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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:21 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 139:

Keith put his hand out to his son, ‘Congratulations Desi. Been quite a day.’
After everyone settled down Mr A E Mayo asked for attention to announce his daughter and Des’s engagement. Celebrations continued throughout the night. Desi and Cynthia sat on the front veranda arms wrapped around one another to see the sun break across the horizon as dawn broke.
‘Do you think we should have some sleep before we start our chores.’ Desi asked.
‘Desi. I couldn’t sleep. Happiness has taken over my body.’
‘Breakfast is ready’. Mrs Mayo called everyone to the kitchen.
After they sat around the table Mr A E Mayo started the conversation. ‘Been quite a night. Celebrating winning Melbourne Cup, our daughter and jockey declaring their love for each other, engagement. What else could happen?’
‘Have you set a date for the wedding?’ Asked Mrs Mayo.
Desi and Cynthia looked at each other in amazement. Both answered, ‘No.’
‘You’re to remain living with us Desi until you both decide after the wedding where you want to live. Bob and I have spoken about our next runner in the Melbourne Cup. We don’t want to wait another five years.’
‘Thank you, Mr A E Mayo.’ Desi replied cheerfully. His thoughts fixed on Cynthia. ‘I need to speak with my parents. Can you excuse Cynthia and I this morning? Important news to discuss.’ Desi took Cynthia by the hand. ‘We will not be long’. They left.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:41 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 140:

Desi wanted to speak to his parents before they returned to Cunnamulla on the afternoon train. Meeting them at Flinders Street Railway Station Desi asked his parents, ‘Can Cynthia and I talk to you before you leave?’
Both nodded. Sat at a table to have their conversation.
‘We’ve decided to be married in Cunnamulla.’ Desi shared.
‘Great news.’ Daisy replied. ‘When?’
‘This is the reason why we want to speak with you. You both married in Cunnamulla earlier this year. Would you speak with the Minister who married you to married us?’ Desi asked.
‘Yes. I’m certain Brother Ken would agree to marry you both. I’ll arrange everything.’ Daisy smiled almost bursting with joy. ‘Because you are both Aboriginal, I’ll ask Nat if you need to have permission to marry. I’ll write to let you know.’
After farewelling everyone Desi and Cynthia shopped for an engagement ring. Cynthia overjoyed to wear this precious ring given by Desi. Returned to the stables to continue their daily chores.
They shared their joy with Cynthia’s parents and family.
‘Since you’ve decided to marry in Cunnamulla, Uncle Bob and I have a proposition for you both.’ Mr A E Mayo told the couple.
‘What is it Daddy?’ Asked Cynthia.
‘Uncle Bob has a full brother to Lord Nolan at his property. Would you two work at Uncle Bob’s property until the wedding? Cynthia, you broke in Lord Nolan. Would you break in this new colt?’ Her father asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:32 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 141:

‘You can both stay with us.’ Uncle Bob interrupted.
‘Yes.’ Cynthia said wrapped her arms around her father, ‘We’d be happy to break in the new colt. Wouldn’t we Desi?’ Cynthia shouted with glee.
‘We’ll leave tomorrow to return home. I’ll make all the arrangements.’ Uncle Bob said.
Desi worked out how many riding engagements he needed to cancel. About time they each had a vacation. Breaking in a horse wouldn’t be much of a vacation. Being married as part of the deal would be. Desi pondered these thoughts.
Within fourteen days Desi and Cynthia boarded the train to Queensland. Desi and Cynthia enjoyed heavenly bliss. Totally in love with one another. Uncle Bob met them at Coongoola Railway Siding.
‘Did you have a good trip?’ Uncle Bob asked after Desi and Cynthia boarded the sulky for their trip to Uncle Bob’s property.
‘Yes. I can’t wait to see your colt Uncle Bob.’ Cynthia smiled.
They arrived at the property. Lavish with modern facilities. Desi couldn’t believe his luck over the past twelve months, meeting Mr A E Mayo, riding the winner of the Melbourne Cup, falling in love with Cynthia, now breaking in a new colt.
Uncle Bob helped Desi and Cynthia settle in at his home. His wife provided them with separate bedrooms along a long veranda. Desi happy to be in his country again.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:11 am

'Build A Nation' - Pages 142-143:

‘Meet me in the kitchen. I’ve prepared lunch.’ Mrs Mayo said before leaving both to settle into their new accommodation.
Desi waited for Cynthia at her bedroom door. When she opened the door Desi said, ‘Your relatives are rich.’
Cynthia took Desi’s hand. ‘In their own right. Won two Melbourne Cups within five years. Prize money over six thousand pounds is wealth in this part of the country.’ Cynthia walked with Desi to the Dining Room.
‘I don’t want to sound a pest Cynthia. How long do you think before you break-in this colt?’ Uncle Bob asked.
‘Can’t put a time on how long Uncle Bob. All horses are different. Lord Nolan if I remember took almost five weeks. You’ll need to wait and see.’ Cynthia answered her uncle.
Desi had never seen such lavish buildings, yards, before. Anything needed on a property for easy use.
‘Choose a horse. Saddles, bridles inside. We need to ride out to the back paddock to bring in the yearlings’. Uncle Bob told Desi and Cynthia.
All three saddled their horses, mounted, followed Uncle Bob to the yearling paddock. Lush green Mitchell grass grew to each horse’s knees. They mustered around twenty yearlings driving them to the yards near the stables.
‘Instead of bringing only one horse in, better to bring them all in. Have a look through the mob. See if you can pick Lord Nolan’s full brother.’ Uncle Bob pointed to the mob settled in the yard.
‘Over there. Black tall colt standing by himself.’ Cynthia pointed out.
‘You’re right Cynthia.’ Uncle Bob admonished. A smile broad across his face.
They turned the black colt out into a small yard. Opened the gate to release the remaining yearlings to return them to their paddock.
Cynthia walked to the gate. Opened the gate slowly. Entered the yard. Closed the gate. Colt stood upright staring at her. She stopped. Crouched down on her haunches. Starred at the colt. Each stared at each other for a couple of minutes until the colt galloped around the yard.
‘Whoa boy. I won’t hurt you.’ She remained in a crouched position. Desi stood outside the yard, his mind filled with admiration for his bride-to-be.
Black colt looked magnificent. Bright shining coat, head raised high. Powerful build. Cynthia remained in a crouched position. Her eyes fixed on each movement the colt made. Her hat pulled over her eyes. Slowly the colt moved toward Cynthia. Closer and closer his mussel came toward Cynthia until she felt the colt sniff near her hat. She remained motionless. Allowed the colt to settle.
Cautiously Cynthia stood to her height placed her right hand toward the colt’s mussel. The colt sniffed her hand. ‘I’m not going to hurt you.’ She whispered. ‘Hand me the rope Desi.’ Cynthia said in a soft voice. Desi handed her a rope.
Cynthia opened the rope from the coil. Formed a lassoes. Black colt stood erect starred at Cynthia. She slowly moved to the colt’s head, placed the lassoes through the colt’s head down to the neck. The black colt reared in the air. Cynthia stood her ground holding tight onto lassoes. ‘Whoa boy.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:35 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 144:

Black colt pulled hard against strain of the lassoes. Cynthia released her hold on the rope to allow the colt to gallop around the yard pulling the lassoes. After a couple of minutes, black colt stood. Cynthia moved toward him. Their eyes fixed on one another. Within reach of the rope Cynthia grabbed the rope. She controlled the black colt.

Chapter 16

‘We’ll call you Blackie’. Cynthia said loud enough for Desi to hear. ‘Hand me the halter please Desi.’ Cynthia asked holding the rope. Desi passed the halter to Cynthia. Holding onto the rope, she past the halter over the colt’s mussel fastened the straps around his chin. Cynthia released the rope held onto the halter by the lead.
She formed the lassoes around the colt’s rump. He reared in the air. ‘Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you’. She whispered. With the rope in her right hand fastened around the rump, lead of the halter in her left hand pulled on the lead at the same time she pulled on the rope. Colt moved forward. ‘Good boy.’ Cynthia led the colt around the yard pulling with the lead and the rope at the same time.
After leading Blackie for a couple of circles around the yard she released the rope from the rump, gathered the rope in her right hand. Led the colt by the halter lead. ‘Good boy Blackie.’ Satisfied with handling Blackie, she released the lead clip on the halter, rubbed her hand down the horse’s neck, ‘Good boy Blackie’. Left the yard. ‘That’ll do him for today.’ She joined Desi outside the yard.
Desi wrapped his arms around Cynthia, kissed her on the lips. ‘What’s that for?’ She asked.
‘I’ve never seen anyone do what you’ve done with any horse. You’re a real horse breaker.’ Desi exclaimed.
They worked together for the next week, Cynthia breaking in Blackie whilst Desi helped as much as he could. Time for riding. Cynthia calmed Blackie holding onto the reins of the bridle secure in Blackie’s mouth. She placed a saddle cloth on back of Blackie leaned down to pick up the saddle.
Blackie stood erect and still. Both breaker and horse in tune with each other. Cynthia placed the saddle on Blackie’s back, secured the surcingle, fastened it tight. Held the reins in her left hand, grabbed hold of Blackie’s mane, placed her left foot into the stirrup, took her body weight on the stirrup, swung her right leg over the saddle to sit firm.
Cynthia relaxed. Blackie leaped forward, Cynthia moved her hands holding both reins steady. ‘Steady boy.’ Cynthia touched Blackie’s side with her boot to move him forward. Blackie hunched his back started bucking across the yard. Cynthia held her position holding the reins. After bucking around the yard, a couple of times the horse stopped.
‘Are you all right Cynthia?’ Desi called after Blackie settled.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:19 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 145:

‘He didn’t have much buck in him as did Lord Nolan when I broke him in. Saddle the other horse Desi. We’ll go for a ride in the paddock.’ Desi followed Cynthia’s instructions.
Both horses rode side by side along dirt tracks to return to the yards. ‘That’s enough for today’. Cynthia expressed satisfied with her deeds.
Uncle Bob with Mr A E Mayo met them at the yards on their return.
‘How’s he going?’ Asked Uncle Bob.
‘Daddy.’ Cynthia yelled. Jumped from Blackie, ran to her father’s arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him on the cheeks. ‘When did you arrive? Is Mother here?’
‘Bob picked us up from the railway station. Yes, your mother is with me. We didn’t want to miss your wedding. Only a fortnight away.’ Mr A E Mayo answered. ‘How’s my top jockey?’
‘Mr A E Mayo, I can’t believe how well your daughter breaks in horses. She’d done a grand job with Blackie’. Desi dismounted from his horse, took reins from Cynthia.
‘Blackie’. Mr A E Mayo stated in alarm.
‘Daddy. I named Blackie because of his shinning black coat. He’s magnificent.’ Cynthia stated.
‘Cynthia is excellent at her job.’ Desi spoke of her deeds in highest esteem.
‘Bob. Perhaps we should name this fellow Lord Black.’ Mr A E Mayo stated.
‘A wonderful name. Winner of Melbourne Cup in 1911.’ Bob answered. ‘This is why Cynthia breaks in the horses.’ Uncle Bob answered. ‘I have a surprise for you both.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 01, 2022 12:52 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 146:

Cynthia smiled. ‘What could you offer us more than what you already have?’ Cynthia asked.
‘I spoke with our Mayor of Cunnamulla, Nat Young. He wants to have you both parade along Stockyard Street, Cunnamulla display the Melbourne Cup. What do you think?’ Bob questioned.
Cynthia and Desi looked at each other. ‘I suppose it’ll be okay.’ Desi acknowledged.
‘I’ll make the arrangements. Leave everything to me.’ Uncle Bob with his brother left the couple.
‘We’ll be a couple of celebrities.’ Cynthia smiled once her father and uncle was out of hearing her comment.
After another week of work Cynthia happy with breaking of Blackie. Uncle Bob arranged parade to display his Melbourne Cup with Cynthia and Desi taking front seat on a sulky. Smiling, waving to the gathered crowd. Desi couldn’t believe cheers from the crowd were for him and Cynthia. He stared toward the sky. A brightness shone like a star. ‘Someone up there likes me’. Desi smiled with glee.
They stopped in front of Cunnamulla Shire Council building.
‘Welcome Cynthia, Desi’. Nat Young, Mayor escorted both into the building. Desi carried The Melbourne Cup won a few weeks before. They were escorted to a table. Seated along this table their relatives, friends. Mayor Young walked on the stage to address the gathering of Cunnamulla citizens.
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