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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:09 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 123:

They immediately moved into the cottage, Joe going about his tasks with a swelled heart knowing Hannah loved what he'd done. She cooked scones for morning smoko and invited Alex to visit their new home. 'This is wonderful,' he said taking a mouth size bite of a freshly cooked scone covered with butter and strawberry jam, 'I mean the home, and your scone,' he mumbled.
'Alex you're invited to join us anytime and thank you for everything. We appreciate the time you took Ma and I in to live at your hotel.' Hannah said sincerely. A tear fell from his eye.
'I wanted to help. Thank you for morning smoko, I'd better get back to the pub. Won't be the same without you two.' He stood, wiped away the tear and left.
Hannah arranged for her family to visit her cottage and invited them for Christmas Dinner. She placed a Christmas Tree in the corner of the lounge room decorated with ribbons and an angel on top.
Right on twelve midday she heard the whinny of a horse at the back of the house and rushed out wondering who it was. Joe helped Ma and her mother down from the sulky driven by her Pa. She sprinted to them, throwing her arms around their necks, kissing them in delight, excited they came to see her new home.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:00 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 124:

'This is certainly a change from the old place,' Ma said with delight.
'Come inside. I'll make a cuppa.' Hannah said and took Joe's hand and entered the home.
Hannah showed them inside pointing out various things of interest, especially Ma's old stove, 'my old stove.' Ma said with a slight smile on her lips.
'Yes Ma, a huge job to get it into the kitchen. Took four of us to drag the heavy thing in here. Thought you'd be delighted.' Joe explained.
'A mighty job you've done. I'm proud of you both.' Nat said, 'now where's that cup of tea.'
Hannah soon had refreshments ready and everyone sat around the kitchen table to enjoy each others company with fresh cooked scones. Martha couldn't get over her delight how Hannah had finally settling down. 'Anything I can help you with Hannah?' Martha asked, 'I can't sit around and do nothing.'
'Nothing mother, everything is cooked. You might want to rest after your trip before Christmas Dinner is served.' Hannah went about her tasks of preparing the final touches to prepare the dinner.
'Nat, I'll show you the gardens. If you want.' Joe said.
'Show me. I have something important to discuss with you.' Both men left the women to their chatter and walked to the veranda and down the steps.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:14 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 125:

'There's one thing I learnt while serving my time at St Helena Island Prison, gardening. After three years I just about knew how to grow anything.' He showed Nat different flowers growing in the front of the cottage and at the rear fresh vegetables in rows sufficient to feed an army of people. 'What did you want to speak to me about?' Joe asked.
'Let's take a seat on the veranda,' They sat in separate seats. Nat pulled his pipe from his pocket, filled it with tobacco, struck a match on his trousers and lit the tobacco. After taking a deep draw he sat back satisfied. 'Did you cut all of this timber yourself?' He asked.
'Each board you see. With my bare hands and an adze.' A proud smile creased his lips to achieve what he did. Tough going at times but each day he realised how much more he was falling in love with Nat's daughter.
'You did a great job, almost perfect. Think you can do more of this work?' Nat asked in between puffing on his pipe.
Wonder what he wants me to do. Built a homestead for him, Martha and Ma, 'Yeah, got the gist of what to do now. Why?'
'Shearing is changing Joe. Going modern. Ten shearing sheds and I need someone to supervise the building of this new machinery. I'm too old to do it and see it through. I want you to be my Overseer for all of the properties.' Nat finished.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:02 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 126:

Joe couldn't speak. He couldn't believe Nat's proposal. His mind instantly filled with doubt, 'Ah, thanks Nat for your kind offer, but honestly, I can't take on that much responsibility. There must be someone out there better than me.' Joe explained.
'I don't want anyone else. I want someone I trust and seeing what you did for that other Joe, and now Hannah's cottage. You're the right fellow to be my Overseer. Do you want time to think about it. Time is a wasting.'
'How long before you want an answer?' He asked sheepishly.
'By the end of today.' Nat gazed at Joe with a stern look to show, don't mess with me. I need you.
'I'll need to speak with Hannah.' Joe explained.
'She wears the pants! Does she?' Nat raised his voice and laughed.
'No, I want to discuss it with her before I make a final decision.'
'Make it quick because I need an answer before we head back home today. We'd better be getting inside, the women will think we've taken off.' Both men re-entered the house.
'Joe, Pa, are you both ready for Christmas Dinner?' Hannah asked. Everyone took their seats around the kitchen table, Joe seated next to Hannah with her father at the head of the table.
Once Hannah said grace everyone enjoyed their dinner waiting for Christmas Pudding which was the highlight of Christmas. In every Christmas Pudding were threepenny pieces enough for one each. Each pudding covered with hot custard. One needed to be careful not to swallow a threepenny piece by mistake. By the end of eating Christmas Pudding all threepenny pieces were accounted for.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:01 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 127:

'I'll clear the dishes and wash up,' Martha said finishing her pudding. 'Congratulations on cooking one of the best Christmas Dinners we've ever enjoyed. Thank you Hannah and Joe.'
'I'll help.' Ma interrupted.
'Hannah, a quiet word with you on the verandah please,' Joe took Hannah's hand and led her to the swing. After they were seated Joe said, 'something important to ask you.'
Hannah blushed, her mind raced and wondered if Joe was about to propose marriage. 'What is it?'
'Your father asked me to be his Overseer, to build the latest machinery for shearers in each of his shearing sheds. What do you think I should do?' Joe felt afraid to hear Hannah's answer because her smile and instant wrap of her arms around his neck showed she agreed.
'Yes, yes, yes! You deserve it. I thought Pa was going to give you a job, but the Overseer of all his properties. Do you realise what this means?' She shouted excitedly.
'Yes, I'll be away working most of the time and away from you. Do you want me to take the job?'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:11 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 128:

'Joe, after what you've done. Yes, I think you should take the job. I'll always be here waiting when you come to town. This is your home too.' She hugged and kissed him on the lips. 'Congratulations.'
They returned inside. Joe shared his news with the family, 'welcome to my world,' Nat shook Joe's hand, 'I'm delighted you agreed. We'll make a great team.'
They agreed Joe celebrate New Year with Hannah and start his new venture at 'Kahmoo Station' in the new year. His time with Hannah became special because he had no idea how long he would be away. Nat told him before he left once building the new machinery would increase wool production.
Shearing a sheep would never be the same again. Joe was given an opportunity to pioneer a new method of shearing. Dunlop Station in 1888 became the first station in Australia to use machines. Although at the time the method was an experiment it proved machinery method far exceeded the present hand shear method. Almost a decade later Joe would become the first shearer to use a machine in outback Queensland.
Saying farewell was hard for each of them. Hannah knew Joe needed to work with her father and succeed at building these shearing machines. She knew Joe would work from daylight until dark until the job completed. She allowed him to ride Joker stating before he left, 'look after my horse.'
Joe would work to finish the first job as soon as possible so he could return to Hannah, having no idea on how long the job was going to take. His mind focused on returning to her as soon as possible.
Their loved blossomed. They didn't want to be apart and would miss one another until Joe returned to Hannah.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:05 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 129:

Chapter 14
Shearing machinery began in its infancy in outback Queensland when Joe took charge to alter the shearing shed on 'Kahmoo Station'. Much work needed to be done. Nat hired two offsiders to help. First the shearing shed needed extending to accommodate ten stands instead of seven. Timber cut to extend the shed.
Joe busied himself with his two offsiders cutting sufficient timber to make the extensions. Nat insisted Joe live at the homestead. Joe had different ideas, 'I'm much happier at the quarters. I can come and go when I like. I'll eat here with you if I get a chance but I think we'll be sleeping, working and eating.' Joe finally agreed after arguing with Nat he was employed as an Overseer and not a shearer.
'There is a difference between an Overseer and shearer. I can't have my Overseer camping with the hired staff.' Nat told him. Joe disagreed.
Within three months the extensions completed with three extra bays. The efficiency of machine shearing, as compared to hand shearing, provided more sheep would be shorn in less time thus making the shearing much more efficient. Joe understood this development and hoped his work would be seen as a benefit rather than taking work away from the shearer.
Overhead equipment produced by Fredrick York Wolseley who founded the business in Sydney where he manufactured the equipment hired Herbert Austin to overseer the operational side of the business. Herbert transported the equipment from their Sydney factory to 'Kahmoo Station'. This journey took six months by bullock wagon. Herbert went to help install the machinery and show Joe how it worked.
Other alternations needed to be made to the shearing shed on the side where the machinery to be installed. Before, when the shearer finished shearing the sheep it was released and sent into a paddock. With the installation of machinery, each shearer after they finished the sheep, pushed it into a Shute to slide down a ramp into a holding pen. Therefore ten Shutes needed to be built along one side of the shed with holding pens to house the shorn sheep.
Joe with his two workers soon completed each Shute ready for the installation of the machinery. He saw in his mind's eye the finished equipment and eager to be the first to use the new machinery. Less strain on his back, more mobility with his hands, and quicker time to shear a sheep.
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