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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 13, 2022 11:59 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 126:

Over the next fortnight Allan caught up with paperwork. When he returned to his accommodation one afternoon, he received a telegram from Lynne: Meet train tonight. No time to wonder the time. Sound of a train whistle echoed across from the railway station. Allan ran from the hotel to the platform. When the train stopped at the platform Lynne stepped down from the carriage. Allan rushed to Lynne, threw his arms around her, kissed her on the lips never wanting to let go of her.
‘What are you doing here?’ Allan expressed in an excited voice in between hugging and kissing her.
‘I’ve been transferred to Charleville. Thought you may have had something to do about the transfer.’ Lynne wrapped her arms around Allan kissing him on the lips, cheek and nose. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’ Lynne released her grip.
‘I didn’t have anything to do with your transfer. I kind of guess who did.’ Allan answered with a grin.
They gathered Lynne’s luggage walked to Railway Hotel. Bill stood at reception. ‘Allan. Is this your beautiful bride-to-be?’ Bill smiled.
‘Lynne. This is Bill Wallace. Owner of this establishment. Can we have a room for Lynne please Bill?’ Allan asked.
Bill booked accommodation for Lynne, handed her a key. ‘I booked you into the room next to Allan. Thought the room convenient for you both.’ Bill handed the key to Allan. ‘I’ll take your luggage to the room.’ Bill carried Lynne’s luggage to her accommodation.
After Lynne changed clothes, pampered herself, she met Allan downstairs in the foyer. A woman stood speaking with him. Allan looked toward Lynne. ‘Here she is now?’ Allan beckoned Lynne to him.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 14, 2022 11:16 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 127:

‘She’s beautiful.’ The lady said.
‘Margaret, I introduce you to Lynne Smith, my bride-to-be. Lynne, this is Margaret Wallace, proprietor of this establishment. Margaret helped with your transfer here.’ Both ladies shook hands.
‘Pleased to meet you Mrs Wallace. Thank you for caring for my Allan ‘The Bush Detective’. Thank you for arranging my transfer. I doubt if I could’ve stayed away from Allan any longer.’ Lynne’s words kind and sincere.
‘Been our pleasure to have “The Bush Detective’ stay with us. Bought more customers than we’ve ever had before. May I steal your bride-to-be away from you Allan?’ Margaret asked. Without receiving an answer from Allan, Margaret took hold of Lynne’s hand led her away. ‘We’ll meet you and Bill at dinner.’ Margaret threw over her shoulder both ladies walked away.
Allan and Bill sat at the dining table waiting their women folk when they joined them. Lynne leaned over Allan kissed him on the lips. ‘Did you miss me?’ Lynne asked.
‘Matter-of-fact I did. Where have you two been?’ Allan asked in an inquisitive voice.
‘Women talk. I’ve told Margaret of my mother’s death. What you did. Margaret has agreed to be my surrogate mother. Help me with our wedding. Do you mind if we had our wedding reception at this hotel?’ Lynne asked. Her eye lashes fluttered.
‘Is everything okay with you Bill to have our wedding reception at your hotel?’ Allan asked Bill.
‘Allan, go with the flow my friend. Agree with anything they say. Yes. Will be a pleasure to have your wedding reception at our hotel. As a wedding present, Margaret and I will cover all costs.’ Bill answered.
‘I told you he’d agree Lynne. You have a beautiful wife-to-be Allan.’ Margaret finished sat beside her husband.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 15, 2022 10:52 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 128:

After a hearty meal, wedding plans spoken mainly by Margaret and Lynne they retired to their rooms. ‘Sleep tight my dearest. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.’ Allan said to Lynne at her door to her room.
‘They wouldn’t bite if I had you next to me.’ Lynne said in a hushed voice nibbling on Allan’s ear lobe.
‘Wait until we’re married.’ Allan kissed Lynne goodnight retired to his room.
Over the following month Allan and Lynne lived a hectic life. Allan completed his work duties; Lynne commenced her position as a schoolteacher in Charleville. At night Lynne and Margaret worked on Lynne’s wedding dress whilst Allan and Bill discussed the reception.
Lynne and Allan met Brother Ken Beer, Minister, who were to marry them. Practice for the wedding took place. On the day prior to the wedding guest arrived including Best Man Alex. Allan’s parents arrived. Lynne’s father travelled with Alex by train. This had been Herbert’s first trip by train.
Bill arranged Allan’s ‘Buck’s’ night whilst Margaret arranged Lynne ‘Hen’s’ night. Allan couldn’t wait to be married to Lynne. After the celebrations of their final night of being single all retired to their rooms for sleep. Allan’s excitement of marrying Lynne almost caused him little sleep. In the end he slept like a baby.
Everyone gathered at the church to witness these two wonderful people marry. Brother Ken splendid in his attire. Allan waited at the alter with his best man Alex. Music sounded for the bride to enter. Lynne on her father’s arm entered the church. Tears welled in Allan’s eyes. Pride swelled his chest. His dream about to come true.
A huge congregation of town people formed at the front of the church after the wedding ceremony. Bride and groom left the church to shouts of goodwill for both. A horse and sulky awaited the couple to take them to their reception at Railway Hotel. All were in readiness for a huge celebration.
Allan didn’t remember the wedding reception neither speeches from quests, family. His mind focused on his bride on how beautiful she looked in her wedding gown. After these celebration Allan and Lynne left their wedding reception to Allan’s room. After he opened the door he said to Lynne, ‘Mrs Honor. I believe because this is our wedding night; I should carry you across the threshold.’ Allan swept Lynne into his arms. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Allan carried his bride to the bed. Sat her gently down. ‘I have something special for you.’ Allan left the bed walked across the room to a covered painting leaning against a cupboard.
Removing a cloth from the painting he carried the painting to Lynne handed to her showing a painting of himself seated on a log, Lynne cracking a whip across Allan’s shoulders decapitating a mulga snake. Lynne gazed at the painting, said. ‘Thank you.’ Tears welled in her eyes.
About The Author
Has been a joy to write this novel ‘The Bush Detective’. Book number twenty-six. To search out my other books. Thank you for reading this book. Hope you enjoyed reading this book as I have in writing this story.
Pat Ritter

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 17, 2022 10:37 pm

Thank you Carol for your thanks. Much appreciated my friend. New book today:

'Build A Nation' - Page 1:
1908: Australia commenced to build a nation. Wool became a major commodity in south western Queensland. Australia built on the sheep’s back. Nat Young purchased sheep properties in south-western Queensland west of Cunnamulla a decade before in hope Founding Fathers: Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart located to his area. His dreams shattered with the announcement Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart being selected at another location.
Lord Nolan won 1908 Melbourne Cup. Desi Whiteman previously appeared in ‘Tilbaroo Station’ is re-introduced to ride Lord Nolan in the great race.
Queensland Rugby League formed its historical beginning. Ryan Carlson, who first appeared in ‘Tilbaroo Station’ a decade before now is twenty-one years old selected to play Rugby League for Australia.
Queensland State election. Who would become Queensland Premier?
Boy Scout movement commenced in Queensland. Andre Carlson, younger brother of Ryan Carlson became first boy-scout in Queensland.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 19, 2022 11:18 pm

Thank you Carol for your thanks. Here is the page for today.
'Build A Nation' - Page 2:
Story Thus Far:
The Shearer’:
‘The Shearer’ is the first book in 'Outback Australia' series. Set in 1891. Scene ‘The Great Shearers Strike’. Major character Joseph Ryan who fought for better working conditions and wages for his fellow shearers.
1890 Joseph Ryan met his friend Joe Gibson, a fellow shearer to help fight for better working conditions and wages.
During the strike, graziers wouldn’t permit ‘striking shearers’ to shear their sheep. Contracted shearers were those who held a ‘non-union ticket to shear’ only hired by graziers. Joe Gibson held this ticket.
At the height of ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Joseph Ryan gathered his shearers to strike on the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Four months they survived until police intervened to stop the strike. Joe Gibson met his friend Joseph Ryan on the final day at the strike camp before police arrived. They exchanged clothes and personal items. Joe Gibson took Joseph Ryan’s identity. The story continues:
‘Click Go The Shears’:
‘Click Go The Shears’ is the second book in 'Outback Australia' series. Follow-on from ‘The Shearer’. Joseph Ryan who has the identity of Joe Gibson escaped capture whilst Joe Gibson takes the place of Joseph Ryan to be tried for leading the strikers. Thirteen strikers appeared in court. Each sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for their part in the strike. Joseph Ryan (Gibson) served his imprisonment at St Helen Island Prison in Moreton Bay.
At the end of his prison term Joseph Ryan and Joe Gibson meet at Barcaldine (original town where strike occurred) to return to their own identities. Joe Gibson returned to Cunnamulla met Hannah Young who still resided with Ma at her boarding house. Joe and Hannah fell in love. They married. Hannah’s father gifted his property ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to them for their wedding gift. The story continues:
‘Tilbaroo Station’
‘Tilbaroo Station’ is the third book in 'Outback Australia' series. Joe discovered an artisan bore on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Nat wants his nine remaining properties to have bores. The only person who divined for water is deceased. By accident Hannah discovers a student in her class, ten-year-old Ryan Carlson who discovered water on Nat’s properties.
Underground artisan water is discovered in 1897. Ryan’s father, Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer for Queensland Railway Department employed to build the rail link from Charleville to Cunnamulla has been selected by The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to oversee the bores established in the region. A committee is formed with Joe Gibson, Nat Young being members of the committee. Todd Carlson, Chairman.
By the end of 1898, a newly constructed Cunnamulla Railway Station is built. Underground water discovered on many of Nat Young’s properties. Todd Carlson, Chairman of ‘Great Artisan Water Basin Committee’ appointed Commissioner of Water Resources for Queensland. The story continues:
‘The Year That Never Was’
‘The Year That Never Was’ is the fourth book in 'Outback Australia' series. This is an exciting period for Australia because after Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770, settled by Europeans, Australia finally became a Nation with election of their first Prime Minister. Young Australians represented their Colony on behalf of British Empire left their homeland to fight Boers in 'Boer War' in South Africa. This important occasion involved Joe, Hannah, and her family. The story continues:
‘The Suffragette’
‘The Suffragette’ is the fifth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. This is set between 1903-1905. Women were not permitted to vote. Margaret Wallace, Principal at Cunnamulla State School decided to make a difference. With help from The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA they worked together to ensure women in Queensland empowered the government of the day to pass legislation for women to vote. Read on to fight alongside Margaret with her friend Marilyne Pankhurst to force the government to change rules for women to vote. The story continues:

‘The Bush Detective’
‘The Bush Detective’ is the sixth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. This is set in 1907. Catherine Smith, wife of Herbert Smith, a hawker residing at Tego Springs, near Cunnamulla has been murdered. The Smiths were on friendly terms with a man named James Brokenborough, who stayed with them when he was out of work. Smith noticed a coolness develop between his wife and Brokenborough. On June 24, 1907 at noon, James Brokenborough reported to Herbert Smith he shot Catherine accidently while out pigeon shooting.
Sergeant Gray, Officer-in-Charge, Cunnamulla Police Station sought assistance of a detective to investigate the murder. The story continues.
‘Build A Nation’

‘Build A Nation’ is the seventh book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. Set in 1908. Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australian Capital City decided. Nat Young purchased nine properties in south western Queensland a decade before thinking Founding Fathers decision to have Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australia Capital in far south western Queensland would eventuate. What happened?
Lord Nolan wins Melbourne Cup: Queensland Rugby League formed; Queensland State Election; Boy Scout movement commenced in Queensland. The story continues.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 20, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 3:

Chapter 1

‘Martha, Martha.’ Nat called to his wife who stood at the stove baking scones for their morning tea. Her husband’s voice shouted her name.
‘Be there in a minute. What is the hurry? Can’t bake these scones any quicker.’ Martha replied to her husband who sat at the kitchen table with a newspaper spread in front of him. Her gaze toward her husband told her something was wrong. She continued to prepare a cuppa for her husband, placed a fresh cooked scone on a plate, in front of him. ‘What’s got you so tied up in knots. You are shouting. You never shout. Particularly at me?’ She finished.
His voice lowered a couple of decibels. ‘You remember a decade ago I purchased those properties in the hope the Founding Fathers would select this area for Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australia Capital’? Nat’s voice rose a higher pitch each word he spoke.
‘Remind me again. Ten years is a long time to remember anything which happened, particularly with our family.’ Martha sat beside her husband to enjoy his company with her own cuppa and scone.
‘We sat on the front veranda at ‘Kahmoo Station’. Remember.’ Nat tried to explain.
‘We sat on the front veranda many times. I do remember you buying those properties. We gifted one to Joe and Hannah for their wedding present. How’s my memory?’ Martha asked, a scone half-filled her mouth.
‘When I decided to purchase these properties; I thought the Founding Fathers would select five hundred square miles from Cameron’s Corner, Thargomindah, Cunnamulla and Charleville for Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australia Capital. Instead, in black and white in this newspaper reads Yass-Canberra has been selected. We lost the fight Martha.’ Nat munched on his scone slowly sipping his tea.
‘Never mind dear.’ Martha patted her husband’s hand. ‘I’m proud of what you achieved. If you did not purchase those properties when you did; we would not be in such a good financial position, we are today. You are the wealthiest property owner in the district. Be satisfied with your idea plus what you’ve achieved.’ Martha leaned across the table kissed her husband on the cheek.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 21, 2022 11:01 pm

'Build A Nation' - Page 4:

‘Betrayal. I’ve been betrayed Martha.’ Nat blasted.
‘Nat Young. No one betrayed you. Professor Duncan Waterson did not win his argument with Founding Fathers for Treasure House of a Nation’s Heart: The Search for an Australia Capital. Did not happen here. Instead Yass/Canberra has been selected.’ Martha expressed in a stern voice.
‘I’ve still been betrayed Martha.’ Nat finished eating his refreshments. ‘I’m having a lie down. Call me when lunch is ready.’ Nat rose from his seat at the table, walked to their section of the home they shared with their daughter Hannah and her husband Joe their children Little Hannah, Sue, Molly. A door slammed.
‘What can I do to help Nat? All my fault.’ Martha said to herself. Memory returned when she argued with Founding Fathers how important to include Indigenous Peoples into Australia Constitution. Allow them to vote same as all other Australians. ‘Betrayal’, Martha said to herself. She had been betrayed by Founding Fathers on this level. She understood why her husband reacted to this latest news.
A knock sounded on the front door startled her back to the present. Opening the front door stood her friends, Daisy and Keith. Martha hugged them both. ‘As if you appeared on que.’ Martha said to them. She and Nat attended their first Christmas at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ owned by their daughter and son-in-law Joe Gibson, when they first met their aboriginal friends. Instant memories returned her to the moment she hugged her friends to make them welcome. ‘Come in. Kettle is still hot. Nat and I finished morning smoko.’ Martha loved her aboriginal friends visiting her. ‘So good to catch up with you both again. Must be months since we visited each other. How’s Coongoola?’ Martha asked.
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