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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:56 pm

Thank you dub: Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 20:

'I'm sorry. Never in anyway would I exploit Ryan. The only other person who had divined for water is no longer with us. I thought Ryan may help us.'
'No! That's all. He's only ten years old. I'll not have my son exploited at his age.' Todd adamant his son wasn't to be exploited.
Joe didn't mean to upset Todd, obviously thinking his son would be exploited. His thoughts placed himself into Todd's shoes. If a stranger asked to use his ten-year-old son to search for water. Thinking about the situation he also would be apprehensive about allowing his son to be with strangers plus to do something he wasn't familiar with.
'I'm sorry Todd. I understand your position. I wouldn't allow my son to be exploited either. I never understood until you explained your position.' He shook hands with Todd thanked him for his time. After a cuppa Hannah left with Joe returned home to Cunnamulla.
Further 1897 progressed, the hotter the weather increased. With no rain mitchell grass plains burnt off from the blazing sun turned landscape into desert. Mulga trees became the saviour for sheep. Daily from daylight until dark after Joe returned to 'Kahmoo Station' his team chopped branches from the mulga trees for sheep to feed on. A hard-tough existence with acres of mulga trees trimmed with an axe. Mulga leaves rich in protein gave each sheep sufficient nourishment to survive until next rain.
Joe repaired fences on ‘Tilbaroo Station’ to move Nat's sheep onto his property whilst a bore being drilled on 'Kahmoo Station'. With his team, they drove the sheep to ‘Tilbaroo Station’ where Mitchell grass grew lush. This gave Billy Campbell free rein on 'Kahmoo Station' in search of water. After a month of searching 'Kahmoo Station' Billy wasn't any wiser where to find water than when he first arrived.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:20 pm

Thank you dub: Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 21:

'I wish Russell Clark was still alive. He'd found water before now'. Billy told Nat. 'I'm not giving up but honestly you might have to find a water diviner'. Nat thought for a moment beckoned for Billy to continue in the hope he'd eventually find water.
With shearing season, soon around the corner Joe wanted to discuss the progress of shearing with his father-in-law.
‘We've got to shear Nat. Where are, we going to put the sheep after they're shorn? Until rain, the paddocks are dry. I've never seen the country so drought effected.'
'I agree. In all my years, I've lived here, never been so dry. I have no idea when the rain comes. Each day the weather is hotter. Ma is finding difficulty with this heat. She's no longer a spring chicken. Might have to consider sending her to Cunnamulla to live with Hannah until rain comes.' Joe had never witnessed Nat speak in these terms before.
'I’ll take her into Cunnamulla when she's ready. I'm certain Hannah would love the company.' Joe stated.
Ma quickly agreed, packed her belongings after asked she’d like to return to Cunnamulla, live with Hannah. Joe hitched the sulky to drive her into town. Bidding farewell to her family Joe left in the late afternoon in the cool making Ma comfortable. Ma didn't look well, drawn in the face, constantly wiping her brow with a handkerchief, hardly speaking. He hoped she didn't suffer from heat stroke before they arrived in town when Hannah would take good care of her.
'Ma, Joe,' Hannah called when two people in a sulky arrived in her back yard. She ran from the top steps to help Ma down. 'Ma, are you okay?' Hannah's concern immediately went out to her great aunt who looked as if she may faint. 'Joe, help me with Ma.'

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:49 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 22:

Joe tied the reigns onto the sulky, quickly jumped down went to Ma's aid. Lifting her up in his arms he walked to the rear steps of the house, Hannah opened the door.
'Put me down,' Ma abruptly told Joe, 'I'll be right once I sit have a cool drink.' Joe placed Ma on the lounge chair. Hannah handed her a cool glass of water. Ma gulped the water down rolled the outside of the glass around her face. ‘So hot.' She gasped.
'I'll go for a cloth to cool you.' Hannah soon returned with a cool cloth placed the cloth across Ma's forehead. 'Rest Ma. You're home now.' Hannah looked at Joe whose face showed concern about Ma's health and wellbeing.
While Ma rested on the lounge Hannah took Joe's arm led him into the kitchen. 'I'm worried about her Joe. She's frail weak. Look at her eyes. They’re glazed over. She’s unwell.' Hannah's concern worried Joe.
'What should we do?' Joe asked in a concerned voice.
'I think take her to the hospital. This heat has killed almost half of the older population in town. Hospital is the safest place to be. They'll make her comfortable.' Hannah's idea appealed to Joe.
'Ma, you don't look too good. I think we should take you to the hospital.' Joe said to Ma who lay back on the lounge drawing deep breathes. Her face flushed. She nodded. Joe picked her up in his arms carried her to the sulky at the back of the house. After placing Ma on the seat of the sulky Hannah climbed up to sit beside her leaned Ma against her. Joe quickly jumped into the driver's seat clicked up the horse to drive toward the hospital.
Pulling up in front of the hospital he climbed down carried Ma into the main foyer.
'Ma, is that you?' A voice called from behind the desk.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:50 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 23:

The Matron on duty recognized Ma from her previous visits, especially when Mr Wilson was in the hospital visited by Ma and Hannah.
'Matron, Ma is not well. I think she's suffering from heat stroke.' Hannah assured the Matron.
'Bring her in here.' She hurried in front of the three. Joe carried Ma to where the Matron pointed to a hospital bed in a ward. 'Place her on the bed. I'll tend to her. Would you both wait outside while I undress her.' Matron commanded.
They left the ward. 'I'll shift the sulky. Be back shortly.' Joe rushed off leaving Hannah alone in the waiting area. After Joe moved the sulky from the front entrance of the hospital he returned to comfort Hannah. 'Any news.' He asked seeing Hannah holding a handkerchief to her eyes.
'Joe I'm worried. Ma's in the same bed as Mr Wilson was in when he died.' She cried into her handkerchief. Joe placed his arm around his wife's shoulders. Sobs shook her body. His thoughts; how fortunate he bought Ma into town when he did because by the look of her health she may not have lasted another day on the property. They waited for news.
Within an hour the Matron returned to where Joe and Hannah sat. Hannah sprang from her seat at the sight of the Matron.
'How is Ma?' She blurted out in between sobbing.
'The doctor has examined her. I'm sorry, we can make her comfortable as possible. Ma is dying.'
'No!’ Hannah screamed. ‘Can we go to her?' Hannah whimpered.
'Yes. She is very weak. She's comfortable as we can make her.'
They entered the ward. Joe hugged Hannah on seeing Ma in a sleeping state. The doctor turned. Shook his head. 'She's gone. I'll leave you to say your good-byes.'

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:22 pm

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 24:

Hannah rushed to Ma threw her arms around her body hugged, kissing her forehead. 'Oh Ma, I'm sorry. We should've taken better care of you.'
‘Little you could've done. We've lost half of the population in town through this dreadful heat wave.' The doctor said. 'I'll leave you both. If you want me. I'll be in my surgery.'

Chapter 4

George and Gloria couldn't attend Ma's funeral because of the distance plus concern for their own health. Nat and Martha stayed with Hannah and Joe to make arrangements for Ma's funeral. Alex insisted the wake be held at the hotel. Brother Paul expressed sorry whilst sharing Ma's life with the congregation. After the burial, everyone adjourned to Alex's hotel for the wake.
'Hello Todd and Melinda.' Joe and Hannah greeted their guests when they entered the hotel. 'Thank you for coming.' They shook hands.
'You come with me Melinda. I'll introduce you to my friends.' They left Todd and Joe alone.
‘A lovely service. I've came to speak to you about something important.' Todd beckoned Joe to a table in the corner of the room. Concern showed on Todd’s face.
'What about a drink before we start.' Joe asked. Todd nodded. Joe walked to the bar. Alex served him a couple of beers. Wonder what Todd wants to talk about. Can't be about Ryan. Joe returned to sit opposite Todd. 'Here you are.' Joe handed Todd a tumbler of beer. 'What's so important?'
‘Is the name, The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA of Queensland Parliament mean anything to you?' Todd asked sipping his beer while looking directly at Joe.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:41 pm

Thank you dub. Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 25:

'Yes. We go back a long way. Why?' His concern why Todd addressed Joe by his position in parliament puzzled him.
'I've received a parliamentary letter signed by The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA stating the Artesian Act 1897 is now law. I've been elected Chairman to oversee the project of Great Artesian Water Basin here in this area.' Todd handed the letter to Joe who after reading the letter returned the letter.
'What's this got to do with me?' Joe asked. He read where his friend recommended him to be a member on the committee.
'The Honourable Joseph Ryan Esquire MLA recommended you be a member on the Great Artesian Water Basin committee. Would you consider such a position?' Todd asked in an official voice.
Joe thought for a moment about Todd's request.
'Can I sleep on your proposal? I want to speak with Hannah about this important commitment. How long before you need an answer?' Joe asked taking a deep drink from his tumbler.
'I understand this is not the right time or place to burden you with this proposal. I have another four candidates to interview before I need your answer.'
'Thank you for considering me. I’m overwhelmed.'
‘His recommendation almost forces you to be a member on the committee. You no doubt read in his letter he's appointed me Chairman because of my position in building the new Railway Station here at Cunnamulla. This will be another string to my bow.' They finished their beers. 'My shout.' Todd took the empty tumblers walked to the bar.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Oct 28, 2020 8:22 pm

Thank you dub. Here is the page for today:

'Tilbaroo Station' - Page 26:

'Joe worked in this area as a shearer in the early 90's.' Obviously, Todd never understood about the Great Shearer’s Strike of 1891 or Joe Ryan’s implications.
'A shearer.' Todd thought how a member of parliament went from being a shearer to become the first member of parliament.
'I'd be pleased to tell you the story one day. Seems ages ago since Joe worked here. He first worked for my father-in-law Nat Young.' Nat sat with other gents near the bar. Joe excused himself walked over to Nat. They both returned to sit with Todd.
'Todd, this is my father-in-law Nat Young. Nat this is Todd Carlson Chief Engineer for the Railway Department, also newly appointed Chairman of the Great Artesian Water Basin Committee.' Both shook hands. Nat pulled a chair from another table sat down.
'Pleased to meet you Todd. So, the government at long last is doing something about our water supply. Not before time.' Nat sipped his beer.
'Yes, this letter arrived.' Todd handed the letter to Nat who read the letter, returned the letter to Todd.
'Bloody Joe Ryan. He worked for me.' Nat held his rage under control thinking what he'd like to do to this coward who allowed his best friend to go to prison instead of going himself.
'Joe told me he was a shearer here in the early 90's. I'm surprised.' Todd explained.
Nat looked at Joe. 'Looks as if he's repaying a good deed you did by recommending you be on this committee.' Nat's voice rose but contained the anger from rising in his throat for Joe Ryan coward.
'I've got to speak with Hannah before I make a commitment. You also because you're my Boss.' Joe stated.
'Fine with me. I wouldn't mind being on this committee myself. I own most of the properties this side of Eulo. Want to become involved.' Nat forced his point toward Todd.

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