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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:13 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 19:

‘Ryan…Ryan Carlson.’ Desi put his hand out to shake Ryan’s hand. ‘Been about ten years since we’ve seen one another.’ Desi’s excitement to again meet Ryan almost overcome with emotion. Thoughts returned when these two boys worked together on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. ‘Great to catch up with you. What are you doing here?’ Desi asked in surprise.
‘I play Rugby League for Australia. We came to the races today to meet and greet the people. Tell them about Rugby League. Only started a couple of months ago. What are you doing here?’ Ryan asked.
‘I’m riding this horse in the Derby. Lord Nolan. I’m a jockey.’
‘You always had a way with horses. I remember when you drove those horses for Billy Campbell digging bore drains. I am going to have a bet on you and Lord Nolan. This is an omen us meeting after ten years.’ Ryan expressed.
Mr A E Mayo arrived at the stall. ‘Mr A E Mayo, I’d like you to meet my good friend Ryan Carlson. We go back many years to Cunnamulla.’ Ryan shook Mr A E Mayo’s hand in greeting.
‘Pleased to meet a friend of Desi’s. Desi you ready. You need to go to the jockey’s room to dress. Here are the colours.’ Mr A E Mayo handed Desi Lord Nolan’s racing colours.
‘Hope to catch up with you after the race Ryan. Better ready myself for the race.’ Desi said.
‘I’ll be shouting for you to win Desi. Catch up with you later my friend.’ Ryan walked away from the stall with a smile across his face. So good to catch up with his boyhood friend once again.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:46 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 20:

Chapter 3

Ryan gathered with his fellow Australian Rugby League players at the grandstand to watch his friend Desi Whiteman ride Lord Nolan in Australian Derby.
‘He’s aboriginal. Has a surname Whiteman.’ Ryan’s friend queried.
‘Yes. His family lived on an aboriginal reserve before moving to Coongoola to work for Queensland Railway Department. My Dad arranged work for Desi’s father.’
‘You met this aboriginal at ‘Tilbaroo Station’?’
‘Yes. Desi helped work draft horses with a fellow named Billy Campbell to make bore drains after I discovered water on Nat Young’s properties. They are ready to enter the track. I’ll fill you in later with more detail.’ Ryan watched his friend ride Lord Nolan to the starting barrier.
Track announcer proclaimed the race ready to start. Rope barrier raised. Horses sprinted. Lord Nolan settled in last position when horses passed the winning post for the first time. Another full circuit to race.
Ryan never attended a race meeting before. Excitement of not only watching his friend ride in the race, plus crowd shouting, announcer’s voice describing each section of the race blared from speakers around the track. His knowledge limited on how a race run. Lord Nolan continued to race at the tail of the field.
‘When’s he starting his move?’ Ryan asked no one in particular.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:00 am

'Build A Nation' - Page 21:

‘Don’t worry. I have seen your friend ride this horse before. He is a good jockey. Wait to see what happens.’ Ryan’s companion said.
As if on que Lord Nolan commenced to circle the field. Mid-field, moved to outside the pack, four wide level with horse running third. Horses turned into the straight. Two furlongs to go. Lord Nolan beside first horse, head to head. Hundred yards to go Lord Nolan swept to front to win by five lengths.
‘Your mates a champion. Cool as a cucumber.’ Cheers echoed from Ryan’s friend. ‘Did you ever realise he was such a good jockey a decade ago?’ Asked Ryan’s companion.
‘Never on your life. He showed great potential handling draft horses behind a delver machine to dig bore-drains. This is totally on the opposite end of the scale. He is great! Isn’t he?’ Ryan amazed at how Desi rode Lord Nolan to win Australian Derby against best three-year-old horses in Australia.
Desi returned to saddling enclosure, Ryan stood outside the fence, waved to his friend. Shouted, ‘Good on you Desi. You’re a champion.’
Mr A E Mayo greeted Desi and Lord Nolan on their return. Desi unsaddled his horse, carried his saddle to be weighed-in by racing stewards. ‘Correct weight’. Called by racing steward after Desi weighed in.
‘You’ll ride him in the Melbourne Cup Desi.’ Mr A E Mayo said wrapped his arms around Desi.
Desi smiled. ‘We did well. Didn’t we Mr A E Mayo.’
Ryan stepped up beside Desi. ‘I didn’t realise you were so good.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:57 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 22:

‘I practice a lot.’ Desi grinned showing his white teeth.
‘You’re a bloody champion.’ Ryan placed his hand on Desi’s shoulder. ‘What are you doing tomorrow?’
Desi looked at Mr A E Mayo. ‘What am I doing tomorrow?’ Desi asked his Master.
‘Have the day off. You deserve to have a day off. After you finish your work with Lord Nolan. We’re heading back to Melbourne early Monday morning.’
‘Sounds great. We are playing New Zealand Rugby League team tomorrow at Sydney Cricket grounds. Love you to meet the players and watch me play.’ Ryan asked Desi.
‘I’ll be there.’ Desi shook hands with his friend excused himself to return Lord Nolan to his stable. Before Desi left, Ryan placed a handful of five-pound notes into Desi’s pocket.
‘Catch up with you tomorrow.’ Ryan left with other members of Australian Rugby League team.
Desi could not believe his luck. Ryan gave him more money he had ever had before. His mind filled with gratitude for his friend. Could not wait to watch Ryan play rugby league for Australia.

Ryan met Desi at Sydney Cricket Ground at the foyer. ‘Great you could come to watch me play.’ Ryan said to his aboriginal friend.
‘What type of game do you play?’ Desi had no idea of Rugby League.
‘Rugby League. Started this year. When I attended university, I played Rugby Union. Bloody tougher playing Rugby League. I can tell you.’ Ryan explained.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:47 pm

Thank you Carol for your thanks. Here is the page for today.

'Build A Nation' - Page 23:

‘I’ll sit here in the grandstand to watch you play.’ Desi found a seat in the grandstand. Sat to watch his friend Ryan play this game he never understood.
‘Catch you after the game.’ Ryan left to ready himself for the game.
Twenty-six players ran onto the field. Thirteen on either side. Desi saw Ryan wearing jersey number thirteen. Ryan appeared much larger than his fellow players. In Desi’s opinion, he would stick with being a jockey instead of crashing into the likes of Ryan.
Player wearing number seven jersey for Australia placed the oval shaped ball on the half-way mark in the centre of the field. Ryan stood on the kicker’s left side to watch where the ball landed. Number seven for Australia kicked the ball to his opposing players. Number thirteen player for New Zealand safely caught the ball. Before this player had time to decide where he ran Ryan landed on him like a ton of bricks. Desi gasped with horror. This is a rough game Desi thought.
Player number thirteen for New Zealand climbed to his feet, a little groggy. Stood erect. Ryan stood in front of him. Player number thirteen placed the ball under his right foot rolled the ball to a player behind. Ryan remained in front of the player playing the ball. With little effort the person receiving the ball whose position being ‘dummy half’ passed the ball to another teammate who ran along the sideline to place the ball on the try line at the opposite end of the field. New Zealand led by four points.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:58 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 24:

Play continued for another half-an-hour. Siren sounded. Players from both sides left the field. Ten-minute break for half-time. Australia will need to improve, Desi pondered. Players returned to the field. New Zealand kicked off. Ryan caught the ball, ran directly into his opposite number thirteen who tackled Ryan to the ground. Ryan jumped to his feet, played the ball to his dummy half who threw the ball along a line of players. Australia scored. Fullback failed to convert the try making the score even.
Game proceeded with both sides scoring twice each. No conversions. By the final minute scores were 12-12 all. Players shook hands left the field. Desi waited for Ryan at the grandstand.
‘What did you think of the game?’ Ryan asked Desi when Ryan joined Desi at the grandstand.
‘Too tough for this little black duck.’
‘We should’ve won if Dally Messenger had his kicking boots on.’
‘Never mind. I’ll stick to jockeying.’
‘We’ll beat them next time in Brisbane. We play them in a fortnight. When have you to be back at the stables?’
‘No particular time. Whenever I arrive.’
‘Would you like to have dinner before you return. My shout.’
‘You gave me more money yesterday than I’ve ever had before.’
‘I won on your horse. Bet to win a few hundred pounds. Fifteen to one. Never won so much money before. Still my shout.’
‘Okay.’ They arrived at a restaurant.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:07 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 25:

‘Do they allow aboriginals in here Ryan?’ Desi asked sheepishly.
‘You’re with me. I play for Australia. Come on.’ Desi followed Ryan to the reception desk.
They were ushered to a table. Sat opposite to one another.
‘Order what you want. I’m paying.’ Ryan said.
Desi read the menu. Nothing jumped from the page. ‘I’ll have a steak sandwich.’ Desi said replaced the menu on the table.
‘Steak sandwich.’ Ryan queried. ‘A bit of meat between two slices of bread. You’ll want more than this? I am having a huge steak. Will a steak sandwich be enough?’ Ryan questioned his friend.
‘Yes. I need to keep an eye on what I eat to balance my weight to ride.’ Desi explained.
‘Never thought of your weight. Must be hard at times.’
‘This is the first time I’ve been to a restaurant.’ Desi admonished.
‘I never realised.’
‘We don’t have restaurants in Coongoola. My mother does the cooking. Never needed to dine in one since I arrived in Melbourne. This is my first time. A little over-the-top for me. If you ask me.’ Desi understood Ryan attended these types of places regularly because of his different raising from a child. His parents or Little Daisy would never attend a restaurant if they did not need too.
Ryan ordered both meals. Waiting for their meal to arrive Ryan asked Desi about his life since they were eleven years old. A decade past. Desi explained after he completed school started work with his father for Queensland Railway Department as a kipper on a fettler gang at Coongoola. After a couple of years earned position as fettler. His father Ganger. Leader of the fettler gang.
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