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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:44 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 113:

‘Alfred Deakin replaced you as Prime Minister. I remember he helped write ‘The Constitution’. Samuel said in between eating food and drinking tea.
‘Alfred is my friend. Has been for many years. A true Royalist. Pleased he replaced me as Prime Minister. This is his second term as Prime Minister.’
‘From information I’ve heard around the traps Andrew Fisher wants to become Prime Minister’. Samuel eluded.
‘Andrew will need to wait. Most ambitious character is Andrew. Placing everything aside I wish them both the best of British luck. Difficult job.’
‘Whilst we’re on the job of a difficult job. Douglas Mawson has become a member of Shackleton’s Nimrod Expedition to journey across South Magnetic Pole.’
‘Yes. They set off last year. I’ve known Douglas for many years. Most ambitious explorer. Studied mining and geology at University of Sydney.’
‘Has his work cut out to reach South Magnetic Pole.’
‘Douglas is most ambitious. Will not surprise me if he completes his task. Tough task.’
They finished their refreshments settled at the table displaying Australian Flag Edmund stated, ‘Being a Royalist. I have some knowledge of the Australian Flag. Flag of Australia is based on British maritime Blue Ensign: a blue field with Union Jack in the canton or upper hoist quarter with a large white seven-pointed Commonwealth Star. Five white stars: one small five-pointed star and four, larger, seven-pointed stars.’
‘Your knowledge of Australia Flag is commendable Edmund.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:49 pm

'Build A Nation' - Pages 114-115:

‘Did you realise at a similar time I was appointed Prime Minister of Australia we held a competition to design ‘The Australian Flag?’
‘I did not. Did this competition have a winner?’
‘As Federation approached. You should remember this period because we were there to write ‘The Constitution’’. Edmund explained remembered this period as if yesterday. A proud moment in Australian history.
Samuel frowned. ‘My concentration at the time to write ‘The Constitution’. Not worry about ‘The Australian Flag’.
‘To refresh your memory. Melbourne Herald conducted a design competition with a prize of 25 Australian pounds in which entries were required to include Union Jack; Southern Cross, resulting in a British Ensign style flag.’ Edmund pushed his chest out to show how proud of his British heritage. ‘This competition attracted 32,823 entries.’
‘I remember when flags were on display at Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne.’ Samuel shuffled through his notes. ‘Here are the names of the finalists: Ivor Evans, fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne; Leslie John Hawkins, A teenage apprenticed to an optician from Sydney; Egbert John Nuttall, an architect from Melbourne; Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and William Stevens, a ship’s officer from Auckland, New Zealand.’
‘Five winners. Must’ve been difficult to choose one winner.’
‘They each received forty pound each.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:43 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 116:

‘This wasn’t the end of the story. If my memory serves me correctly’
‘What happened?’
‘During my period as Prime Minister of Australia a debate arose between New South Wales and Victoria over the design of the flag. New South Wales objected to the chosen flag for being ‘too’ Victorian. I went ahead submitted this flag chosen by the judges to Admiralty for final approval’.
‘You approved the ‘Federation Flag’?’ Samuel answered with candour.
‘Yes’ Edmund answered conclusively.
‘The Admiralty chose Red for private vessels and Blue Ensigns as colonial maritime flags and grudgingly agreed to fly it only on naval ships’.
‘I remember the new Australian flag flew for the first time from the dome of Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne in 1901, around the time we finalised ‘The Constitution’. You must have been busy around this time?’
‘Yes, with travelling to England to submit ‘The Constitution’ return to Australia; sworn-in as first Prime Minister. You could say I was busy.’
‘Not much else we need to do here Edmund. Can you think of anything?’
‘We almost lost the Union Jack from the flag. Did you know?’
‘No. Tell me about this portion of Australia history’
‘1904. Richard Crouch MP lobbied proclaimed the Blue Ensign should be flown upon all forts, vessels, saluting places and public buildings of the Commonwealth.’
‘Did he have his way?’
‘Government of the day agreed to fly the Blue Ensign on special flag days. On 2nd June 1904, a resolution was passed in parliament to replace the Union Jack with the ‘Australian Flag’ on forts. Prime Minister Chris Watson did not want to adopt another flag. Therefore, this is the reason why you and I are here today. I’m satisfied with this ‘Australian Flag’ we have chosen together.’ Edmund pointed to the flag draped across the table. ‘Has the Union Jack in the corner, blue in colour, stars of the southern cross. What else do we need to build a nation?’ Edmund finished his summation. Sir Samuel agreed by nodding his head.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:03 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 117:

Chapter 13

Six weeks before the running of Melbourne Cup on first Tuesday in November 1908 Desi continued his riding in races not realising events in his life would suddenly change. Since returning from Sydney after winning Australian Derby Lord Nolan had been sent to the paddock for a spell before setting him to run in the Melbourne Cup. Mr A E Mayo planned to race Lord Nolan in a couple of lead-up races before the Melbourne Cup to have him at his peak on first Tuesday in November to compete in this great race. Desi would ride Lord Nolan.
On Lord Nolan’s return to the stables Desi attended to each detail caring for his horse, brushing, cleaning his hooves, feeding, watering, clean his stall.
One morning Desi arrived at Joker’s stall to find Lord Nolan haltered to the rail outside of his stall. Desi thought this strange because no other person looked after Lord Nolan. Only Desi. A female worked in his stall cleaning manure and urine from the bedding.
‘Who are you? What are you doing in Joker’s stall?’ Desi shouted to this person who stopped doing what she was doing. Stood upright, turned around to face her opponent. Long dark hair swept down to her shoulders. Desi had never seen anyone so beautiful.
‘Daddy told me to help you with Lord Nolan. I’m Cynthia Mayo’. She put her hand out to shake Desi’s hand. A smile spread across her face. Desi didn’t move a muscle. His jaw dropped almost to the floor. His mind in a twirl. Her words Daddy told me to help you with Lord Nolan kept repeating over and over in his mind.
When Desi regained his equilibrium he stuttered, ‘Daddy told me.’
‘Yes, Daddy is Mr A E Mayo. My father, trainer of Lord Nolan’. Cynthia explained sternly walked from the stall stood in front of Desi.
‘Your father. Hate to speak of the obvious. You are aboriginal. Same as me.’ Desi pointed out.
‘May I say you are most observant. Yes. I am aboriginal. Came from same area as you near Coongoola.’
‘How have we never met before now?’
‘I attended private school in Melbourne. Worked my way through various Thoroughbred Racing Stables in Victoria. Now I’m here to help you win this year’s Melbourne Cup.’ Cynthia stated with confidence.
‘You’ve met my daughter.’ Desi recognized Mr A E Mayo’s voice approach from behind him.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Oct 03, 2022 2:16 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 118:

Desi turned to greet his Master. ‘Yes. Sir. I have indeed.’
‘Will you join both Cynthia and I at the main house. We have much to discuss.’ Mr A E Mayo stated in a stern voice.
‘Can we finish cleaning Lord Nolan’s stall first? Daddy.’ Cynthia said in an inviting voice. Emphasizing ‘Daddy’.
‘I’ll help her.’ Desi stepped forward to help Cynthia.
‘When you are both finished, I want you both at the house. Desi collect your things. You will be living in the main house from now on.’ Mr A E Mayo left the duo to complete their task.
‘I don’t know what to say?’ Desi remarked, picked up the rake to finish removing manure and urine from the stable.
‘Daddy has big plans for you and me.’ Cynthia said, helped Desi finish his task. ‘You gather your belongings from upstairs. I’ll meet you at the house.’ Cynthia instructed. Left the stables.
Whilst Desi gathered his few belongings, a stable hand said, ‘where’re you off to?’
‘I’ve been told by Mr A E Mayo to gather my belongings and meet him at the main house. Looks like I’ll be staying there until after the Melbourne Cup.’ Desi shared.
‘You’ve come up in the world. Now living with the Boss. What next?’ The stable hand bowed, waved his arm in front as if to bow to royalty.
‘Don’t think this will change me living with the Boss.’ Desi failed to mention and his daughter.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:46 pm

'Build A Nation' - Pages 119 plus 120:

‘Be seeing you around Desi.’ Stable hand left the quarters. A smile broad across his face.
Desi gathered his belongings walked to the house. He’d never been to the house before this day. Walked up the stairs onto the veranda, Cynthia met him at the front door. ‘Come in Desi. I’ll show you to your room. Next door to my bedroom.’ Desi followed Cynthia to a bedroom. ‘Settle in, then join us in the kitchen, down the hallway, turn right.’ Cynthia left Desi alone to pack his clothes away into a proper wardrobe.
‘Come in Desi. We haven’t met yet. I’m Cynthia’s mother.’ They shook hands.
‘Pleased to officially make your acquaintance Mrs Mayo. Seen you at the races a couple of times.’ Desi sat next to Cynthia. Mr A E Mayo sat at the head of the table.
‘Do you want refreshments?’ Mrs Mayo asked Desi.
‘Thank you so much Mrs Mayo.’ Desi relaxed waiting for the bomb to land. Up until this time he lived above the stables with other employees. Ate at the local refreshment room next door to the racing stables. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d become a guest of the Mayo family.
Mrs Mayo set a plate of food with a cuppa in front of Desi. ‘Eat up my boy.’ Desi ate the refreshments set in front of him. His mind puzzled.
‘I suppose you’re wondering why we asked you to live here with us?’ Mr A E Mayo asked Desi.
Desi stopped eating. Looked directly at Mr A E Mayo, ‘Yes. The question has passed through my mind. Also, your daughter Cynthia mentioned she came from where I lived at Coongoola.’ Desi looked at Cynthia.
‘I was born on the banks of Warrego River. Shortly after my birth my parents left with our tribe to search for food. They left me behind with Daddy and Mother at Uncle Bob’s property. I was only a baby. Uncle Bob told me the story. My parents never returned. I grew up only knowing my parents here.’ Cynthia nodded toward her parents.
‘Happiest day of our lives when we adopted Cynthia to our family. I couldn’t have children. Cynthia has been a blessing in disguise.’ Mrs Mayo replied.
‘I understand. When I was ten years old my parents with my little sister lived with our tribe on the banks of Paroo River. Dad told me years later they needed to leave because of lack of water and food. Also, at the time Protector of Aborigines required our tribe to settle on the outskirts of Cunnamulla in the sandhills.’ Desi shared.
‘I was too young to remember my parents and tribe. After they left me with my adopted parents. I’ve never seen them since. These are my true parents.’ Cynthia rose, walked to her parents, hugged them.
‘My parents now live in Cunnamulla. Dad is Boss of Railway Goods Shed at Railway Station. Mum looks after him and my little sister Daisy who is training to become a schoolteacher. My Auntie Hannah is training Daisy at Cunnamulla State School.’ Desi explained.
‘Where did you learn to ride a horse?’ Mr A E Mayo asked.
‘My mate, Ryan Carlson who you met at Sydney.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:49 pm

'Build A Nation' - Pages 121-122:

At aged ten he divined for water on Auntie Hannah’s father’s properties. After he found water Billy Campbell bored for water asked if I could help him. Billy taught me to ride and drive draft horses to make bore-drains to water the stock.’ Desi explained in between finishing his refreshments.
‘Did you ever meet my brother Bob at Coongoola?’ Mr A E Mayo asked.
‘No. I moved with my parents to Coongoola when I was ten years old. Ryan’s father who built the railway line from Charleville to Cunnamulla employed my father as a fettler for Queensland Railway Department.’
‘You mentioned your father now is the Boss of Good Shed at Cunnamulla Railway Station.’ Mr A E Mayo asked.
‘Yes, only recently my parents moved from Coongoola to Cunnamulla. They married under Commonwealth Law. Before, they were married under Aboriginal Lore, probably still are. Protector of Aborigines gave them permission to marry. They were the first aborigines to marry under Commonwealth Law. I would’ve loved to attend their wedding but you needed me here to ride. They will be here for the Melbourne Cup.’
‘They will stay here.’ Mrs Mayo suggested.
‘Thank you so much Mrs Mayo. They would like to stay close to me.’ Desi’s throat thickened with emotion. ‘Tell me Cynthia. How did you become involved with thoroughbred horses?’
‘My Uncle Bob breeds our horses at his Coongoola property. He’s already won a Melbourne Cup with Lord Cardigan. Lord Nolan is a three-quarter brother to Lord Cardigan. Daddy trained Lord Cardigan to win the Melbourne Cup five years ago. Now Lord Nolan will win for Uncle Bob with you as his rider.’ Cynthia stared at Desi. Her eyes seeped into Desi’s soul.
‘Explain to me how Lord Nolan is going to win this year’s Melbourne Cup?’ Desi inquired.
‘Daddy has a program for Lord Nolan, and yourself. I’m to help you with Lord Nolan, or ‘Joker’. You named Lord Nolan ‘Joker’?’ Cynthia said in a loud and inquisitive voice almost laughing at the name.
‘The morning I arrived at these stables a stable hand had trouble controlling Lord Nolan. I told the stable hand to stop what he was doing and hand the reins to me. After I quietened Lord Nolan, he nodded his head. Name ‘Joker’ sprung into my mind. I’ve called him ‘Joker’ ever since. When we race, I call him ‘Joker’? He responds to his name.’ Desi explained.
‘Then Joker it is.’ Cynthia admonished.
‘Mr A E Mayo. Can you explain this program you have for Joker to win this year’s Melbourne Cup?’ Desi asked.
‘You and Cynthia will work together. Cynthia has designed a program for you as well.’ Mr A E Mayo explained.
‘Pray tell. What is this program you have for me Cynthia? I can’t wait to hear it.’ Desi looked at Cynthia. His thoughts racing with different ideas.
‘Six weeks before the running of this year’s Melbourne Cup. We need not only the horse in top condition also yourself. Daddy will train Lord Nolan whilst I train you.’ Cynthia expressed.
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