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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:56 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 147:

‘Protector for Aboriginal gathered our peoples like sheep, drove us to the sandhills south of Cunnamulla. My father went walkabout to hunt food for his family.’ Desi stood erect. Looked at the front row of people seated. Pointed to one special person. ‘Mrs Hannah Gibson, our school teacher came to our camp one day. Without her help I would never be where I am today. Thank you, Mrs Gibson.’ Audience applauded, stood in acclamation.
‘Our Lord Mayor, Mr Young employed me on his property to help Billy Campbell delve boredrains.’ Desi remained silent.
‘I remember those days’. A voice shouted from the rear of the room. ‘I taught him how to ride.’
Desi looked toward the voice. ‘May I introduce my dear friend Mr Billy Campbell.’ Desi pointed to where Billy. ‘Stand up my friend so everyone can see who taught me to ride a horse.’ Billy stood erect. Applause echoed throughout the room. After the applause stop Billy sat down.
‘Early this year became my lucky day. I rode five winners in the picnic races at Coongoola. This day Mr A E Mayo, soon to become my father-in-law offered me a position as apprentice jockey at his stables in Thoroughbred Racing Stables in Melbourne. I mentioned before I am lucky. I met my soon to be bride at these stables. Next week she will become my bride.’ Applause echoed throughout the room...

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:57 pm

'Thank you Carol for your 'thanks'. Much appreciated my friend.

'Build A Nation' - Page 148:

‘In finishing. I want to thank so many people who helped me along my journey. Especially, my parents and little sister. Love you all.’ More applause from gathering. ‘Thank you for listening to my story everyone. Thank you, Mr Mayor for celebrating this moment. Much appreciated.’ Desi left the stage returned to his seat. Everyone stood applauded until Desi sat down.
Cynthia kissed Desi on the lips when he sat beside her. Tears welled in her eyes. ‘I didn’t know you lived a tough life.’ She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
‘Never mind my love. Our life will be different from now on.’ Desi smiled hugged Cynthia.
Gathering didn’t finish until late in the afternoon with most people wanting to speak with Desi about his win in the Melbourne Cup. After speaking with as many people as he could they farewelled the crowd.
‘We have an appointment with Brother Ken before we return home.’ Cynthia told Desi.
Brother Ken waited at the church for the couple. When they arrived, he met them at the front door. ‘I married your parents.’ He told Desi. ‘Do you want me to speak your aboriginal tongue with the ceremony?’
‘I don’t think so Brother Ken. Cynthia and I are not as traditional as my parents.’ Desi explained.
‘I’ll walk you through the ceremony.’ Brother Ken continued with his instructions.
After practicing a couple of times how the wedding ceremony would take place, they bid farewell to brother Ken to return to Coongoola.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:38 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 149:

‘I can’t wait to become your wife Desi.’ Cynthia kissed Desi on the lips.
‘I can’t wait to become your husband Cynthia.’ Desi concentrated on driving the sulky.
They arrived home at dusk. Mr A E Mayo met them at the front gate. ‘About time you two arrived home. Where have you been?’ He asked in a stern voice.
‘Daddy. We met with Brother Ken who will marry us this Saturday.’ Cynthia climbed down from the sulky walked inside leaving Desi to unhitch the sulky and place the horse in the paddock.
Friday afternoon arrived Desi left the property after bidding farewell to Cynthia. ‘Next time I’ll see you I’ll be standing beside you at our wedding ceremony’. Tears well in Cynthia’s eyes. ‘This time tomorrow I’ll be Mrs Cynthia Whiteman.’ Kissed Desi who rode away to his parents’ home at Cunnamulla.
After greeting his parents and sister he asked his father, ‘Dad. Would you do me the honour of being my Best Man?’ Desi asked.
Tears formed in Keith’s eye. Wrapped his arms around Desi’s shoulders, whimpered the word, ‘Yes’.
‘I wonder if Joe Gibson would be my groomsman?’ He asked.
‘Only one way to find out. Let’s ask him’. Keith answered.
Keith and Desi walked to Joe and Hannah’s home to ask Joe to be his groomsman which he accepted with honour. Three then visited Alex’s hotel to celebrate the final night of Desi being single.
‘Here’s to the newly married man tomorrow.’ Alex shouted the bar in celebration.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:32 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 150:

After the hotel closed Keith and Desi walked arm in arm carried each other home. Daisy met them at the front door. Carried Desi to his bed, her husband to their bed.
Early next morning Desi rose with a thumping headache. His mother prepared breakfast in the kitchen. ‘No breakfast for me thank you mother.’ Desi croaked. ‘A cup of tea is all my stomach will take.’
Little Daisy entered the kitchen, ‘Can’t hold you liquor brother.’ Little Daisy shouted.
‘Not so loud. Turn down the volume please.’ Desi touched his head.
Daisy prepared Desi a cup of tea with a slice of dry toast. ‘Here, this should fix you. You’re being married this afternoon.’ Desi drank the refreshment his mother prepared, ate the dry toast.
Standing before God at the alter Desi looked constantly to the front door.
‘Brides are always late.’ His father whispered. ‘Patience my boy.’
Sound of wedding song beamed throughout the church. Desi turned his head. His mind filled with emotion. Most beautiful woman entered the church, beside her, Mr A E Mayo. Cynthia stood beside Desi. ‘Who giveth this bride to this man?’ Brother Ken stated in a loud voice.
‘I do.’ Mr A E Mayo handed his daughter’s hand to Desi.
Brother Ken celebrated this wedding with Cynthia and Desi speaking their vows. After which Brother Ken stated, ‘I now pronounce you both husband and wife. You may kiss your bride Desi.’ Desi and Cynthia kissed.
Reception held at Shire Council hall. Speeches from friends, relatives congratulating the couple of their recent nuptials. Uncle Bob next to speak.
‘Welcome to our family Desi. Cynthia, you are a lucky person married to this champion jockey.’ Uncle Bob paused. ‘In my hand I have registration papers for a horse name Lord Black.’ Uncle Bob handed the papers to Desi and Cynthia. After reading the registration papers Cynthia sprung from her chair, cuddled Uncle Bob.
Tears welling in her eyes, she whispered, ‘Thank you Uncle Bob. This is the best Wedding present we could ever receive.’ She addressed the audience holding the registration papers up to show the audience. ‘Uncle Bob has gifted Desi and I ownership of Lord Black. This gift is truly worthy to Build A Nation’.

About The Author
This is Pat’s twenty-seventh book. Please enjoy this story of ‘Build A Nation’. Pat wanted to share with his readers this epic story of Australia in 1908. Many events happened in this year which today continue. Events such as: Boy Scouts; Rugby League; Melbourne Cup.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:19 pm

Thank you Nevis for your 'thanks'. New book today:

'Build An Empire' - Page 1:

Story Thus Far:
The Shearer’:
‘The Shearer’ is the first book in 'Outback Australia' series. Set in 1891. Scene ‘The Great Shearers Strike’. Major character Joseph Ryan who fought for better working conditions and wages for his fellow shearers.
1890 Joseph Ryan met his friend Joe Gibson, a fellow shearer to help fight for better working conditions and wages.
During the strike, graziers wouldn’t permit ‘striking shearers’ to shear their sheep. Contracted shearers were those who held a ‘non-union ticket to shear’ only hired by graziers. Joe Gibson held this ticket.
At the height of ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Joseph Ryan gathered his shearers to strike on the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Four months they survived until police intervened to stop the strike. Joe Gibson met his friend Joseph Ryan on the final day at the strike camp before police arrived. They exchanged clothes and personal items. Joe Gibson took Joseph Ryan’s identity.

The story continues:
‘Click Go The Shears’:
‘Click Go The Shears’ is the second book in 'Outback Australia' series. Follow-on from ‘The Shearer’. Joseph Ryan who has the identity of Joe Gibson escaped capture whilst Joe Gibson takes the place of Joseph Ryan tried for leading the strikers. Thirteen strikers appeared in court. Each sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for their part in the strike. Joseph Ryan (Gibson) served his imprisonment at St Helen Island Prison in Moreton Bay.
At the end of his prison term Joseph Ryan and Joe Gibson meet at Barcaldine (original town where strike occurred) to return to their own identities. Joe Gibson returned to Cunnamulla met Hannah Young who still resided with Ma at her boarding house. Joe and Hannah fell in love. They married. Hannah’s father gifted his property ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to them for their wedding gift.

The story continues:
‘Tilbaroo Station’
‘Tilbaroo Station’ is the third book in 'Outback Australia' series. Joe discovered an artisan bore on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Nat wants his nine remaining properties to have bores. The only person who divined for water is deceased. By accident Hannah discovers a student in her class, ten-year-old Ryan Carlson who discovered water on Nat’s properties.
Underground artisan water discovered in 1897. Ryan’s father, Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer for Queensland Railway Department employed to build the rail link from Charleville to Cunnamulla selected by The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to oversee the bores established in the region. A committee formed with Joe Gibson, Nat Young being members of the committee. Todd Carlson, Chairman.
By the end of 1898, a newly constructed Cunnamulla Railway Station built. Underground water discovered on all Nat Young’s properties. Todd Carlson, Chairman of ‘Great Artisan Water Basin Committee’ appointed Commissioner of Water Resources for Queensland.

The story continues:
‘The Year That Never Was’
‘The Year That Never Was’ is the fourth book in 'Outback Australia' series. This is an exciting period for Australia because after Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770, settled by Europeans, Australia finally became a Nation with election of their first Prime Minister. Young Australians represented their Colony on behalf of British Empire left their homeland to fight Boers in 'Boer War' in South Africa. This important occasion involved Joe, Hannah, and her family.

The story continues:
‘The Suffragette’
‘The Suffragette’ is the fifth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. This is set between 1903-1905. Women not permitted to vote. Margaret Wallace, Principal at Cunnamulla State School decided to be effective. With help from The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA they worked together to ensure women in Queensland empowered the government of the day to pass legislation for women to vote. Read on to fight alongside Margaret with her friend Marilyne Pankhurst to force the government to change rules for women to vote. The story continues:

‘The Bush Detective’
‘The Bush Detective’ is the sixth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. This is set in 1907. Catherine Smith, wife of Herbert Smith, a hawker residing at Tego Springs, near Cunnamulla murdered. The Smiths were on friendly terms with a man named James Brokenborough, who stayed with them when he was out of work. Smith noticed a coolness develop between his wife and Brokenborough. On June 24, 1907, at noon, James Brokenborough reported to Herbert Smith he shot Catherine accidently while out pigeon shooting.
Sergeant Gray, Officer-in-Charge, Cunnamulla Police Station sought assistance of a detective to investigate the murder.
The story continues.
‘Build A Nation’

‘Build A Nation’ is the seventh book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. Set in 1908. Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australian Capital City decided. Nat Young purchased nine properties in south western Queensland a decade before thinking Founding Fathers decision to have Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australia Capital in far south western Queensland would eventuate. What happened? Lord Nolan wins Melbourne Cup: Queensland Rugby League formed; Queensland State Election; Boy Scout movement commenced in Queensland.
The story continues.
‘Build An Empire’

‘Build An Empire’ is the eighth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. Set in 1909. Sidney Kidman wanted to expand his cattle empire by purchasing ‘Tilbaroo Station’ from Joe and Hannah Gibson. First motor vehicles imported to Australia. First thoroughbred race meeting held in Cunnamulla. Final book.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:58 pm

'Build An Empire' - Page 2:

Chapter 1

Nat Young sat on the front swing at their home in Cunnamulla with his son-in-law Joe Gibson happily chatting about what they intend to accomplish in 1909. A smile came to Joe Gibson’s face.
‘How long have Hannah and I owned ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’
‘As long as you’ve been married. Should remember. Gifted you the property as a wedding present.’ Nat explained puffed on his pipe. ‘Why should you ask?’
‘Do you know Sidney Kidman?’ Joe asked taking a sip from his tumbler of beer.
‘Why yes, I do know Sidney Kidman. Not personally. He’s known as Cattle King. Owns more properties throughout Queensland than anyone else. Is there a reason you ask me this Joe?’
‘Have a meeting with him next month.’
‘He wants to purchase ‘Tilbaroo Station’.
‘What! Sidney Kidman wants to purchase ‘Tilbaroo Station’? Nat replied astonished.
‘Yeah. ‘Tilbaroo Station’ will add to his other properties to expand his empire.’ Joe sipped another drink.
‘Joe. This is your decision to make. Remember when I wanted to purchase properties, around this area thinking Founding Fathers would decide to have Treasure House of Nation’s Heart. Instead, they chose Yass/Canberra. Mate, you do what you think is right for you, Hannah, and the girls. What would you do if you sold ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:24 pm

Thank you dub: Here is page for today:

'Build An Empire' - Page 3:

‘Greg Deveney, Stock and Station Agent asked me this same question. Nat, I had an epiphany. Want to open a garage in Cunnamulla. With motor vehicles moving west they’ll need servicing.’ Joe shared with Nat.
Nat pondered on Joe’s idea. ‘What’s an epiphany?’
‘A vision popped into my mind at the same time Greg asked me if I wanted to sell ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Joe tried to explain.
‘Great idea. You can start with my new motor vehicle. Arriving on the train tomorrow afternoon. Good on you Joe. Have you spoken with Hannah about your idea?’ Nat asked.
‘No. I wanted to have your ideas first. I’m certain she’ll agree.’
‘Are you still going to continue being my Overseer on the properties?’
‘Nat. I need to think about this. After I speak with Hannah about building a garage in Cunnamulla to service motor vehicles, honestly mate, I think time will become a factor. Peter Greig would make a great Overseer.’ Joe finished his beer. ‘You want another beer.’ Nat handed Joe his empty tumbler, nodded.
When Joe entered the kitchen Hannah said, ‘Joe, tell Pa lunch is almost ready.’ Joe nodded, poured two tumblers of beer returned to Nat sitting on the swing. Handed him one tumbler.
‘Hannah has lunch almost ready.’
‘We better drink this one quick before lunch. Continue our talk after lunch. I want to discuss with you. Most interesting.’ Nat drank his beer as did Joe both men walked into the kitchen.

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