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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:19 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 109:

Chapter 12

Monday morning arrived, Hannah cooked breakfast. When Joe entered, she said, 'take a seat Joe, breakfast will be ready in a minute.' She placed bacon and eggs onto a plate and put it in front of him, 'eat this before it gets cold, Alex has had his.' She prepared herself a plate of the same and sat beside him.
'I heard Mr Cummings funeral is tomorrow at ten o'clock,' Joe told Hannah in between eating.
'I hope Pa, mother and Ma come to town. I want Ma to sign over the land so I can get to work on the cottage.' She said in between eating her breakfast.
'Don't worry, they'll be here, especially since Mr Cummings worked for your father and lived with Ma.' Joe finished his breakfast.
Whilst Hannah attended school for the day Joe kept busy clearing the land. His mind focused on helping Hannah and since they kissed, his feelings for her grew stronger each moment they were separated.
'How was your day at school?' Joe asked Hannah when they were seated at the kitchen table having dinner together.
'I love those children Joe, they are such darlings. Would you believe they bought me bunches of flowers they'd picked from their gardens at home. I think some grabbed flowers from the side of the road on their way to school. Each student gave me a hug and little Simon, bless his soul, invited me to stay at his home. 'There's plenty of room Miss,' he said in front of the class.' She shared with Joe, 'and how was your day?'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:49 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 110:

'I've finished clearing the block and spoke to Jack about your cottage. He's finishing off a house near the hospital and will be ready to start soon. I'm going to be his helper, cut timber, and other things he wants done. I told him I didn't want payment because I doing it for you.'
'Joe,' Hannah's eyes fixed on him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips, this time more passionate than the first time. Joe returned the kiss, his mind floating somewhere in the stratosphere. He wrapped his arms around her waist.
'I like you Hannah,' he whispered in her ear after release from her kiss. 'Better wash-up these dishes,' he mumbled.
Hannah released her hold and said with dreamy eyes, 'if you want to. Wouldn't you rather do this,' she kissed him harder. Joe broke away, if he didn't, he'd lose control and wouldn't be responsible for his actions.
Joe gathered the dishes and quickly washed and wiped them. 'Would you like to go for a walk?' He asked Hannah still seated at the table starring at him.
'If you want.' She stood, 'I'll get a coat, be back soon,' and left Joe finishing his work.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:14 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 111:

They walked hand in hand along the street to the block of land now clear and smooth. 'I want to see Joker,' Hannah said and walked to Joker's stable at the back of the block. A bright moon illuminated the block. Joker stood at his stable gate for Hannah to pat him which she usually did, 'how are you today, my boy?' She rubbed her hand across his mussel and patted him on the neck. Joker whinnied to his owner. They loved one another, their relationship between animal and human being was strong. Joe hoped Hannah would grow to love him as much as she loved her horse.
'Show me where you want to build your cottage,' Joe said taking her hand and walked toward the front of the block.
'Stand over there Joe,' she directed him to stand about twenty feet from the front of the block. 'Spread your arms wide and bring them together when your fingers are in-line with the footpath. The spot you're standing is the veranda and looking to the front will give you plenty of vision to the street.' A huge smile spread across Hannah's face.
Joe did as instructed, 'here is the spot.' He stood erect, 'grab the crowbar. I'll stick it on this spot.' Hannah picked up the crowbar and handed it to Joe who plunged it into the ground where he stood. 'We'll work from here.'
Hannah had the next day off work to attend Mr Cummings funeral. They left the hotel with Alex by their side, Joe and Hannah held hands. 'Are you two engaged?'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:20 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 112:

'No, not yet,' Hannah replied, 'Joe and I are friends and you never know what happens in the future.' She continued to hold Joe's hand and looked at him with a deep desire to think the words she said would one day come true.
When they were on the corner opposite the church Hannah saw her parents and Ma on the footpath in front of the church. She released Joe's hand and ran toward them. After hugging each one, Joe and Alex arrived to greet them. Nat said, 'Alex, great to catch up with you again,' and shook his hand, 'you also Joe,' and did the same. Hannah moved next to Joe and took his hand. Eyes almost bulged from the other people's sockets, except Alex, when Hannah took hold of Joe's hand in front of them.
'I see you two are a little more than friends,' Nat said to both.
'Pa, Joe is the best thing to come along for a long time. I like him very much.' Joe appeared to act nervous in front of Hannah's parents and Ma. 'He's helping Mr Sullivan build a cottage on the land. Ma, after the service could we visit the court house to transfer the land please?' She pleaded.
Ma smiled, excited for Hannah and Joe to become more than friends. 'Is there a wake after the funeral?' She asked, 'if there is we'll do it after the wake because I think your father wants to return before dark.'
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:41 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 113:

'I'm putting on sandwiches and cups of tea afterwards at the hotel for anyone who wants to attend.' Alex informed the small gathering. 'We'd better move into the church, I think the service is about to start,' he said.
Most of the town folk gathered to farewell Mr Cummings. The doctor who treated him sat in the front pew, the matron beside him. Ma and the others sat in a pew behind the doctor and matron. The service began with the hymn 'Rock Of Ages'. Everyone stood to sing.
Brother Paul conducted the service preaching to the congregation of the tragedy of the fire which caused the death of Mr Cummings. He spoke of the bravery of Alex to re-enter the burning building to save Mr Cummings. Eyes went to Alex who didn't want praise for his deed.
Mention of how Ma and Hannah escaped bought relief to the congregation and to see them safe and well to attend the funeral of their boarder and friend. Nat stood at the end of the service to act as a Pallbearer, as did Alex and Joe. The timber box containing Mr Cummings carried by these gentlemen to a waiting wagon parked in front of the church. Brother Paul followed with the voices singing 'Amazing Grace' as the coffin rested on the rear of the wagon.
The congregation followed the wagon to the Cunnamulla cemetery for the burial service. After the words 'dust to dust', said by Brother Paul, he invited everyone to Alex's hotel for the wake.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Aug 18, 2020 10:18 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 114:

'Poor Mr Cummings, I think he would've enjoyed his service,' Ma said to Martha and Hannah seated at a table with refreshments.
'Yes, I think he would've.' Martha mentioned in between eating a sandwich and sipping tea. 'Hannah, obviously you and Joe are more then friends.' She queried.
'Mother, there's nothing to worry about. Joe is a good man. He cleared the block of land by himself and will be helping Mr Sullivan build the cottage. It's more than I can ask anyone to do. Yes, mother, I think he is the one!' Hannah said with confidence.
'I'm pleased you've finally found someone to look after you.' Ma finished, 'and he takes good care of you is most important. As long as he doesn't get any bright ideas to go on strike, like his namesake.' Ma smiled and almost giggled.
'Ma, you need not worry about Joe doing any of those foolish things. He is nothing like that other Joe,' she emphasised the name Joe.
'I understand sweetheart. Don't want you being hurt, that's all.' Ma kept eating; the sandwiches divine. 'When do you want to go to the court house?' She asked Hannah.
'Whenever you're ready. Now, if you're finished. Mother are you coming with us?' Hannah asked taking hold of Ma's hand to help her from her chair.
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:46 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 115:

'No, you two go along. I'll catch up with some folks. See you when you return.' Martha replied.
'I'll tell Joe where I'm going,' Hannah said and left to walk over to Joe and her father who appeared in deep conversation. 'Excuse me Joe and Pa, Ma and I are going to the court house to transfer the land,' Hannah shouted over her father's voice.
'We're in deep conversation Hannah,' her father replied abruptly.
'Do you need me?' Joe asked.
'No. We'll be right, you continue your conversation with Pa,' she leaned down and kissed Joe on the lips and kissed her father on the cheek and left, 'love you both'.
'I've never seen her more happier or content. You must be good for her.' Nat replied looking across to Joe and saw his face flush. Joe didn't give a reply only turned the flush into a smile. 'What were we talking about before Hannah interrupted us.' Nat asked.
'You were telling me about what work you want me to do after Hannah's cottage is built.' Joe replied.
'Yes, that's right. Tilbooroo Station. Since I bought the property, I can't get the mongrel off the place. He still thinks he owns the place.' Nat explained.
'That's where I first met Joe Ryan and fell into his trap to help him with his idea to save the shearers. I shouldn't complain because on the morning the police were to arrest him it was my idea to change places.' Joe told Nat taking a sip of his beer.
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