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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:54 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 10:
Chapter 2
Difference from the bush to the city. Messages in the bush sent by bush telegraph compared messages sent by grapevine in the city. A crown sealed letter arrived on the doorstep of George and Gloria’s home addressed to Joseph Gibson. Surprised to receive a letter Joe read an invitation to attend morning tea with The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire, MLA, at Parliament House. Joseph's title annoyed him. How to refer to him as 'The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA puzzled his mind.
At ten o’clock a carriage arrived at the front of the house. The driver knocked on the front door asking for Mr Joseph Gibson plus Mr Nathan Young. His role to drive them to Parliament House to meet with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. After farewelling both Hannah and Martha they boarded the carriage.
Alighting from the carriage in front of Parliament House, The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA met both gentlemen. Shaking their hands asked them to accompany him to the tea room. Once each seated The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA thanked them for coming, welcoming both to partake of morning tea or something stronger.
Both men overawed by their surroundings. Never before in their lives either man experienced such glamour. Nat first to speak. ‘Makes a difference here to the shearing quarters at home.’ A smile spread across his face.
‘Nat, I still remember when you were going to throw me off your place for cutting the belly of that sheep I shore.’ The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA laughed, reflected to a time long since gone.
‘How life changes. Here we are in the powers of government speaking about the good ole days as if yesterday. Much water has flown under the bridge since those days Joe. Okay to call you Joe, or should we address you by your title? Your title bugs me.’ Nat chattered, a little nervous because of the company and surroundings.
‘Call me what you want. Joe is fine with me. In my position at Parliament I’m always addressed by the correct title. At times, I forget where I came from. You both are like a breath of fresh air. I can relax to be myself in your company.’ Joe explained.
Up until this time Joe Gibson hadn’t said a word. His mind reeling from the present company, seated in glorious surroundings. Life changed since his days at ‘Tilbaroo Station’ shearing in the mid-day sun with Joe by his side. Who would blame Joe for climbing the social ladder to be in the position he now occupied.
‘You have beer here?’ Joe inquired.
‘Same for me if you have beer. May quieten the butterflies.’ Nat acknowledged.
Joseph beckoned to a waiter who rushed to his side. ‘Three beers, thank you.’ Joseph said in an official voice. The waiter rushed off without a word soon returned with three tumblers of beer. He placed a tumbler in front of each gentleman.
Taking a sip of the beer Joseph said. ‘Suppose you’re wondering why I invited you both here for drinks?’
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:11 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 11:

‘You didn’t waste time in finding us. The grapevine is quicker in the city than the bush telegraph in the bush.’ Joe muttered in between drinking his beer making him more relaxed.
‘Gentlemen,’ Joseph exclaimed in an official voice. ‘My reason for asking you to this meeting. I want your help.’ Joseph expressed.
Both men looked at Joseph noticing a serious change to his features.
‘Why ask us here before we had time to settle in?’ Nat asked.
‘This is 1899. Are either of you aware of a war in South Africa?’ Both shook their heads. ‘Our country is part of the British Empire. Our colonies have offered troops to fight in the ‘Boer War’ in South Africa.’ Joseph finished. Waited for replies from his friends.
‘What’s this got to do with us. We’re pastoralists, not bloody soldiers.’ Nat replied.
‘Why I’ve asked you both here because we need men like yourselves to recruit young bushmen to join other colonies to represent our country against the Boer to stop the fighting.’ Joseph explained finished his beer, placed the tumbler on the table. His arm raised to order another three beers. A waiter appeared placing a tumbler of beer in front of each man.
‘You want us pissed so we can agree to your demands.’ Nat said in a slurred voice.
‘No. I'm not! I have more respect for you both then to pull the wool over your eyes. I’m speaking the truth. We need bushmen from our colony to join other bushmen to fight the Boers in South Africa.’ Joseph took a sip of his beer returning the tumbler to the table.
‘Why choose Nat and myself?’ Joe needed to ask. In Joe's mind's eye developed into adventure with an opportunity to go overseas plus fight for his Empire. Excitement being in a war pumped his blood pressure higher, plus the consumption of alcohol.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:56 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 12:

‘Who better to enlist other bushmen after your endeavours to save the west of the greatest drought ever in this country.’ Joseph would never forget how these men worked with young Ryan Carlson to find underground water to save the south-west of Queensland from the great Australian drought.
‘I’m too bloody old to be enlisting men. Has nothing to do with us. We raise sheep to keep the economy going in this country. Not fight Boers in their country.’ Nat spluttered.
‘I understand Nat. I’m not asking you to enlist bushmen to fight the Boers. I have a much bigger task for you.’ Joseph explained. ‘What about another beer.’ Joseph hailed the waiter once again who replaced the empty tumblers with full ones.
‘He’s trying to make us pissed so we’ll agree with his demands.’ Nat said. ‘You’d better keep them coming because you realise we’re from the bush and can drink any city slicker under the table.’ Nat slurred. Dullness filling his mind.

By mid-afternoon Joseph loaded his two friends into a carriage, ordered his driver to take them home. The carriage stopped in front of their home. Hannah walked to open the front door. ‘What have we here?’ She blasted. Her father and husband wrapped in one another arms trying to walk toward her. She rushed to help the driver who placed his arms around both men to guide them toward the front of the house. ‘I’ve got them.’ She told the driver. ‘Thank you.’
Nat began to sing. Nat only sang when he’d partaken of more alcohol than he should have. Joe smiled. ‘I love you’. His voice slurred. Losing grip of the two men they fell through the open door to land flat on their faces on the hallway floor. Martha arrived to take in the scene.
‘What have we here?’ Martha exclaimed. Bent down to lift her husband to carry him into their bedroom. Hannah did a similar lift with Joe, dragging him into their bedroom. She lay him on the bed, left the bedroom, closed the door to meet her mother in the hallway.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:58 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 13:

‘They had a good visit with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA. I’ll give him ‘Honourable’ the next time I lay eyes on him.’ She let her nerves settle joined her mother at the kitchen table to enjoy a cuppa.
‘Wonder what The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA, has in store for our men folk this time Mother?’ Hannah sprouted before pouring herself a cup-of-tea. Anger pieced the pores of her skin.
Discussing the possibilities of their future with her mother, Hannah retired to bed. Joe's loud snoring laying on his back. ‘Roll over Joe. You’re snoring.’ Hannah pushed Joe who rolled onto his side. Snoring stopped.

Sunlight broke through the curtains in the bedroom. Hannah awoke thinking of the day ahead.
‘My head.’ Joe whispered to Hannah. ‘What have I done!’ Joe rubbed his head to slow down a thousand beating drums inside.
‘You and Pa must’ve had a great day yesterday with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire MLA.’ Hannah raised her voice each time to ensure Joe understood each word.
‘Shush, Hannah. Please. My head hurts.’ Joe couldn’t stop the throbbing inside his head.
‘You shouldn’t have drank so much.’ Hannah exploded. She threw back the bed covers, slipped out of bed, opened the wardrobe, placed on a pair of slippers and dressing gown, left Joe in bed.
Hannah smelt cooked bacon and eggs when she arrived in the kitchen. Pa seated at the top of the table eating his breakfast. Her mother cooking. ‘Would you like some breakfast Hannah?’ Martha asked.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:17 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 14:

‘Thank you, Mother. Don’t worry about breakfast for Joe. He’s sleeping off his headache.’ Hannah sat opposite her father. ‘Why aren’t you crook Pa?’ Hannah asked not believing her father looked well after his arrival home the previous day.
‘I can hold my liquor.’ Nat answered between eating. ‘Been practising for many years.’ Nat continued eating his breakfast.
Joe appeared at the entrance to the kitchen. ‘How’re you going Joe?’ Nat asked. ‘Take a seat while Martha makes you something to eat. You look bloody awful.’ A smile cracked across his face.
Joe mumbled something no one understood. Sitting down his head pounded.
‘Would you like a glass of water Joe. Might help.’ Martha asked.
‘No thank you Mother. Let him suffer.’ Hannah sneered. ‘Teach him not to drink so much.’
‘You’re a little cruel daughter. Look after your husband. After he sobers up I’ll refresh his memory of what he agreed to yesterday. Where is Ma and Pa?’ Nat inquired.
‘They left early this morning to visit friends. Be back this afternoon.’ Martha replied placing a plate filled with bacon and eggs in front of Joe. ‘Hope this makes you better.’
‘Don’t look after him too much Mother. He doesn’t deserve the care you’re giving him.’ Hannah spat.
‘Thank you, Martha.’ Joe grumbled. ‘I’ll try my best to eat this delicious food.’ Joe scooped food into his mouth devouring each piece, vapour of fresh cooked bacon and eggs pieced his nostrils almost causing vomit rise from his stomach to his mouth. Joe’s condition wasn’t good. He’d never been effected by liquor before. Must have caught a bug in the beer.
‘Do you remember the conversation with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA yesterday Joe?’ Nat inquired sipping tea.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:53 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 15:

‘Don’t remind me Nat. All I remember is he told us to call him Joe. Couldn’t remember much afterwards because the waiter kept placing a tumbler of beer in front of me.’ Joe explained between eating breakfast. His stomach churning with each bite of food.
‘You remember agreeing to become a recruitment officer to gather recruits to fight in ‘The Boer War’ in South Africa?’ Nat expressed in a serious voice.
‘I beg your pardon. Recruitment officer. Boer War. What did you do Joe?’ Hannah screamed, pushed her chair out, placed her hands over her mouth, sobbed, left the kitchen. Joe went to rise.
‘Let her go.’ Nat muttered. ‘Wait until she cools off before you tell her the news of you and others fighting the Boers in South Africa.’ Nat said. ‘Close your mouth Mother. You’ll catch flies.’ Nat continued.
Joe stopped eating, placed his face into his hands. ‘What have I done.’ He muttered.
‘Don’t worry Joe. You wouldn’t believe what The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, MLA has for me.’ Nat quietened.
‘You’re not going to fight the Boers? Are you Nat. Anyway, you’re too bloody old. Your place is on the property.’ Martha expressed.
‘What has Joe got for you?’ Joe asked finishing off his breakfast.
‘With Federation of Australia approaching in a couple of years he wants me to work with him to establish Australia. Bloody huge job. What do you think Martha?’ Nat asked.
Martha failed to open her mouth to answer instead stood still. Wheels in her mind turned at a million mile an hour. ‘What did you say?’ Martha asked in shock.
‘Joe has asked if I will assist him in establishing ‘Federation of Australia’. At first, I told him he had the wrong fellow. However, after another couple of drinks my ego took over from common sense. I agreed to help. Think about this opportunity Martha. To become involved in naming Australia, working with The Founding Fathers to establish the laws of this land. To start on the ground floor, witness Australia become a Nation. Witness our country grow into a Nation. Being involved. Not many opportunities come along like this one.’ Nat stood raising his voice almost heralding the beginning of a Nation. Nate’s patriotism taking hold. Pride to be an Australian rose in his chest.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:33 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 16:

‘Stop! Nathan Young. You’re a grazier. Not a builder of a nation. Remove those stupid thoughts from your mind right this instance.’ Martha demanded.
‘Don’t be like that, Martha. This will place me in a position of power in this country. Just think after all the colonies became Australia I’ll be in the position to guide my dream of Treasure House Of Nations Heart to be built in our area. Martha, I can’t miss this opportunity.’ Nat expressed almost thumping his chest. Martha sat silent.
‘Thank you for breakfast Martha. I’ll go speak with Hannah. If she’ll let me.’ Joe left Martha and Nat to discuss their future.
‘You’re not going to go along with this Federation of Australia thing. Are you Nat?’ Martha had never in their marriage interfered with any decision her husband made. This one different.
‘Yes Martha. This is too good an opportunity to pass up. I need to become involved. With Joe as Member of Parliament here in Queensland I have a foot in the door.’ He replied with glee. ‘Why aren’t you happy for me Martha?’ Nat responded.
Martha sat silent thinking of the possibilities of her future. Nat’s determination to become involved with the Federation of Australia clear in his mind. She never understood why he wanted to become so involved. When he mentioned Treasure House Of Nations Heart, bells and whistles went off in her head.
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