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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:03 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 92:

‘Sorry my friend.’ Nat leaned across the table to shake Keith’s hand. ‘I’ve been so caught up in my own excitement I failed to recognize your heritage. Sorry. I understand.’ Nat said.
‘Don’t worry Nat.’ Keith looked across to Daisy. Took her by the hand. ‘Daisy. What do you think? Do we re-marry under Commonwealth Law?’ Keith asked his wife. Daisy nodded. Tears welled in her eyes. They moved to one another. Hugged. ‘This is her answer Nat. We will be married under Commonwealth Law.’ Keith stated in an excited voice.
‘If you think being married under Commonwealth Law will suit you both.’ Nat asked.
‘Now I’m in-charge of Cunnamulla Railway Goods Shed, look better if we were married under Commonwealth Law. We’ll still be married under Aboriginal Lore.’ Keith explained.
‘When do you move to Cunnamulla?’ Martha asked.
‘By the end of this week. I’ve arranged a wagon to take our things into town. Our new home is next to Station Master’s home on the corner.’ Daisy replied.
Gloria smiled. ‘How will you pick your bush tucker?’ She asked.
‘Bush tucker along the road. I’ll continue to find enough for my cooking. Plenty down by the river. You won’t go without Gloria.’ Daisy answered cheerfully.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:17 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 93:

They shared their thoughts of moving from Coongoola to Cunnamulla.
‘I remember many years ago when we first met. Much water has flowed under the bridge of life since those early days.’ Martha admitted.
‘Remembering the past brings deep memories for us. Living our life with our tribe on the banks of Paroo River. Daisy searched for bush tucker while I went with other members of the tribe tracking kangaroo, goanna, anything to eat. Fish in Paroo River. Hard times compared to our life now.’ Keith reminiscence. ‘Drought killed our food and people.’
Nat thought of Keith’s life living in a gunya on the sandhills outside of Cunnamulla on the Aboriginal Reserve. Harsh conditions. His daughter Hannah visited Daisy to provide her with clothing to keep them warm during cold winter months. His thoughts reached a time when Cunnamulla almost washed away when water reached more than twenty feet high almost flooded their town.
If Keith and his family never helped the townsfolk of Cunnamulla to build a sandbank carting sand from the sandhill to build a levy bank on the Warrego River, their town would’ve been washed away. Nat thankful for Keith’s help. His friend Todd Carlson employed Keith as a fettler at Coongoola Railway Siding. After many years of loyalty Keith promotion to Boss of Cunnamulla Railway Goods Shed. A dream came true.
‘As Mayor of Cunnamulla, I congratulate you my friend on this promotion and your new home in Cunnamulla.’ Nat shook Keith’s hand.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:16 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 94:

‘Thank you, my friends, Nat, Martha and Gloria. Daisy and I will be happy to live in Cunnamulla, be near our friends.’ Keith said.
‘Do you want any help with your wedding plans?’ Martha excitedly asked Daisy.
‘Yes. Wait until we’re settled in Cunnamulla. We can make plans then.’ Daisy answered her friend.
Over the following weeks Keith and Daisy settled into their new home. Keith enjoyed his new position Boss of Cunnamulla Railway Department Good Shed. Nat received signed papers from Protector of Aboriginals for permission of Keith and Daisy Whiteman to marry at Church of England, Cunnamulla at their convenience. Nat handed Keith the signed documents. Keith read the documents providing permission to marry in Church of England, Cunnamulla.
Martha and Gloria visited their friend Daisy at her new home. Daisy invited them inside, showed them each room, ‘lot better than living in Coongoola.’ Daisy remarked on their inspection. ‘I’ll put the kettle on. Keith should be home for morning smoko shortly.’ Daisy prepared a cuppa for her friends and husband. Rear door opened. ‘Keith is here now.’ Met them in the kitchen.
‘Good morning Martha and Gloria. Welcome to our new home.’ Keith said in a proud voice. Kissed Daisy.
‘You both have done so well for yourselves.’ Martha remarked. ‘Have you given much thought to your wedding?’ Asked Martha.
‘Yes, we have.’ Keith expressed. ‘Thought we’d go aboriginal.’ Keith sat at the head of the table.
Martha couldn’t find the words to express her thoughts. ‘I don’t understand.’ She muttered.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:19 pm

Thank you dub; Carol. Here is your page for today:

'Build A Nation' - Page 95:

‘We’ve been married under Aboriginal Lore for more than twenty years. To fit in with the locals we now need to marry under Commonwealth Law. Making the adjustment is difficult.’ Keith explained sipped his cuppa.
‘This is a great opportunity for both of you.’ Martha expressed. Her memory returned to when she argued with Founding Fathers about including Indigenous Peoples to be permitted to vote in Constitution. Keith and Daisy now had opportunity to wed legally under Commonwealth Law. Not as good as being given permission to vote. At least something has been done for our Indigenous Peoples, she thought.
‘We spoke about being married under Commonwealth Law. Still thinking about how to conduct the ceremony.’ Daisy said.
‘Brother Ken Beer is our Priest. I’m certain he will marry you.’ Martha explained.
‘I haven’t decided what to wear.’ Daisy explained.
‘White is the norm for a bride to wear.’ Martha continued.
‘We spoke about wearing our tribal Gunya dress. Our tribe is Gunya.’ Daisy admitted not certain how Martha would respond.
‘You are the bride Daisy. What is your tribal dress?’ Martha asked.
‘Kangaroo hide made into a dress.’ Daisy explained. ‘Keith would wear kangaroo hide made to cover his body.’
Martha pictured in her mind both her friends standing at the alter dressed in their Aboriginal dress to be married.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:47 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 96:

‘Why not.’ Martha smiled. ‘Do you wear any shoes?’ She asked.
‘No shoes. Only dress.’ Daisy remarked. ‘We also want the ceremony spoken in our Gunya tongue. Brother Ken Beer. Does he know our language?’ Daisy asked.
‘Not certain. You may ask him.’ Martha answered.
‘Were you told where and when to marry Nat?’ Keith asked Martha.
‘No. Nat and I wed after we fell in love.’ Martha shared with her friend.
‘I’ve loved Daisy since the first time I saw her grow from a child to a woman. I picked her out to be my tribal wife at ten years old.’ Keith answered.
‘Sounds like love to me Keith.’ Gloria interrupted.
‘If we’re to marry under Commonwealth Law. Will we be treated any different to how we’re treated now?’ Keith asked.
‘I don’t suppose so. We wouldn’t treat you any different.’ Martha explained.
‘We don’t attend church.’ Keith said.
‘Do you believe in God?’ Martha asked.
‘I have no idea. Who is God? We have spirits.’ Keith answered.
‘In a weird way God is our spirit. You and Daisy may have to speak with Brother Ken Beer before you decide to marry in the church.’ Martha finished.
Daisy and Keith visited Brother Ken Beer to discuss their up and coming nuptials. Keith handed the signed documents from Protector of Aboriginals to Brother Ken who read the documents.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:44 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 97:

‘Congratulations on your up and coming marriage. From reading this document you will be the first aboriginal couple to be married under this new Commonwealth Law.’ Brother Ken admitted.
‘We have a couple of important questions to ask you Brother Ken?’ Keith asked.
‘Yes. I’m happy to answer any question you have.’ Brother Ken replied.
‘We are married under Aboriginal Lore. Have been for more than twenty years.’ Keith said.
Brother Ken thought for a moment, ‘This law is different. You have been given approval from Protector of Aboriginals to lawfully marry under our present Commonwealth Law of Australia. Are there any other questions?’ Brother Ken asked.
‘Yes. Would you deliver our wedding vows in our Aboriginal Gunya tongue?’ Keith asked.
‘I would love to speak your wedding vows using your aboriginal Gunya tongue. I need to learn them. Would you teach me?’ Brother Ken asked. Keith nodded.
Keith and Daisy farewelled Brother Ken arranged to meet twice a week to teach Brother Ken their Gunya language. This arrangement proved fruitful. Each time Keith and Brother Ken met; a bond formed of companionship. Brother Ken enthused with learning an aboriginal language whilst Keith wanted to learn more about God.
On the following Sunday Hannah together with her family attended church. To their surprise when they entered the church saw Keith, Daisy and Little Daisy in the front pew. Hannah joined her friends. Hugged and welcomed them. Brother Ken performed the service.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:49 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 98:

‘Before we commence our service, I want to extend a warm welcome to three important people to our congregation. Please welcome Keith, Daisy and Little Daisy Whiteman to our service this morning.’ Brother Ken nodded his head to them as a form of acknowledgement of acceptance. This being the first occasion an aboriginal family attended his church service.
After the service Brother Ken farewelled his flock. He shook Keith’s hand in farewell, learned closer, ‘thank you for attending church.’ Keith nodded. Left with his family.
Arrangements made for Keith and Daisy to wed on the first Saturday in June 1908. Keith stood at the alter waiting for his bride Daisy. Joe stood beside him as his best man. Wedding music sounded throughout the church. Keith looked toward the front entrance saw his bride to be. Nat walked beside Daisy with her arm through his arm. Hannah walked in front.
When Daisy arrived at the alter beside Keith, Brother Ken said to the congregation in a loud voice spoken in Gunya tongue, ‘who gives this bride?’ Nat released his hold on Daisy, handed her hand to Keith. Ceremony continued with Brother Ken speaking in a fluent Aboriginal Gunya tongue.
When Brother Ken spoke his final words in Aboriginal Gunya tongue ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’. A roar heard from the congregation. Keith and Daisy legally married under Commonwealth Law. First aboriginal couple in Australia to help build a nation.
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