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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:35 am

'The Proposition' - Page 120:
‘Yes please, and could you e-mail a copy to Quincy?’ Bundy asked.
Kate completed the tasks.
‘We can now visit Mary, and ask to take her photograph, then Peter’s grandmother – by the way we haven’t spoken to her yet. After we’ve got their photographs, we can place them onto the family tree. Also, we’ll need to ask Mary for a latest photograph of her husband Les.’ Bundy explained.
‘Okay – I’ve given Mary a call and we’ll get on with it.’
One hour later they were seated at Mary’s home enjoying a cup-of-tea and coffee and freshly cooked scones.
‘I’m pleased you discovered the identity of the skeleton found in the forestry.’ Mary said.
‘So are we. It was a bit of a coup really, to have one up on my partner in Homicide. Bundy was the one who broke the ice with the person who murdered her. Do you know he took lamingtons into the prison when we interviewed him?’ Kate explained.
‘It was smart of you Bundy.’ Mary looked at him.
‘Ah – I don’t know. I remembered when I interviewed his father; he liked lamingtons, so it helped.’ Bundy felt humble when others spoke of his deeds. He thought it natural to use whatever tools in the toolbox to fix the problem. ‘Mary, has Kate explained what we are doing with Peter’s investigation?’ Bundy asked.
‘In a sort of a way, Kate and I have become awfully close friends after all this time. She explained about taking my photograph and you wanted one of Les. Is that correct?’
‘Yes, we’re constructing a family tree. Quincy has come up with a theory of comparing facial features of family members to see any differences.’ When he explained his theory to Mary, his mind set off a ping, which normally indicated something wasn’t fitting into place...
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:47 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 121:

‘You don’t mind if Kate took your photograph. Would you Mary?’ Bundy saw Mary’s features change.
‘No – I’m thinking of a suitable photograph of Les. I think the last time I took his photograph was about ten years ago at a family function. Excuse me, I’ll try and get it for you.’ She left the room.
‘Did you see Mary’s change when I asked her about the photograph?’ Bundy whispered to Kate.
‘I wasn’t looking. I’m still trying to get my head around Quincy’s theory. I hope you’re on the right track.’ She shared.
‘So do I.’ Bundy replied, still thinking about the expression Mary used after being asked about a photograph of her late husband...
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:42 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 122: Chapter 15

Mary handed Kate a photograph of her late husband. This was the first time Bundy saw Les and what he looked like. Grey hair, slightly receding, stylist and wavy; blue coloured eyes, as bright as the sky on a clear day; clean facial features, aged around fifty years plus, stood erect, shoulders back.
Kate took a photograph with her mobile of Mary standing against the lounge room wall. Mary’s features more defined; ginger-grey streaked hair, long to the nape of her neck, moon faced features, hazel coloured eyes – attractive smile. They thanked Mary and left to visit Mary’s mother.
‘Good morning Mrs Peacock, we haven’t met before, I’m Detective Superintendent Kate Emerson and this is my partner Bundy Quicksilver. We’d like to speak to you about your grandson, Peter Clayton.’
Mrs Peacock was a lady in her nineties – slightly bent because of her age, ‘do come in, yes poor Peter, it’s been a long time. You know he always visited me each Tuesday without fail. It was such a long time ago since I’ve seen him.’ She replied with an aged voice, quiet and solemn.
They entered the house. Like her daughter’s home it was neat and tidy.
She guided them into the lounge room and said, ‘do sit down’. She seated opposite.
‘Mrs Peacock, sorry about our intrusion but we want to take a photograph of you if you don’t mind; to help us with our investigation into Peter’s disappearance.’ Kate asked sincerely.
‘Why do you want a photograph of an old woman like me?’ She muttered...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:26 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 123:

‘Because of Peter’s disappearance we’re building a family tree exhibiting different family photographs to see if there are any resemblances between family members.’ Kate explained.
‘Has Mary given her photograph?’ She asked in a stern voice.
‘Yes – we’ve only left her home after taking her photograph.’ Kate admitted.
‘I don’t like my photograph being taken – is it necessary?’ She admonished.
‘Yes – if possible, we’d also like to have a photograph of Peter’s grandfather if you have one. We have one of his fathers, Les.’ Kate admitted.
Bundy noticed something strange when Kate mentioned she had a photograph of Peter’s father, Les, Mrs Peacock’s head bent slightly; then dropped, which always indicated a suspicion something was not right. Was this reason enough she did not want her photograph taken. Is there more going on than meets the eye? He pondered.
‘Please excuse me,’ Mrs Peacock rose from her seat; left the room to return shortly afterwards with a photograph of her late husband and a woman standing beside him. She handed it to Kate, ‘can you return this to me please; it is incredibly special?’ She pleaded.
‘, as soon as we’ve made a copy, I’ll return it personally – thank you. Mrs Peacock, may we take a photograph of you please?’ Kate asked politely.
‘Isn’t it enough you’ve got the both of us in the photograph I gave you?’ She reprimanded.
‘I suppose we can use this one.’ Kate admitted. ‘Thank you for your time, we’ll let ourselves out. Before we leave, I’ll give you my card if you ever want to contact us about Peter.’ Kate handed her a card.
They left the home and walked to their parked vehicle...

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:17 am

'The Proposition' - Page 125:

‘Okay – what about you do your thing about loading those photographs onto the computer and see how the family tree is progressing. I honestly think we’ll be in for a surprise.’ He didn’t exactly know what surprise but he knew something wasn’t gelling into place.
Kate worked on the computer, ‘have a look at this – even I can see the difference. How did Quincy know this was going to happen?’ She asked and pointed to the screen of the computer. ‘They don’t look anything alike.’
Bundy looked closer at the screen, ‘would you print it out please and send an e-mail to Quincy.’ He instructed.
Bundy studied each face on the family tree. To his eye he couldn’t see a resemblance between Peter and his father, Les. They were different as chalk and cheese. There was no resemblance whatsoever. Colour of their eyes was different, as were they’re complexions; colour of hair, also shape of their nose with other features clearly identifiable.
‘Kate – can you see what I’m seeing?’ Bundy asked.
‘Even I can see there is no resemblance between Peter and his father. What’s going on?’
‘We need to return to Mary’s house to see if we can have something of her late husband so Quincy can test it for DNA. I’m not a betting man, but I lay you a pound to a London brick on, he’s not the father. We won’t count our chickens yet.’
Kate’s telephone rang.
‘Detective Superintendent Kate Emerson speaking – how can I help you?’ Kate said into the telephone in an official voice.
‘Is Bundy Quicksilver there – may I speak with him please?’ A male voice replied.
‘It’s for you.’ She handed the phone to Bundy.
‘Hello – Bundy Quicksilver speaking.’..

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:22 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 126:
‘Detective, you may not remember me, however, many years ago I was present when you obtained a statement from a woman who’d been threatened by a youth with a knife. He was only fourteen years old. I’m Pastor Thrupp.’
Immediately Bundy’s mind raced through a catalogue of events thinking about a fourteen year old youth who threatened a lady with a knife, ‘ah, yeah, I remember the incident, he broke into her home, she had a baby asleep at the time and he intended to rape her.’ Bundy explained.
‘Yes – you remember. Anyway, I was the Pastor who sat with you and the lady when she gave you a statement for court.’
‘Okay,’ Bundy’s mind tried to compute the connection between taking the statement from the woman, Pastor Thrupp and why he wanted to speak with him, ‘how can I help you Pastor?’ Bundy asked - his brow frowned in wonderment. He shrugged his shoulders to signal Kate he had no idea what this telephone call was about.
‘You and your offsider visited Mrs Peacock this morning; she telephoned me shortly after your visit and when she mentioned your name – it rang a bell. Mrs Peacock wants to speak with you about her grandson Peter and would like me to be present when she does.’
‘Have you any idea what she wants to tell us?’ Bundy asked.
‘Not exactly, she asked me to make arrangements to meet you and Detective Superintendent Emerson; and I’m to be present.’ He replied.
‘When would it be possible to speak with both of you?’ Bundy asked.
‘What say we make an appointment to be at her home at nine o’clock in the morning? She’s old and frail and it’d be better meeting at her home. Would nine o’clock in the morning be a suitable time?’ He asked...
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:58 pm

'The Proposition' - Page 127:
‘Most certainly, see you in the morning.’ Bundy asked and closed Kate’s telephone.
‘What was that all about?’ Kate asked. She heard part of the conversation but didn’t hear all of it. She was intrigued.
‘That was Pastor Thrupp. He wants us to be at Mrs Peacock’s home at nine o’clock in the morning. Mrs Peacock wants to tell us something about her grandson Peter.’ Bundy explained.
‘Is there anyone you don’t know?’ Kate asked in a gasp.
‘He was the Pastor who sat in on an interview with a witness years ago, when a woman was threatened with a knife by a fourteen-year-old youth. He remembered my name. I suppose there’s not too many Bundy Quicksilver’s around, are there?’
‘Thank goodness.’ Kate remarked. ‘Now back to this family tree.’
Bundy and Kate studied the family tree comparing each face and features to see if any relative looked similar. Bundy explained to Kate his reason for making this decision. ‘Have you ever been to a wedding or funeral and seen the resemblance of different family members? How their features resemble one another through their skin colour, hair, facial features and other similarities?’ Bundy asked.
‘Now you mention it – yes, but I’ve never taken any notice. Did Quincy know about this?’ Kate asked.
‘No – this was my idea. Look at the difference between Mary and Peter, each have similar coloured hazel eyes; Peter’s feature of nose; mouth and cheeks had a slight resemblance to his grandfathers’ features. Apart from those small resemblances, Peter stuck out like a sore thumb; he appears to be a throw back in the family some where. Do you agree?’ Bundy asked...

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