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Ellie and Me – T5 travels

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Ellie and Me – T5 travels

Postby Mary » Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:21 am

Fletchertown to Dent (again)
And …. an Amazing Opportunity

Having visited my cousin Jan for a few days and being relatively re-assured that she was ok, I drove back to Dent.
Arriving on a Saturday gave me plenty of time to catch up with friends and rehearse.
Now, I play the guitar and sing, but having spent a few years doing the rounds of open-mics, sessions and paid gigs, I rarely play 'out' any more – guess I've just lost my musical 'mojo'.

One of the reasons for returning to Dent was that there was going to be a live broadcast from the Sun Inn for the BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine Show.
Mr. Vine was doing a three-show series 'Village, Town, City', asking local people their opinions on the (then) forthcoming EU Referendum and Dent had been chosen as the 'Village' broadcast.
The local band, 'Out of the Sun', had been asked to perform live to 'play out' the show, along with our good friend Blanty. I'd been invited to add harmonies.
The show was scheduled to be aired on Monday 23rd May, which gave us two days of 'rehearsals' and two evenings of playing music in the pub. Joy! :thunbsup

There were two groups of bikers staying in the village over that weekend (one each at the two main campsites). They were delighted that we would be playing live music both on the Saturday AND Sunday in the Sun. :applause
The biker crowds are always great fun (and lovely gentlemen/ladies) and we were as entertained by them as much as they were by us. A prime example was when three of the bikers gals grabbed the display of copper teapots/kettles from the mantelpiece in the pub and pretended to play them (much to the dis-concern of one of the bar staff, but all was well, it was all done in the best possible taste and no 'instrument was damaged' :thumbsup ). There was a lot of dancing and joining in going on as well. Isn't that the point of playing music in a pub?

Some of the BBC Radio 2 crew were there – maybe checking us out to make SURE that we were good enough to play live?

There is no photographic evidence of the jolly japes on those two evenings, but even though there was a great deal of ale quaffed I can assure you that there was much mirth, everybody had a good time and nobody hurt themselves.

The following morning, I helped Wendy and Mick serve breakfast to some (lots!) of the bikers, who came into the farmhouse kitchen looking a little 'worse for wear' and left looking a heck of a lot better! Tea (the nectar of the gods and universal restorer) and Mick's breakfasts did the trick!
A typical breakfast cooked by the amazing host at Conder Farm, Mick.png
A typical breakfast cooked by the amazing host at Conder Farm, Mick
Credit: Mike Perrett

Whilst I was keeping the teapots full, the bikers were discussing the possibility of printing a book of their exploits (well, they decided that there would be two – one 'clean' and one more honest!).

Of all of the tales they told (all true) this one, in particular, had me in stitches:

A member of the group had managed to purchase a gross (144) of see-though plastic macs (at a very reasonable price), which he generously gave to other members. One evening, he put on his mac, and nothing else, and trundled off to the pub. Approaching the bar, he asked the lady who was serving, “May I have a pint of bitter, please?”. “Sorry, no”, replied the lady. “Why not? Is it the way I'm dressed?”, asked the biker. “Certainly not”, she replied, “it's just that I can see that you don't have any money!” :lol:

So, after two days of mega serious playing (and drinking), Monday arrived. We were asked (by one of the show's Producers (who loved Dent and had suggested it for the Village broadcast)) to play the song, 'Whisky on a Sunday', which we knew but which wasn't a regular in our 'repertoire', but we had a few hours in which to get it right.
Rehearsing in the Sun Inn, Dent (Roger, the fifth member of the band, must have been 'taking a break'!).png
Rehearsing in the Sun Inn, Dent (Roger, the fifth member of the band, must have been 'taking a break'!)
Credit: Shell Sedgwick

The time came. We all (five of us) crowded into the area where Jeremy, his crew, the broadcasting equipment and a couple of locals (who had just been interviewed) were sitting and then … we were silently counted in and were on!!
Just about to go live – yikes! I'm hiding in the left-hand corner, standing as I wasn't playing an instrument so didn't need a seat...png
Just about to go live – yikes! I'm hiding in the left-hand corner, standing as I wasn't playing an instrument so didn't need a seat..
Credit: Shell Sedgwick

I have to say that I was VERY nervous prior to the broadcast (I think we all were, especially Roger, who'd never played the song before), but when we were on air, during the song it was if the rest of the world had just slipped away, distant, of no consequence as our instruments and voices blended - as they always do when we play together.

Wow – we played live to a potential audience of 8 million listeners!! No offers of a recording deal yet, though :wink

The BBC Radio 2 podcast of the programme is no longer available, but the following link might take you to a recording of 'our bit' in the show (Credit: Betty Beckett (thanks for the video and for looking after Ellie whilst I sang!!)). Apologies if the link doesn't work :scratc ... 096027526/
Note: You won't see me in this video – I'm 'hiding' in the left-hand corner, but I reckon you'll be able to hear me singing, being the only female in the band – hehehe.

Afterwards, we were still 'buzzing', so went out to the pub's beer garden and carried on playing.

What a wonderful bunch of musician friends I have :kiss
I'm taking the photo – hahaha..png
From left to right: Steve (didn't play on the broadcast, but is learning fast!), Blanty (guitar, vocals (also known as the 'Human Jukebox')), Matt (guitar, dobro, vocals), Dusty (mandolin), Roger (guitar). I'm taking the photo – hahaha.

Lesson learned: Accept and enjoy every opportunity that is offered to you as you go through life.

Note: I found myself looking in the corner of the pub where Little Mick used to sit, still expecting him to be there, poring over the crossword, half of Guinness in one hand, crossword puzzle gadget in the other hand.

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Re: Ellie and Me – T5 travels

Postby Mary » Sat Nov 19, 2016 5:48 pm

The last leg(s)

After all of the excitement of the last 4+ weeks, it was time to be thinking about heading homewards. But there was one last side-trip to do.

My parents had rented a holiday cottage near Berrow, in the Malvern Hills. They've stayed at the cottage many times before and the owner, Jim (he also has an honesty based camping area, pitches for campervans/motorhomes and van storage), had kindly said that I could park the van up outside and sleep in it. Result!!

So I bid farewell to all of my lovely friends in Dent and set off for Worcestershire.

My 'fossils' (as I call them) were very happy to see me and after setting up, we went for dinner at the excellent Farmers Arms, Birtsmorton ( The food was good, pub grub, the staff are both people- and dog-friendly and the beer is excellent!

The following day, we pottered and paid a visit to Ledbury, via the ruins of Bronsil Castle.
Moat and ruins of Bronsil Castle – not easily found – you have to know where to look (or have a Dad with you who knows where it is!!).png
Moat and ruins of Bronsil Castle – not easily found – you have to know where to look (or have a Dad with you who knows where it is!!)

I'm shocked that I've never been to Ledbury before! It has has a significant number of timber-framed buildings, in particular along Church Lane and High Street.
Looking down Church Lane, Ledbury (there are probably millions of photos of this view  out there!).png
Looking down Church Lane, Ledbury (there are probably millions of photos of this view out there!)

And looking up Church Lane to the steeple of St Michael and All Angels Church, Ledbury.png
And looking up Church Lane to the steeple of St Michael and All Angels Church, Ledbury

St Michael and All Angels Church, Ledbury.png
St Michael and All Angels Church, Ledbury

One of my parents' little 'treats to themselves' when on holiday is a Greggs sausage roll for lunch. As fortune has it, Ledbury has a Greggs, and so we partook:
My parents outside The Market House, Ledbury (at right, looking after Ellie for me) enjoying their sausage rolls..png
My parents outside The Market House, Ledbury (at right, looking after Ellie for me) enjoying their sausage rolls.

A dilemma for me with this photo: get the lines on the Market House horizontal, or get the road/curb horizontal? It would appear that I managed neither :-( BUT – I do rather like the fact that I managed to get the black and white pattern of the building reflected off the car windscreen in the bottom left-hand corner :-)

Evening - and it was time for me to take my Dad for a pint, whilst Mum cooked – great to catch up with him and show him some photos of my travel on my tablet in the pub.

Lesson learned: Don't leave the 'fridge on the highest setting (7 (not 11)) when travelling – it's not good for the salad in there.

Heard: Owls hooting, whilst Dad and I had a 'wee dram' outside the cottage late at night – magic.

I'd decided to travel back home overnight on the Thursday, as the following day was a Bank Holiday Friday and I thought I might avoid the majority of the traffic. There was plenty of time to take Ellie for a nice walk on the local common before we left.
Looking up to the Malvern Hills – green and lovely.png
Looking up to the Malvern Hills – green and lovely

I'm going to skip over the journey back. Far from being easier travelling overnight, I was faced with numerous road closures, long diversions (which ruined my mpg, my anticipated travel time and my temper!) and the increasingly looming prospect of a 'normal life'. Hmmmppphhh.

In conclusion: I arrived home with a huge list of things to do/not to do, to add to/remove from the things I take with me, five loads of washing, an enormous pile of awaiting post (90% of which was junk – thank goodness) and to reflect on all of the wonderful experiences I've had (and to share them with you), but, above all, the desire that – I WANT TO GO AWAY AGAIN NOW!!

There are many good reasons to go on solo adventures – sometimes because you need to, sometimes because there is no option but to go solo – and, with a free mind and basic requirements it can be a fulfilling, almost spiritual, experience. For me, it's a battery re-charger and a way of confirming/advancing me as a person (sorry to go all new-age on you, but for me it's true!!).

Is this the end? Oh no – right now I'm planning my next trip. I'll be leaving soon.

I'll let you know how I get on. Hope you'll 'journey with me' (as one friend put it) in my next bog.

Hugs to you all (and we all need hugs). :kiss

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Re: Ellie and Me – T5 travels

Postby jeff55 » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:33 am


Is there any place for travelling in Cumbrian for mind freshness? because I want peace place for a stay. if anybody who knows about the place please share.

Thanks in Advance

Re: Ellie and Me – T5 travels

Postby Mary » Sat May 30, 2020 3:56 pm

jeff55 wrote:Hello,
Is there any place for travelling in Cumbrian for mind freshness? because I want peace place for a stay. if anybody who knows about the place please share.
Thanks in Advance

Hiya. I can highly recommend Dent village. Inexpensive but basic campsite - Conder Farm. Other accommodation available. Beautiful, peaceful Dale. Meditation Centre. need any more info? zap me another message :aok

Last bumped by Mary on Sat May 30, 2020 3:56 pm.

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mzawf, Nevis
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