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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:02 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 64:

‘Don’t tell me a little of the story. I want you to tell me everything.’ Lynne asked in an excited voice.
Allan explained each detail of his story to Lynne whose mouth fell open each time Allan explained each portion of his investigation. His story continued to when he returned to Cunnamulla not having any idea of what would be next in this investigation.
‘You are ‘The Bush Detective’. Even if I coined the title myself. You will complete this investigation whatever or wherever this may lead. I have utmost confidence in your ability.’ She leaned across to kiss Allan on the lips.
‘Thank you for having confidence in my ability as a detective.’ Allan explained. ‘I better wash these dishes before I go to the police station to speak with Sergeant Gray.
‘Will you be here for supper tonight?’ Lynne asked.
‘I hope so. Can’t think of any other reason not to be.’ Allan answered. Thoughts rushed through his mind whether Sergeant Gray discovered more information about his investigation.
Speaking with Sergeant Gray at his office, showed him the murder weapon highlighted the confidence Sergeant Gray had in Allan’s ability as an investigator. Earlier in the morning Sergeant Gray received a telegram from Officer-in-Charge of Glen Innes Police describing the appearance of a man named William Riley being charged with offences in New South Wales. Sergeant Gray couldn’t wait to entrust this information to Allan.
‘Is this true?’ Allan read the telegram unable to believe William Riley had been apprehended in New South Wales; now in police custody.
‘Looks like same person. What do you want to do about this information?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:33 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 65:

‘Now I have possession of the murder weapon, we can swear out a warrant to arrest William Riley. He’s as round as a hoop for this murder. According to my witness Rollie Cole, who admitted obtaining one pint of kerosene for Riley on the day of the fire. He’s round as a hoop for arson of Woolshed at Coongoola thirteen years ago.’ Allan’s excitement overflowed causing his mind to reach euphoria status. ‘How in heaven’s name will I travel from Cunnamulla to Glen Innis?’ Allan asked.
‘In a roundabout journey. You leave here by Cobb & Co stagecoach; travel to Bourke; onto Bathurst than Glen Innis.’ Sergeant Gray admonished.
Allan will need to leave Cunnamulla again. This time he had no idea for how long. Distance from Cunnamulla to Glen Innes in central New South Wales weeks away. First, he appeared before Cunnamulla Court to swear a warrant for the arrest of William Riley. Riley’s appearance at Glenn Innes Court would be 30th September 1907. One month away.
‘What will Lynne say?’ Filtered through his mind after swearing on oath a warrant for the arrest of William Riley. His answer was forthcoming when he told her the news.
‘Have a safe trip. I’ll be here when you return.’ Lynne answered. No smile appeared on her face.
Allan prepared his journey armed with appropriate luggage for his trip. Cobb & Co departed Cunnamulla at nine o’clock the following morning headed toward Bourke.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:10 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 66:

Chapter 9

Allan waited at Cobb & Co office in Stockyard Street to take his place beside the driver on the coach. Too many passengers inside the coach for Allan to sit. Good things about Ned Devine, Coach Driver - ‘Cabbage Tree’. Ned was a master at handling a large team. Ned’s history, according to the Manager of Cobb & Co office Cunnamulla. Ned was the best storyteller around.
‘You didn’t think you’d go without saying goodbye?’ Lynne called to Allan before he took his place next to the driver. Lynne ran toward Allan throwing her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. ‘Have a safe trip ‘The Bush Detective’. I’ll be here waiting’
Allan’s heart swelled to almost double its size. He never wanted to leave Lynne for so long. Duty had to be done. This was the only way to travel to Glen Innis to arrest his prisoner. ‘I’ll miss you.’ Allan whispered in her ear. ‘I’ll try and return as soon as possible.’ He finished. Unfolded his arms, placed his foot onto the spoke of the wheel, grabbed the side of the seat, pulled himself to sit beside Ned.
‘All aboard.’ Ned called loud in his Aussie twang. Raised the reins high; shouted to his horses, ‘Giddy up’. Horses jumped forward on command from Ned. Coach lunged forward almost unsettling Allan in his seat. He began his trip waving goodbye to Lynne until her figure lost in amongst other people standing near the depot. They had one hundred and fifty miles before their over-night stay at Bourke, New South Wales.
‘Great to have you on-board ‘The Bush Detective’. Many good things about you.’ Ned called to Allan when the coach reached the edge of Cunnamulla past the blue bush.
Wind blew in his face. Allan pulled his hat down harder on his head. ‘What are these good things about me?’ Allan called to his companion.
‘How you arrested James Brokenborough for murdering Mrs Smith. Catherine deserved better. Herbert and Catherine. Salt of this earth.’ Ned asked driving his horses onward at a steady pace.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:38 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 67:

‘Lynne Smith. My wife-to-be helped me. Without her help I would never have had enough evidence to arrest Brokenborough on murder.’ Allan explained.
‘Yeah. Lynne dressed in her mother’s clothes, rode her mother’s horse when you interviewed Brokenborough. Smart detective work. That’s how you have the name ‘The Bush Detective’. Ned questioned.
‘Not exactly. Lynne honoured me with the title ‘The Bush Detective’ before I arrested Brokenborough. She promised to marry me if I solved the murder. We’re engaged to be married.’ Allan shared. ‘I needed Brokenborough to admit he intended to kill Catherine. When I first spoke with him; he admitted shooting at her. To prove murder, I needed his confession which he gave when Lynne rode her mother’s horse in front of us. Brokenborough through he’d seen a ghost.’ Allan finished.
‘Why did you need to go to all that much trouble?’ Ned queried.
‘I needed to prove Brokenborough’s state of mind at the time before he shot her. I’m not a mind reader. I needed him to confess what was on his mind at the time he shot Catherine. To prove murder. If I couldn’t prove this point in law; Brokenborough would’ve claimed the shooting to be an accident. He’d be let off free. I couldn’t allow this to happen. With his admission to wanting to kill Catherine negated his defence of shooting Catherine by accident.’ Allan hoped he never confused Ned with his explanation of the law.
‘You did a great job. Wonderful lass, our Lynne. Congratulations. You’re a lucky fellow.’ Ned finished to concentrate with his driving.
‘Might have a shut eye. If you don’t mind. Been a heck of a week.’ Allan leaned back against his seat, pulled his hat over his eyes. Snores soon escaped from his nose and mouth. Allan dreamed of why he wanted to become a police-officer? Proud of what he had accomplished since joining the force, aged nineteen years. Memory from his training; such as learning by rote: Primary Functions of the police: Preservation of Life; Protection of Property; Detection of offences; Bringing to justice of offenders.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:25 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 68:

Allan awoke with a sudden jolt when the horses stopped. Sitting upright, pushing his hat onto the crown of his head. ‘Where are we?’ Allan asked Ned.
‘Our first stop, Barringun. Just crossed the border into New South Wales.’ Ned tied the reins to the coach stepped down called to everyone to have a break whilst other horses replace the present ones.
Allan followed other passengers into the Stagecoach Inn whilst Ned took care of the horses. Refreshments of tea, coffee and sandwiches served for the passengers of the stagecoach. Afterwards Ned joined his passengers to enjoy refreshments before their departure.
‘Roads good.’ Allan said to Ned after they left Barringun heading toward Bourke.
‘Should be. Travelled more often than any other roads around these parts. Wait until you head to Thargomindah. Takes about five to six days to travel similar distance from Cunnamulla to Bourke.’ Ned finished.
‘How long have you been driving for Cobb & Co.?’ Allan asked.
‘Too long to remember. I commenced when they started out here in the west. Been driving ever since’. Ned explained.
‘I asked the Manager at Cunnamulla office about you.’ Allan said raising his voice above the wind blowing in his face.
‘Thought you might. What did he tell you?’ Ned questioned.
‘Said you were the best Cobb & Co stagecoach driver they’ve ever had.’ Allan replied. Ned’s silence told Allan he’d needn’t have praised Ned. ‘What I mean to say is we’re lucky to have you as our coach driver.’ Allan finished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:22 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 69:

‘You’re lucky we’re not driving to Thargomindah. Takes between five to six days driving. Rough roads. Dry gullies.’ Ned muttered.
‘I bet you have many stories to tell about your time with Cobb & Co?’ Allan asked.
‘You’re right. Been no bed of roses. Horses bolting; drunken men fighting; contending with wild animals plus many hazards along the way.’ Ned commented concentrating on his driving. Thoughts floated through his mind of the stories about his exploits.
‘No wonder you’re a storyteller. To entertain the passengers.’ Allan said.
‘I’ll tell you a funny story. About a month ago I drove the coach to Thargomindah. Inside filled with passengers. A Chinese man wanted a lift. Only place he sat on top of the coach with the luggage. Somewhere between Cunnamulla and Suicide Creek the coach negotiated a bend on the road where many River Red Gums overhung. The Chinese man was swept off into the fork of a tree.’ Ned laughed.
‘What happened.’ Allan asked. Intrigued.
‘The road to Thargomindah wasn’t a good road thus would take four to five days. We arrived at Thargomindah. I discovered a missing passenger four days later.’ Ned stated. ‘A search party of Police and black trackers set out to find the Chinese man.’
Allan interrupted, ‘Did they find him?’ Allan asked. Anxious to find an answer.
‘The Chinese man was found in the fork of a tree. Kept his sanity by talking to the birds and trees. The remainder of his trip on the back of the Constable’s horse, a memory he would never forget.’ Ned laughed at the thought of the Chinese man stuck in the fork of a tree for four days.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:39 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 70:

‘That’s a great story Ned.’ Allan smiled.
‘Plenty more from where they come from. What about you. Why are you going to Glen Innis?’ Ned questioned.
‘Do you remember Shearers Strike of 1894?’ Allan asked.
Ned thought for a moment. ‘You mean ‘The Great Shearers Strike of 1891’, don’t you? Wasn’t much of a strike in 94 if my memory serves me correct. What happened?’ Ned asked.
‘Do you remember Coongoola Woolshed burning down?’ Allan asked.
‘Sure do. News everywhere. Didn’t William Riley go to court for burning the woolshed to the ground. If my memory serves me better; he also murdered a man around the same time.’ Ned replied.
‘You’re right on both counts. Riley was released on insufficient evidence at the time, then disappeared. The man Riley murdered. A fellow named Martyr. They never found his remains.’ Allan explained.
‘Why are you going to Glenn Innis?’ Ned asked.
‘Riley is being held at Glenn Innis to appear before the court on September 30. I want to be present on his release to arrest him for the murder of Martyr and arson of the woolshed.’ Allan explained.
‘You don’t have much time. If everything goes to plan; we should arrive at Glenn Innis two days before the court appearance.’ Ned said.
‘Which is great. Plenty of time. Will you be driving the coach back to Cunnamulla?’ Allan asked.
‘Sure will. You’ll need to sit with your prisoner inside the coach. Can’t have him up here with us. Against company rules.’ Ned explained.
‘Have you any idea how many passengers will be on our return trip to Cunnamulla?’ Allan asked.
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