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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:47 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 29:

‘From the beginning would be fine.’ Allan asked. Sergeant Gray told Allan his story of being contacted of the death of Lynne’s mother. After seeking help from Hebel and Bollon police for assistance he rode to the scene. Doctor Murray attended. Performed the post-mortem. Sergeant Gray explained. Herbert Smith wanted his wife buried where she lay. Police Officers with Tracker Jack remained at the scene.
Allan read Doctor Murray’s report. ‘Doctor Murray examined the body to find a bullet hole penetrated the left lung; right ventricle of the heart. In his opinion caused death from internal haemorrhage.’ Allan explained.
‘Yes. Might pay you to visit Doctor Murray to understand his meaning.’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
‘I’ll visit Doctor Murray after we’ve spoken. Did you retrieve the rifle and ammunition?’ Allan asked.
Sergeant Gray walked to a cabinet, opened the door retrieved a pea rifle with a box of bullets handed them to Allan. ‘This is the rifle which killed Catherine Smith. The bullets I retrieved from James Brokenborough.’ Sergeant Gray stated.
Allan handled the rifle; checked the bolt chamber to determine if a spent shell remained in the chamber. With a flick of his wrist he opened the chamber for a spent shell to flick from the chamber. ‘Has this firearm been discharged since you took possession?’ Allan asked.
‘Not to my knowledge. I never thought to check the chamber. This must be the bullet shell which killed Katherine Smith.’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
‘I’d say so. Wouldn’t you?’ Allan asked placed the spent bullet shell into an envelope, sealed the envelope wrote on the front. Sergeant Gray nodded in agreement.
‘Has anyone spoken to James Brokenborough about this shooting?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. Herbert Smith. About noon on 24th June Brokenborough returned to the homestead to tell Smith he accidently shot his wife Catherine whilst out pigeon shooting.’ Sergeant Gray admitted. ‘I don’t think anyone else has spoken to him apart from Smith.’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:19 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 30:

‘I have a number of things to do before I speak with Brokenborough. A spare office I can use whilst I’m here?’ Allan asked Sergeant Gray.
‘All done. Thought you’d need somewhere to do your work. I cleaned the back office. I’ll show you.’ Sergeant Gray rose from his chair walked with Allan to the back office at the station. Opening double doors: a desk, cabinets, chairs. ‘This is your office Allan. If you need anything else tell me.’ Sergeant Gray left. Allan looked about the room. Perfect.
After settling into his new surroundings Allan sat to ponder his next move. First to visit Doctor Murray. One important factor Allan needed to determine. What distance did the bullet travel to cause death to Catherine Smith? Doctor Murray may have the answer or he, himself would carry out experiments with the rifle to determine how accurate his findings. A flood of thoughts entered Allan’s mind. First to visit Doctor Murray.
Allan walked to Alex’s hotel in time to have lunch. Lynne prepared lunch for herself and Alex. When Allan entered the kitchen; she looked toward him. ‘I suppose you came home for lunch?’ Lynne said with a huge smile. ‘Take a seat I’ll make you a sandwich with a cuppa.’ Allan sat opposite Alex.
‘No kiss, hello.’ Allan smirked at Lynne.
Lynne left where she was standing, walked over to Allan kissed him on the lips. ‘How’s your morning ‘The Bush Detective’. Solved any murders?’ She returned to what she was doing.
‘I’m on the job. About to speak with Doctor Murray this afternoon.’ Allan replied to Lynne.
‘Alex. I was wondering if I rode Apache. I don’t own a saddle.’ Allan expressed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:28 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 31:

‘I thought you’d ride Apache bareback with a name like that?’ Lynne finished making sandwiches placed one on a plate in front of Allan, the other in front of Alex.
‘I used to ride him bareback when I was stationed here. My bum got a bit sore.’ Allan ate into the sandwich. ‘You’re a great sandwich maker Lynne. Thanks.’ Allan replied.
‘I have a brand-new saddle a fellow left behind for board and lodging. You’re welcome to use whilst you’re here.’ Alex commented.
‘Thank you, Alex. I’ll look after every detail for you.’ Allan finished his sandwich and tea. Gathered the dishes washed them and placed them in the cupboard.
‘I’d better be getting back to my class.’ She leaned over kissed Allan on the cheek. ‘Your turn to cook ‘The Bush Detective’. Something nice.’ Lynne excused herself with a wink and a smile.
‘Had you any idea Lynne wanted me to cook?’ Asked Allan.
‘Mate. Plenty of food and meat. Make something nice. Add me in, don’t forget. Catch you later. I’ve work to do.’ Alex left the kitchen.
Allan pondered his thoughts of what to cook tonight. His cooking wasn’t fancy as Lynne’s. Always cooked for himself in the bush. He’ll think of something. After finished cleaning; he saddled Apache rode to the hospital. Tied Apache to the front hitching rail entered the hospital. An elderly lady sat behind a desk wearing thick glasses looked his way as he approached.
‘May I help you with anything?’ Her voice strong with authority.
‘Yes. I’m Detective Allan Honor from Cunnamulla Police. I wanted to speak with Doctor Arthur Murray please.’ Allan stood erect.
‘Down the hallway, turn right. Doctor Murray should be in his office.’ She pointed in the direction for Allan to follow.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 23, 2022 10:05 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 32:

‘Thank you very much.’ Allan smiled walked in the direction this lady directed.
Allan stopped at an open door. A male seated behind a deck. A stethoscope around his neck. Allan knocked. The male looked at Allan. ‘Yes. Can I help you?’ This person said.
‘I’m Detective Allan Honor from Cunnamulla Police. Are you Doctor Murray?’ Allan asked entered the office.
‘Yes. I’m Doctor Murray. Detective Allan Honor you say.’ Doctor Murray stood extended his hand for Allan to shake. ‘Is this about the death of Catherine Smith?’ Doctor Murray asked. ‘Take a seat Detective.’ Allan sat across from Doctor Murray who sat down.
‘I’ve been sent here to investigate the death of Catherine Smith.’ Allan explained.
‘How can I be of assistance to you. I sent my report to Sergeant Gray.’ Doctor Murray stated.
‘Only a couple of questions. I read your report. When you performed the post-mortem on Catherine Smith you stated you found a bullet hole had penetrated the left lung and the right ventricle of the heart causing death. Did you locate the bullet?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. I examined the heart, located the bullet in the heart chamber. Here is the bullet.’ Doctor Murray opened a draw beside him, placed his hand into the draw, retrieved an envelope, handed the envelope to Allan who opened the envelope, a bullet fell onto the desk.
‘May I keep this bullet Doctor Murray?’ Allan asked.
‘Of course. No damage to the bullet.’ Doctor Murray stated.
Allan twilled the bullet between his thumb and forefinger searching for any abrasions. Found none.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:00 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 33:

‘You’re right. The bullet is clean. Can you estimate how far the bullet travelled from the rifle to strike Catherine Smith?’ Allan’s question puzzled Doctor Murray. A frown showed on his face.
‘I’m sorry Detective I’m not an expert in ballistics. From my opinion I formed where I found Catherine Smith laying on the ground. I’d estimate a short distance. A pea rifle bullet hasn’t much power. Because the bullet penetrated her body, entered her left lung, passed through to the right ventricle of her heart, I’d estimate a very short distance.’ Doctor Murray explained.
‘Thank you, Doctor Murray.’ Allan leaned across the desk. Shook hands left the office.
His mind twisted and turned with theories of how he would prove James Brokenborough murdered Catherine Smith. He had more work to do. His first job to return to cook a great meal for Lynne and Alex.
After brushing Apache, leading him into the paddock, released him before giving him a feed, he returned the saddle. A good saddle, much better than the police saddle he rode in before when stationed at Cunnamulla.
Walking into the kitchen his mind focused on cooking a great meal for Lynne and Alex. Looking through the cupboards and Coolgardie Freezer he selected T bone steaks. Someone had placed fresh vegetables on the table. Preparing these vegetables placing them into pots on the stove he stoked the fire to heat the vegetables. Cook each piece of T bone steak on top of the stove plates.
‘Wow. What you’re cooking?’ Lynne said standing behind Allan in front of the stove. She placed her arms around his stomach, squeezed him, kissed him on the neck. Allan turned around to kiss her on the lips.
‘Something I’m throwing together for our supper.’ Allan,laughed.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 25, 2022 9:58 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 34:

‘Well. You can cook this something anytime you want ‘The Bush Detective’. Lynne stated. ‘I’ll leave you to cook. I’ll go and change from these clothes.’ Lynne left showing a huge smile.
Alex entered the kitchen. ‘I think you should stay to become my fulltime cook.’ Alex said drawing in odours of freshly cooked vegetables and T bone steak.
‘Take a seat. Will be ready in a jiffy.’

Chapter 5

Allan had time to bake bread and butter custard before Lynne and Alex returned to the kitchen. They set the table. Allan placed a T bone steak on each plate. Vegetables placed around the T bone steak. Allan poured gravy over the steak for flavour.
Lynne smelt the odour steaming from the plate. ‘Okay ‘The Bush Detective’. You can cook after we’re married. I’d never cook this well. How did you make this gravy so good?’ Lynne expressed licking her lips after cutting her steak savoured with gravy placed the morsel of food into her mouth. ‘Absolutely, delicious.’ She remarked.
Alex nodded in agreeance. ‘The offer still stands. If you want to become my permanent cook, say the word’. They continued to eat cleaning their plates.
‘Gravy is a specialty of mine. Mix a little flour with water, pour on plenty of sauces, mix together until boiled.’ Allan shared with his friends. ‘I normally cook in a camp oven. Different cooking on a stove with pots and pans.’ Allan finished.
Allan rose from his seat next to Lynne. ‘Wait until you try my bread and butter pudding.’ He opened the oven to the stove extracted a tray. Odour seeped through to both the others. Allan dished up a plate each of bread and butter custard placed each plate in front of the other two. ‘Eat up.’ Allan took his place next to Lynne.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:03 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 35:

After they finished their meal Alex excused himself; to return to the public bar. Lynne leaned across to Allan, pecked him on the cheek. ‘This meal – delicious. Thank you ‘The Bush Detective’. Allan now used to his name ‘The Bush Detective’ smiled, rose from his chair to start gathering dishes for washing. Lynne helped him.
After clearing dishes, washed and cleaned Lynne asked Allan, ‘How is the painting going. Any further developments?’ She took hold of Allan’s hand. ‘Follow me.’ She commanded. They walked to the swing outside the kitchen where they slept on their first night. Lynne sat, patted the seat beside her. Allan sat beside Lynne.
‘I spoke with Doctor Murray today who performed a post-mortem on your mother. He extracted a bullet from her heart.’ Allan looked at Lynne: tears appeared. ‘Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.’ He placed his arm around her shoulder. Kissed her on the top of the head.
‘No. I’m sorry. I miss my mother so much. After I left to live here.’ Lynne removed a small handkerchief from her sleeve, wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘I haven’t had a chance to say good-bye to her. Father insisted she be buried where she fell from her horse.’ Lynne finished.
‘Speaking about her horse. Have you any idea where her horse is at present?’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. Out the back with Apache. She’s the chestnut in the paddock next door.’ Lynne expressed with glee. ‘I ride her whenever I can. At every opportunity.’
‘How did your mother’s horse come to be bought into town?’ Allan queried.
‘Sergeant Gray bought her in after he returned from investigating mother’s murder.’
‘Do you in any way look like your mother. By any chance.’ Allan asked.
‘Yes. Identical. We are, or were, the same height, size. We wore similar clothes. At times people thought we were sisters rather than mother and daughter. Why do you ask?’ Lynne questioned.
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