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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:15 pm

patritter wrote:I have a confession to make. Over the past couple of days I haven't been able to continue writing chapter 5. I know it's no excuse but unforseen circumstances have evolved and I promise to finish chapter five tomorrow.

Last week my daughter told me life at times becomes unbalanced and hopefully my life will return to an equillibrium in the near future. I love writing this book and storyline and I know it will be a great book for readers.

Sorry about the lapse but as I promised I'll be back to it tomorrow.

Me thinks that your happiness and the fact that you gain a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment from your writing (as do others) is key factor in achieving the balance in question ?
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:33 pm

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. You are right - I love to write and particular books like the one I'm presently writing. It's a joy to let the words flow like a waterfall and tell a story. I'm pleased you like these segments on 'how I write and my reasons for writing'. :thanks

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:37 pm

Today it's back on track to the book. Sorry about the past couple of days. Today I'll complete chapter 5 with Bundy, Kate and Quincy agreeing to work together to find Peter Clayton.

Quincy and Bundy explain to Kate how they worked together on investigations when Bundy was a detective. She appeared overawed by their experience and now understood why The Commissioner had asked Bundy for his help. They were like two tigers hungry to attack.

Kate took them through her investigations over the past eight years to get-them-up-to-date. Quincy's experience as a forensic scientist also protracted him into investigation work. They brainstormed their ideas.

Wait until tomorrow to find out what solutions they made.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:52 pm

Bundy wants to introduce Kate to his old friend Quincy Simpson, the forensic scientist who helped him solve many investigations in his day as a detective. Kate is a little stand-offish about this meeting because she claims the police service has many forensic scientists who do a great job.

In the end she succumbs to Bundy's wishes and he takes Kate to visit his old friend who is retired and lives on a property in the hills. Quincy is pleased to see Bundy once again and thoroughly pleased to meet Kate. He can't wipe the smile from his face.

They sit on the front verandah and look out across the undulating hills surrounding Quincy's property. His wife prepares afternoon tea and serves to her guests. By this time Quincy and Bundy are reminising about their days as investigators sharing their past experiences, laughing at a bygone era with Kate.

Kate tries to be a part of their conversation but it's the old boys club verses the new student. How did she ever become a Detective Superintendent - she ponders.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to find out what Bundy and Quincy talk about.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:18 am

I have a confession to make. Over the past couple of days I haven't been able to continue writing chapter 5. I know it's no excuse but unforseen circumstances have evolved and I promise to finish chapter five tomorrow.

Last week my daughter told me life at times becomes unbalanced and hopefully my life will return to an equillibrium in the near future. I love writing this book and storyline and I know it will be a great book for readers.

Today it's back on track to the book. Sorry about the past couple of days. Today I'll complete chapter 5 with Bundy, Kate and Quincy agreeing to work together to find Peter Clayton.

Quincy and Bundy explain to Kate how they worked together on investigations when Bundy was a detective. She appeared overawed by their experience and now understood why The Commissioner had asked Bundy for his help. They were like two tigers hungry to attack.

Kate took them through her investigations over the past eight years to get-them-up-to-date. Quincy's experience as a forensic scientist also protracted him into investigation work. They brainstormed their ideas.

Wait until tomorrow to find out what solutions they made.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:31 pm

I'm back onto it folks - yes almost completed chapter 5. Bundy takes Kate to meet his friend Quincy Simpson who is a retired forensic scientist. Bundy worked with Quincy in his days as a detective. Quincy helped Bundy solve many investigations.

Kate meets Quincy's wife Victoria and they hit it off like wild fire. In the meantime Bundy and Quincy travel down memory lane and reminence about the old days when there was no DNA, only fingerprints, blood or fluid to put the offender at the scene of a crime.

Quincy has an idea. Once he retired he found time to further experiment with an idea he had many years before. He wanted to compare DNA of an person with behavioural changes, particularly with the habits similar to relatives of past generations. For instance compare your own relationship within your own family to discover similar habits in a generation later down the track.

Bundy was all ears whilst Kate brushed it off as something out of a comic book. She believed in DNA evidence but this idea of comparing behavioural change with relatives was a bit far fetched.

Wait until tomorrow to find out how Quincy convinced Kate about his idea.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:04 am

Sorry to share this with you but I didn't write yesterday being Sunday which shouldn't make any different. I'll get back into it today. It doesn't mean my brain has stopped. I'll let you know what I'm thinking. My mind is never idle.

After Kate and Bundy visits Quincy and Victoria, Kate drives Bundy to his home which is an hour's drive from Quincy's place. They arrive in darkness. Bundy suggests to Kate she spend the night and they travel together next morning to work.

She agrees to his suggestion. She always carried a spare set of clothes just in case she needed to stay overnight. After cooking a simple dinner of fried saugages and eggs, they sit on the front veranda to have their coffee and milo (Bundy's drink). Kate can't get over the silence of the bush with the noise of crickets. They speak about 'what they have so far' which both agree isn't too much.

Bundy retires to his double bed which he has never shared with another person other than Ada whilst Kate retires to a single bed in the spare bedroom.

I let you know tomorrow if Bundy or Kate sleepwalks.

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