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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:03 am

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 101:

'What are you doing here?' Joe asked in a surprised question.
'We've come to say our goodbyes.' Breaker replied.
'Where are you both going?' Asked Joe. Stains of blood splattered across both Morant and Handcock's chests.
'Hell. I expect.' Breaker remarked. 'You're not to blame for what happened to us Joe. We caused our own demise. We'll be off now.' Within a flash they vanished into thin air.
'No! No!' Joe shouted.
'Joe. Wake up. You're having a nightmare.' Hannah spoke to him laying down beside him wrapping her arms around his chest.
Joe awoke, thoughts as if he'd been dragged through a sheep dip. Face and clothing soaked. Hannah hugged her husband telling him everything will be okay. She worried about her husband. What caused Joe to have nightmares? Who were Breaker Morant and Handcock? She'd ask Billy.
Hannah let Joe rest, walked to the kitchen where Billy sat at the table drinking tea.
'Billy. Can I have a quiet talk to you about Joe?' Hannah asked.
'Depends on what you want to ask Hannah?' Billy sat upright, alert for Hannah's question.
'Joe had a nightmare. Mentioned Breaker Morant and Handcock. What happened in South Africa Billy? Please! I need to understand.' Hannah expressed in a concerned voice.
'Hannah as much as I'd love to tell you about these two people. Joe and I made a pact to never talk about what happened when we fought overseas. Hope you understand Hannah. Joe may tell you one day. I doubt if he ever will.' Billy finished returned to his cuppa.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:04 am

Thanks Dub. Here is the page for today:

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 102:

Hannah walked over to Billy, threw her arms around his shoulders, 'I'm sorry for asking you. You're right, Joe will tell me when he's good and ready. I never imagined what you two went through. Thank you Billy.' Hannah returned to her bedroom. Joe awoke.
'We better start getting ready for this shindig tonight. Have no idea what The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA will put on.' Joe smiled. Hannah walked over to her husband, wrapped her arms around him kissed him on the lips. 'What was that for?' Joe asked.
'I'll always be here for you Joe.' Hannah said.

Both men looked gallant in their uniforms. Joe displaying Captain badges whilst Billy Lieutenant insignias. Awaiting at the front of their home two carriages arrived to transport everyone to the function. Joe, Hannah and Billy boarded the first carriage whilst the remainder of the party boarded the second carriage.
Arriving at the function The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA greeted his guests on their arrival shaking hands with the men folk, kissing the hands of the women. His smile exhibited his happiness to have these special quests at his home.
'Please follow me.' Joseph instructed entering his home to applause. The Prime Minister, Sir Edmund Barton with his wife were present awaiting the arrival of these special guests. Standing in front of Sir Edmund Barton, Joseph stopped to introduce his quests of honour.
'Mr Prime Minister. I have the honour to introduce Captain Joseph Gibson, his wife, Hannah.' Joe saluted his Prime Minister who in return tried to return the salute without the urgency of Captain Gibson's salute, instead they shook hands.
'Captain Gibson. This is indeed a pleasure to meet you also to thank you for representing Australia in the war in South Africa.'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jul 10, 2021 11:12 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 103:

Joe stood back a step, 'Mr Prime Minister. I have the honour to introduce Lieutenant William Campbell who fought with me in South Africa.' Billy stood to attention saluting the Prime Minister who placed his hand out to Billy to shake his hand.
'Lieutenant Campbell. Like Captain Gibson, I thank you on behalf of Australia for representing our country in the fight in South Africa.' Billy stood to attention saluting his Prime Minister.
'May we celebrate the safe return of these gallant Australian soldiers. Please everyone take your places at the banquet tables.' Joseph instructed everyone. Seated beside Martha, Julia Griffiths.
'Wonder if we'll be eating goanna for our meal tonight?' Julia asked her friend Martha.
'I wish. You'd love the taste. The manner in which to cook the goanna on a open fire.' Martha answered.
Everyone enjoyed their meal afterwhich The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA made an announcement.
'Thank you all for your attendance. Once you've completed your meal I have a surprise in the Ballroom. Would you please gather for this surprise.' Joseph finished.
The Ballroom, size of Joe and Hannah's home at 'Tilbaroo Station'. Seating arranged in rows. At the front a stage a piano to the side. Curtains hung from ceiling to floor.
The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA took his place at the centre of the stage after everyone seated.
'I call on Our Prime Minister, Sir Edmund Barton to join me on the stage please.' Joseph instructed.
Sir Edmund Barton walked to join Joseph on the stage.
'I call on Captain Joseph Gibson and Lieutenant William Campbell to also join us on the stage.' Joseph instructed.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:52 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 104:

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 104:
When all four people were on stage, Sir Edmund Barton walked to front of Captain Gibson who stood at attention. Sir Edmund Barton removed a medal of honour from his pocket.
'Captain Gibson. On behalf of Australian people I have the honour to present you with 'The Medal of Honour' for distinguished service in the face of enemy in South Africa. Sir Edmund Barton pinned the medal onto the pocket of Captain Gibson's uniform. Captain Gibson stood to attention, saluted his Prime Minister.
Sir Edmund Barton moved in front of Lieutenant William Campbell, produced a similar medal attached the medal to the pocket of Lieutenant Campbell's uniform. Lieutenant Campbell stood at attention saluting his Prime Minister.
'Would you now return to your seats. I have a special guest to introduce.' All three returned to their seats. Hannah hugged both Joe and Billy. Many shook their hands.
'Mr Prime Minister, Lady Prime Minister, distinguished guests, fellow Australians. I have the honour to introduce you to a young lady who has performed in cities of Paris, London and throughout Europe. She will perform a song she wrote to show her love for Australia. Please let me introduce Evie Pikler who will perform her song 'Australia Calls Me Home'.
Lights faded within the ballroom. A spotlight highlighted a female figure dressed in a long purple dress, her hair shined. From the moment her voice reached each person of the audience all attention went to this golden voice echoing in their ears. Words of joy spread from Evie's voice circulating amongst her audience. By the end of the song everyone stood as one, clapping, roaring for more, many joined Evie in singing the chorus of the song.
Australia calls us home
From around the world
Each of us came
Within our hearts our love is the same
Within our souls an endless flame
We are Australia, Australia's our name
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are an island, the sky and the sea
Ancient land, a welcome country
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are the mountains, the rivers and plains
We are the forests in sunshine and rain
We are the centre of every hue
Within the spirit of Uluru
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are an island, the sky and the sea
Ancient land, a welcome country
We are Australia, Australians are we
Every path through time and space
Leads one to a sacred place
Where all hearts and souls embrace
Australia calls home the human race
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are an island, the sky and the sea
Ancient land, a welcome country
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are koala and kangaroo
We are goanna and we are emu
We are the stars in the Milky Way
Dreaming spirit hear us say
We are Australia, Australians are we
We are an island, the sky and the sea
Ancient land, a welcome country
We are Australia, Australians are we
I am Australia, Australia are we
Prime Minister Sir Edmund Barton stood applauding this performer as well as the performance. Sir Samuel Griffiths leaned across to Nat Young who stood beside him. 'I now wish we included Indigenous Peoples into 'The Constitution'. At this moment my wish is: This Is The Year That Never Was!
One important addition to this book is a song written by my fellow member of Pomona Writers Group. At one meeting Evie Pikler asked to sing a song she'd written more than thirty years before. Evie sang 'Australia Calls Us Home'. Tears welled in my eyes after she finished her song. I asked her if she'd permit me to include her song into this book. Evie agreed. Click onto this link: to watch Evie's great song of 'Australia Calls Us Home'. I thank Evie from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to use her song in this book.
The Year That Never Was is Pat's twenty-first book.
Pat has been writing and publishing books since 1988. Whilst you're checking out his website why not register your name and e-mail address onto the website. Each Friday Pat publishes an Update News for all these members.
Pat would love to receive your feedback. Reply through any of the icons on the bottom of his website.
Happy reading.
Australia Calls Us Home
Australia Calls Us Home
an anthem for a country I love
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:12 pm

'The Suffragette' - Page 1:


Fifth in ‘Outback Australia Series’. This story is an important event in Australian history particularly for women who weren’t allowed to vote. South Australia became first Australian State to include women to vote. Queensland waited their turn. An inspiring story of one woman whose determination to have the right for women in Queensland to vote in 1905.
At the beginning of this book I tried to determine who would become my heroin ‘The Suffragette’. My friend, Marilyne Pankhurst, whose husband is a distant relative to Emma Pankhurst, English Suffragette mentioned she would be delighted if I used her name to become Queensland Suffragette. I thank Marilyne for her permission to use her name to become the heroin ‘The Suffragette’.

On a recent holiday with our tour group I met Ken Beer who happened to be a retired Ordained Priest. You may say this meeting classed as Divine Intervention. Ken and I spoke throughout this tour sharing personal information. During our conversations he wanted to understand how I wrote my books.

Explaining I write a novel per year, this year ‘The Suffragette’ his interest grew to a point of excitement wanting to become involved in this story. I explained to Ken I had no idea how I’d write the final chapters to give the readers a ‘WOW’ factor. Ken gave me his approval to use his name in my story. I thank Brother Ken for giving me this Divine Intervention to finish this novel.
Story Thus Far:
The Shearer’:
‘The Shearer’ is the first book in 'Outback Australia' series. Set in 1891. Scene ‘The Great Shearers Strike’. Major character Joe Ryan who fought for better working conditions and wages for his fellow shearers.
1890 Joe Ryan met his friend Joe Gibson, a fellow shearer to help fight for better working conditions and wages.
During the strike, graziers wouldn’t permit ‘striking shearers’ to shear their sheep. Contracted shearers were those who held a ‘non-union ticket to shear’ only hired by graziers. Joe Gibson held this ticket.
At the height of ‘Great Shearers Strike of 1891’ Joe Ryan gathered his shearers to strike on the outskirts of Cunnamulla. Four months they survived until police intervened to stop the strike. Joe Gibson met his friend Joe Ryan on the final day at the strike camp before police arrived. They exchanged clothing and personal items. Joe Gibson took Joe Ryan’s place. Changed identities.
‘Click 2 go 2 :The Shearer
‘Click Go The Shears’ is the second book in 'Outback Australia' series. Follow-on from ‘The Shearer’. Joe Ryan who has the identity of Joe Gibson escapes capture whilst Joe Gibson takes the place of Joe Ryan to be tried for leading the strikers. Thirteen strikers appeared in court. Each sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for their part. Joe Ryan (Gibson) served his imprisonment at St Helen Island Prison in Moreton Bay.
At the end of his prison term both Joes meet at Barcaldine (original town where strike occurred) to return to their own identities. Joe Gibson returned to Cunnamulla met Hannah who still resided with Ma at her boarding house. Joe and Hannah fell in love. They marry. Hannah’s father gifts his property ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to them as their wedding gift. The story continues:
‘Tilbaroo Station’
‘Tilbaroo Station’ is the third book in 'Outback Australia' series. Joe discovers an artisan bore on ‘Tilbaroo Station’. Nat wants all nine remaining properties to have bores. The only person who divined for water is deceased. By accident Hannah discovers a student in her class, ten-year-old Ryan Carlson who discovers water on Nat’s property.
Underground artisan water is discovered in 1897. Ryan’s father, Todd Carlson, Chief Engineer for Queensland Railway Department employed to build the rail link from Charleville to Cunnamulla has been selected by The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA to oversee the bores established in the region. A committee is formed with Joe Gibson, Nat Young being members of the committee. Todd Carlson, Chairman.
By the end of 1898 a newly constructed Cunnamulla Railway Station has been built. Underground water discovered on many of Nat Young’s properties. Todd Carlson, Chairman of ‘Great Artisan Water Basin Committee’ appointed Commissioner of Water Resources for Queensland. The story continues:
‘The Year That Never Was’
‘The Year That Never Was’ is the fourth book in 'Outback Australia' series. This is an exciting period for Australia because after Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770, settled by Europeans, Australia finally became a Nation with the election of their first Prime Minister. Also, young Australians represented their Colony on behalf of British Empire left their homeland to fight Boers in the 'Boer War' in South Africa. This important occasion involving Joe, Hannah and her family. The story continues:
‘The Suffragette’
‘The Suffragette’ is the fifth book in ‘Outback Australia’ series. This is set between 1903-1905. Women weren’t permitted to vote. Margaret Wallace, Principal at Cunnamulla State School decided to make a difference. With help from The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA they worked together to ensure women in Queensland empowered the government of the day to pass legislation for women to vote. Read on to fight alongside Margaret with her friends particularly Marilyne Pankhurst to force the government to change rules for women to vote. The story continues:

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:58 pm

Thank you dub: Here is the page for today:

'The Suffragette' - Page 2:

Chapter 1

'What did you say?' Joe listened to part of the conversation between Hannah and himself.
'You're going to be a father.' Hannah shouted louder. Joe's smile spread across his face, leaned into Hannah, wrapped his arms around her shoulders with tears in his eyes.
'Fair dinkum. You're pregnant!' Joe shouted.
'Yes. Happened after the party when you received your medal from the Prime Minister. Don't you remember?' Hannah explained.
Joe's mind whirred with thoughts of becoming a father. 'Have you told anyone else?' Joe asked.
'No. You're the first.' Joe held onto Hannah in a tight grip not wanted to let go.
'How did you find out you were pregnant?' Joe queried.
'This morning. I visited the doctor. After missing my period since we arrived home from Brisbane. I thought something must have happened to my body.' Hannah explained.
'Official. We're having a baby. When?' Joe asked in an excited voice.
'June next year. Sometime around the middle of the month. Doctor told me.'
'We'd better tell your parents. Don't you think? Come on. I hitch the sulky. We'll go this afternoon to tell them.' Joe's excitement flowed over to Hannah.
Sound of a horse and sulky took their attention. Joe looked from where they sat on the front veranda at their home. Nat and Martha making their way to their home. 'Here they are now. Some type of mental therapy going on here.' Joe took Hannah's hand, they met their visitors when they stopped in front of the house.
After greeting his in-laws Joe said, 'I'll take your sulky round the back, unhitch your horse. Hannah has some news for each of you.' Taking the reins from Nat, Joe climbed into the sulky to drive around to the rear of his home.
'Told you Nat. Something this morning. So strong I needed to speak with Hannah.' Martha joined her daughter. Nat followed.
Joe unharnessed the horse placed him in the stable. Returned to the kitchen. Nat stood. Walked to Joe put his hand out, 'Hannah shared this great news with us. Congratulation. You're going to become a father. Me a grandfather.' Nat's voice quivered with emotion.
After everyone settled down to the news, Martha said, 'Something this morning told me to come and speak with Hannah. Mother's intuition. Something.' Martha expressed smiling.
'I'll put the kettle on for a cuppa.' Hannah went to rise from her seat.
'No. You will not. From now on I'll do everything. You take care of yourself and the baby.' Joe expressed, stood, quickly moved to the stove to place the kettle over the fire.
'Joe, I'm only having a baby. Women have them everyday. They don't need to take things easy. I'll go off my rocker if I don't do something.' Hannah forced her words to tell Joe not to fuss.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:22 pm

patritter wrote:Some type of mental therapy going on here.' Joe
Poetic :thumbsup
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