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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:13 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 22:

After consuming another beer; a female voice echoed through to the front veranda, ‘Lunch is ready.’ Allan and Nat entered the kitchen to take their places. Nat sat at the head of the table whilst Allan sat beside Lynne. Everyone had their place around the huge table.
‘Allan, my husband Joe is absent at this moment. Would you do us the honour to say grace?’ Hannah asked. Allan said Grace. Everyone joined in to eat their Sunday Roast.
Once dinner finished, Allan with Lynne helped clear dishes before they returned to the hotel. Allan couldn’t believe Lynne taught at Cunnamulla State School where Hannah was Principal. After everything finished Lynne and Allan excused themselves bidding farewell to their new friends.
‘What do you think of ‘The Bush Detective’ Pa?’ Hannah asked after they left.
‘He’s quiet. Thinks a lot. Hopefully he can solve this mystery of Lynne’s mother’s death. I think I’ll go and have a lay down. Call me for dinner.’ Nat rose from his chair walked to their portion of the house.
Lynne and Allan walked hand in hand from Hannah’s home.
‘Why didn’t you tell me you were a teacher?’ Allan asked.
‘You didn’t think I was a barmaid. Did you?’ Lynne laughed looking into Allan’s eyes.
‘First moment, you behind the bar I thought how a beautiful woman work as a barmaid. No disrespect to barmaids. Just thought you looked out of place. That’s all.’ Allan answered sheepishly.
‘When I decided to leave home.’ Lynne stopped; wiped her eyes with her handkerchief. Allan squeezed her hand to relax her. ‘I always wanted to become a schoolteacher. Hannah arranged I study here in Cunnamulla which suited me. I never wanted to go to the city. Alex offered I stay at his hotel. I work night shifts to help pay for my board and lodgings. Alex says I needn’t worry about working behind the bar. He also says me being behind the bar is good for business. I can’t understand why?’ Lynne giggled.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:27 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 23:

‘Oh. I can.’ Allan whispered in her ear. Hugged Lynne, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, drew his mouth to hers, kissed her. She kissed him back wrapped her arms around his neck deepened the kiss.
‘We better return to the hotel. Don’t want anyone seeing me canoodling ‘The Bush Detective’ in public. They may think the wrong idea.’ Lynne looked over Allan’s shoulder. Stepped back. ‘Father is here at the hotel.’ She sprinted from Allan toward the hotel.
‘Father, Father’. She shouted. Almost out of breath Allan followed Lynne who reached an elderly man, threw her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek. Allan caught up with Lynne and the stranger. Lynne turned to Allan. ‘Father. This is ‘The Bush Detective’. He’s come from the city to arrest the bastard James Brokenborough who murdered Mother.’ Lynne exploded.
Lynne’s father released Lynne, placed his hand out for Allan to shake. ‘Pleased to meet you, son.’ They shook hands. Allan couldn’t find words to express his thoughts.
‘Where are you going Father?’ Lynne asked.
‘I’m off to Thargomindah to sell some goods. Better I do something instead of mopping around the place. With your mother gone.’ Small sobs came from his mouth. ‘I’m sorry. I miss her so much.’ Lynne wrapped her arms around her father to comfort him.
‘Come into the kitchen. I’ll make you a cuppa before you go. We’ll have a chat. I want you to tell ‘The Bush Detective’ everything about Mother’s murder.’ Lynne took his hand led him to the kitchen. ‘Sit here while I make a cuppa. Have you eaten?’ Lynne asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 15, 2022 10:45 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 24:

‘No. I can’t eat nor sleep. I just want to move on. Try something new.’ He said. ‘Take a seat son. I want to tell you everything.’ He directed his question to Allan who sat opposite Lynne’s father.
‘Can I make you a cuppa Allan?’ Lynne asked. Allan nodded in agreement focusing his attention on Lynne’s father.
Lynne’s father sat across from him taking in his sorrow, loss, sadness written across his face. At this stage of the investigation Allan had the cart before the horse. No idea of how this shooting took place; where; how; when; more particular why? Allan listened to Lynne’s father tell his side of the story whilst Lynne prepared them each a cuppa.
Allan discovered Lynne’s father named Herbert, a hawker resided with his wife Catherine at Tego Springs, near Cunnamulla. A man named James Brokenborough befriended them. Stayed with them while he was out of work. Herbert couldn’t figure out why his wife showed a coolness toward Brokenborough. On 24th June 1907 Brokenborough reported to Herbert he shot his wife accidently whilst out pigeon shooting.
Whilst Allan listened to Herbert’s story his mind juggled thoughts, visions of Herbert’s story. Why wasn’t Brokenborough arrested on murder charges? Passed through his mind. His mind answered: Because why he was here to investigate the shooting. To murder another person Allan’s knowledge of law to prove Brokenborough acted wilfully and unlawfully to kill Catherine Smith. Wilfully meant his intentions at the time: what thoughts were he thinking. Intent – State of mind of the accused plus unlawful. Brokenborough acted against the law to kill Catherine Smith.
Allan continued to listen to Herbert Smith’s story contemplating what evidence he needed to gather to prove beyond reasonable doubt a case of murder against Brokenborough. At this stage Allan didn’t have much evidence. Brokenborough had means, a rifle: Motive: Herbert mention his wife showed coolness toward Brokenborough: Opportunity: Shooting pigeons accidently shooting Catherine Smith. Much investigational work to be done. Allan needed to stick with the facts: no witnesses to the actual shooting only the word of Brokenborough.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:09 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 25:

Herbert Smith finished his cuppa excused himself. He had a long way to go needed to reach as far as possible toward Thargomindah before dark. His normal manner of travel: camp on a water hole or creek for the night. Farewelling his daughter and Allan he climbed onto the seat of his wagon, clicked his horses and left.
By the time his wagon disappeared Lynne asked, ‘Will you now arrest James Brokenborough for murdering my mother?’ Her eyes filled with sorrow.
‘Not at this stage Lynne. I’ve much work to do before I speak with James Brokenborough to prove he intentionally murdered your mother. This investigation is a tough one. I’ll do my best. I promise.’ Lynne threw her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips.
‘This may help you concentrate on the investigation.’ She released her hold on Allan.
Allan didn’t understand what to do. Before Lynne showed such affection toward him his mind worked overtime to understand why she picked him to comfort knowing he worked on her mother’s murder. His promise to Lynne: he would do his best!
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:41 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 26:

Chapter 4

Later Lynne prepared dinner for Allan, herself and Alex. Sitting at the kitchen table Alex finished his meal, thanked Lynne, excused himself. Lynne moved closer to Allan. ‘How are you going to carry out this promise to charge James Brokenborough with my mother’s murder?’ She asked lifting her eye lids as she spoke.
‘Lynne. First, I never promised to charge James Brokenborough with your mother’s murder. Allow me to paint a picture of what we have. Here we have a blank canvas.’ Allan placed his arms about three feet apart showing Lynne the size of the blank canvas. ‘Use your imagination. To complete this story; we look at facts. Paint a picture onto the blank canvas to show what facts we have so far. Does this make sense?’ Allan asked Lynne looked direct into her eyes. Lynne nodded.
Allan continued to explain facts: her mother deceased by suffering a bullet wound from a rifle discharged by James Brokenborough. ‘These are facts at this stage Lynne.’ Allan explained. ‘My job is to dig deeper to determine why James Brokenborough discharged his rifle; fatally wounding your mother.’
Lynne’s head dropped. ‘I’ve been hard on you. Haven’t I.’ She placed her arms around his neck, kissed him on the lips. Allan responded wrapped his arms around Lynne, kissed her deeper. Breaking away from the kiss she said, ‘I want you to continue painting this picture of what happened to my mother. I love this idea of you painting this picture. I’ll leave you alone until you find the truth.’ Lynne stood. ‘I’ll wash the dishes and go to bed. Huge day tomorrow with teaching. Goodnight Allan.’ She leaned toward Allan. Pecked him on the cheek.
At breakfast Alex prepared bacon and eggs for all three. Lynne dressed to the nines in her teacher dress. Allan entered the kitchen dressed in western wear. ‘Wow. I want to attend school today instead of the police.’ Allan whistled sitting next to Lynne who leaned across kissed Allan on the lips.
Alex served breakfast. ‘You two are getting along like a house on fire.’ His remarks caused both Lynne and Allan to blush and nod.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:53 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 27:

After eating their breakfast Allan collected the dishes to wash up. ‘I’ll help.’ Lynne said walking to the stove to fill the kettle to boil water.
‘No. You will not. I’ll wash and wipe whilst you ready yourself for your day of teaching. I still can’t believe you are a teacher.’ Allan started washing dishes.
‘Alex. Allan thought I was a barmaid.’ She laughed. Walked over to Allan kissed him on the cheek. ‘Okay, ‘The Bush Detective’, go detect some crime. Catch you tonight for dinner.’ Lynne left the kitchen after saying farewell to Alex.
‘You two are unbelievable.’ Alex said after Lynne left the kitchen.
Allan completed his chores, grabbed his hat to leave; said to Alex, ‘Yes. I’ve never met anyone like Lynne before in my life. I don’t believe in love at first sight but when she served drinks behind the counter the other night, I fell in love with her. Something strange is going on with my mind. I need my mind on track to carry out this investigation. Catch up with you tonight Alex.’ Allan left the kitchen to walk to the police station around the corner.
Walking up the front steps of Cunnamulla Police Station he remembered serving as a Constable under Sergeant Gray about three years prior. Allan couldn’t believe how Sergeant Gray recommended he be sent to Cunnamulla to investigate this death.
‘Good morning Sergeant Gray.’ Allan said entering. Sergeant Gray stood behind the huge front wooden counter. A couple of other police officers he never recognized stood beside him.
‘Allan, welcome. Allow me to introduce these fine Police Officers. Constable Solomon Richards, from Bollon Police.’ Allan shook his hand. ‘Constable Cowley from Hebel Police.’ Allan shook his hand.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:00 pm

'The Bush Detective' - Page 28:

‘Wonderful to meet you both. You’re a long way from home.’ Allan remarked.
‘Now you’re here to investigate this death. We can return home.’ Constable Solomon stated. ‘We left Tracker Jack where Mrs Smith is buried. Best of luck Detective. Brokenborough is one piece of work. Wish you the best of luck.’ He turned to Sergeant Gray. ‘Thank you, Sergeant Gray for allowing us to work this investigation.’ Both shook hands with Sergeant Gray, left the station. Constable Cowley bid everyone farewell also departed from the station.
‘Tracker Jack. Is he the same Tracker Jack when I was stationed here?’ Allan asked Sergeant Gray.
‘Yes. Same fellow. He’ll keep an eye on Brokenborough until you go to the scene.’ Sergeant Gray stated.
‘Will Brokenborough stay at Tego Station for a couple of more days. I have much to do before I want to speak with him.’ Allan admitted.
‘He’ll stay with Tracker Jack as long as you want him too. Tracker Jack will keep an eye on him. I think Tracker Jack mentioned something about pointing a bone at Brokenborough if he decided to leave. I wouldn’t put anything past Tracker Jack. He’s one of the best trackers we’ve ever had.’ Sergeant Gray said. ‘Here is the report from Doctor Arthur Murray.’ Sergeant Gray handed Allan the report.
‘If you have time to spare Sergeant Gray. I’ve picked up pieces of what happened. I’d like to listen for everything from you before I go ahead with this investigation.’ Allan expressed in a concerned voice.
‘Okay. Come into my office. I’ll explain everything I can to help you with this investigation.’ They walked into Sergeant Gray’s office. ‘Take a seat. Ask me anything you want.’ Sergeant Gray stated.
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