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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:45 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 58:

'Nat runs nine properties where we come from. He's away most of the time through shearing season. Time flies by because I keep myself busy. Have done for years.' Martha explained.
Martha continued to tell her friend about their properties, 'Kahmoo Station' where she'd lived all of her married life. She explained their assocation with The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, M.L.A., sharing he was once engaged to be married to their daughter Hannah until 'The Great Shearers Strike of 1891'.
'After all that I think. Time for a drink. Would you like another cup-of-tea?' Julia asked.
'Yes, please. You having your usual.' Martha commented.
Julia smiled, beckoned the waiter to their chairs. 'A cup-of-tea for each of us please.' She asked the waiter. Looked at Martha whose mouth opened. 'Close your mouth Martha flies might swam in.' Julia concluded.
After drinking their refreshments Julia said, 'I may need to stick with this drink of yours. Makes me refreshed.'

Nat and Samuel shared ideas about what should be in 'The Constitution'.
'Nat. What is your opinion of the aborigine?' Samuel asked.
'From where I come from I have a great respect for the aborigine.' Nat went on to explain his association with Keith, Daisy, Desi, Little Daisy. How Keith works full-time for Queensland Railway Department as a fettler. How Keith arranged relatives to work on his properties cutting mulga for the sheep during the worst drought in living history. Nat's pride showed through for his friend Keith when he spoke of Desi, how he helped build the bore drains on his properties at the tender age of eleven years old.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:19 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 59:

'Your opinion quite strong where the aboriginal is concerned.' Samuel asked.
'Yes. They lived on this land many thousands of years before we came along.'
'We can't include them into 'The Constitution'.' Samuel stated.
'Why not! They're entitled to be included as much as any white person.' Nat's blood pressure rose thinking about Keith and his family who were entitled to being a part of this new Australia than himself.
'What skills have they to improve our nation?' Samuel asked a question.
'Many. They own this land having settled here many thousands of years ago.' Nat believed to include the Indigenous people in this important document otherwise how would aboriginal people be recognised as being part of this new nation.
'I'm sorry Nat. Your concerns are rare. You are the only person who spoke on behalf of the Indigenous people. Knowing the other members of the committee I doubt they would be interesting as you may be.' Samuel admitted.
'Samuel, I'll leave you alone to digest my thoughts. You are the only person who can include the Indigenous people in this important document. I'll take my leave.' Nat rose left the room. His anger rising. Nat needed to leave otherwise he may lose his temper with Samuel which he didn't want.

Later when all four gathered in the restaurant for their evening meal Nat's attitude hadn't changed. He didn't want to burn his bridges with Samuel. His opinion counted because why would The Honourable Joseph Ryan, Esquire, M.L.A. ask him to accompany Sir Samuel and his wife to Melbourne.
'Have you discussed our talk with the ladies Nat?' Samuel asked after being seated.
'No. I haven't.' Nat replied as calm as possible.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:48 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 60:

'Shall I explain? Or would you prefer?' Samuel asked.
'You mean I can speak my mind.' Nat queried.
'By all means. Better off your chest now. These ladies may agree with your thoughts.' Samuel stated.
'Samuel is writing 'The Constitution' for our nation to become Australia.' Nat stated.
'What Nat is trying to explain is The Founding Fathers have been drafting a document over the past decade for all Australians to follow once we are a nation. In July this year this document is to be delivered to England for clarification before Australia is named as part of the Commonwealth.' Samuel continued. 'Nat impressed upon me Indigenous people should be included in this document. What are your thoughts?' Samuel waited for his companions response.
'May I put my tuppence worth in?' Martha asked.
'By all means. Go ahead. I'm happy to listen to any suggestions.' Samuel replied.
'Nat and I have Indigenous friends. Keith and Daisy Whiteman, including their children Desi and Little Daisy.' Martha took a breath. 'I'm guilty for not accepting these wonderful people when I first met them. Since we've been friends I've come to not only enjoy their company, more to enjoy Daisy's cooking of goanna, plus other bush foods.' Martha took a breath.
'You ate goanna.' Julia stated. Astonished by Martha's remarks about her aboriginal friend.
'Yes. A little like chicken.' Replied Martha.
'May I ask you both an important question?' Samuel asked more relaxed to accept their opinion.
Both nodded.
'What would Keith, his wife plus children add to our nation?' Samuel finished his last word when Nat jumped up from his seat, stared at Samuel.
'What can they add to our nation?' Nat bellowed almost embarrassing himself. 'Do you understand how these people lived before being herded up like sheep taken to reserves?' Nat directed his question direct to Samuel standing over Samuel to impress his message.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:00 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 61:

'Sit down Nat. I didn't mean to alarm you.' Nat sat down. Samuel continued. 'You mean when Queensland Government passed The Aboriginal Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opion Act 1897 which granted power to 'Protector of Aboriginals' to remove aborigines; keep them on any reserve in the district.' Samuel concluded as if reading the Act from a book.
'Yes.' Nat said. 'I'll share with you what happened when our friends were herded like sheep taken to a reserve on the outskirts of Cunnamulla.' Nat's anger rose. Spittle spraying from his mouth.
'These are great people Samuel.' Martha stated. 'They lived in a gunya until our friend employed Keith as a railway fettler. Now they live in their own home as a family at Coongoola Railway Siding with other families. White families.' Martha tried in vane to pass her message across to Samuel.
'Again I ask. What can these people do for our nation?' Samuel's attitude changed. Both Martha and Nat realised whatever they tried to impress upon Samuel, their words wouldn't count. They'd met them the night before. Each had the remainder of the journey to change their minds about including Indigenous people onto 'The Constitution'.
After Nat and Martha farewelled their guests to return to their cabin both upset with Samuel's treatment of their friends. Both unable to sleep. 'What are we going to do Nat?' Asked Martha almost in tears. She wanted to help her friends.
'At this stage I haven't got a clue Martha. I've never been in this position before. Like talking to a brick wall. I can't imagine any reason why Samuel couldn't include the rights of Indigenous peoples of this country. They've lived here far longer than we have. What's our Joe going to say. Keith is his friend.' Nat's words exploded from his mouth. 'I need a nightcap otherwise I'll never have any sleep.' Nat finished, rang a bell to summon a waiter. 'Do you want a drink Martha?' He asked waiting for the waiter to arrive.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:29 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 62:

'I don't drink alcohol. Yes! I'll join you. Just this once. Otherwise I'll never have any sleep either.' Martha stated.
A waiter arrived, Nat ordered two strong alcohol drinks which were delivered in quick time. Nat and Martha sat on the lounge sipping their drinks contemplating how each were going to solve this issue to convince Samuel to change his mind. After finishing their drinks both yawned retired to bed slept until morning.

When Martha and Nat arrived for breakfast Samuel and Julia were seated.
'May we join you?' Nat asked. Both nodded. 'Samuel, didn't you have much sleep last night?' Nat asked. Samuel looked tired, his hair ruffled, eyes swollen.
Finishing swallowing a piece of food he mumbled, 'No! My wife kept we awake telling me to listen to you and Martha to include these damn Indigenous people in our 'Constitution'.' Samuel kept eating.
'Thank you Julia.' Martha smiled at her friend.
'After your story you told me yesterday about how these poor people had been herded like sheep made live in gundas near your town. I couldn't help to understand about these people. They are more entitled as we are to be included in 'The Constitution'. Julia spat. Samuel continued eating breakfast not saying a word.
'Can we at least have breakfast in peace. Please!' Samuel demanded.
Quietness overtook the table. Julia looked at Martha giving her a wink. She continued her breakfast.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:53 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 63:

'Nat. Perhaps later this morning we should further our conversation about the inclusion of Indigenous people in our 'Constitution'.' Samuel asked.
'By all means Samuel. Whenever you're ready.' Nat replied. A huge smile spread across his face.
After breakfast the two men farewelled their wives to settle in an office to discuss this important document. Nat had so much more to explain to Samuel about this inclusion. Before they settled Nat started, 'I'm pleased you changed your mind Samuel. This is important to me to include our aborigines into this document.' Nat explained in an excited voice.
'Don't be carried away Nat. Tell me how I can convince the Founding Fathers of this committee to change their minds. I must admit from working on this document for almost a decade we do place the blinkers on to have what we have now. We've worked so hard thinking of all the possibilities until you threw this spanner into the works.' Samuel explained his position.
'All I can explain Samuel is the truth. You realise I am one of the largest land holders in south-west Queensland. My word is my bond.' Nat explained hoping to convince Samuel of his beliefs.
'I'll tell you what I'll do. When we arrive in Sydney the Founding Fathers will be boarding with their wives. Until we arrive in Sydney you explain your views of why we should include Indigenous people into this document. If you have convinced me by the time we have arrived in Sydney, I promise you I will do all I can to persuade the Founding Fathers to include your Indigenous people into the document. What do you think about this idea?' Samuel asked.
'All I can do Samuel is to convince you how important this issue is for Indigeous peoples.' Nat answered.
'I agree. Tell me everything you can about these new friends so I can convince my other members to add them to 'The Constitution'. I can't promise anything however; if I have sufficient ammunition to convince them, we may have an argument instead of a point of view.' Samuel added.
For the remainder of the day Nat poured out his thoughts of why Keith with his family, Indigenous people should be included into 'The Constitution'. Time passed before each realised how quick. They were ready to retire to the Refreshment Room for dinner.
'Did you both work something out?' Julia stated when her husband sat beside her.
'Nat presented an impressive argument. My worry is to convince the Founding Fathers on the committee to include the Indigenous people into 'The Constitution'. Samuel explained.
'I'm certain you'll do your best my dear. Because if you don't you'll enjoy a restless sleep until you do convince them. Are we understood?' Julia looked Samuel in both eyes.
'Yes. I understand. Now can we enjoy our meal without mentioning this again.' Samuel replied.
Martha smiled at Nat, nodded her head in acceptance to Julia's demands.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:57 pm

'The Year That Never Was' - Page 64:

Chapter 9

Christmas celebrations over for 1899. New Year celebrations with the beginning of a new century of 1900 to look forward to. Billy pondered while seated with his friend Joe at their barracks. 'Wonder what will happen to us in this new century?' Billy asked Joe on New Year Day of 1900. They celebrated the closing of the old century to wish one another a Happy New Year for 1900.
'We'll be fighting Boers.' Joe expressed looking toward his friend, thinking back to the same time last year when he celebrated New Year with his Hannah, friends and family. His mind drifted imagining Hannah seated on the swing thinking about him.
'Suppose you're right Joe.' Billy finished.
'I received our orders today. When the remainder of the troops return.' Joe explained: his orders to capture the major South Africa towns to decrease the enemy of numbers to fighters. Joe didn't have a clue how he planned to carry out these orders. His constant worry, orders from Captain Taylor regarding 'take no prisoners' concerned him. In his mind he couldn't murder anyone without they attack first.
'We'll be fine Joe. You can depend on me to always look after your back.' Billy smiled to convey his message to his leader and friend.
'No different to mustering sheep?' Joe told Billy. 'Difference. Sheep don't shoot back when cornered.'
'We'll be right mate. Has Captain Taylor mentioned where we'll be heading?' Billy asked.
'At this stage we'll be away for up to six months. Our orders are to capture major South African towns. Boer guerrillas are living off the supplies from farmers and their families. Attack farms, drive off cattle, confiscate horses and wagons.' Joe admitted not clear on what he should achieve.
'We'll be right mate. Do our job as best we can.' Billy expressed.
'I suppose you're right my friend. Bloody pleased you're here with me.' Joe slapped Billy on the shoulder as a sign of endearment.

Five hundred soldiers, Lieutenant Joseph Gibson took command of his troops at dawn on the morning at the end of the first week of the new century. 'March!' Lieutenant Gilson ordered. Riding Spartan heading his troops started their journey north-east to carry out his orders. Have no idea when they'll return to their barracks. Their target Transvaal. 'Colonial Mounted Rifles' would do the British Empire proud.
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