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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri May 06, 2022 11:21 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 119:

Mrs Gayer screamed, ran from the morgue. Allan followed. ‘Bridget.’ She screamed. Sobs erupted from her body. Holding Mrs Gayer in his arms he asked her, ‘the body in the morgue. Can you identify the body as being your daughter Bridget Gayer?’ Allan asked continued to hold Mrs Gayer around her quivering shoulders. Mrs Gayer stopped trembling. Nodded in agreement. ‘Thank you, Mrs Gayer. Constable Ferguson will escort you home. Sorry for your bereavement. We’ll be in touch.’ Allan stepped away to allow Mrs Gayer to return home.
‘Detective Honor. You arrest this person who did this to my Bridget.’ Mrs Gayer stated before she remounted her horse rode away with Constable Ferguson.
‘We’ll do our best.’ Allan called to Mrs Gayer.
Allan returned to the morgue met a doctor who would perform the post-mortem. Before the doctor commenced his examination. Deceased wore another dress beneath a top dress; two pair of bras; two pair of panties. Allan frowned at this sight. Undressing the deceased Allan noted each garment the deceased wore double. Strange. Around the neck of the deceased bruise marks.
‘What do you make of these bruise marks around the neck doctor?’ Allan asked.
‘She’s been strangled.’ Doctor replied continued his examination of the naked body. ‘Been deceased almost a week. Rigor mortis. Hand bruises around the neck.’ Doctor pointed to neck region. Allan noted the injury.
‘Can you tell from the hand bruises around the neck, how large were the hands?’ Allan asked.
Doctor placed his hands around the neck of the deceased. His fingers meeting on the back of the neck. ‘Similar in size to my hands. I didn’t murder this woman Detective Honor.’ Doctor stated.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 07, 2022 10:25 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 120:

‘I believe you. Can I place my hands over your hands to give me an idea of the size of hand I’m looking for?’ Doctor nodded. Placed both hands in front of him. Allan placed his hands over doctor’s hands to find doctor’s hands smaller than Allan’s hands. Fingertips of doctor’s hands reached half of Allan’s first knuckle joint on each hand. ‘Thank, you doctor. This will give me an idea to search for someone with fingers slightly shorter than mine.’ Doctor continued post-mortem examination.
After the post-mortem examination Allan placed all clothes taken from Bridget into a bag. Doctor stated death by strangulation by person unknown. Allan rode to the police station when Constable Ferguson awaited his arrival. ‘Can I help you with this investigation?’ Constable Ferguson stated when Allan dismounted from Indian.
‘Yes, you may. Take this bag to my office. I want to fill you in on what we have so far.’ Both walked to Allan’s office. ‘Only evidence I have this moment is identification of female body found this morning to be Bridget Gayer identified by her mother plus yourself. A boot print found beside her body.’ Allan opened his notebook to show Constable Ferguson his sketch. ‘Measures three of my fingers across’. Bruising surrounded the deceased neck. Cause of death strangulation. Size of hand: smaller than my hand.’ Allan held his hands in front of Constable Ferguson pointing to the size of his hand compared to the killer’s hand. Constable Ferguson placed his hand over Allan’s hand to find each similar size. ‘Nothing else to go on.’ Allan finished.
‘We never checked with Tom Clarke if William Scanlan worked on his property the same day Bridget went missing. Probably nothing; a wild goose chase.’ Constable Ferguson stated.
‘Good idea. Let’s have a check on William Scanlan if he worked on Tom Clarke’s property the day Bridget disappeared. Good work Constable Ferguson.’ They mounted their horses rode to Tom Clarke’s property five miles east of Charleville. Stopping at the front gate a man riding a horse approached them.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 08, 2022 10:34 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 121:

‘We’re from the police. Are you Tom Clarke?’ Allan asked the rider.
‘I am. What’s this about?’ The rider asked dismounted. Walked to both police officers who’d dismounted.
Allan placed his hand out to shake, ‘I’m Detective Allan Honor, this is Constable Ferguson.’ Shook hands.
‘I’m Tom Clarke. How can I help the law?’ Replied Tom.
‘We wanted to check with you if a fellow named William Scanlan worked for you a week ago.’ Allan asked.
‘Won’t have him on the place. He’s a scoundrel. Wouldn’t work in an iron lung.’ Tom expressed in a convincing tone.
‘Seen him a couple of times in town. Avoid him when I can. Like I told you, he’s a scoundrel.’ Tom admitted. Allan thanked Tom for his help. They returned to Charleville.
‘Are you in a hurry to finish work Constable Ferguson?’ Allan asked.
‘No. We need to interview William Scanlan. Don’t you think?’ Constable Ferguson stated.
‘Let’s go interview him.’ Both rode to ‘Collaroy Station’.
Arriving at the homestead a man sat on the front steps polishing boots. When Allan and Constable Ferguson halted their horses, dismounted Allan said, ‘Are you William Scanlan?’
‘Yes.’ The man replied.
‘I’m Detective Allan Honor, this is Constable Ferguson. We’re investigating the murder of Bridget Gayer. Are you William Scanlan?’ Allan said.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon May 09, 2022 11:08 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 122:

‘I am. Wait till I put my boots on. I’ll be with you.’ The man pulled his boots on, stood. ‘How can you help you gentlemen?’ William asked.
‘Can I look at the soles of your boots please?’ Allan asked.
‘Why?’ William asked.
‘Your sister-in-law Bridget Gayer was murdered, her body found in a gully covered with branches. Prints found beside her body showed worn sole. Can I have a look at the sole of your boots?’ Allan expressed clearly.
Scanlan’s face paled. Turned around, lifted his boots to show Allan. Two oval rings on the sole of his boots. ‘Hold you foot still. I want to measure the distance of those circles.’ Allan held Scanlan’s right boot, placed three fingers across the two holes. Measurement correct.
‘Are these your boots?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. They’re a bit worn. Can’t afford to buy new ones.’ Scanlan replied.
‘I need you to accompany us to the police station for further questioning.’ Allan stated.
A woman walked onto the veranda.
‘I’m going with the police. Be back later’. Scanlan told the woman.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 10, 2022 10:34 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 123:

Chapter 16
They rode to Charleville Police Station. Silence between the three until they arrived. All dismounted. Constable Ferguson took care of the horses whilst Scanlan walked with Allan to his office.
‘We’ll wait for Constable Ferguson to arrive before I commence my interview.’ Allan told Scanlan who sat opposite Allan facing him.
Scanlan’s hands shook, holding them tighter. Sweat formed on his brow. Constable Ferguson entered the office. ‘I killed her.’ Scanlan blurted out. ‘She changed her mind.’ His head bowed, bought his hands to his face. Sobbed. Body shaking.
Allan warned Scanlan he needed answer any further questions for anything he said would be taken down in writing and used as evidence. Scanlan nodded to show he understood Allan’s warning. Scanlan told Allan. Bridget and he became lovers a couple of months before. They arranged to ‘run away together’ to start a new life.
On the day she went missing they met near Charleville railway station to purchase tickets for their trip. Bridget changed her mind. She didn’t want to upset her sister who was married to Scanlan. They walked to a nearby gully to talk.
‘Something went off in my head.’ Scanlan told Allan. ‘Next minute I had my hands around her throat choking her. Her face went pale. Eyes bulged. She collapsed to the ground, stopped breathing. I panicked, placed branches over her body. Left.’ Scanlan stated in a clear voice. Scanlan admitted to killing Bridget to keep her quiet from telling his wife about their affair.
‘Will you place your hands face up in front of me?’ Allan asked. Allan placed his hands over Scanlan’s hands. Allan’s hands larger by half a knuckle compared to Scanlan’s hands. ‘I arrest you for the murder of Bridget Gayer’. Allan finished. Scanlan charged with Bridget Gayer’s murder. Allan returned to his lodgings after Scanlan charged and placed in the cells.
News of the arrest spread throughout Charleville like a runaway bush fire. Conversation in hotels, cafes, on the street how ‘The Bush Detective’ solved the murder. When he walked into the public bar shouts of ‘good on you ‘The Bush Detective’’ rang out among the patrons. Many slapped Allan on the back to show a job well done to the satisfaction of Charleville residents. Bill waved Allan to a table where he and his wife sat.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed May 11, 2022 10:28 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 124:

Bill stood before Allan approached. ‘Congratulations ‘The Bush Detective’. Arrested the right man. Have dinner with us.’ Allan shook hands with Bill. Sat on the other side of the table beside Margaret.
‘We’re proud of you. To think you’re staying at our hotel.’ Margaret stated with glee. ‘We ordered. Hope you don’t mind’.
Meals appeared on the table. Roast lamb with vegetables, gravy, mint sauce. ‘I am hungry. Thank you for thinking of me.’ Allan finished before commencing his meal.
‘Rumours were right about you ‘The Bush Detective’’. Bill stated between eating.
‘Constable Ferguson helped. Everything went well. Good police work.’ Allan didn’t want to share details of the murder. Leave everything to the court, he pondered.
‘What happens now?’ Margaret asked.
‘How do you mean?’ Allan puzzled by Margaret’s question.
‘You are staying here in Charleville permanent. I hope.’ Margaret answered.
‘Yes. A small thing about my forthcoming marriage.’ Allan tried to explain before moving to Charleville he and Lynne never spoke where they were going to live after their marriage. ‘I need to speak to my bride-to-be where we’re going to live after we’re married.’ Allan finished his meal.
‘Does your bride-to-be work?’ Margaret asked.
‘Lynne’s a school-teacher at Cunnamulla. Also, bar work in her spare time.’ Allan explained.
‘I’ll write to Margaret, our daughter who lives in Brisbane. She’s in charge of teacher transfers. I’m certain Margaret will arrange a transfer for Lynne from Cunnamulla to Charleville. Her services at bar work too.’ Margaret’s smile spread across her face.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu May 12, 2022 10:57 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 125:

‘Should I speak with Lynne first.’ Allan asked.
‘Can’t understand why she wouldn’t want to accept a transfer to Charleville. You will be here. Where else would she go but to be with her husband.’ Margaret needed to make certain of this transfer for Allan and Lynne so they would be together. ‘I will write to my daughter tonight.’ Margaret finished. ‘Please excuse me.’ She left the table.
Margaret stopped beside the table before leaving. ‘Where do you intend to be married?’ Margaret asked Allan.
‘Not certain. Why?’ Allan responded to Margaret’s query.
‘We have a wonderful Minister here. Brother Ken Beer. He married my daughter Margaret and her husband ‘The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, Minister for Police, last year here in Charleville. We celebrated their wedding here at the hotel. Would be our honour; no pun intended, to do the same for you and Lynne. Think about my proposal.’ Margaret left. Allan couldn’t speak. His jaw dropped at this recent revelation.
‘Does your wife do this type of thing all the time?’ Allan asked Bill.
‘Can I give you a valuable piece of advice?’ Bill asked.
‘By all means. I’m listening.’ Allan responded.
‘Go with the flow. Agree with everything Margaret says. Or else she will wear you down. Take her offer. Everything will turn out right for you and Lynne.’ Bill explained.
Allan retired to his room. Wrote a letter to Lynne explaining results of his investigation with a result of arresting the deceased brother-in-law for murder. Allan wrote about Margaret’s proposal including advice he received from her husband Bill. Wished her goodnight with his love. Folded the letter placed into an envelope. Addressed the letter placed on the dressing table for posting the following day. Allan went into a deep sleep.
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