ in the same vehicle he’d driven to Ada’s house and returned to the police station and parked it out the back. He knew if ever he was in trouble now was the time. He had broken the law and all of the rules as a Law Enforcement Officer. He didn’t know what to expect when he walked up the rear stairs to the police station. On the veranda of the police station was the new ‘boss’ waiting for him to arrive.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:15 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 70:

He was in trouble for what he’d done. What was he going to do? He made an immediate decision that attack was better than defence. He walked closer to his ‘boss’ Bundy let out with a mouth full of verbal abuse to his new ‘boss’ and accused him of not knowing how to do his job and for him to go home and forget what had happened.
His ‘boss’ took Bundy’s advice and left before saying, ‘we’ll talk about this in the morning.’ Bundy’s mind was racing. He’d never in his life before ever abused anyone like he’d just done. He immediately felt ashamed by his behaviour. It was not like Bundy to react that way with anyone, not even when he confronted his father many years before about his drinking, he didn’t abuse anyone like he’d just done to his ‘boss’.
He sat on the back veranda at the police station with his legs swinging over the rear landing. He was fully laid out stretched on his back thinking about what had just happened between his ‘boss’ and himself. Many thoughts were screaming through his mind – should I resign – would I be arrested – many more thoughts about what had happened that night. What was happening to me? He thought as he was contemplating his future as a Law Enforcement Officer and his future with Ada.
While he laid out-stretched on the veranda his mind reacted to the thought of ‘what would happen if there was a serious accident for the police to investigate. What would he do? How would he do it? Guilt took over his mind about what had happened. He needed to make amends, how was he going to make these amends?
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:08 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 71:

His major thought at that moment was ‘to resign from the police force’. Slowly he lifted himself onto his feet still feeling intoxicated; and walked to his desk and sat down in front of his typewriter. He placed a sheet of paper into the roller of the typewriter and started typing his resignation onto the paper. Once he’d completed his document he released it from the typewriter and signed it. Before leaving the police station after his shift had completed he left the signed resignation on his new ‘boss’ desk. He went to bed at the barracks.
It was well past breakfast time the following morning when Bundy woke up. He’d slept well during the night and felt much better than he felt the night before. He remembered parts of his shift the night before, but some of it was still a blur. He showered and dressed and walked over to the police station.
His ‘boss’ was in his office. All of the other officers by this time had learned of Bundy’s behaviour the night before, which they’d seen as a one off occasion. After all, people deserve a break at sometime and they thought at times, they’d wished each of them had had the courage to tell the ‘boss’ what they thought of him instead of not saying anything.
The ‘boss’ called Bundy into his office. ‘Take a seat Bundy we’ve got to have a talk.’ His ‘boss’ said as Bundy sheepishly walked into his office to sit down in front of him. He was about to say something when his ‘boss’ interrupted him saying, ‘I’m willing to forget everything that happened last night between you and I. As for this piece of rubbish you left on my desk for me this morning. This is what I want to do with it.’ His ‘boss’ tore up the piece of paper into small pieces, which Bundy left him about his resignation, afterwards throwing it into the waste paper basket? ‘I don’t want to hear any more about what happened. Get out of here.’ He blasted.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:57 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 72:

Bundy thought how lucky he was to remain a Law Enforcement Officer. It was now up to Bundy to ‘wake up to himself’.
That day was Christmas Day. He was invited to join Ada and her family at the dinner table to celebrate Christmas. That afternoon he was to commence duty to work the evening shift. This time he promised himself he wouldn’t drink alcohol and he was determined to change his attitude.
There seemed to be a pattern of drinking behaviour developing in Bundy but he couldn’t see it. He never considered at anytime that he ever had a problem with alcohol.

Chapter 4

Surprisingly enough when Bundy and Ada wed in April the following year Bundy didn’t drink much alcohol. Even at his buck’s party the night before the wedding he stayed sober waiting for the following day. He didn’t want to mess up their day of becoming husband and wife.
Families and guests travelled many miles to join Bundy and his new bride in their celebration even his old ‘Boss’ from the property where he worked two years before attended the wedding with his wife. His present ‘Boss’ whom Bundy had crossed swords with at Christmas time attended with his wife when all had been forgiven in their moment of disagreement.
It was a celebration to remember. Bundy and Ada left after the wedding on their honeymoon, which was a transfer to another police station. This time it was a town closer to the coast. It was going to be a new beginning. Ada had never lived away from her parents before and Bundy wanted to ‘get back on track’ with his career.
Alas, Bundy continued to have a problem with alcohol. He joined in well with the other officers at the new police station but there was one officer who liked to drink ‘vino’ a drink made from grapes grown by the local farmers. It didn’t take long before this officer introduced ‘vino’ to Bundy.
Bundy was once again on the alcohol roller coaster. This time though it was a different drink to what he had drunk before, but with a much more powerful affect. ‘Vino’ had a higher level of alcohol than did the other drinks he drank.
It started off innocently one evening when Bundy was introduced to ‘vino’. ‘It won’t harm you.’ Keith said when he poured the drink into a huge tumbler for Bundy to drink. He handed the tumbler to Bundy saying, ‘It tastes a little sour at first and gets better with every drink.’
Bundy lifted the tumbler to his lips to taste the ‘vino’ it tasted very sour and bitter. That didn’t matter as he poured the remainder of the tumbler into his mouth feeling the sour taste draining down his throat and into his stomach. It felt warm as the fluid settled into his stomach.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:41 pm

'Confessions of an alcoholic' - Page 73:

Keith and Bundy devoured the contents of the flagon of ‘vino’. Bundy had done it again; he had sought out the one person at the police station whom had no control over alcohol. It was as if Bundy had a magnet exposed drawing toward another person who would become his drinking buddy. He was good at attracting people who drank alcohol, for he’d been doing it for a long time.
On the night Ada gave birth to their daughter Nicole, celebrations went on all night to early hours of the following morning. Bundy couldn’t believe he was a DAD.
Neil, another member at the station took care of Bundy while they were drinking, taking him to his own home to continue their celebrations. Bundy celebrated in drinking beer until it vertically came out of his earlobes. He was drunk. His excitement mixed with the emotions of becoming a Dad for the first time flowed over to ecstasy, this feeling mixed with alcohol causing Bundy to ‘call for hereby’ over the toilet pedestal.
Neil, being a thoughtful chap, decided there was no better opportunity when he saw Bundy down on both of knees with his head inside of his toilet bowl at the same time vomiting into it, was too good an opportunity for him to miss. Neil, being a very considerate and thoughtful person photographed Bundy in this position showing him vomiting into the porcelain pony with his head buried inside of the bowl. Many years later Neil constantly reminded Bundy of that particular photograph, which he maintained he still, had.
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