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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:30 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 78:
‘Examine the teeth. Perhaps find if they belonged to a human. Would be enough evidence. I’d appreciate anything to help me with this investigation.’ Allan finished.
‘I’ll have a look at them. I doubt if I can truly identify if they are from Martyr. I can examine them to be human teeth plus they have been in a fire. Would this be enough evidence to convict Riley?’ Doctor Dodds stated.
‘At this stage I think with his admission plus finding these teeth, bones and buttons at the fire where he told me to search should be enough to convict him of murder.’ Allan thanked Doctor Dodds. Left his office.
After Allan left. Doctor Dodds opened the top drawer of his office; extracted a bottle of whiskey. Opened the lid; he filled a whiskey glass from the bottle gulped down the contents. I should’ve offer Detective Honor some of this he thought after screwing the lid back onto the bottle returned the bottle to the top drawer.
Let’s have a look at what’s here? Doctor Dodds muttered to himself. Most important to study these teeth for bioarchaeological and forensic analyses. He thought. ‘Teeth are particularly well-suited for long term preservation and are capable of surviving extreme thermal exposure.’ Doctor Dodds stated at the same time placing each tooth into place so he identified any missing teeth.
‘Some of these teeth still in their crypts. Teeth do not explode.’ His mind analysing each tooth. ‘I can’t say for certain these teeth belong to Martyr. I can definitely state these teeth are human teeth which should be enough evidence for Detective Honor.’ Doctor Dodds scooped the teeth into an envelope, marking the face of the envelope with his name, date and signature.
Allan didn’t return to the police station instead rode to the hotel. Lynne should have finished work by now. Unsaddling Apache placed him in the back paddock after feeding him, he carried his saddle to the back landing of the hotel. Allan pleased to be home.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 21, 2022 10:32 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 79:
Entering the kitchen Lynne. She raced toward him with open arms swinging her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘Great to have you home ‘The Bush Detective’. How long before you head off on another wild goose chase after criminals?’ She whispered in his ear.
Allan hugged Lynne tight not wanting to let go. ‘I have no idea. Whenever and wherever I’m needed.’ He whispered. Allan didn’t want to let go of Lynne. Afraid to answer her question. He didn’t reply.
‘Don’t I have a say in what you do?’ Lynne asked astonished.
‘Afraid not my sweetness. Wherever and whenever the job takes me. Can’t put a clock on when a criminal will strike. Do you miss me when I’m not here?’ Allan whispered in her ear.
‘Yes. I do. Do you realise we are to become husband and wife? You haven’t forgotten. Have you?’ Lynne asked unwrapped her arms from Allan. Stepped away. ‘Would you like a cuppa?’ She finished.
‘Yes. Please to the last question. I’m parched. Been working flat out all day digging.’ Allan told Lynne.
Lynne filled the kettle with water, removed the lid on the stove, placed the kettle over the fire to heat. She prepared a cuppa plus sliced cake which she placed on a plate. ‘Take a seat you poor tired man. I’ll look after you.’ She prepared Allan’s refreshments. Allan sat at the top end of the table.
Once the water boiled Lynne made a pot of tea. Cut a slice of cake, placed the cake on a plate for Allan to eat. She poured a pannikin of tea and placed the pannikin in front of Allan. ‘Drink up, eat up and tell me why I missed you so much today?’ Lynne took her place beside Allan at the table pouring herself a cuppa.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:24 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 80:
‘I want to tell you everything.’ Allan went ahead explained to Lynne when he first spoke with Riley at the police station about Martyr’s murder. Allan began his story. He stopped. She put her hand up to his mouth.
‘That’s enough. I don’t want any gory bits. A short version will suffice.’ Lynne screwed her face up to show Allan her stomach couldn’t take the gory bits of the murder investigation. Allan went on to explain he found teeth, bones, buttons. Delivered them to Doctor Dodds for examination.
‘Do you want anymore, of my story? I did miss you.’ Allan looked into Lynne’s eyes. Her look one of sadness. ‘I’m sorry I’m never home. Who else would do this work if I didn’t?’ Allan finished his afternoon smoko.
‘You’re always out investigating crime. What’s going to happen after we’re married?’ Lynne whispered to Allan.
‘Don’t forget you’re marrying a policeman. Not only a policeman, a detective. I’m sorry if my work interferes with how you think?’ Allan explained in an even voice.
Lynne wrapped her arms around Allan’s neck. Kissed him on the neck. ‘I miss you so much. I love you. I can’t understand why you can’t be home more.’ She expressed and wanted answers.
‘Don’t you want to marry me?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. I promised I’d marry you after you arrested James Brokenborough for murdering my mother. Of course, I want to marry you. I haven’t changed my mind.’ Lynne smiled.
‘Okay. What is the problem?’ Allan asked in a stern voice.
‘You’re away too much.’ Lynne answered in a whining voice.
‘Sorry. Next time I investigate a crime I’ll tell the criminal to commit his offence between eight o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon, only during week- days.’ Allan expressed. He didn’t understand what to do. He’d never been married before.
‘You don’t have to do that. I’ll learn to become a detective’s wife. I need to be patient. A drover’s wife lives the same life. Their husband is away most of the year. If they can survive. So can I.’ Lynne finished.
William Riley appeared before Cunnamulla Police Court entered a ‘guilty’ plea to murder and arson. After the court hearing a constable from Cunnamulla escorted Riley to Roma Circuit Court where Riley sentenced for crimes he committed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:08 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 81:
Chapter 11
Alan sat at his desk pondering what investigation would be next. Sergeant Gray appeared at his door. ‘May I come in?’ Sergeant Gray knocked on the door.
‘Yes. Take a seat. What’s on your mind?’ Allan asked. After finalising these first two investigations; Allan satisfied with his results. Two murders; one arson since he arrived in Cunnamulla. What’s next?
‘Nat Young came to speak with me this morning.’ Sergeant Gray spoke in an authoritative voice.
‘Mr Mayor. Must’ve been important.’ Allan replied.
‘Yes. Joe Gilson told him two hundred head of sheep have been stolen from ‘Kahmoo Station’. Wants you to look into this theft.’ Sergeant Gray stated.
‘Stealing sheep. Here in the west is a hanging matter. Matter-of-fact you only steal your neighbour’s stock to invite them over to eat their own meat.’ Allan stated. Thoughts rushed through his mind how two hundred head of sheep to be stolen from Joe Gibson.
‘Do you think you’ll need any help to find these sheep?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
‘I’ll check with the Mayor first. Is Joe Gibson in town?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. Where he lives. Not far from the hotel you’re staying.’ Sergeant Gray admonished.
‘I remember going to his home for lunch when I first arrived. I’ll call around to speak with him.’ Allan rose from his chair, walked around the desk followed Sergeant Gray from his office.
‘I’ll leave this investigation with you.’ Sergeant Gray threw the comment over his shoulder entered his own office.
Allan walked to Joe and Hannah’s home. Joe seated on a swing on the front veranda.
‘How’re you going Joe?’ Allan asked walked up the stairs to where Joe stood waiting for his guest. They shook hands. ‘I’ve come to speak to you about these stolen sheep.’ Allan finished.
‘Come inside. I’ll put the kettle on for a cuppa. Tell you all about this mystery. Now I have ‘The Bush Detective’ on the job I needn’t worry.’ Both men entered the house. Allan sat at the table whilst Joe prepared a cuppa.
‘You want to tell me what happened?’ Allan asked.
‘We went to muster the bottom paddock last week. I remember placing the sheep in the paddock about two months ago waiting for shearing time to muster. Went out to muster them. Gone. Two hundred head. They disappeared. Not a sign of them Allan. Just bloody disappeared. Vanished.’ Joe finished making a cuppa. Placed a pannikin of tea in front of Allan. ‘Want some scones? Freshly baked this morning.’ Joe asked. Allan nodded. Joe placed two scones on a plate. Handed the plate to Allan. ‘Help yourself to butter and jam. I’m not much of a host. Hannah’s gone to work. Martha’s out shopping. Only us here.’ Joe finished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:29 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 82:

Allan spread butter on the first scone; lathered the scone with strawberry jam, placed the scone into his mouth. ‘This is great. Delicious.’ Allan continued eating.
‘Pleased you like them. Martha cooked them before she left. Wait until you’re finished before I tell you everything.’ Joe finished his refreshments at the same time Allan finished his.
‘Okay. About this theft?’ Allan asked.
‘Strange really. I haven’t a clue who took them. Two hundred; too many to be killed.’
‘When are you returning to ‘Kahmoo Station’?’ Allan asked.
‘Tomorrow morning. About daybreak. You want to come with me?’ Joe asked.
‘Yes. I’ll met you in front of Alex’s hotel at daybreak. We can go together.’ Allan answered.
‘Right you are. In the morning outside Alex’s hotel. At daybreak.’ Joe finished. Allan bid Joe farewell, shaking hands. He returned to the police station to prepare for his trip to ‘Kahmoo Station’ plus speak with Sergeant Gray.
‘Sergeant Gray. Can we have a word please?’ Allan asked when he sighted Sergeant Gray seated at his desk. Sergeant Gray waved him into his office.
‘I’ve spoken with Joe Gibson regarding these two hundred stolen head of sheep. Joe hasn’t any idea of how they left the paddock, or who stole them.’ Allan explained.
‘Are you going?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
‘Yes. Daybreak in the morning. I’m meeting Joe in front of Alex’s hotel. I’m wondering if you mind if I can take Tracker Jack.’ Allan asked.
‘Sorry my friend. Tracker Jack has gone walkabout with his gin. You’ll be right by yourself. Won’t you. ‘The Bush Detective’. Sergeant Gray smirked at his comment.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:52 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 83:

‘Yes. I can do the job. Haven’t a clue when I’ll be back?’ Allan finished.
‘Catch up with you. Do what you need to do.’ Sergeant Gray dismissed Allan.
Whilst Allan and Lynne enjoyed their evening meal later at the hotel, Allan said, ‘I need to go away for some time. Haven’t a clue when I’ll be back.’ Allan finished between eating his meal. Lynne sat silent. ‘Don’t be like this. I need to do my job.’ Allan finished his meal. Moved to start collecting dishes.
Lynne moved to Allan, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘Sorry. I’ll miss you. I love you so much. When you’re not here. You are in my thoughts all the time. Interferes with teaching. My life.’ Tears welled in her eyes.
Allan wrapped his arms around Lynne. ‘I’m sorry. Can’t do anything about your feelings. Sounds hard. I also miss you when I’m not with you. I love you more than you’ll ever can understand.’ Allan hugged Lynne kissed her on the lips.
‘Okay. ‘The Bush Detective’. What are you investigating?’ Lynne brightened.
‘Joe Gibson lost two hundred head of sheep from one of his paddocks. He hasn’t a clue who took them or where they’ve gone. I have no idea how long I’ll be away. I’m hoping Joe will help me with the search.’ Allan finished.
‘If Joe. I don’t mind. Together you both should find the missing sheep. Go. I’ll wait for you until your return. I’m being silly. Your job is more important than mine. Sorry for all my bleating. Take as much time as you want to help Joe find his sheep.’ Lynne unwrapped herself from Allan. ‘I’m off to bed. Goodnight ‘The Bush Detective’. Lynne left.
‘Aren’t you helping me with the dishes?’ Allan said when Lynne left the kitchen.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:11 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 84:

‘Give you something to remember me by.’ Lynne threw over her shoulder. Allan thought about their conversation whilst he washed the dishes. His thoughts divided. First: priority, to do his job. Second: love Lynne. Or should love came first.
Lynne thought about their conversation whilst she prepared herself for bed. Why couldn’t I go with Allan and Joe to look for the sheep? I’m probably better at finding tracks then either of them. Without thinking further; she wrapped a dressing gown around herself, marched to the kitchen with an idea cemented in her mind.
Entering the kitchen Allan finished washing the dishes, wiped down the stove. A noise from outside the kitchen startled him. He turned to find Lynne looking directly at him. She looked beautiful in her pink dressing gown. Wearing slippers. ‘I thought you went to bed.’ Allan stated uncertain of what to say.
‘I’ve been thinking about your trip with Joe.’ Lynne spoke in a confident voice.
‘I’m listening.’ Allan couldn’t take his eyes from Lynne. Her hair flowed down her back; fresh face, wearing pyjamas with a dressing gown. His pulse quickened.
‘I want to come with you.’ Lynne stated clearly.
‘Wait just a moment. Did you say, ‘you want to come with me’? His voice queried Lynne’s question.
‘Yes. I want to go with you and Joe. You hard at hearing.’ She walked closer to Allan who stepped away leaned against the kitchen table. Sweet womanhood odours exploded around Lynne. Allan had no idea how he was going to keep from touching her. She moved closer within a couple of inches. His backside hard against the kitchen table.
‘Why would you want to be with Joe and myself?’ Allan stumbled on his words. His pulse almost out of control. His mind filled with flashes of trying to keep his hands from touching Lynne.
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