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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:01 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 101:

‘Then you and Mr Shirley should join Joseph and I for lunch at our home whenever you have time. I want you both to meet the man who stole my heart.’ Margaret said.
‘I’ll ask John when we’re available.’ Clair’s face flushed on being asked to meet a Member of Parliament. ‘What other things are of your interest?’ Clair begged to understand Margaret’s desires and goals.
Margaret thought for a moment whether to share her goals and desires about ‘The Suffragette’ movement. ‘While I was Campaign Director for Nat Young to become the first Mayor of Cunnamulla; a deep desire entered my mind: I want to fight for women of Queensland to be given the right to vote.’ Cat was now out of the bag. Margaret wondered where to next. She wasn’t too positive how Clair would take her comment.
‘Bravo for you Margaret.’ Clair clapped her hands, rose from her chair, walked around to where Margaret sat, hugged her. ‘I’ll join you in your crusade.’ Clair returned to her seat.
Margaret overcome with shock Clair agreed with her, plus her recent other crusade member, Julia Griffiths. Joy rushed through Margaret like a torrent of water in the flood in Cunnamulla earlier in the year. ‘Thank you, Clair. Lady Griffiths, Sir Samuel Griffith’s wife is the other member of this crusade, apart from myself.’ Margaret added.
‘Lady Griffiths.’ Clair shouted. Shock on her face.
‘Yes. She with her husband Sir Samuel Griffiths attended our engagement celebrations last night at our home. She asked me to call her Julia.’ Margaret submitted. ‘Julia, Lady Griffiths is arranging I meet her lady friends to help spread-the-word. Perhaps you’d like to accompany me when I meet these women.’ Margaret asked.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:17 pm

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'The Suffragette' - Page 102:

‘You bet your booty I would.’ Clair placed her hand over her mouth. ‘I’m sounding like you. Thank you, Margaret. I’d be proud and honoured to meet Lady Julia Griffiths and her lady friends. Count me in.’ Clair couldn’t believe in only a half-an-hour how her status rose from being a humble school teacher to meeting Margaret, plus government dignities.
‘I’ll make the arrangements Clair. Tell me when and where this meeting will take place. In the meantime, I’d love to invite you and Mr Shirley to dinner at our home when the time is available for you both.’ Margaret finished. ‘I’d better return to my office to start on this latest career move of mine before I’m sacked.’ Margaret smiled rose from her chair.
‘Not happening. Besides you have enough on your plate with work, planning your wedding; building awareness in ‘The Suffragette’ movement. In fact, I think. You have your arms full.’ Clair said after Margaret excused herself.
On her return to her office Margaret stopped at Wendy’s office to complete documents; determine her duties; become acquainted with Wendy who she wanted as a friend and workmate. Soon after meeting with Wendy, Margaret’s mind filled with Wendy’s knowledge of what Margaret needed to do for her role teaching teachers for country positions.
By four-thirty in the afternoon Margaret breathed a sigh of relief she finished her first day working in the city. Ralph would be waiting for her at the front of the building. After farewelling her work colleagues Ralph met Margaret where they’d arranged. He opened the door to the carriage, bowed his head in respect. ‘Did you enjoy your first day my lady?’ He asked closing the door to the carriage stepping up upon the driver’s seat.
‘Oh yes. Thank you, Ralph for asking. Been exhausting for my first day. I love my new Boss and everyone in the department. Looking forward to seeing my husband-to-be.’ Margaret expressed sitting back in the comfort of the carriage. Ralph drove the carriage toward Parliament House.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:20 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 103:

Right on schedule Joseph meet the carriage at the front gate of Parliament House. Opening the carriage door, he slipped in beside Margaret who couldn’t wait another moment to kiss her husband-to-be on the lips. ‘How was your first day at your new job?’ Joseph asked after releasing himself from Margaret.
‘Wonderful. Thank you for asking. I’ve made new friends. I will enjoy this new job Joseph.’ She admonished. ‘How was your day? You look worn out.’ Margaret finished, placed her arm around Joseph’s shoulders started massaging his tied muscles with her fingers.
‘You can keep doing what you’re doing.’ Joseph expressed with a groan. ‘Same old, same old. Debating changes to law. I did happen to have a quiet word with Sir Samuel himself. He tells me Julia is keen to help you with your suffragette movement.’ Joseph moved his shoulders in sequence to Margaret’s massage.
‘I told my boss about the movement today. She wants to jump on the bandwagon to help also. I thought we’d have John and Clair over for dinner one evening so you can meet them. Only met Clair today. They are a delightful couple.’ Margaret finished.
‘Make the arrangements. Inform the cook of your date and time. My home is your home Margaret. You’re in charge of being the lady of the house. You don’t need to ask my permission.’ Joseph added. ‘Rub a little lower, thank you.’
Margaret followed Joseph’s instructions moving her hand lower down his back massaging his lower muscles. ‘I still can’t believe we’re engaged to be married Joseph. Everything has happened so fast.’ Margaret finished her massage. The coach stopped in front of their home.
Before stepping down from the carriage Joseph looked into Margaret’s eyes. ‘Do you want to postpone the wedding?’ He leaned across kissed her on the lips.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:00 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 104:

Margaret swung her arms around Joseph’s neck, kissing him hungrily on the lips. Parting she murmured in his ear. ‘Not on your nelly Joseph Ryan. I can’t wait to become your wife.’ They stepped down from the carriage.
After dinner Margaret asked Joseph to meet her on the veranda. Seated near to one another Margaret opened the conversation, ‘Joseph I’ve spoken with the cook. Arrangements are made for this Saturday evening to host our friends for dinner.’ Margaret waited for Joseph’s reply.
After taking a sip of his brandy, Joseph nodded. ‘I’m looking forward to meeting your new friends Margaret. I will inform Sir Samuel. At which time shall I tell him to be here?’ Joseph finished.
‘Eight o’clock. This will give each of us plenty of time to socialise before we eat.’ Margaret finished her drink. ‘Time for my bed Joseph. I bid you goodnight.’ She leaned across kissed Joseph on the lips. She couldn’t wait until their marriage when she wouldn’t need to farewell Joseph before retiring to bed.
With the remainder of the week flying by, Saturday night loomed with their guests joining Margaret and Joseph in their Dining Room. After introductions, Clair sided up beside Margaret saying in a whisper, ‘Thank you Margaret for introducing John and I to Sir Samuel Griffiths and his wife Lady Griffiths. Such an honour.’ Margaret nodded.
After their meal the men excused themselves to retire to the smoking room while the women folk retired to the veranda. ‘You have a beautiful home here Margaret?’ Clair stated after they sat in their chairs. A waiter appeared before their table to provide their drinks.
‘Actually, this home belongs to Joseph. Since we’re engaged, he’s told me I’m the lady of the house. I suppose this place’ Margaret paused to think. ‘I treat as my own home. Yes. Is beautiful. Plus have a look at those city lights. Almost takes your breath away living so close to the city of Brisbane.’ Margaret sipped her drink.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:37 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 105:

‘I have very important news for your crusade Margaret.’ Excited words exploded from Julia. ‘I’ve found the person to become ‘The Suffragette’.’ Julia explained sipping her drink in anticipation to Margaret’s response.
‘Who may this admirable person be?’ Margaret asked.
‘Marilyne Pankhurst.’ Julia explained. ‘She is a member from my lady group. Highly respected. Speaks well. Her desire to help is overwhelming.’ Julia finished.
‘When may I meet Marilyne Pankhurst?’ Margaret asked in a concerned voice.
‘This Tuesday evening. Our lady group is having a meeting at Marilyne’s home. You each are invited as my guests.’ Julia finished. Emptied her glass. ‘I think its time to go home.’ Julia stood. ‘Thank you for your hospitality Margaret. Lovely to meet you Clair. I’m certain we’ll become friends to help Margaret fight her crusade to allow women to vote.’ She looked to the waiter. ‘Would you inform Sir Samuel, I’m ready to leave.’ Waiter nodded left the ladies.
After their guests left Margaret beckoned Joseph to sit with her on the veranda to ‘keep him up to date’ with her progress with the suffragette movement. ‘Julia, Lady Griffiths has found a suitable person to become ‘The Suffragette’.’ She explained sipping her drink in anticipation to Joseph’s answer.
‘Margaret. Before you go any further.’ Joseph paused to sip his brandy. ‘I’ve been giving this ‘Suffragette’ crusade some thought.’ Joseph tried to explain his thoughts when Margaret interrupted.
‘Don’t you want me to become involved in this movement Joseph?’ Margaret stated in a strong voice. Fire gleaming from her eyes.
Joseph placed his glass onto the table before him. ‘I want you to understand the circumstances surrounding the passing of legislation to give the right for women to vote in Queensland. I’m not trying to stop you from doing what you want. I’m worried about the circumstances of what may occur if the legislation fails.’ Joseph admitted taking his glass to drink.
‘If this legislation fails.’ Smoke almost erupting from Margaret’s ears. ‘How can this legislation fail with you as my husband-to-be to pass the legislation through Parliament. You are the smartest Politician I know.’ She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him fully on the lips. ‘With you by my side I can do anything.’ Margaret left. ‘I’m off to bed Joseph. We’ll continue this conversation in the morning.’ She left Joseph drinking his brandy alone.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:37 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 106:

Chapter 14

Tuesday night arrived. Margaret and Clair attended Marilyne’s home being Lady Julia Griffiths guests. Margaret recognized only two persons she came with. She felt strange in amongst other women she’d never seen nor meet before. Nerves tickled her body. A beautiful woman walked up to Julia. ‘Welcome Julia. Are these your guests you spoke of?’ This lady admonished.
They hugged one another in a gesture of welcome; turned to address her friends. Julia said, ‘Marilyne. May I introduce you to Margaret Wallace and Clair Shirley. These are my guests.’ Julia finished.
Marilyne extended her right hand first to Margaret. ‘Julia has told me so much about you and your crusade. I’m Marilyne Pankhurst. I’m here to help in anyway I can.’ Marilyne finished.
‘The pleasure is all mine. Thank you Marilyne. May I introduce you to Clair Shirley, another who wants to help with this crusade.’ Marilyne extended her hand to Clair who took her hand in a warm welcome.
‘I’m also pleased to meet you Clair. Would you accompany me inside? We have a couple of others who want to meet you.’ Marilyne escorted her guests to a huge room. ‘Would you like refreshments?’ Marilyne asked.
Julia asked for her usual wine whilst Margaret and Clair decided a cup-of-tea would be in order. Margaret wanted her mind clear to explain her ideas for this crusade to work. This moment became the beginning of a long hard road ahead.
From the beginning of this crusade Margaret understood how difficult her journey to succeed would become. She instantly liked Marilyne. A forthright woman who in Margaret’s mind always worked hard to achieve her goals evidenced by her surroundings.
After making introduction of her guests, Marilyne stated, ‘Where do we start?’
‘I suppose since this idea has been in my mind, I should explain my desire to fight for women to vote.’ Margaret explained to this small gathering. ‘Earlier this year I worked as Campaign Director for my friend in Cunnamulla to be elected Mayor.’ She explained.
‘Were you successful?’ Marilyne asked.
‘Yes. An important issue I discovered during this campaign: women could not vote.’ Margaret explained.
‘Isn’t this why we are here?’ Asked Marilyne.
‘Yes.’ Margaret agreed.
‘How are we going to fight our government to allow women to vote?’ Marilyne stated in a raised voice.
‘I have no idea.’ Replied Margaret.
‘I say we fight as hard as we can. Fight the government to give us women the power to vote.’ Marilyne cried out with her right fist held high. Everyone in the room applauded Marilyne’s enthusiasm.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:33 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 107:

‘Hang on a moment Marilyne. We can’t walk into Parliament House and tell a Politicians to give us the right to vote. My husband will be Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia next month. I would never bounce into his Parliament shouting for him to change the laws to allow women to vote. We need to act smart with this process.’ Lady Julia Griffiths stated.
‘What do you suggest Lady Griffiths?’ Asked Marilyne.
‘At this stage I’m uncertain of the rules to change the law of this State of Queensland. When our Founding Fathers founded ‘The Constitution for the Commonwealth’ I remember the turmoil this caused taking almost a decade of arguing backward and forward to have ‘The Constitution’ right for Australian citizens. I have little knowledge of how you are to fight to have women vote in Queensland.’ Julia explained.
‘Perhaps we should gather information about what we want to accomplish before we go off half-cocked.’ Clair butted into the conversation. Her educational background placed her in the right place to make such a statement.
‘Clair has a good idea. Each of us should visit our libraries, other places of knowledge to fathom this issue.’ Margaret expressed. ‘What about we return here. If your home is okay to have these meetings Marilyne in a month’s time to put together a plan of our endeavours.’ All agreed.
‘You’ll need to excuse me from this crusade because next month, Sir Samuel and I will be relocating to Melbourne where he will take up his new post for the Commonwealth.’ Lady Julia Griffiths stated.
‘We still can keep you informed Julia of our progress.’ Margaret stated.
‘I’d loved to become involved in your crusade. Only I will not be here in Queensland instead in Victoria. If you send me your information you gather; I’m certain Sir Samuel would be pleased to pass his eye over the information to keep you on track to achieve your goal.’ Julia finished by standing. ‘This meeting has been good to finally sit and speak about this crusade. I wish everyone the best of luck with this venture. Its not going to be an easy road to travel. Looking about these women gathered I think you all possess the ability to succeed.’ Julia finished.
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